SyntheticTim escreveu:
AsukaMiauley escreveu:
Hey there i could need some help i feel realy weak angainst bosses with this build (currently in chapter 6) and my overall damage also feels kinda low im still kinda new to path and this is my third league so i could probably need an advice or to to get this char into late game territory ^^
If you are only in Act 6 you don't really have the build rolling yet. You auras (wrath and HoT) also need to be leveled up. Bow characters in general are a bit rough to level without some currency to buy leveling uniques. It will get better, but right now you kind of only have part of the build rolling. Scourge arrow benefits a lot from levels to added lightning damage, HoT and Wrath, so not leveling that stuff up is leaving a lot of damage on the table. You should try and buy a few gear pieces with some int so you can level your gems. You can also grab the 30 int node near King of the Hill and unspec it later once your gear has some int on it.
Typically I leave the crit nodes until I am getting close to maps. It looks like you took them pretty early, it isn't worth unspeccing IMO, but for future reference speccing into crit talents too early is kind of a waste of points. Without enough gear to really have a decent crit chance a lot of those nodes don't give you a ton of damage.
Thank you for the advice gonna keep that in mind for my future characters. I got about 110 int now and levelt my Lightning gems as well as wrath and Herald of Thunder and doing much better now thank you.
Postado porAsukaMiauley#3922em 18 de dez de 2018 05:06:27
SyntheticTim escreveu:
Smirnoffico escreveu:
I have a noob question, why do most builds switch Barrage for Scourde Shot in 3.5? Did it get a significant buff so it is strictly better now?
Scourge didn't get a buff, but barrage has been nerfed a few different ways now. Scourge has 200% added damage effectiveness so it's just better at what barrage used to do best. Barrage is still usable, it's just not as good as it used to be so Scourge is now superior. Not sure how long you have been around, but scourge was introduced in 3.4 and was a bit buggy on release. I think 3.5 people are just starting to discover how good it can really be.
Oh, I'm a total noob, just starting out, hence these questions. Thanks for the clarification! I've been checking out differect active skills trying to find one that would give me the right feel... So far it's been Rain of Arrows -_- Maaybe Scoutge Shot will do the trick instead!
Postado porSmirnoffico#5870em 18 de dez de 2018 10:55:20
I'm constantly getting misfires on Scourge Arrow - the draw animation plays out, i release an arrow and it just bangs off oss the target as if I hit the wall. No blossoms, no famage. I know that SA hates doorways, but is this one a bug or am i lacking accuracy or whatever?
Postado porSmirnoffico#5870em 18 de dez de 2018 18:58:52
Hey, just a noob question. Why do we need Vaal Pact in this build ?
Postado pornutts_rampage#3726em 19 de dez de 2018 09:48:24
@nuts : vaal pact is used for a better leech life. As we play a very squishy character it's a good investment. Anyway, the point is well placed on the tree. So, It's a good use.
Postado porsylmarin#6529em 20 de dez de 2018 01:48:26
Jetfix escreveu:
hi, i am new and dont understand to your auras.can you explain me how that aura works ? bcs i see 3 aura and one enlighten so i am not sure how it works with your mana. + you have at your gear written tornado shot but in the gems and even at name you have lighting arrow + scourge so what i am supposed to use ?
As for the auras, i stumbled upon this myself. My explanation is that since you can't have all those auras up at once you should swap them out for whatever content you are doing at the time (as in use aura A for clearing large amounts of mobs, use aura B for bossfights and so on). I might be wrong but that's what you are supposed to do.
Postado porPeyre#3227em 20 de dez de 2018 08:55:09
Smirnoffico escreveu:
I'm constantly getting misfires on Scourge Arrow - the draw animation plays out, i release an arrow and it just bangs off oss the target as if I hit the wall. No blossoms, no famage. I know that SA hates doorways, but is this one a bug or am i lacking accuracy or whatever?
Not just you, I occasionally misfire when I'm tired. I figure as long as I set off Mirage Archer, the autofire on that is a better aim than I am, and generally hits its mark when I miss.
Postado porjhallum#2992em 20 de dez de 2018 11:04:49
Peyre escreveu:
Jetfix escreveu:
hi, i am new and dont understand to your auras.can you explain me how that aura works ? bcs i see 3 aura and one enlighten so i am not sure how it works with your mana. + you have at your gear written tornado shot but in the gems and even at name you have lighting arrow + scourge so what i am supposed to use ?
As for the auras, i stumbled upon this myself. My explanation is that since you can't have all those auras up at once you should swap them out for whatever content you are doing at the time (as in use aura A for clearing large amounts of mobs, use aura B for bossfights and so on). I might be wrong but that's what you are supposed to do.
zep this is only solution i came up with also ... as he havent any item on or passive on reducing that mana reserve :/
Postado porJetfix#6666em 20 de dez de 2018 12:44:47
I have to say thanks to the OP for a good build so far. I'm well into T5 maps, and I feel like the build has really hit its stride after me struggling a bit in the 30's and 40's.
Postado porjhallum#2992em 20 de dez de 2018 14:44:23
What skill do we use from level 1 to 40 while doing ACT 1~4?
lightning arrow? Rain of arrow? toxic rain?
Postado pormaxi0326#2372em 20 de dez de 2018 20:31:54