[3.17] Beerleague's Shockwave Cyclone Slayer - Optimized with Options

theFoffo escreveu:
So, I did Elder on a red map and he dropped me a nice watcher's eye that I sold for 15ex.

Got a great abyss belt and capped resistances without having to use two toned boots so I bought bubonic trails with 2 abyssal sockets and now looking for good abyss jewels to put in there.

Went on PoE builder and noticed that having only two types of abyssal jewels with flat phys on them is still better than having 4 different types of jewels for the 40% increased damage on bubonic trails instead of the 20% + flat phys all around.

Now, since I have two sockets less to use for gems, I'm thinking of using a 4 linked leap slam on the starforge and then use the two remaining sockets to self cast flame golem and blood rage, it's the only way to use everything with bubonic trails. I don't mind giving up the 5 linked leap slam since up untill now I've been running with a 4 link one without using endurance charge on stun support, so it won't change much for me. DPS was already insane without the bubonic trails, can't wait to find two nice jewels to put in there and see how it increases even more!

Sitting on 7k hp on level 89 without using bubonic trails + two t1 max life jewels on them, should get to 7500 fairly easily!

Nice! Yeah, I should have mentioned that the flat phys (or attack speed) is MUCH better than trying to get 10% from an additional jewel.
KopkameKopka escreveu:
BeerLeague escreveu:

First, under 7k is going to get you one shot w/o flasks being up, so you need more life.

Other than that, It would be more about knowing the fight. I've done 20-30 so far on standard w/ the gear my guy is wearing which isn't anything special and havn't died more than once or twice on any of the attempts.

How is that possible to get over 7k hp? I must clearly have missed something since I min maxed my guy a with double t1 life on rings and belt etc, I saw that another guy in the post had 7k hp with worse gear then me :(. I know that I miss 1 node in 5% max life but other then that. Is it something that I'm missing?

Missing 14% life on the tree and potentially 50 flat HP from boots. Also, STR rolls can add a lot of HP since we are stacking so much %hp.
_REC_ escreveu:
What do you think about corrupted Tombfist with Curse Enemies with Level 12 Vulnerability on Hit + Grace/Haste + Arctic Armour with lvl 4 enlighten + one of the Aspects like avian or spider?
PoB saying that I will have 64 unreserved mana on 90lvl when cyclone cost 45
It have any sense?

Sadly, that isnt enough mana unreserved for the build, I tried really hard to make that work as well, but just isnt smooth. IMO, if you afford a vuln on hit tombfists, I would shoot for a +1 impressence and go double curse with Grace. OR, go Grace + aspect of the spider.
PeiJuan escreveu:
Do you think it'll be any different if I put in voidforge? other than ele reflect and more wed items. will the dmg be better or worse. Also have u tried it?

Very similar performance maybe more top end damage on voidforge, but voidforge builds are FAR more expensive.
I'm kinda sad that the corpse explosion from bubonic trails doesn't trigger during cyclone, it only works if you walk on the bodies, oh well.

I got an abyssal jewel with move speed after kill, t1 life and t1 phys damage to attacks, now I cannot decide if I should look for one with t1 life, t1 phys and increased evasion rating while moving (always works while cycloning and gives a bit more armor) or look for one with increased damage, t1 life and t1 phys.
Hello! I am new to this game, and don't understand a lot of game mechanics, but just swapped Your Starforge to Kondo's pride in POB and found that you loose only 200k dps. So here is the question: Can be Kondo's pride used instead of axes to get start on this build? I would be very grateful if you will give detailed explanation.
theFoffo escreveu:
I'm kinda sad that the corpse explosion from bubonic trails doesn't trigger during cyclone, it only works if you walk on the bodies, oh well.

I got an abyssal jewel with move speed after kill, t1 life and t1 phys damage to attacks, now I cannot decide if I should look for one with t1 life, t1 phys and increased evasion rating while moving (always works while cycloning and gives a bit more armor) or look for one with increased damage, t1 life and t1 phys.

I actually like that the boots dont trigger the explosion, more dead pokemon to capture hah.

For the Abyss jewels, BiS for the build is:

Physical damage with sword attacks

Attack Speed
Add's physical damage to attacks
ASmithGrinder escreveu:
Hello! I am new to this game, and don't understand a lot of game mechanics, but just swapped Your Starforge to Kondo's pride in POB and found that you loose only 200k dps. So here is the question: Can be Kondo's pride used instead of axes to get start on this build? I would be very grateful if you will give detailed explanation.

Sure, you can use Kondo's while saving currency for a starforge, but the reason why I recommend axes in the leveling guide is as follows:

1. The leveling axes are MUCH better than their sword counterparts. While going from 1-61 (when Kondo's can be equipped) you are going to want to use axes as there are many better options for practically nothing cost wise, maybe an alch.

2. With the axe leveling tree, Hezmana's Bloodlust is probably equal to, or better than Kondo's on the sword tree. With that in mind, there is no reason to switch to the sword tree until you have the currency to buy a starforge.
Sure, you can use Kondo's while saving currency for a starforge, but the reason why I recommend axes in the leveling guide is as follows:

1. The leveling axes are MUCH better than their sword counterparts. While going from 1-61 (when Kondo's can be equipped) you are going to want to use axes as there are many better options for practically nothing cost wise, maybe an alch.

2. With the axe leveling tree, Hezmana's Bloodlust is probably equal to, or better than Kondo's on the sword tree. With that in mind, there is no reason to switch to the sword tree until you have the currency to buy a starforge.

Thank you. i'm using Lifting's warchief totem labrunner build (RasslabilsjaUehal character in my pr) and kinda tired of totem gameplay. So i was thinking about change my build to something and found yours and it looks funny. OFC everything looks funny after totems, but this build looks like HC viable.
ASmithGrinder escreveu:
Sure, you can use Kondo's while saving currency for a starforge, but the reason why I recommend axes in the leveling guide is as follows:

1. The leveling axes are MUCH better than their sword counterparts. While going from 1-61 (when Kondo's can be equipped) you are going to want to use axes as there are many better options for practically nothing cost wise, maybe an alch.

2. With the axe leveling tree, Hezmana's Bloodlust is probably equal to, or better than Kondo's on the sword tree. With that in mind, there is no reason to switch to the sword tree until you have the currency to buy a starforge.

Thank you. i'm using Lifting's warchief totem labrunner build (RasslabilsjaUehal character in my pr) and kinda tired of totem gameplay. So i was thinking about change my build to something and found yours and it looks funny. OFC everything looks funny after totems, but this build looks like HC viable.

Nice. It is HC viable, but I don't think I would recommend it as a starter build in HC. Also, probably dropping vuln for enfeeble/temp chains would be good.

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