[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth
i've adopted over to this build(ish) from my toxic rain playstyle for a couple of reasons. #1 im SSF and this build has less gear requirements than how i play my toxic rain raider, and #2 its way tankier and #3 way more of a stick and move playstyle, which plays very well this league and boss changes.
i do have two proposed changes however, some different options. i personally love running withered step. i think its an incredible boost in defense by way of movement and its additional dodge. it also gives a good boost in dmg from withering if you get close enough to the mob. now using withered step is actually really good, it will not put blink arrow on cooldown and it will only take one use from flamedash but will not put it on cooldown either. this means you can very easily withered step and still have your blink skills available to you if you get in trouble. however using the blink skills will put withered step on cooldown, so you always wanna use WS first when it isn't a dire situation. now, since i love these blink cooldown skills so much and they play a ton into defense, i think there are a few things worth doing to buff them. mainly is to take 2 different passive points and a different amulet anointment. you can spend two points to get 20% cooldown recovery speed of movement skills right beside Toxic Strikes, in the Claw of Pride cluster. then you can anoint Avatar of the Hunt (clear,opal,opal) for another 20% cooldown recovery speed, 200 evasion, 6% movement speed and 24% damage over time. its a bit more expensive and will net less damage but will bring your cooldown skills down from a 3 second cooldown to a 1.8 second cooldown. it is a massive buff in quality of life and ability to escape certain death situations. the slightly less dps won't be very noticeable afterall, but the reduced cooldown recovery speed will very much so be noticed. |
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" you can farm imperial legacy cards in the story. act 9 foothills is best area, but oasis and vastiri desert will also drop them. takes a bit longer to farm because of the drop penalty, but you can run them over and over since you can't target farm maps as reliably any longer. didn't take me too long to get my set. farmed 12 in foothills after probably 3 hours or so. farsight isn't really worth the passives IMO. the stats don't justify the 3 points. damage over time can be gotten elsewhere, and you don't really need the attack speed or accuracy. you're basically spending 3 points for 36% damage over time which is only 12% per passive spent. contrast that to Toxic Strikes right beside it, where you get 45% for 2 passives, which is 22.5% per passive spent. way better value. or even heavy/deadly draw you get 94% for 5 passives equaling 18.8% per passive, plus 20% aoe. incredible sector |
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Fun build, was clearing t15/16s within 2 days of playing it and super safe being able to hit and stay back. Gonna be swapping over to Witch so got a whole gear set for this build if anyone is interested
Pm me ingame @BabYodaa Última edição por Bob123aka#1809 em 26 de dez de 2019 14:47:47
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" Good to know, thanks. I thought the drop penalty meant they wouldn't drop at all at my current level. " Fair points, thanks. I guess here, I was really thinking of Farsight as an alternative to jewels after everything else. the likelihood of me grinding to 96 to get those points is small - but I could see annointing it until I could get the oils for something like corruption. I was also honestly surprised how few people appear to use it at all based on the POE ninja build heatmap. Thanks for the reply. We are the people our parents warned us about...
Jimmy Buffet |
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ya jewels aren't too bad to get either, keep in mind you can slam them with aberrant fossils which can get some really good outcomes.
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" Up until Blight, I have sort of ignored delve and fossil crafting in general because I generally couldn't progress very far. Based in this guide and others, I can see it's a gap in my understanding I need to fill. Thanks for the tip We are the people our parents warned us about...
Jimmy Buffet |
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ya you said you play SSF right? delve and fossils are crucial. best crafting method by a mile.
really, everything is crucial in SSF its why its so fun. prophecies are a must. delving and fossil farming (which this build is great at) is a must. bestiary is a must. temple is great actually one reason why i love this league so much is because incursion items are so easily obtained, and they're easily some of the best in slot items. here are a couple good examples |
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" Generic DoT multiplier is available for all quivers, not just Warlord. I list it in quiver crafting. " It is, trust me. " Yes, you need it. It feels awful to clear otherwise. You can always try it out yourself, takes only 1/2 regret orbs! " Map can drop only connected maps or those already completed, assuming they are within correct tier (up to +1 for magic/rare mobs, +2 for bosses). Farming single map of that tier is simple. It needs to be only one in that tier and you need to complete maps 2 levels above it - then it's guaranteed to always drop that map if it rolls correct tier. That's also why Desert works better, because you can progress much smoothly through the altas without completing T2s. In short the atlas works on old rules, but you can upgrade regions to raise map tier. Before you get to level 93 you will find at least one reasonable hp + dmg jewel. It should be better than Farsight. It's not a bad cluster, the stat it provides simply aren't very important for the build. " I've discussed Withering Step before. No, i don't see it being useful in any case except CWDT setup for extra defence. In every other it will be cancelled after really short time, meaning it doesn't really do much. I rarely use Blink Arrow, which is there to escape sticky situations/crossing gaps. Movement speed simply carries me through almost every single fight. So why would i want to invest in cooldown recovery? Absolutely no in this case too. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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"They were even better when they gave 12% dodge on boots. Kinda sad for the nerf but oh well, I guess Atziri step is still an option to get more spell dodge. |
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" I got ilvl 83 (Hunter influenced) as I wanted at least 82 for the mods and didn't see any higher ilvl available at the time. I also wanted STR+INT as a base since I needed a bit more INT and STR could give me a touch more life on the crafted amulet. I bought Aberrant Fossils and used them with Primitive Alchemical Resonators on the amulet to favor the chance of chaos related mods rolling. Primitive Chaotic Resonators would work too, but it basically costs 1.5x as much to save the time using a scour orb. The reason I picked Hunter influenced amulet base is because it has cool mod possibilities like reduced Malevolence reservation, +lvl to CHAOS/STR/INT/DEX gems, etc. The amulet could have ended up MUUUUCH better, but I'm very satisfied with the result. Might try something again later after empower lvl 4 and a few other upgrades. Delirium IGN: Language
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