[3.5] (This is a bad league starter) Lancing Steel + Shattering Steel - Deadeye - League Starter
I'm probably going to persist in trying lancing - we can compare notes on which is better (I'm actually expecting it to be situational anyway)
AOE and a projectile for shattering sounds nice, but assuming you want chain as well, that means dropping rupture or gathering winds. It's all going to come down to how reliable the shotgunning is. Or we don't use either for single target at all and use a dedicated single target skill - I'm hoping not. |
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Is there a reason you're not running Point Blank? Maybe I'm just retarded but if you're shooting like >4 projectiles into somebody at a close distance (so you can in theory shotgun them because of how I think Impale works), wouldn't point blank boost your damage like crazy?
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OP is planning on using shattering steel, which gets a damage bonus the further it travels, alongside having far shot and inc aoe for more range. So will be best attacking from range, getting into point blank range will probably be a damage loss.
There may be a sweet spot where you can get both bonuses, but I doubt it. I'm planning on using lancing steel, so will grab point blank, and just have far shot to offset the damage penalty at range. |
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" yea my pob is very rough. i'll update. it's still a spectral throw pob lol |
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" Shattering gives you 2x damage at its longest distance. Point blank is only 1.5x. SO I think it's better to be a ranged attacker. But Lancing could be better with point blank. I'll make a lancing vs shattering tree later. Última edição por Hollyphantom#4741 em 6 de dez de 2018 07:33:08
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" Yea. I'll try lancing too. This could be the best strategy: Lancing: Point blank Shattering: Farshot/AOE |
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Couple of pointers on levelling and tree progression - well it's what I'm planning on doing anyway.
- Will probably want to take a point in mana leech in the essence sap cluster. - I favour a small early diversion to duelist to grab art of the gladiator and master of the arena. - I like grabbing quickstep too and respeccing later. - Grab a bit of pierce on the tree until we are chaining instead. So something like https://poeplanner.com/AA8AAGcADyIAADCbjQgu7YMZjgBe0359df66A4ejiiP2TZKxsxutlWYMc419MHxRR42_1CMFtcLsKlt59lLstMVirGyMFSAtgxm0vqdlTb02R36E2Qqb9qPveucKdcvqYgSxexTI3PK4YRAAAAAAAA== Ignoring crit for now until we get gear and levels for it. Will re-route via twin terrors/fencing/thick skin later. Shouldn't need any major late game re-specs so should have plenty of free respec points. Vague plan is something like this for lancing, https://poeplanner.com/AA8AAOsADyIAAHKbjQgu7YMZjgBe0359df66A4ejiiP2TZKxsxutlWYMc419MHxRR42_1CMFtcLstMVirGyMFSAtgxm0vqdlTb02R36E2XXL6mIEsXsUyNznVCT9_97uDvzFDY1br90NFfZieQAGtxeA4eJeOJaHdkp9LOkA7ipNPydKyG6qtfI1kti9_gryRTrh_o9N46ZXWlKomnvDR-Ii4qQ5N9TtP52qNj3rYxEvtUjUQoRvdf0Wv-LV7UEmlWHiVUuMNonTcFIqC13y1FLL9TGw3L3nD3SgBqIX3AYgMHHdqEt4OkKGs_K4YRAAAAAAAA== Some room to grab berserking/duality. Can get the res nodes below scion if needed for poor gearing. Should be flexible enough to tottaly change tack too if the steel skills don't work out. Última edição por Carlovski#7040 em 6 de dez de 2018 11:28:44
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" 2 thoughts: well, at low levels, leech does absolutely nothing since your damage is too low. Just use a mana flask. At high levels, just get phys attack mana leech on your gear or jewel. This is easy since we're phys based (it's 1 big advantage of phys builds). It's not worth a node on the tree. Pierce nodes are unnecessary because Projectile weakness curse can give u pierce. |
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I'm probably trying out SS since I haven't played an attack skill (or pure physical damage as a matter of fact) in quite some time. Deadeye really sounds a bit more convincing (and fun) than Champion, so I was thinking in something fairly straightforward like this:
(Coldhearted Calculation and Trickery would be the limits until 79, then the last part would be the life nodes above and finally Throatseeker). Cheers. Potato girl keeps on runnin'
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" Good point on the leech, so long since I've played physical, I totally forgot! I still like grabbing early pierce though, don't get blasphemy till later, and takes a while for radius to be decent. |
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