[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL
Large cluster
Touch of cruelty - 10% chance to hinder while it does look good, it can't be that big, by the time mob is hindered, it is dead nevertheless. Only applicable to bosses
Unspeakable gifts - do we really take advantage of explodymod?
Wicked pall - seems like there isn't alternative to this one, #1 mod for us probably
Misery everlasting 25% increased Despair Curse Effect should give another -7 chaos resist to enemies cursed, not counting flat chaos gained and % increased damage over time, it would already be better from cruelty and gifts, in my opinion.
Unholy grace gives another %inc chaos damage along with that sweet attack speed, that we simply can not pass on.
Medium clusters
Wasting affliction and low tolerance seem to be probably our best mods for mediums, I see they are recommended too so I won't comment on that further
I went with unwaveringly evil because it provides stun immunity while attacking. As we can not get it otherwise besides stacking implicits on jewels for the 10% chance to avoid getting stunned. In my opinion that would be the best choice just because of that, not counting any damage mods. It does come with 30% increased damage though, so that's nice.
And wicked pall again here, I might actually swap that one out after you pointed it out, thank you
That's my reasoning behind them at least. I might be wrong of course
Última edição por indigoBot#3734 em 15 de mar de 2021 09:49:59
But honestly, that DPS-Number really is just PoB-Warrior-Mode :D
Yep, 100% agree with that. But in my defense, after a certain breakpoint, that number going up was the only thing that kept me going. No way I get the charges, no way poison stacks high, protectors go away pretty quickly (not sure if their buff persists when they are gone, they smack target for a second then vanish, not sure why), I probably left something out too. But that number is the measurement we use, don't know how else to show the dps.
- 19% duration on boots (legit, since u want the 15% faster poisons)
- 9% on ring (not needed, in fact 40% incr. poison damage essence craft is stronger)
- 10% skill effect duration on Misery everlasting
- 20% skill effect duration on Wicked Pall (2x)
#1 like you said, legit one
#2 my old ring had poison essence mod, but after playing in pob, I will argue that 34% increased chaos damage essence and hunters 22% increased poison damage together, gives more than having only 40% increased poison damage single mod, NOT counting the duration half-mod. Duration comes in pack. So, a legit one too.
#3 is the despair curse effect buff and #4 the chaos damage. I will have to check recommended jewels and compare, probably should have gone with them then.
I didn't open forum after league launched and I decided on this build so I missed the optimal cluster setup, and didn't swap to cluster setup until I saw few builds on poe.ninja using it. That pushed me to play around with them.
Yalpe already showed a Cluster-Jewel setup that gives more dps in terms of real damage, rather than pushing the duration past 10 seconds.
I kinda still stay below 10s duration? 9.71s viper strike, 5.04 pestilent strike.
Thanks for the critique though, much appreciated :)
besides, I still use pest strike for clearing delirium maps so that duration isn't going to waste, switching to viper on bosses. If I wanted to get more damage without caring for build's health, I would go with spider aspect + that baitnode left of swift venoms, probably some other things too, it could go up to 100m pob warrior deeps, maybe even more, who knows.
Just dropping in to say hi. Nice items. I also chased DPS a lot but I kinda stopped playing 2 weeks ago or more, can't remember. At that point I had the highest dps on poe.ninja. Now its possible that I don't. Some of my pieces can certainly be improved like claws for one. Some of your pieces are better (I don't have elevated -res for ex.), some are debatable. I will say that if you are chasing DPS, you should use my cluster jewel setup. Try it in POB and report back, I'm curious to see the increase it gives you. Might want to replace life with another damage mod if you like.
Just tested on my setup. If I change to your cluster I lose 7.5% dps but I gain 2 skill points. If you put in 4% increased damage instead of life you get 11.6% more.
Última edição por Yalpe#3404 em 15 de mar de 2021 10:07:57
Touch of cruelty - 10% chance to hinder while it does look good, it can't be that big, by the time mob is hindered, it is dead nevertheless. Only applicable to bosses
Unspeakable gifts - do we really take advantage of explodymod?
Wicked pall - seems like there isn't alternative to this one, #1 mod for us probably
Misery everlasting 25% increased Despair Curse Effect should give another -7 chaos resist to enemies cursed, not counting flat chaos gained and % increased damage over time, it would already be better from cruelty and gifts, in my opinion.
Unholy grace gives another %inc chaos damage along with that sweet attack speed, that we simply can not pass on.
You´re right about that, but so far I didn´t bother to create a new one. I was much more referring to Yalpes BiS-Cluster.
#2 my old ring had poison essence mod, but after playing in pob, I will argue that 34% increased chaos damage essence and hunters 22% increased poison damage together, gives more than having only 40% increased poison damage single mod, NOT counting the duration half-mod. Duration comes in pack. So, a legit one too
Duely noted, you´re right about that. Oversaw that it´s chaos and additional poison mods. Then again, just as a tip: With the 40% inc mod you´re coming pretty close and you can open another slot for it, AND you don´t need the hunter-mod anymore which basically opens implicits. That´s my ring, thats why I am counting that option in general as the better approach:
I have better gear than you. I have your dps without 2 void fangs or even more. Don't get us wrong but that self entintlement is a little cringy cause everyone here worked their asses for their build and claiming that is plain wrong. Two of the reasons that is not correct is your jewels and your life.
You have only 3.5k I am fairly certain you die to stuff with that amount of HP if they hit you first(especially without any LgoH) or you do not do hard content! You have 3ple attack speed on jewels with a chaos mod! Like, that's greedy even for me and your cluster decision is a little ouch!
Your helmet is clearly not minmaxed your boots also. Both me and vennto have better helmets and boots!
The build resolves around really strong defenses and neglecting them is plain wrong! I can understand your excitement to a certain extent BUT I am fairly certain we can all build a glass cannon if we wanted to!
Sorry, gotta defend myself here
First of all, I did not claim to have best gear. I claim I hold #1 dps spot on poe.ninja ladder, which I do, with fully functional build. Like Vennto already mentioned, and I agreed, 90m shaper dps is incredibly unrealistic and not achievable, for reasons stated in previous posts.
Second, I die, when I make a mistake. Not because of 3.5k hp, but because of not buffing or flasking, or not dodging stuff. Remove 2 extra frenzy charges, add them to 4 life nodes on tree and I'm back to comfortable ~4.2k hp where even if i make a mistake, it has to be a chain of mistakes in order for something to kill me. If I weren't doing highest content possible, there would be no way of farming enough currency for all the upgrades, as I am not a fan of flipping, crafting for profit, or doing white canyons over and over again.
Third, looking at your build sir, you might be 100% right on having better gear, as you have some sweet implicits on your synth rings, I am jealous abit.
Fourth, I tend to avoid maps where I can't leech life or mana. That is the only mod that's causing me trouble.
Fifth, what is more greedy is not having insta life flask my man. But I guess with your LgoH it is not needed. I will sacrifice my 5th flask (you got quicksilver, cmon) for the life flask.
And finally, sure. You got better helmets, props to you. that fortify effect boost and more %phys reduction while focused sure does sound sweet.
I don't think that's the case with the boots though.
Again, and I can't stress this enough, I don't claim I have the best gear. I claim I hold the #1 spot on dps ladder on poe.ninja, while still having overall very good and functional defence that CAN do all content. Now that I think about it, actually not sure if I could deep delve to 1.5k with that raw hp, o well.
I know people worked hard to make their gear, and to make this build as best as it can possibly be, and not to take away from them, I did too on my own.
After seeing the spot on a ladder, wanted to brag a little and show off my work. If that is cringy to you, well, sorry that you feel that way.
Just tested on my setup. If I change to your cluster I lose 7.5% dps but I gain 2 skill points. If you put in 4% increased damage instead of life you get 11.6% more.
Hey, thanks for stopping by. For sure I will test with your clusters later :)
Duely noted, you´re right about that. Oversaw that it´s chaos and additional poison mods. Then again, just as a tip: With the 40% inc mod you´re coming pretty close and you can open another slot for it, AND you don´t need the hunter-mod anymore which basically opens implicits. That´s my ring, thats why I am counting that option in general as the better approach:
Oh, I have to agree with you on that one then. That ring of yours does look spicy, will test it later also. But it will be hard to say goodbye to my ring :(
I have better gear than you. I have your dps without 2 void fangs or even more. Don't get us wrong but that self entintlement is a little cringy cause everyone here worked their asses for their build and claiming that is plain wrong. Two of the reasons that is not correct is your jewels and your life.
You have only 3.5k I am fairly certain you die to stuff with that amount of HP if they hit you first(especially without any LgoH) or you do not do hard content! You have 3ple attack speed on jewels with a chaos mod! Like, that's greedy even for me and your cluster decision is a little ouch!
Your helmet is clearly not minmaxed your boots also. Both me and vennto have better helmets and boots!
The build resolves around really strong defenses and neglecting them is plain wrong! I can understand your excitement to a certain extent BUT I am fairly certain we can all build a glass cannon if we wanted to!
Sorry, gotta defend myself here
First of all, I did not claim to have best gear. I claim I hold #1 dps spot on poe.ninja ladder, which I do, with fully functional build. Like Vennto already mentioned, and I agreed, 90m shaper dps is incredibly unrealistic and not achievable, for reasons stated in previous posts.
Second, I die, when I make a mistake. Not because of 3.5k hp, but because of not buffing or flasking, or not dodging stuff. Remove 2 extra frenzy charges, add them to 4 life nodes on tree and I'm back to comfortable ~4.2k hp where even if i make a mistake, it has to be a chain of mistakes in order for something to kill me. If I weren't doing highest content possible, there would be no way of farming enough currency for all the upgrades, as I am not a fan of flipping, crafting for profit, or doing white canyons over and over again.
Third, looking at your build sir, you might be 100% right on having better gear, as you have some sweet implicits on your synth rings, I am jealous abit.
Fourth, I tend to avoid maps where I can't leech life or mana. That is the only mod that's causing me trouble.
Fifth, what is more greedy is not having insta life flask my man. But I guess with your LgoH it is not needed. I will sacrifice my 5th flask (you got quicksilver, cmon) for the life flask.
And finally, sure. You got better helmets, props to you. that fortify effect boost and more %phys reduction while focused sure does sound sweet.
I don't think that's the case with the boots though.
Again, and I can't stress this enough, I don't claim I have the best gear. I claim I hold the #1 spot on dps ladder on poe.ninja, while still having overall very good and functional defence that CAN do all content. Now that I think about it, actually not sure if I could deep delve to 1.5k with that raw hp, o well.
I know people worked hard to make their gear, and to make this build as best as it can possibly be, and not to take away from them, I did too on my own.
After seeing the spot on a ladder, wanted to brag a little and show off my work. If that is cringy to you, well, sorry that you feel that way.
As far as boots go you need the +2 to chaos gems for to link your withering step setup there and get all 15 stacks in one tap.
As for my movement flask I use it to quickly clear maps I only use life flask on sirus/ uelder/ the feared. I literally do everything else deathless without it! It's a personal preference for consistency while farming nothing more! I would never say you dont need a life flask!
Última edição por Orestiada#7832 em 15 de mar de 2021 10:39:32
Just tested on my setup. If I change to your cluster I lose 7.5% dps but I gain 2 skill points. If you put in 4% increased damage instead of life you get 11.6% more.
Hey, thanks for stopping by. For sure I will test with your clusters later :)
Duely noted, you´re right about that. Oversaw that it´s chaos and additional poison mods. Then again, just as a tip: With the 40% inc mod you´re coming pretty close and you can open another slot for it, AND you don´t need the hunter-mod anymore which basically opens implicits. That´s my ring, thats why I am counting that option in general as the better approach:
Oh, I have to agree with you on that one then. That ring of yours does look spicy, will test it later also. But it will be hard to say goodbye to my ring :(
If you do try it, make sure you use at least 10 skill points. I think I removed Heart of Oak to afford it. But that might throw off your stats. That's why I have T2+attribs on my ammy.
As far as boots go you need the +2 to chaos gems for to link your withering step setup there and get all 15 stacks in one tap.
While that might be true, having 12 on a tap and other 3 inflicted by the 3 protectors is good enough for me. So no, not needed for build to have 15 wither stacks. Also my herald has a chance to inflict wither on hit, but that is really not necessary, but it proves my point even more.
As for my movement flask I use it to quickly clear maps I only use life flask on sirus/ uelder/ the feared. I literally do everything else deathless without it! It's a personal preference for consistency while farming nothing more! I would never say you dont need a life flask!
So now we got to a point where you mention personal preference, funny.
Btw, I would argue that even with t1 movespeed on boots, 10% enchant on them, and elusive buff with quicksilver on top, I am still faster moving across the map with whirling blades with the amount of attack speed I have. Not 100% sure, but I would argue about it.
I am close to not answering your posts anymore, as you don't provide any helpful critique, looks like you are just comparing stuff without thinking.
Última edição por indigoBot#3734 em 15 de mar de 2021 11:03:23
So now we got to a point where you mention personal preference, funny.
Btw, I would argue that even with t1 movespeed on boots, 10% enchant on them, and elusive buff with quicksilver on top, I am still faster moving across the map with whirling blades with the amount of attack speed I have. Not 100% sure, but I would argue about it.
I also agree on T1 speed not being required. Can I ask you something? Did you get that weird interaction where Whirling Blades triggers twice? I've had that happen quite a lot past 10 attacks per second and its soooooooooo annoying. Just wondering if I'm alone.
So now we got to a point where you mention personal preference, funny.
Btw, I would argue that even with t1 movespeed on boots, 10% enchant on them, and elusive buff with quicksilver on top, I am still faster moving across the map with whirling blades with the amount of attack speed I have. Not 100% sure, but I would argue about it.
You said that I am using ms flask to point something about my gear, and I give a VERY obvious reasoning why that is! Are you going to ask me why I have a portal gem also? XD