[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy

Hello guys, is there anybody who can craft the Elreon "-to total mana cost of skills" preffix for me?
Última edição por MrWay#2655 em 19 de jun de 2019 07:47:35
Szynima escreveu:
Profatum escreveu:

Edit: okay, missed this question in FAQ, but another question came, you said we need three tier 1 mods to get with alt spam, but that's nearly impossible/highly unlikely, or am i not understanding something right.

Never said you need three. Edited it for clarification tho ...

Xeklen escreveu:
So you dont recommend swapping the gems? so i have to leave fortify in my leap slam setup instead of linking it to my cyclone? :D

yeah i tried to facetank hydra, lol.. but he took like 10 seconds to kill. i though i gonna be faster

and: you think the fortify nodes are worth it? i play with them right now.. but if they are trash, ill spec into something else.

2 more question:

why everyone have fortify linked to cyclone on poe ninja instead of close-combat? are they just "lazy"?

and about 30% using lethal pride. Is there something we/me is missing? Why almost none of them using “our” combination of the doryani jewel? 

I personally don't use Fortify on Cyclone and never really miss it too. But yes, the nodes for fortify are a solid dps and effect buff.

1) Ppl prbly just do it cause it's the easier way to go and frees up a slot.

2) Because I don't care what other builds wear lol. You can always do your own iteration of the build, I provide what I think is best for my version.

MaxEXA escreveu:
I am enjoying the build and have already gone far with it. Shaper is one shot and corrupted t15-16 with the worst mods are very easy. but, I cannot stress how insanely expensive and time consuming it is to get decent weapons.

Not really honestly, I've been running t16 with 320-330 pDps foils which were selfcrafted for like 20c at the start. Maxing them is expensive tho.

Yeah okay. I just want to understand why people run something different. Didnt mean to critize you or something :) i think you did a fantastic job with your guide. helping many players (including me) to play and understand 1h cyclone.


i hope one of the last questions:

1) if you would have to link fortify and pulverize into your cyclone setup - which gems would you swap out?

2) you say a chest with maim would be really good. do we dont get maim through our Flash and Stone + Maim setup? Is does give the maim actually give us a nice dps boost?

Última edição por Xeklen#5970 em 19 de jun de 2019 08:21:41
HainLemur escreveu:
Hello there,

Posted earlier for my thanks ( was an awesome message btw :) ) also asked a few things yet forgot to put my POB. Please see below- copied from poe ninja sorry.

Only shows a million dps on poe.ninja - shows wrong? 440k tool tip tho. took a different route- no brutality to take advantage of these extra as damages pretty much anywhere I can slot in. Still gotta add roars flask and atziris. Started as champion till 93 and just changed to slayer better mapping tbh.
Any suggestions to ramp up the dps that I might have missed out? Probably gonna lvl a few more to inc life slightly ( fyı took 5-6 seconds to kill minotour - right before respec into slayer) havent tried the rest probably this weekend.
Would love to get your insight. still have a few exalts to spend around waiting for extra impla jewel to drop in price :)

Thank you again for the effort and great build my friend. Absolutely well done.

Heya, yea DPS wise both your weapons are upgradable. Both have elemental rolls + gain # of physical damage mods, which do nothing for us since we use brutality + impale (only scales off of phys). You overall have way too many of those rolls. With impale they don't help you at all. Jewels are both also heavily exchangable for life and phys/crit multi versions.

Tankinesswise you're missing Granite and Basalt flask, which add a ton of defense for you. Also the CwDT and Immortal Call setup is too low, proccing prbly too often and not being available if you actually need it.

That should help you a fair bit.


I don't know if I quoted properly :)
My logic is replacing more dmg multiplier of brutalities %69 with a %39 more dmg support and being able to ue %10+%10 extra from swords +20 from amuelet and another %10 from ring. Impale is still doing its course just %30 less but with pots and everything I gain about %75 extra of phys.

any mistake in this logic?

Szynima escreveu:
Profatum escreveu:

Edit: okay, missed this question in FAQ, but another question came, you said we need three tier 1 mods to get with alt spam, but that's nearly impossible/highly unlikely, or am i not understanding something right.

Never said you need three. Edited it for clarification tho ...

Xeklen escreveu:
So you dont recommend swapping the gems? so i have to leave fortify in my leap slam setup instead of linking it to my cyclone? :D

yeah i tried to facetank hydra, lol.. but he took like 10 seconds to kill. i though i gonna be faster

and: you think the fortify nodes are worth it? i play with them right now.. but if they are trash, ill spec into something else.

2 more question:

why everyone have fortify linked to cyclone on poe ninja instead of close-combat? are they just "lazy"?

and about 30% using lethal pride. Is there something we/me is missing? Why almost none of them using “our” combination of the doryani jewel? 

I personally don't use Fortify on Cyclone and never really miss it too. But yes, the nodes for fortify are a solid dps and effect buff.

1) Ppl prbly just do it cause it's the easier way to go and frees up a slot.

2) Because I don't care what other builds wear lol. You can always do your own iteration of the build, I provide what I think is best for my version.

MaxEXA escreveu:
I am enjoying the build and have already gone far with it. Shaper is one shot and corrupted t15-16 with the worst mods are very easy. but, I cannot stress how insanely expensive and time consuming it is to get decent weapons.

Not really honestly, I've been running t16 with 320-330 pDps foils which were selfcrafted for like 20c at the start. Maxing them is expensive tho.

Also 2 last questions ( i hope ) regarding crafting:
1)How much crafted foil with let's say only 1 rolled T1 mod and other crafted mods will have dps? Not asking for exact number, but for something around. There's already some foils with 300-400 dps on trade, that cost a few exalts, as much as you would spend on crafting one.
2)You said in FAQ that the best case is physical damage/accuracy since it allow you to craft both physical damage mods. Is it really better than other cases? I've got added physical added damage (with 1/2 annul lottery), but not sure if i should proceed to crafting or save currency and try to get "the best" t1.
Hi there man, i have one question:

The final ascendancy of the whole slayer build is Impact/Headsman/Bane of legends/Overwhelm?

At this moment im using this PoB https://pastebin.com/8KtXTiqs (The old version of the slayer DPS) without the Soul Tether and the gem.

So i must change the ascendancy, or keep Brutal Fervour and Endless Hunger?

Thanks for the reply! :D

I just want to say

In 450 hours that I have on this game, I've finally killed Shaper, Uber atziri and Uber elder with this build. No other build had the strength/gathered enough interest. But this one was really fun.

Have fun exiles, this build will get you to the end!
Shaper down x 12 (no luck)
Uber atziri deathless
Uber elder 1 death due to me being lazy af.

GG Best build ive tried and most fun ive had ever.

According to pob, i have 5.5mill shaper dps with current gear.

PS. Found the gloves and chaos resist ring myself. Farmed everything else, also got 6L in 40 fusings xD Otherwise NO luck this league. Sold a shit load of shaper fragments to afford the sword. 6ex
Última edição por Arothar#6095 em 19 de jun de 2019 09:50:07
So let's say i have around 17 ex budget ( can farm more if needed ) for 2 weapon, what should i do ? Buy a GG sword and duel wield with scaeva or buy 2 decent ones ? Tks for your advice :D

Anything I can do to improve survivability in red maps I get randomly popped a lot. I'm at like 4.5k life. I have acrobatics just wonder if I need to go for phase acro aswell on tree because if I get hit I die.
Última edição por deathopz#3176 em 19 de jun de 2019 10:03:12

Hey here's my setup so far. I've picked the jewel slot near Iron Grip for Doryani Jewel. I lose the Crit + Crit multi from Dismembering but gain 73% increased Phys Dmg, 2% double dmg, 10% increased maximum energy shield, 7% increased life, 5% increased area, and some other random crap. Sitting at ~ 6.2k effective health at level 85.

Couple of questions:
1. Is the Jewel in the right spot? Not sure whether the added phys dmg for the seed is giving me more dps than speccing near Point Blank or Acrobatics...it seems decent enough but I'm spending 9 points to get the abovementioned stats.
2. What should I be focusing on next for equips? A corrupted Bronn's? Or is an Astral plate with -15 to mana cost and life going to do more for me (so I can find higher DPS rings?).
3. You aren't running a life flask in your build but I can't seem to map without it...thoughts?

Thanks a ton for the build. Really enjoying it so far.
Última edição por ToasterBunny#1493 em 19 de jun de 2019 10:04:10

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