3.7| Stress Free PoE - TRIGGER HAPPY |Clear the Atlas with YOUR Items at YOUR Pace (SSF & Co-op)
The 3.8 guide is up: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2628171!
There were some changes to the guide as I previously stated. I changed the main skill to Bladestorm (though I have a small section to explain what you want to do if you prefer to keep Cyclone.) I added Bleed/Crimson Dance to the build as Chance to Bleed Support just deals too much damage to ignore with the initial hit plus the bleed damage x8. Since we barely had any life regen, I also added Vaal Pact so we'll be leeching life WAY more. I changed the concept of the triggers initiating bleed and the main skill taking advantage with Bloodlust, to the Main Skill dealing the bleed and the trigger skills using Bloodlust. So the tree and some supports changed a little...but the build still functions and feels just as it did before. It has more survivability and deals way more damage. Thanks to everyone for all your kind words and encouragement! And not just to me, but to each other as well! It's been a great 3.7. See you on the other side! WELCOME to my TRIGGER HAPPY guide :)! With this build you just block everything that comes your way and kill everything that your blocks didn't. (If you hate PoE's porcupines, you'll love this build.) It's one (and a half) button fun with everything but your main Attack being automatic! The Atlas will be cleared and you'll have been snacking with one hand the whole time...well, you could use two hands to snack since blocking kills enemies. The build doesn't require any specific items or mods to play so you can just pick up and play like a good old fashion "dungeon crawler". If you're curious about any aspect of the title or why my builds are the way they are, I give the details here. The guides I post will easily clear the Atlas despite the limitations I play with. *For those with similar limitations to mine, I can play this build on both PC and Console. (Thanks Tagz for always being willing to figure out the Wiki with me.) I forgot to make an example video for 3.7. I'll make a new one shortly after 3.8 is released on console. Here's my playlist for this character if you're interested. Here's what my gear looks like. (My character name doesn't match my build anymore...too many respecs.)
The Guts (Gems/Gear/Tree/Attributes)
Gem Links
PoE restricts which gems are available to each class until Act 3. Until then you can get some gems for free from quest rewards, purchase some from specific NPCs in each town, or find them as loot.
There are two NPC's that sell all purchasable gems: the first one is Siosa in the Library in Act 3 (you have to do his quest first (the Library is connected to The Imperial Gardens)), the second NPC is Lilly Roth is Act 6. 5/6 Link - Main Skill (Socket in your chest) -Cyclone - Our main skill, a channelling skill. Just hold the button down and move towards enemies. Once we get Resolute Technique on the Passive Tree, we will never miss a hit. Accuracy mods will be pointless. Channelling Cyclone, decreases your movement speed. So try and keep your movement speed up (item mods, high Rage, maxed Challenger Charges...) (Honestly, almost any Physical Melee Attack would work here with the following supports. Just replace Infused Channelling if you don't pick a channelling skill. Tectonic Slam works well for me with my limitations.) -Fortify Support - This skill gives bonus damage to Cyclone and also more gives us Fortify. Fortify gives us 20% damage reduction to ALL Hits (not Damage Over Time). -Rage Support - This support gives us Rage when we hit an enemy with Cyclone. Rage is a buff that can stack up to 50x. This support gives bonus damage based on the amount of Rage we have. Rage itself also provides us with more damage, attack speed, and movement speed. -Bloodlust Support - Bloodlust gives us tons of bonus damage against bleeding enemies but prevents (Cyclone) from applying Bleed in any way. Our Trigger Skills will be applying the bleed we need. -Brutality Support - Gives Cyclone a huge physical damage boost but removes the possibility of Cyclone doing ANY elemental damage. -If you get a 6 link - Infused Channelling Support - Gives bonus physical damage reduction vs. physical damage hits and also improves our damage. The gem gives it's bonus defense and damage based on the linked skill's tags. So Cyclone has AoE and Physical. 4 Link - Extra Damage and Ailments (Socket in any 4 link) -Riposte - A Counter-Attack skill that deals damage. You can't activate this skill yourself. Once you socket it in your gear, it'll "trigger" automatically based on its conditions, which is whenever you block. -Chance to Bleed Support - Has a 25% chance to apply Bleed to the enemies it hits. It also gives bonus damage, more if the enemy is bleeding. Bleed is an ailment that deals physical damage over time. It'll do even more damage to enemies when they are moving. Bleeds last for 5 seconds. -Maim Support - Has a chance 30% to Maim the enemy on hit and gives bonus damage. Maim slows enemy movement speed (not actions) by 30% for 4 seconds. -Melee Physical Damage Support - Extra damage. 4 Link - Extra Damage and Ailments (Socket in any 4 link) -Reckoning - A Counter-Attack skill that deals damage. You can't activate this skill yourself. Once you socket it in your gear, it'll "trigger" automatically based on its conditions, which is whenever you block. -Chance to Bleed Support - Has a 25% chance to apply Bleed to the enemies it hits. It also gives bonus damage, more if the enemy is bleeding. Bleed is an ailment that deals physical damage over time. It'll do even more damage to enemies when they are moving. Bleeds last for 5 seconds. -Maim Support - Has a chance 30% to Maim the enemy on hit and gives bonus damage. Maim slows enemy movement speed (not actions) by 30% for 4 seconds. -Melee Physical Damage Support - Extra damage. 4 Link - Extra Damage and Ailments (Socket in any 4 link) -Vengeance - A Counter-Attack skill that deals damage. You can't activate this skill yourself. Once you socket it in your gear, it'll "trigger" automatically based on its conditions, which is whenever you get Hit. That includes either taking damage from a Hit (not Damage Over Time) or by blocking. -Chance to Bleed Support - Has a 25% chance to apply Bleed to the enemies it hits. It also gives bonus damage, more if the enemy is bleeding. Bleed is an ailment that deals physical damage over time. It'll do even more damage to enemies when they are moving. Bleeds last for 5 seconds. -Maim Support - Has a chance 30% to Maim the enemy on hit and gives bonus damage. Maim slows enemy movement speed (not actions) by 30% for 4 seconds. -Melee Physical Damage Support - Extra damage. 3 Link - Mana Reservation (Socket in any 3 link) -Pride - An aura that reserves 50% of our mana. It makes enemies take extra damage from physical damage and bonus damage the longer the enemies stay near us (capping at 4 seconds). -Blood and Sand and -Flesh and Stone - Blood and Sand combines with Flesh and Stone. They work cohesively. Once you turn them both on, switching one with switch the other. When both are active, you can choose between Blood or Sand. While in Sand stance you'll Blind enemies that in the aura, take less damage from those outside of the aura, you'll have more AoE, deal 5% less damage, and we'll gain a Challenger Charge per kill (see the Ascendancy section). While in Blood Stance you automatically Maim nearby enemies, make Maimed take increased physical damage, you'll have 5% less AoE, deal 15% more damage, and you'll have a 25% chance to gain a Challenger Charge when you hit a Rare or Unique enemy. An easy way to be efficient with this odd aura set is to remember how your Challenger Charges work (see the Ascendancy Section). Sand is best against easy to kill enemies while Blood is best against Rare and Unique enemies. *A great thing about this is that the auras switch between themselves instantly. So if you cared to bother switching between the two versions of the Auras, you won't interrupt your channelling. 3 Link - For Fun (Socket in any 3 link) -Tempest Shield - (There is no value to leveling this skill. We aren't improving spell damage at all. See the Attributes section.) I love this skill. It isn't important to this build at all but it's so fun to actually incorporate this old time favourite of mine into a build that it actually coincides well with. Tempest Shield does increase our Block Chance but the fun thing about it is that once you manually cast it, it'll strike back the enemy (and one more enemy) that hit it. It's like a trigger skill above except it's a Spell and it needs to be manually cast. Every block refreshes the duration though, so that's nice. It'll do garbage damage without build as we focus on Attack damage and this is a Spell. -Culling Strike Support - This support gives Tempest Shield a little value ;). When an enemy is has only 10% or less of their health left with Tempest Strike hits them, the enemy will die. -Increased Duration Support - This just increases the base duration of Tempest Shield so we have to cast it less. Remember Tempest Shield doesn't need to be recast as long as we keep blocking.
ANYTHING YOU WANT! - Well, the node Brutal Blade on the tree makes us want a Sword and the blocking nodes on the tree that I selected were for Shields...sooooo...you do need and Sword and Shield. Other than that, ANYTHING YOU WANT ;).
If you’re new to PoE, check out the Tips for New Players link. It gives lots of help and tips on gear, mods, currency, leveling, and endgame mapping. Some good to know stuff that you'd hate not knowing. - Weapon - Anything One Handed Sword. - Shield - Anything you like (but it must be a shield). - Head - Anything you like. - Chest - Anything you like. - Hands - Anything you like. - Feet - Anything you like. - Amulet - Anything you like. - Ring - Anything you like. - Ring - Anything you like. - Belt - Anything you like. - Jewel - Anything you like. - Flasks - Anything you like. I simply use 4 health flasks (all modified to remove bleeding) and Quicksilver Flask that removes Chill/Freeze. Sword Mods to look for: - Anything that improves Physical Damage on Attacks - Anything that improves Attack Speed - Any other minor thing that helps (resists, attributes...). This isn't important. It's just a bonus. Sword Mods to Ignore - Because of Brutality Support, Elemental Damage will do nothing for us. - Accuracy mods will be pointless once you select Resolute Technique on the Passive Tree. Your goal on the rest of your gear is: - Increases to Maximum life - Increases to Resists - Increases to Movement Speed (Typically on Boots) - Increases/additions to Physical damage and Attack Speed - Ensuring you have high enough attributes for your skills *Newbie Tip - Attack weapons in PoE, have local modifiers. This means that any improvements to Attack Speed or Physical Damage are only applied to the weapon's rating at the top of the item. So the stats you're focusing on are at the top of the weapon: Physical Damage and Attacks per Second. But on top of that, a weapon may have poor stats up top, but you may find that it rolled a really good physical damage mod along with only 2 Prefix. That means you could add another Prefix to it and increase it's damage. (See the Tips for New Players link...you'll get used to mod tiers if you take your time). So don't forget to increase the quality of your weapon if you're keeping it for a while. - Here are my customized loot filters (PC). They will make looting a lot more relaxing for those that play my builds. This is my setup if you're interested. I play the same as the guide unless I'm testing something out.
Passive Tree
Passive Tree Explained
We start as a Duelist because we want the Gladiator Ascendancy (subclass) and starting as the Duelist is the only way to get there. The Gladiator gives us tons of additional blocking and lots of bonus offense and defense for when we do and don't block.
Leveling Path: You can go in any direction you want. No matter which branch you decide to complete first, you'll be selecting important nodes. Unfortunately, all the nodes are important. On the right there is a mana leech node that you'll find VERY valuable. On the left is Resolute Technique which means Cyclone will never miss. Everything else is increasing damage, life, and block chance. So there isn't a wrong direction to go, just don't forget to include life as you're going for everything else. *The tree takes you to level 90 which will be easily achieved with this build. If you make it past 90, pick any nodes you like! Tree Focuses: - Block Chance - The higher our block chance, the better our build. We don't get every blocking node, so we won't be overcapped by much. Most of the nodes will be for blocking Attacks. We'll pick an ascendancy node that'll help us out with blocking spells. - Fortify Improvements - I took all the Fortify improvement nodes the tree offered as we'll be in the middle of battle, wanting to get hit, as much as possible. - Leech - There's a little bit of life and mana leech on the tree. The mana one, even though it's one node, is HUGE for us. Life leech is great too of course. - Life and Damage - I've heard they help. - Jewels - Jewel slots are amazing. Jewels are items you can find that you can actually allocate on your tree. They can give almost anything from health, damage, resists...anything. We only have one jewel slot selected :(. I'd love to put more in, many other guides would. But I don't have the ability to have remember what each of my builds need if a decent jewel drops while I'm playing. And I don't have the ability to focus on 7 jewels per build are remember what I'm doing. So one is plenty enough for me. Don't forget about attributes. We'll be really short in Intelligence. The tree almost provides all the attributes we need for our skills. You'll pass some nodes on the tree that give +30 Attributes. If you don't have items to cover what you're short in, feel free to select some of these as you pass them. You'll get respec points that will let you remove them later once you have better gear. Now, feel free to modify this is anyway. This is just my preference for easy Solo Self Found. Take your time to look at each skill as they come along. Some of the nodes are pretty dramatic. Some quests earn you respec points in case you regret any decisions you made on the tree. You can also use Orbs of Regret for the same thing.
As you go through the game you'll come across Trials of Ascendancy. Starting in Act 3 you'll see their value. Once you have completed all 6 of the first set of trails, you'll get to attempt your first Labyrinth (lab). Good luck! Upon completion Choose Gladiator. You get two ascendancy points per lab. There are four labs for a total of 8 points. (Redoing the same lab difficulty will not reward you with more ascendancy points if you've already completed it.)
You can spend your points in any order you like. My preference is as follows (defense first): - 1st Two Points - Painforged. Busy little guy. You get block chance if you didn't block a hit, extra damage if did block, you can't be stunned if you blocked a hit (that's a biggie), but sexiest of all...your counter attacks (Riposte, Reckoning, and Vengeance) deal double damage :). - 2nd Two Points - Versatile Combatant. This node fixes our spell block chance. With this node, our block chance for spells always equals our attack block chance. Our max spell block chance also increases with the max attack block chance. - 3rd Two Points - Violent Retaliation. Lots of goodies here. This increases our maximum chance to block from the normal 75% cap to 79%, we get increased Physical Damage for each block in the last 10 seconds (bonus damage while clearing), lots of damage if we've blocked damage from a Rare or Unique enemy in the past 10 seconds (good for boss battles), and additional block chances for each block we've done in the last 10 seconds. - 4th Two Points - Arena Challenger. This skill revolves around Challenger Charges which can only be earned with this node. Challenger Charges improve your attack and movement speed by 2% per node, capping at 10 nodes (20%). This is the skill that simplifies the Blood and Sand aura set. IF you care to switch between those auras and guarantee your 10 Challenger Charges, use Sand Stance to kill in maps, and Blood Stance to kill bosses.
Pick anyone you want. Personal preference for your playstyle is best. The ones I chose are:
- Major God: Soul of Lunaris - It seems to work perfectly since we plan on being in the middle of every fight. It gives up to 8% physical damage reduction and movement speed based on how many enemies are around. - Minor God: Soul of Gruthkul - Up to 5% physical damage reduction for each hit taken within the last 4 seconds. Blocking is getting Hit for 0 damage. Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/HtXAyiVb - Pastebin for Path of Building. (Copy the link, open Path of Building, click on “New”, then click “Import/Export Build”, click “Import from Pastebin…”, paste the link.) ![]()
You'll get almost all of the Str. and Dex. that you require to use your gems from the tree. You'll need a whole bunch of Intelligence unfortunately.
You'll Be Short: Strength: 0 Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 77 Keep your eye out for gear with Int. Amulets can roll lots. Feel free to take the +30 attribute nodes if you're struggling to find gear to help you level. You can always respec in small amounts later. *You can completely ignore Intelligence if you don't use Infused Channelling and keep Tempest Shield low level. Tempest Shield has no value being a higher level. It's used for its block chance and Culling Strike. From the Tree You'll Get: Strength: 283 Dexterity: 153 Intelligence: 34 Your Gems Need: Strength: 155 Dexterity: 155 Intelligence: 111
Media and Extras (Videos/PoB/URLs/Filter)
- Videos? Two options:
- My Trigger Happy playlist shows my most recent sessions with the build. - My broadcast channel. Mixer keeps the last 14 days worth of broadcasts. I don't always play awake, but I'd rather play than not :). - Software: - PoEMate - The mobile planner I use (if the link doesn't work in your area, just search PoEMate in your mobile store). - Path of Building - The desktop character planner I use. - Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/HtXAyiVb - (Copy the link, open Path of Building, click on “New”, then click “Import/Export Build”, click “Import from Pastebin…”, paste the link.) Loot Filters: - My customized filters, their details, and how to download them are located here.
For New-ish Players (How I Play/Build Mechanics/Newbie Tips)
How I Play This Build/How it Functions in Gameplay
This build is really easy to play.
Quick Version: Get as close as you can to the enemy and attack. Everything else is automatic!
Detailed Version
-Turn on your auras (Pride, Blood and Sand, and Flesh and Blood).
-Move to any enemy and hold down your attack button. -Unless you get lots of mana regen on your gear you'll likely only have the mana (via mana leech) to attack when you're hitting enemies with Cyclone. What's Happening in the Background: -Fortify will "always" be on since it's linked to our main skill. -With Infused Channelling linked, you'll have bonus physical damage reduction while channelling. -Your Trigger skills will attack automatically and deal damage when you block and/or get hit (whether or not you block) (depending on the trigger skill). -The more you hit, the faster you attack and move thanks to Rage and Challenger Charges (up to a cap of course). -You will eventually have a block chance of 79% for all spells and attacks that hit (so you can't block Damage Over Time). -Your Trigger skills are linked to Bleed and Maim supports which all have a chance, whenever they are triggered, to make the enemies they hit bleed and be maimed. Bloodlust Support which is linked to Cyclone, makes Cyclone deal more damage against bleeding enemies. -You'll be leeching mana and life from enemies when you hit them, which means you won't be leeching when you're not hitting them. -You have a chance to generate Frenzy Charges when you block attacks. -You have a chance to generate Endurance Charges when you kill. -Tempest Shield will hit two enemies everytime you block. If those enemies have 10% or less health, they will die when hit by Tempest Shield. See? Easy! Just spin, everything else is automatic.
Build Mechanics Explained for New Players
Blocking/Getting Hit
We can only block HITS. Damage Over Time cannot be blocked. The majority of nodes we select on the tree are for blocking Attacks. The Gladiator has an ascendancy node that makes our spell block chance equal our attack block chance.
Blocking an attack means that we get hit, but take no damage. It's not damage mitigation, it means we take 0 damage no matter the size of hit. So if you see a mod or node that says "on hit", it'll apply to our build. Keep in mind that there is a 21% chance of getting hit though.
Challenger Charges
Challenger Charges are a unique type of charges (just like Endurance, Power, and Frenzy Charges) that are exclusive to the Gladiator. We gain them from the Arena Challenger ascendancy node. They are directly tied to the Blood and Sand aura. Challenger Charges differ from the other charge types in that the cap for our charges is 10 (instead of 3 (or more with investment)). Having 10 charges gives us 20% increased Attack and Movement Speed.
Rage is a buff that we get via Rage Support. Keep in mind that Rage and Rage Support are two different things (though they do work together). Rage is a buff that gives us Attack Damage, Attack Speed, and Movement Speed. Rage Support gives us the ability to earn Rage, but also gives us further boosts when we have Rage. (There are many ways to earn Rage in PoE. But we've chosen Rage Support as our method to get it.)
Rage has a cap of 50 stacks which gives us: -50% increased Attack Damage -25% increased Attack Speed -10% increased Movement Speed Then you add the bonus damage Rage Supports gives us on top of that and you find Rage will put a nice smile on your face.
Tips for New Players
Loose Ends (Map Mods/Gem Locations/Bandits)
Endgame Mods to Avoid
At the end of the game, the levels (maps) you try and clear will have random modifiers (mods) allocated to them. There are A LOT of mods that can go on a map. There will be Three map mods you want to avoid.
Avoid maps that: -Reflect Physical Damage -Cannot Leech Mana -Reduce Block Chance - You can actually run this, just remember that you'll be blocking at 42% instead of 79% (we're overcapped by 3). So it's just a different mentality. I never remember to play "differently" so I just avoid it. (While making this build I tried to overcap our block chance so that we could run this mod, but I couldn't get the damage high enough for my liking.) Over time, with the million other map mods that can roll, you'll learn which mods you prefer to run or not.
Leveling/Quests - Solo Self Found - Quick Reference
- I suggest doing every quest in the game. It doesn't take long. If you're too eager to get to mapping in the endgame, here is a link to all the quests that give Skill Points as a reward.
Bandits - With the Bandits in Act 2, I kill them all for the extra 2 skill points. You, of course, do what you like. **Remember to prioritize. You may not be lucky enough to get the gear that'll let you play with all your gems as soon as they are available. So do what works best for you until the gear comes (don't be quick to sell your old gear in case something doesn't work out).
List of Gems in Order of Story Acquisition:
Act 1 - Enemy at the Gate - Purchase - Level 1 - Chance to Bleed Support x3
Act 1 - Breaking Some Eggs - Reward - Level 4 - Blood and Sand Act 1 - Breaking Some Eggs - Purchase - Level 4 - Reckoning Act 1 - Breaking Some Eggs - Purchase - Level 4 - Riposte Act 1 - The Caged Brute - Reward - Level 8 - Maim Support x3 Act 2 - Intruders in Black - Reward - Level 16 - Flesh and Stone Act 2 - The Root of the Problem - Reward - Level 16 - Tempest Shield Act 2 - Sharp and Cruel - Reward - Level 18 - Rage Support Act 2 - Sharp and Cruel - Reward - Level 18 - Melee Physical Damage Support x3 Act 2 - Sharp and Cruel - Purchase - Level 18 - Culling Strike Support Act 2 - Sharp and Cruel - Purchase - Level 18 - Bloodlust Support Act 3 - Lost in Love - Reward - Level 24 - Pride Act 3 - Lost in Love - Purchase - Level 28 - Vengeance Act 3 - Sever the Right Hand - Reward - Level 28 - Cyclone Act 3 - A Fixture of Fate - Reward - Level 31 - Fortify Support Act 3 - A Fixture of Fate - Purchase - Level 4 - Infused Channelling Act 3 - A Fixture of Fate - Purchase - Level 31 - Increased Duration Support Act 4 - The Eternal Nightmare - Purchase - Level 38 - Brutality Support
List of Gems in Order by Level:
Level 1 - Chance to Bleed Support x3
Level 4 - Blood and Sand Level 4 - Infused Channelling Level 4 - Reckoning Level 4 - Riposte Level 8 - Maim Support x3 Level 16 - Flesh and Stone Level 16 - Tempest Shield Level 18 - Bloodlust Support Level 18 - Culling Strike Support Level 18 - Melee Physical Damage Support x3 Level 18 - Rage Support Level 24 - Pride Level 28 - Cyclone Level 28 - Vengeance Level 31 - Fortify Support Level 31 - Increased Duration Support Level 38 - Brutality Support - There are two NPCs that sell all purchasable gems: the first one is Siosa in the Library in Act 3 (you have to do his quest first (the Library is connected to The Imperial Gardens)), the second NPC is Lilly Roth in Act 6 (Do her quest in Act 6). Replies: Feel free to respond to other players' posts! The more that's out there, the more we learn. Please be kind, respectful, and theoretical (not a Know-It-All) when helping others out. I will happily respond to questions but please note that I have multiple guides and I'd like to respond to each equally. I’ll do my best to get back to you as quickly as possible but set your expectations that I'll respond to each guide once a week. (Too much time responding to guides makes an unhappy spouse...an unhappy spouse means less time for guide replies...less time for guide replies makes an unhappy me...Unhappy spouse + unhappy me = an epic hockey fight with sweet uppercuts which I would obviously lose...a lost hockey fight against my spouse = busted hands that I can't type with, no teeth to voice type with, and black eyes that I can't read with. So one build a day, m'kay? K.) Here's a list of my OTHER GUIDES if you're interested :). OH! Don't forget, to support GGG by buying a skin for all your favourite skills you use. They last forever, you look rad, and it keeps PoE going too :). Double OH! I make a new thread every league for every guide I do. So all the comments, questions, and answers you read are all relevant for this current expansion. (At the end of a league I post links in the previous guide to guide players to the newest rendition of the build.)
Build History
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Última edição por Wrecker_of_Days#7691 em 5 de set de 2019 16:20:38 Último bump em 5 de set de 2019 16:19:57
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On mobile so can't look at your PoB but the Maim supports are redundant. You can only have one instance of Maim which takes the highest value. My gut reaction is that chance to bleed could be redundant on the slower counter attacks, but would depend on your bleed chance.
It's very common this league to link Flesh and Stone with Maim since the increased damage portion stacks because it's a single instance of Maim. You could make your auras a 4 link and work Vulnerability into your setup with little to no loss. Played your RF/Holy totem build as a league starter and can vouch for your build indeed working on basically whatever until you can afford nicer things. Última edição por Calibix84#3253 em 13 de jul de 2019 01:26:38
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"Hey Calibix84, Nice to hear from you again. That is a good point. The main reason I have Maim Support on all three triggers is simply to "ensure" that enemies get maimed. I'd likely have different support gems for each trigger if Maim Support gave a 100% chance to maim, but it's 30%. Good call though. Thanks for pointing it out just in case. I appreciate it. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Haha check my edit. Honestly, I assumed that was the reason it was there so I just thought I would mention it. I would argue however that if the mob is already close enough to hit you it's either going to die shortly when mapping or get maimed by something else if it's still alive. Also, Flesh and Stone Maim is automatic.
Surprised you remember me. I never think to look who is posting on these forums. Última edição por Calibix84#3253 em 13 de jul de 2019 01:37:51
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" "Those are good suggestions. The only other options to replace Maim Support on the Triggers would be Brutality or Close Combat. Then I'd be tempted stay in Blood Stance. I'll play around with your suggestions for sure. I appreciate the compliment! Thanks for vouching! I'm glad you liked the RF build (I gotta come up with a better title for it though). I can't even remember my age most of the time, so you must have a rad name and had some great posts ;). Thanks again for the suggestions and compliments. You're very kind. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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I have been looking for a simplified Cyclone build (since trying the skill out on SloMo Zombies) and voila. I shall have to give it a try.
My immediate thoughts While I do actually appreciate the symmetry baked into the Build, for me it just screams out for CWDT and Curse on Hit - somewhere. Tempest Shield is my first suspect for CWDT (I think you will get hit enough to make it work) - maybe even the CWDT-Skill-Curse on Hit-Curse combo. Just have to think about which Trigger best applies the Curse to my liking - and as Calibix84 pointed out, get the Maim thing sorted out at the same time and all within the available sockets of course. And I am pretty much headed rightward first on the Tree - I'm reasonably sure that I will find Mana-Starvation a bigger annoyance than substandard Accuracy although they are both major. Perhaps you actually feel the same - telling people that "On the right is Resolute Technique" ... Thanks for another opportunity to enjoy POE on Console. Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
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"Hey walkjohn55, Always a pleasure! A suggestion for the CwDT itch with this build, use low level CwDT. I originally had Tempest Shield on a CwDT and it almost never got cast. But a Tempest Shield with Curse on Hit would be really cool. I fixed the right and left thing with Resolute Technique. Thanks for pointing it out. Regarding the Maim redundancy, I really like the current setup for a couple reasons. I like that I'm "guaranteed" Maiming and Bleeding new enemies as the old ones die. I also like that I'm "guaranteed" Maiming and Bleeding on bosses as they don't hit too frequently. I'm still considering all the options though. On a side note though, in PoB, if I remove that the enemy is Maimed, the gem that I'd replace Maim with only does 5000 more damage (with the Rare Tiger Hook equipped that PoB provides). So we'll see. As you both pointed out, there are lots of options, but so far it only seems redundant on paper...to me anyway. That being said though, if you were keen to save gem links, you could have Riposte, Reckoning, Vengeance, and Chance to Bleed linked together. You'd then have 2 full 4 links to play with. This guide took a long time as I played with all the different link options. Thanks for the post and the kind words! I hope you like it and whether you do or don't honest feedback and suggestions are always prefered. Nice to hear from you. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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I did read over another Cyclone Guide before noticing yours, and that author made a point of stressing that you "should" choose a sword with the max (14) weapon range. Have you had a chance to form an opinion on how useful an extra unit or two of Cyclone radius might be for this Build?
There are some things that I would like to personalize into the Build (a Gap Jumper, a Curse, and the Enlighten Gem linked to Pride) and so I will have to find some socket space - and Maim looks the thing that might be rearranged with the least loss of goodness. Regarding CWDT for Tempest Shield, it struck me that how well it works might end up being inversely proportion to one's positioning skills. So even if it didn't do much for you, it might still work for me ... . It's probably just a case of regardless how interesting theory crafting may be, you really have to try stuff out to see what works for you. Do you have a sense of how much damage the Trigger skills are delivering? I'm wondering because I am thinking of trying out Increased Area of Effect (which might be a boost if the debuffs are a lot more important than the direct damage). This also plays into something else I am pondering: how helpful might the (very expensive) The Surrender shield be for the Build? https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Surrender With all the Blocking going on, I think that there are probably some "on Block" triggers that may be quite interesting to acquire on your Shield - and most likely much easier/cheaper to acquire than an expensive Unique. Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
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" That shield works good but like you said it is expensive but I had one for a while I looted. I play standard so I have lots of items saved to play around with builds. I respected one of my old builds to this one and working on anther one but trying it out with a few different items. Thousand Teeth Temu, Crown Of The Pale King and going to use The Anvil amulet with it. I will have to up some of the other attributes DEX, INT, some but I am looking forward to see how it will work with this build. That's what I love about POE there are lot's of possibilities. |
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"For sure. But to me, unless you focus on AoE, any bonuses to AoE are great, but not required. I have to admit though, I get a big smile on my face when I get that shrine that increases AoE with this build :). "For sure. Makes sense to me on both accounts. "The Counter-Attacks deal lots of damage. They aren't properly calculated in PoB unfortunately but Bosses die WAY faster when we get hit/block. If you just stand in a group of enemies without attacking, they'd die just as fast (as long as the enemies don't take forever getting to you;)). There are a few Unique shields that have some cool perks to blocking. I'm excited to see what people try out. Surrender for sure is a good one, as long as you have the cash to spare. Thanks for the post. Let us know what you try out if you go with the build. As has been pointed out, this build has a lot more freedom with gems than my other builds. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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