[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy

Hello, great build man!

Question: since I'm playing slayer variant instead of champion and I dont have the ascendancy node, what do you think of swapping impale gem for other gem? How good is impale here?
Última edição por CptShiki#3395 em 12 de jun de 2019 07:01:10
SH1FT1 escreveu:
Hey man, loving this build and am trying it this season in HC (the Slayer variant). Any tips or changes I should make to the build for HC?

Sorry for hijacking the thread, but I am doing pretty well in HC with a variant of the build. What I did was: go belly as chest, swap out acro for IR and focus on all life nodes first. Then my POB told me that the Bladedancer wheel is way better dps for the investment, so I am getting that.
Edit: oh and blasphemy-enfeeble instead of pride. Not having dps issues anyway, but still on low level maps, on a 4-link.

My profile should be public, so check out my char - ZippyWhippy. If I reach 90 before ripping I'll make a summarising post here of my experience.

Go HC!!
Última edição por The_Gurk#4748 em 12 de jun de 2019 07:05:15
Szynima escreveu:
SweptMano escreveu:
Hey bud loving the build so far, was hoping you could have a lil look at my char and let me know of something i could do to tank up more, feeling quite squishy atm sitting on 4.6k life

Heres my char: http://poe-profile.info/profile/sweptmano/CleaveMeAlonee

Please take out that Atziris Promise if you run Brutality :'D
that doesn't benefit you at all. Swap that one out for a Lion's Roar or Basalt Flask(cheaper).

I'd check out the new gemsetup I've put up. We use Leap Slam + Faster Attacks + Endurance Charge on Stun + Fortify, which is a big defensive buff.

You can also take out the Mana + Lifeleech node to grab some more life.

Infused Channeling would also help a bit, but you mostly have to more good to not get hit by everything. I can usually kill everything before it kills me or kite it long enough so it dies.

Thanks alot man! Done everything you said plus i got punishment now in instead. Gotta say great build guide and you are a great help. One last question if you would indulge me..... In terms of qualitying gems to 20, which are the main ones should i do first? Thanks in advance

I've read a few posts here from people that wonder about the movement speed. So do I.

The build states:
"We're currently looking at 158% movementspeed unbuffed - 207 with Phaserun/222 Vaal Haste "

How do I get up to such a high unbuffed speed? I just started out and are quite the noob so sorry if this is obvious for you guys. I currently only got speed on the boots :/ as any other build.
Yesterday I got lucky and stumbled into this sword from a T6 or 7 legion. Looking into whether to sell it or convert my existing 2H Slayer cyclone build to utilize it. Looks like it'd carry on this build. Going to read through some pages of replies, but with the existing defense layers and high damage, is elder uber looking feasible? I'm not the best skilled player so I need to abuse some OP builds to make it happen.

Hey there! thanks for guide, build is nice, I went with slayer and Devoto for maximum clear speed and aoe and damage is crazy but the defensive capabilities is abit lacking therefore I got a question for you. Whats your take on taking "Rampart" (fortify nodes) over Brutal blade. I know it's 1 more point and a small decrease in damage, however, It feels like it can mitigate a little bit of our defensive difficulties versus porcupine and legion mobs, whats your take?
SH1FT1 escreveu:
Hey man, loving this build and am trying it this season in HC (the Slayer variant). Any tips or changes I should make to the build for HC?

Yea I'd go with Belly right from the getgo, invest a lot more into life and run fortify in cyclonesetup to always have it up. We barely have problems with dps, so you can get along rather easily.

I'm currently working on a HC version, will put it up asap if I'm done.

jinhaoxuan escreveu:
Hey, thank you for the guide. How's the survivability in t16 maps? Do you still get oneshotted by legion mobs? Right now im not sure if i want to invest in slayer because my slayer got oneshotted a lot.

Occasionally yes, but that's mostly due to the Legion Skills itself (Hello Redwall of death), other then that I'm pretty good, done all the guardians without dying once alrdy. Shaper 2 death cause I took a guardians hit to the face.

Dantyz escreveu:

My POB : https://pastebin.com/wkK3uRnC
Don't mind the extra nodes for HP and no jewel, it's just temporary.

If you have any advices for me, i would gladly take them :)

Heya, looking pretty good. Only thing I'd recommend is swapping Whirling Blades with Leap Slam and grab Endurance Charge on Crit and maybe Fortify, so you open up a slot on your chest for infused channeling (if you wanna go that route). If you wanna do that you have to find a place for the auras you have in your boots, I'd swap out increased duration on your gloves then and put the golem there. IC with full endurance charges should make up for the missing duration.

sivertry escreveu:
i feel like we should use belly or loreweave instead of bronn, lv 21 cyclone gives 7 stages. that way we get more defensive and the damage between loreweave and bronn isnt that big, maybe use taste of hate as well

For taste of hate we'd have to swap out brutality and also the bonus damage doesn't apply to impale, so you can't really make up for it.

But I agree with you, if you need more tankiness, just go belly and you're mostly fine.

Solauf escreveu:
Will this ever be a good uber elder killer with proper investment ?

I played divine ire trickster last league and Arc PP before that, which was able to phase bosses in few seconds.

I would hate to spin around for minutes to phase shaper.

Thanks for the guide by the way

I heard from other ppl that they literally 1shot every u-elder phase already. Doubt they're on maxed gear yet.

TomekSzymek escreveu:

Loving the slayer version! ;) I have two quick questions.

1. If I was to use Fortify in the 6L, whats the skill I should get rid of?
2. At what point should I take Vaal Pact and Acrobatics? They are both at the last tree in pob for 95lvl, wondering if I should take it before all the life/jewel nodes or actually wait until the end. If so, why wait so long to take them?

1) Melee Physical Damage most likely, Infused Channeling if you don't have the int, but that also takes some defense out of it.
2) I prefer to take vaal pact when I notice leech not being strong enough to keep me alive. But generally speaking I take it when I hit maps. Same goes for Acrobatics, but I didn't take it yet cause I think moving around makes up a lot of defense alrdy and I prefer hitting hard and dodging myself.

CptShiki escreveu:
Hello, great build man!

Question: since I'm playing slayer variant instead of champion and I dont have the ascendancy node, what do you think of swapping impale gem for other gem? How good is impale here?

Impale gem is not replacable sorry, the increased effect is insane and there's nothing that can make up for it.

SweptMano escreveu:

Thanks alot man! Done everything you said plus i got punishment now in instead. Gotta say great build guide and you are a great help. One last question if you would indulge me..... In terms of qualitying gems to 20, which are the main ones should i do first? Thanks in advance

On mainsetup:
Cyclone -> Impale -> everything else.
On the rest: Warbanner -> Increased Duration if you use it -> Faster Attacks -> everything else

fadeaway escreveu:

I've read a few posts here from people that wonder about the movement speed. So do I.

The build states:
"We're currently looking at 158% movementspeed unbuffed - 207 with Phaserun/222 Vaal Haste "

How do I get up to such a high unbuffed speed? I just started out and are quite the noob so sorry if this is obvious for you guys. I currently only got speed on the boots :/ as any other build.

We're running high movementspeed boots (30%), movementspeed on our chest(10%) + Quicksilver Flask (40%) + Movemenspeed modifier on Flask (30) do a lot of work. Rest comes from skilltree and passives.

mschultz32 escreveu:
Yesterday I got lucky and stumbled into this sword from a T6 or 7 legion. Looking into whether to sell it or convert my existing 2H Slayer cyclone build to utilize it. Looks like it'd carry on this build. Going to read through some pages of replies, but with the existing defense layers and high damage, is elder uber looking feasible? I'm not the best skilled player so I need to abuse some OP builds to make it happen.

Some ppl said they 1shot every uelder phase, so I guess we're good.
Streamlink: https://www.twitch.tv/szynima
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwoAYZn8wbwAwE1260cMdw

My Builds
1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2514647
Última edição por Szynima#2964 em 12 de jun de 2019 08:31:51
I'm a fairly new player, I'm struggling with this build on act 6, I feel like even the weakest mobs are melting me, and my damage output isn't super high. What am I doing wrong? Shall I respec some nodes and put it in the health from the POB in the OP?
farhad2k8 escreveu:
I'm a fairly new player, I'm struggling with this build on act 6, I feel like even the weakest mobs are melting me, and my damage output isn't super high. What am I doing wrong? Shall I respec some nodes and put it in the health from the POB in the OP?

Can't see your gear sadly, but most of the time its ppl having elemental weapons while we scale mostly from physical damage. You need to find some swords with Adds # to # Physical damage or % increased Physical Damage. Also getting as many links as possible helps (4link min). if you still go the elemental route, go with Cyclone - Added Fire - Melee Phys Support / Infused Channeling - Close Combat.

Make sure you got the Flesh & Stone setup with Maim Support, which also adds a lot. Pride too if you can fit it in.

For tankyness I suggest Cast when Damage Taken + Immortal Call setup and Leap Slam - Endurance Charge on Stun - Fortify Support - Faster Attacks to have more phys mitigation and moving around quick.
Streamlink: https://www.twitch.tv/szynima
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwoAYZn8wbwAwE1260cMdw

My Builds
1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2514647
HC / Tanky Versions for both Builds added. Here are the changes to the DPS version

We're looking at 10 Mil Slayer DPS + 11.5 Mil Champion DPS (if I didn't mess up somewhere along the lines). At Level 100 we're looking at 7k Life on Slayer and 6.7k on Champion (not minmaxed on both). If any HC player can confirm build is looking solid so far, I'd really appreciate it.

List what I changed compared to DPS:
-Removed everything in Ranger area
-Added Iron Reflexes
-Added Soul of Steel
-Moved up into Marauder Area to Heart of the Warrior
-Added Rampart for extra Fortify utility
-Changed Evasion to Armour gear
-Added Belly of the Beast

Additional Champ changes:
-Champ is using Belt of the Deceiver since he is tankier / can swap out for Stygian vise to get up to 7k life aswell
-We're using Unstoppable Hero now, since we spec more into Fortify

If you wanna benefit more from Fortify, you can swap out Melee Phys on Cyclone to pick up Fortify Support. But you should be fine if you jump a target every few seconds with Leap Slam.
Streamlink: https://www.twitch.tv/szynima
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwoAYZn8wbwAwE1260cMdw

My Builds
1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2514647
Última edição por Szynima#2964 em 12 de jun de 2019 09:20:48

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