On the map completing stage i change close combat -> rage with scaeva this give insane amount of dps on 2 scaeva and budget gear (lower than 2 exalts) I just deleted minotaur. Anyway! A question:
Close combat add 40% dmg to supported skill and 20 % attack speed to skills that IS NOT supported by close combat. So it's realy worth it??
Postado porRocketDragon#0511em 15 de jun de 2019 02:08:17
I am honestly confused right now.
You posted:
(Updated 13.06.2019 - Numbersfix - so nothing major)
But down below there is:
Tanky champion version:
6.7k Life, 11.5 Mil Shaper DPS, 90% Phys Reduction, 26k Armour
Like which one is the correct version? I am a noob. Trying to follow a build here, so yeah im a bit lost.
Postado porSazzbot#3867em 15 de jun de 2019 02:13:37
Would it be viable to use Chain Hook as main skill in a passive tree like this?
Postado porJonskvadron#1475em 15 de jun de 2019 02:18:01
Hi again! I upgraded some of my items, gems and jewels.
Don't have yet a well-crafted Jewelled Foil and 6-Link, saving up for those at the moment. :D
I don't know how to calculate my overall DPS with POB so please bare with me :)
This is my updated POB mate: https://pastebin.com/mN0schb9
Thanks again!
And if we take the Iron Reflexes, are we still gonna take the Acrobatics Node?
Última edição por meister1523#4926 em 15 de jun de 2019 06:45:14
Postado pormeister1523#4926em 15 de jun de 2019 03:32:36Banido
equil101 escreveu:
I take zero credit for this, see attached reddit post, but there is a pretty amazing interaction for slayer.
One of the new unique jewels, Glorious Vanity Timeless Jewel, the in the name of the DORYANI version, when put in the jewel slot at the bottom of the tree right next to point blank gives 24% - 26% effective additional health. I have about 5.5k life and I get an additional 1700 energy shield, this combined with a soul tether belt, allows you to leech for energy shield as well using your life rates. It breaks a few nodes around it, but you can fill with more damage nodes elsewhere so for me it was workable for a massive 26% of additional "health" that is leechable at the same rate as the rest of my health pool. See the reddit post below. The other cool thing is this lets you drop Brutul ferver and grab Bane of legends and Overwhelm as you get overleech with the soul tether belt.
For me this was a large dps and health boost. Just thought I would mention it here since this post has great traction. Also - thank you so much for the active changes and answering questions, we all appreciate it.
It's a great DPS + survivability boost if you don't use IRON reflex.
Última edição por nocx13#7015 em 15 de jun de 2019 04:14:02
Postado pornocx13#7015em 15 de jun de 2019 04:13:41
Nevermind, im dumb. :P
Última edição por Didipop#2671 em 15 de jun de 2019 06:14:40
Postado porDidipop#2671em 15 de jun de 2019 05:53:34
I've made a lot of improvements to my build, still need to get some of the flasks thoguh. I have a 5 link 3G-2R bronn's lithe I literally just got, but I have been using a 6 link tab.
with Cyclone, Close Combat, Brutality, Melee Physical, Rage and Impale support.
With the Bronn's I use all of them except I took rage out. I switched because I found myself dying quite a bit. What is your opinion on this? In POE it says I've only lost around 200 dps but all of the benefits that bronn's lithe give, I think it's worth it.
(I know that's probably thanks to my resistances too, but I'm struggling to find out where I can find space to put more as well.)
35% Fire
39% Cold
73% Lightning
-60% Chaos
Also I'm having mana troubles. With all the buffs on I have around 13 mana. Which is not enough for Punishment or Lightning golem for CWDT. Not sure where I could make room for this?
Última edição por SlapStickComedy#7644 em 15 de jun de 2019 08:12:51
KingNathan escreveu:
I've made a lot of improvements to my build, still need to get some of the flasks thoguh. I have a 5 link 3G-2R bronn's lithe I literally just got, but I have been using a 6 link tab.
with Cyclone, Close Combat, Brutality, Melee Physical, Rage and Impale support.
With the Bronn's I use all of them except I took rage out. I switched because I found myself dying quite a bit. What is your opinion on this? In POE it says I've only lost around 200 dps but all of the benefits that bronn's lithe give, I think it's worth it.
(I know that's probably thanks to my resistances too, but I'm struggling to find out where I can find space to put more as well.)
35% Fire
39% Cold
73% Lightning
-60% Chaos
Also I'm having mana troubles. With all the buffs on I have around 13 mana. Which is not enough for Punishment or Lightning golem for CWDT. Not sure where I could make room for this?
Punishment and Lightning Golem should be linked with cwdt, thus the mana doesn't matter.
Postado porCharl1eTango#1140em 15 de jun de 2019 08:24:49
nocx13 escreveu:
equil101 escreveu:
I take zero credit for this, see attached reddit post, but there is a pretty amazing interaction for slayer.
One of the new unique jewels, Glorious Vanity Timeless Jewel, the in the name of the DORYANI version, when put in the jewel slot at the bottom of the tree right next to point blank gives 24% - 26% effective additional health. I have about 5.5k life and I get an additional 1700 energy shield, this combined with a soul tether belt, allows you to leech for energy shield as well using your life rates. It breaks a few nodes around it, but you can fill with more damage nodes elsewhere so for me it was workable for a massive 26% of additional "health" that is leechable at the same rate as the rest of my health pool. See the reddit post below. The other cool thing is this lets you drop Brutul ferver and grab Bane of legends and Overwhelm as you get overleech with the soul tether belt.
For me this was a large dps and health boost. Just thought I would mention it here since this post has great traction. Also - thank you so much for the active changes and answering questions, we all appreciate it.
It's a great DPS + survivability boost if you don't use IRON reflex.
i can't import Glorious Vanity Timeless Jewel into POB. it's common problem and POB don't know how to work with it or i do smth wrong?
Postado porztnko#1662em 15 de jun de 2019 08:25:17
how you get high % physical damage on the foil?
Postado porHanrrison#8051em 15 de jun de 2019 08:38:30