I've been looking at my build in PoB and the damage it shows there is just so low. I'm having a bit of trouble doing T3 maps (not the bosses but more the syndicate encounters). Though, I think my trouble is probably from low life and not maxed out resists yet but what troubles me is late game damage. Last season I went block glad lacerate and the damage in PoB is more than 10 times the damage this build is showing. I even tried to put the jewels and jewelry to see if maybe my gear was that much better but that didn't help the tooltip damage at all.
Postado porVobomaye#4515em 10 de dez de 2018 16:35:09
Vobomaye escreveu:
I've been looking at my build in PoB and the damage it shows there is just so low. I'm having a bit of trouble doing T3 maps (not the bosses but more the syndicate encounters). Though, I think my trouble is probably from low life and not maxed out resists yet but what troubles me is late game damage. Last season I went block glad lacerate and the damage in PoB is more than 10 times the damage this build is showing. I even tried to put the jewels and jewelry to see if maybe my gear was that much better but that didn't help the tooltip damage at all.
I noticed similar issues in POB. I couldn't find anything for impale in the calcs/config tabs. Maybe those haven't been implemented just yet in POB?
I'm attempting a Wings of Entropy build with RT, axe, dual wield, and 2hander nodes (b/c WoE is benefits from both). It's going about as bad as it sounds...but it is fun thus far. Just lack luster on the damage side of things during leveling.
Postado poriron_Faust#0681em 10 de dez de 2018 16:50:07
I'm using lancing with dual wielding. Just hit maps, and seems to be doing well. It works best with some pierce. Here is my build currently: https://pastebin.com/DnDHA6xL
Postado porNizreb915#3583em 10 de dez de 2018 17:24:02
iron_Faust escreveu:
Vobomaye escreveu:
I've been looking at my build in PoB and the damage it shows there is just so low. I'm having a bit of trouble doing T3 maps (not the bosses but more the syndicate encounters). Though, I think my trouble is probably from low life and not maxed out resists yet but what troubles me is late game damage. Last season I went block glad lacerate and the damage in PoB is more than 10 times the damage this build is showing. I even tried to put the jewels and jewelry to see if maybe my gear was that much better but that didn't help the tooltip damage at all.
I noticed similar issues in POB. I couldn't find anything for impale in the calcs/config tabs. Maybe those haven't been implemented just yet in POB?
I'm attempting a Wings of Entropy build with RT, axe, dual wield, and 2hander nodes (b/c WoE is benefits from both). It's going about as bad as it sounds...but it is fun thus far. Just lack luster on the damage side of things during leveling.
First thing is... that you more or less cannot compare the dps of two different skills. For example... Molten Strike damage shows the dps per projectile... so when you hit with like 5 projectiles the damage is 5 times what it shows... and other things like that.
ANd yeah you are right the impale has not been implemented.
@ Vobomaye: you play onehanded with shield... And some other setups like this build in general... I really would recommend to use Herald of Agony this will increase your dps like crazy. Also definitly use pierce with lancing steel!
Postado porbashtart#2403em 11 de dez de 2018 00:35:21
bashtart escreveu:
iron_Faust escreveu:
Vobomaye escreveu:
I've been looking at my build in PoB and the damage it shows there is just so low. I'm having a bit of trouble doing T3 maps (not the bosses but more the syndicate encounters). Though, I think my trouble is probably from low life and not maxed out resists yet but what troubles me is late game damage. Last season I went block glad lacerate and the damage in PoB is more than 10 times the damage this build is showing. I even tried to put the jewels and jewelry to see if maybe my gear was that much better but that didn't help the tooltip damage at all.
I noticed similar issues in POB. I couldn't find anything for impale in the calcs/config tabs. Maybe those haven't been implemented just yet in POB?
I'm attempting a Wings of Entropy build with RT, axe, dual wield, and 2hander nodes (b/c WoE is benefits from both). It's going about as bad as it sounds...but it is fun thus far. Just lack luster on the damage side of things during leveling.
First thing is... that you more or less cannot compare the dps of two different skills. For example... Molten Strike damage shows the dps per projectile... so when you hit with like 5 projectiles the damage is 5 times what it shows... and other things like that.
ANd yeah you are right the impale has not been implemented.
@ Vobomaye: you play onehanded with shield... And some other setups like this build in general... I really would recommend to use Herald of Agony this will increase your dps like crazy. Also definitly use pierce with lancing steel!
Thanks! I will definitely give Herald of Agony a try! The clear speeds feel pretty good but the numbers were just so small I was wondering if I was missing something there.
Postado porVobomaye#4515em 11 de dez de 2018 01:54:06
I tested shattering with a GMP gem.
At melee range, at least 5 projectiles can hit a normal size boss or one of these bandits. Tested it with the dread banner, 5 charges per hit are possible.
More aren't recorded (5 charges / second limit). You have to hug the boss to make this work, so some points for tankyness are needed. The +1000 armor on metal master is not for fun only.
Postado porLlyrain#5646em 11 de dez de 2018 04:41:00
Llyrain escreveu:
I tested shattering with a GMP gem.
At melee range, at least 5 projectiles can hit a normal size boss or one of these bandits. Tested it with the dread banner, 5 charges per hit are possible.
More aren't recorded (5 charges / second limit). You have to hug the boss to make this work, so some points for tankyness are needed. The +1000 armor on metal master is not for fun only.
Together with Unstoppable Hero Champion should get really tanky. I muss say I only play lancinh steel... this skill is for menjust more appealing. I use the more damage from ascendancY together with the Herald‘s of Agony & Purity which worked out really well already while leveling.
Postado porbashtart#2403em 11 de dez de 2018 11:19:03
Im going with 2 Grelwood Shank, haemophillia, lioneye's vision and the prophecy belt using mathil's build and im cleaning really really fast. Lancing - Brutality - Vicious - maim - chance to bleed is my setup and i will put increased crits with the 6link.
Postado pormithosiris#7875em 13 de dez de 2018 14:03:09
mithosiris escreveu:
Im going with 2 Grelwood Shank, haemophillia, lioneye's vision and the prophecy belt using mathil's build and im cleaning really really fast. Lancing - Brutality - Vicious - maim - chance to bleed is my setup and i will put increased crits with the 6link.
I like mathil‘s builds I learned a lot from him about builds. I think I gonna switch to dual-wielded soon... first with two beltimber blades and then one additional Grelwood. I just feel with two handed my attack speed does not get fast enough. I also plan to use Daresso‘s Defiance and Poacher‘s Aim for pierce.
Postado porbashtart#2403em 14 de dez de 2018 00:42:18
I tryed Starforge before grelwoods and its really better with grels.
Postado pormithosiris#7875em 14 de dez de 2018 08:37:07