[3.3] Lacerate/Reave/BF Champion, 6-7.2k life, 3-30mil Shaper dps | League Starter info added!
" You can follow my tree and get 400 more life, 3 jewel slots, and you can then use bloodlust with blade flurry for more more dps too. have a look I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
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Okay so thanks a lot for helping me to gear and I still need the watcher's eye but I still have 1 problem, which is what links im using on abyssus and what on starkonja's because I feel like they could be optimized in a way im not aware of. Here's my current PoB btw https://pastebin.com/EzM56hR5 if there's any other optimisations you see directly. I spent a lot currency on jewels so I hope they're good.
I'm kinda new to PoE so I hope you do not get too frustrated of my ability to figure these things out by myself. I also don't know what gems to use on tombfist but probably 2 auras? Also I dont see where the damage is coming from as I have all links execpt the totem one but I still have lower dps than what your PoB suggests. The average dmg is 70k lower on my PoB on my NEW items than your PoB with the old ones Edit: Tweaked settings again, managed to get 5 mil dps 6100 hp w/o watcher's eye seems good... I also figured the gems out but anyways you can check so everything is ok now. Tried forge of the pheonix but couldn't finish due not having immortal call which rly blows, I just can't figure out how to get all useful gems working on bosses. I have to sacrifice endurance charges so I get fortify on bosses and have bleed+totem only on abyssus. Heh cant even do chimera cos I don't know how can you have all links w/o boots, if you aren't aware im extremely frustrated. Última edição por Dangot#1602 em 10 de abr de 2018 01:24:38
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" alright ill have a look. Send me your latest PoB pastebin as you explained you have made changes since the original you submitted. Cheers I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game. Última edição por hmcg020#6029 em 10 de abr de 2018 03:20:47
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https://pastebin.com/LfmRkiKC raw pastebin nothing configured the character at it's purest
I actually updated the pastebin during my edits but yeah you can't know that Última edição por Dangot#1602 em 10 de abr de 2018 03:35:51
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" Hey So im looking at it right now. My main suggestion, is to have rare boots vs everything but elder. Honestly. I only use Kaom's vs Uber elder due to the massive slow that is ridiculously difficult to avoid throughout the battle. Kaom's aren't as effective vs smaller bosses due to the reduced movement speed and gem-link limitations. you can make it work, but you will need to sacrifice certain gems. I strongly suggest you get a Red Dream too. It's a jewel I used for a year and would still be using if not for the new ring I got with warlord's mark on hit. Endurance charges while mapping are great, and with Chimera adds, you can get them too. If you get rare boots, then this will open up 4 gem slots. If you dont want to use rare boots, you will need to make certain sacrifices. I've attached a pastebin that focuses exclusively in optimizing your gems, nothing else. https://pastebin.com/heSAWzJL As you want vaal reave to clear, you will need to manually cast your golem. You can choose either warlord's mark, or assassin's mark, though again, get a ring with warlords mark on hit, or get a red dream jewel. I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
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New to this build and probbably stupid question, but how do you generate power charges with traps?
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" Hey and you can add a multiple traps support gem to increase the number of traps, and therefore likelihood of getting a charge. Using fire trap at level 1 keeps the mana cost low. I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
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Added shaper video anbd gif going from 100% to 0% in a single ~1 phase.
This video shows ramp up time from 0 stacks of BF and how I prepare for the fight by getting things like charges, adrenaline, totem, blood rage, etc, ready. Cheers I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
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if we use abyss helmet, best chest to use is coil?
also what about deaths door boots for bleed immunity and +1 endurance while mapping? my mirror threads
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3062247 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2181923 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1929875 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1929842 |
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" Hey Use whatever chest suits you man. If you can get a watcher's eye with shock immune while affected by purity and crit chance with hatred, then that makes coil a good option. If you are vulnerable to shock, id stay away from coil. Use a belly or a loreweave for a cheap, yet awesome chest. Lightpoacher (LP) is an amazing helmet that does insane dmg, however it's up to you. I like starkonja's because it's got 90+ life, crit chance, attack speed (which affects our movement skill as a more multiplier) and it's ridiculously cheap. LP has no life, and you'll see that reave kills things long before the spirit burst projectiles reach the enemy when we have 8 stacks of reave. Even with 6 stacks, reave is instant, so things will often die before the projectiles reach the enemy. Nothing beats Abyssus for damage though. I use abyssus when in a party so I get that 50% more multiplier, helping me solo-carry any 6-man party. Death's door are great! Bleed immune is a huge bonus, though bleed isn't something that has ever killed my champion. Shock, freeze, and poison have, though Ive never died to bleed with this character. Sacrificing life for them would mean we lose roughly 60 base life/roughly 200-300 actual life. This is manageable. Get ones with +1 to gems or frenzy! Cheers I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
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