[3.14] Spark. Tanky, great clear speed, super fun to play.
For any questions regarding this build, please use this thread. If you see any mistake in the guide, please notify me about it. Also if you have any suggestions for improvement, feel free to post them here. Do not PM me, others may have same question. Read FAQ! If you diverge from the guide (which i absolutely encourage), do not blame it, if you fail. Come here and we can fix it together. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Played a version of the build in 3.14. Old builds are still as viable as before. Everything in all the build variants can be mixed up to personal likings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Intro 2. Pros/Cons 3. Videos 4. Mechanics 5. Gear + Gems 6. Passives 7. FAQ 8. Levelling 9. Old Build Variants 1. Intro I wanted to make a build, which could do Blight encounters and maps with ease. But also not be lacking in other aspects of the game and also not be a meta one, so it will be cheaper to do. The only piece of content, i haven't mastered with this build, is HoGM. 2. Pros/Cons Pros: - tanky - good clear speed - ez blight - no need to aim Cons: - minimum budged to feel good(tankieness and dps wise) is 5ex (as of 23.09.2019). This includes a cheap 6L body armor, 5L staff and Devouring Diadem. 3. Videos
PoB of Character at the time of the video in video description. - Shaper and Maven - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tyn0cYP0c2k - Sirus AL8 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1VRT-sLfyQ - Uber Elder - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1QltQemZrE - Blighted T15 Map - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4nxh4_xk2E - Sirus AL5 in 3.10 Delirium - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15NLjuAXrt0 - Minotaur run - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g62MYeFUyXo 4. Mechanics
The tankieness of the build mainly comes form good regen, leech, block and good HP pool(7-8k).
- leech comes form Vitality Watcher's Eye jewel and Energy Leech Support. - regen comes mostly from Inquisitor ascendancy. - block is acquired through 2 items, Duskdawn and Stone of Lazhwar and tree. Other contributing factors to good defense are Fortify, Aspect of the Spider and Steelskin/Chill[/b]. In Uber Elder kill video i made quite a few mistakes and was forgiven. In blighted map there is a moment of me eating a lot of damage and surviving.
Main skill in this build is Spark. I felt, that Spark dps wasn't good enough for high HP bosses, so I decided to upgrade my Storm Brand from Power Charge generator to a boss dps helper. Due to crit nature of the tree, this build can be played with any spell, that can crit, by adjusting the tree slightly. 5. Gear + Gems Gear:
Current Gear
Getting life leech
At start it is expensive to get the jewel with vitality leech, which is the best option. So here are some alternative sources. Doryani's Invitation lightning version - cheap, even at league start. Has everything except life. This is my personal 1st choice. Valako's Sign/Berek's Grip - 1st need to shock the enemy to leech, so it will come delayed. The Highwayman - needs to keep up charges of at least 2 kinds. Cluster Jewel with Doryani's Lesson notable. Good one will be expensive. Corruption on the amulet. Delve Mod on a ring.
Gear Alternatives
This is not a complete list. Weapon: - Cane of Kulemak. Best version is 1 prefix 2 suffix. For prefix spell damage + non-chaos as extra chaos. For suffixes, chance to deal double damage and crit multi near rare/boss. A good rolled staff like that will be about 10% more DPS compared to good rolled Duskdawn. Cast speed as one of the suffixes will make the staff as good, as Duskdawn DPS wise. Not worth using it then, since Duskdawn gives 15% extra block. - amazing rare staff, needs to be mirror tier to beat Duskdawn. - 1H + Shield - needs an adjusted passive tree. Body armour: - Hunter Vaal Regalia with spell crit and +1 curse. - Inpulsa's Broken Heart - very good starter item. Also can be used in endgame. - Kaoum's Heart - good rare armour - anything you like Gloves: - Winds of Change - best starter gloves. Great in endgame as well. - Fenumus' Weave - best DPS option, if Aspect of the Spider is used. - Mercenary's Lot - great budget option for DPS. I would prefer Winds of Change over this. - good rare gloves. Can enable more damage mods on other gear parts. Boots: - Doryani's Delusion Sorcerer Boots - Brinerot Whalers - Mutewind Whispersteps Ring: - Valako's Sign - great DPS and leech - Berek's Grip - good all-round starter ring. - Gifts from Above - best DPS ring with extra block. Belt: - Doryani's Invitation - leech, overall good belt.
Crafting Gear
A lot of rare gear parts i buy for relatively cheap and further craft them myself. Or i craft the from scratch. Here i explain, how i crafted my gear. This is not the only way to get it.
Body Armour
1. Buy a shaper or hunter Vaal Regalia ilvl 84+ (ilvl 86 is best but much more expensive, especially at start of the league). 2. Use all the alch/chaos harvest crafts with caster/crit modifiers until something useful. Very easy to get a decent one. 3. (Optional) Use Orb of Annulment to remove bad mods. 4. Bench craft. Examples:
1. Bought base with prefixes, 2 bad suffixes and open suffix. 2. Bench crafted prefixes cannot be changed and scoured. 3. Beast crafted aspect. 4. t4 Asling crafted veiled mod, got hybrid resist. 5. bench craft. 1. Alt + Aug + Regal ilvl 80+ base (81 here). 2. t4 Asling craft veiled prefix. Got flat fire and lightning damage. 3. bench craft. Alternatively use reroll caster harvest on shaper ring. This has good chance of giving a mark or a good dps ring. Gems (links in order of importance):
In 3.13 the Righteous Providence was changed. It allows to stack crit chance with strength/intelligence. Because of it there is no universal best setup for Spark/Storm Brand anymore. It must be adjusted while gearing up.
Spark + Storm Brand
Starter setup: Spark - Pierce - Crit Chance - Spell Echo - Energy Leech - Controlled Destruction Storm Brand - Power Charge On Critical - Concentrated Effect - Elemental Focus - Energy Leech - Increased Critical Strikes If Watcher's Eye with Arcane Surge is acquired: Replace Controlled Destruction with Arcane Surge in starter setup for Spark. Storm Brand stays the same. If Body Armor with spell crit is acquired: Replace Crit Chance with Added Lightning in starter setup for Spark and with Controlled Destruction for Storm Brand. Endgame setup with Arcane Surge Watcher's Eye, CC Body Armor and Assassins Mark Ring: Spark - Pierce - Spell Echo - Energy Leech - Arcane Surge - Controlled Destruction Storm Brand - Power Charge On Critical - Concentrated Effect - Elemental Focus - Energy Leech - Arcane Surge Absolute endgame setup with awakened gems: Anomalous Spark - Arcane Surge - Awakened Spell Echo - Energy Leech - Awakened Controlled Destruction - Awakened Added Lightning Storm Brand - Power Charge On Critical - Concentrated Effect - Awakened Elemental Focus - Awakened Controlled Destruction - Awakened Added Lightning For Bosses, where it is hard to stand and cast (Sirus for example), Storm Brand can be used as main DPS skill. For this Power Charge On Critical should be swapped with Swiftbrand. Leap Slam - Faster Attack - Fortify (- Endurance Charge on Melee Stun) Assassin's Mark - Shaper Ring. Auras/Reservation Skills: Not all can be used together. Adjust to personal preference. Zealotry - must have. Herald of Ice - optional, primarily for corpse clearing. Vitality - optional, primarily to be able to use Watcher's Eye with leech. Aspect of the Spider - optional, amazing all-round skill (defensive and offensive). Discipline - optional, extra ~400 HP. Anomalous Blood and Sand + lvl 4 Enhance - optional, very nice projectile speed boost. Other useful gems: Steelskin - on LMB or in CwDT setup. Frost Shield - great, when it's possible to stand still and cast. Blade Blast in CwDT setup - Source of Unnerve. Cold Snap in CwDT setup - Chill Divergent/Phantasmal Purifying Flame in CwDT setup - extra DPS. 6. Passives
Passives: PoB Community Fork is recommended for the links. PoB (3.14) - https://pastebin.com/A96pNG3f Power Charge node is only allocated because of Lethal Pride (see below).
If Anomalous Spark is used, to drop Pierce at least one medium jewel with Aerodynamics is recommended. 2nd Notable can be either Repeater or Streamlined. As a 2nd medium jewel a curse jewel can be used instead. A combination with Master of Fear and either Evil Eye or Wish for Death is good. 1 of these is must have. very easy to get good corruption. Gives block for Templar and Duration for Witch. Keystone is irrelevant. This jewels is used in the Witch jewel socket. Gives about 50 strength and can add very good extra stats. Needs to have at least 4 chance to deal double damage/increased life to be better,t hen a good rare jewel. In my case i have 4x chance to deal double damage. One is on power charge node, that's why it is allocated. Leech is most important. After that Arcane Surge. Ascendancy: If defense is priority, then: Sanctuary -> Pious Path -> Righteous Providence -> Inevitable Judgment If dps, then: Righteous Providence -> Inevitable Judgment -> Sanctuary -> Pious Path Pious Path is very important for defense. It's night and day difference in terms of tankiness, if Pious Path, MoM and EB are used. It's like going from "i die all the time" to "i don't give a fuck" when getting those Key Stones. My recommendation is to go the defensive route. Bandits: Help Alira Pantheon: Brine King Ryslatha, can be swapped to anything else 7. FAQ
1. Why is there a jewel missing in PoB? PoB does not show Timeless Jewel. Yet? I have Lethal Pride in that socket. 2. Why Elemental Equilibrium(EE)? EE is transformed to Glancing Blows by Lethal Pride. It is either EE or PA for Lethal Pride. 3. Why Pain Attunement(PA)? Same as EE, just got better stats from Lethal Pride in that spot. It is either EE or PA for Lethal Pride. 4. Can this build be done with other classes? Yes. Witch, Shadow, and Scion. But how good it will be, i can not tell. 5. What is that timer in the middle of the screen? And is it legal? Part of mercurytrade, timer for my flask. Yes, it is legal. 6. What priority do different stats for damage have? Exact priority depends on the current gear. General priority is: %of damage as extra > crit multi > cast speed > skill effect duration > increased spell/projectile/general damage > flat lightning > flat cold > flat fire > increased lighting damage/projectile speed > crit chance > flat phys/chaos This list is not claiming to be complete or correct. Compiled it form my experience without concrete math behind it. 8. Levelling
When i played this build, it way always my league starter and always as non cluster variant. lvl 0 to 50-60 Until 2nd ascension there is nothing specific. Leveling as non crit with EO. moving to Shadow area piking up useful nodes on the way. 4L Spark and 4L Storm Brand. about lvl 55 2nd ascension. Base tree should look like this at this point - https://pastebin.com/uXX5g6WX Take MoM and EB AFTER 2nd ascension. At this point Petrified Blood can be used. It is great up to red maps. The damage boost from PA is very welcome and the negative is neglectable. In red maps i started getting more and more oneshots from mobs with chaos damage and ultimatums, so i stopped using it. Non cluster build with great gear may still be able to use it in endgame. HoI maybe reserved onto life while using Petrified Blood. Can switch to crit after a 5L is acquired (for increased critical strikes gem) and Shadow crit nodes allocated. Here are few snapshots on my character in early maps. lvl 83 - https://pastebin.com/dD693vhW lvl 86 - https://pastebin.com/YQtJbLhB lvl 86 (Duskdawn and Devouring Diadem acquired) - https://pastebin.com/Gk4Bb7e5 9. Old Build Variants
Old Gear
Old Passives
(3.13) PoB - https://pastebin.com/ErQswwD4 PoB comunity fork!Thread of Hope + Intuitive Leap (3.11) - https://pastebin.com/JrCjSvH6 Thread of Hope or Intuitive Leap can be used as separate entities. Both are great endgame upgrades. Thread of Hope - Pros: 2 brands for significantly more boss DPS, some extra life. Cons: harder to cap resits, slightly less Spark DPS, good roll can be pricey. Intuitive Leap - Pros: about 10% more DPS with DPS anoint, way cheaper (02.07.2020), then a good rare jewel, flexible anoint Cons: no life and resists for a rare jewel. Old (3.11) PoB - https://pastebin.com/grDYs3iw Old (3.8) PoB - https://pastebin.com/p5a4zwL1 Uber Elder/Blighted Map (3.8) PoB - https://pastebin.com/L2gFqBsq --------------------------------------------------------------- For non duration based skills i would suggest following tree. Significantly more dps(about 25%), a bit less life(about 370). Use Lethal Pride to transform Pain Attunement. For AoE skills get Enigmatic Reach, may also want to reallocate some points for Amplify and/or Blast Radius. PoB - https://pastebin.com/BDXx7zny Tree --------------------------------------------------------------- Cluster Jewels
This section is not complete. There are so many possible variations and interactions, that i couldn't cover them all. I will update this part of the guide, if some new useful information will be available to me. Base build - https://pastebin.com/XkPPyqd8 Comparison with normal build: Pros: - significantly higher DPS potential, especially against bosses. - highly customizable and flexible. Cons: - less total HP pool - some cluster jewels can be very expensive, adding to build cost. - needs more dex on gear.
Large Cluster Jewels
Any none unique jewel is best with 8 passives and 2 jewel sockets. More passives will increase point requirement to acquire all the notables and sockets. There are 3 viable bases for rare jewels: 1. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 12% increased Lightning Damage (enchant) This has the best DPS potential. Recommended Notables: - Doryani's Lesson - Removes the need of Vitality Watcher's Eye. Vitality can be replaced with Discipline. Is a must have imo. - Thunderstruck - Very good extra defensive layer with knock back and some damage. - Snowstorm - Best DPS node. - Prismatic Heart - Sadist - Stormrider 2. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 10% increased Elemental Damage (enchant) This one has only one good combination: Doryani's Lesson + Prismatic Heart + Sadist Is a somewhat budget version of the 1st jewel. 3. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 10% increased Spell Damage (enchant) This base is good for getting spell block. Conjured Wall + Mage Hunter give 10% spell block. One of the following can be added to it: - Thaumophage - Sap Psyche - Essence Rush As a 4th option Voices unique jewel can be used to get more of medium/small ones.
Medium Cluster Jewels
These rare jewels can be with 4 or 5 passives, in both cases both notables and the jewels socket can be taken with 4 points. They need to have 1 jewel socket and 2 notables. Here i find also only 3 bases viable. 1. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 5% increased Effect of your Curses (enchant) I recommend to get 1 of those, best DPS increase. Master of Fear, must have. Combine with Evil Eye or Wish for Death. 2. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 15% increased Critical Strike Chance (enchant) Here 3 notables are worth taking: Precise Retaliation, Precise Commander and Pressure Points, all are about the same in DPS power. 3. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 15% increased Warcry Buff Effect (enchant) Curse jewel can be replaced with this one. Just need to have a warcry and use it all the time, while the other one is passive. Haunting Shout is a must. Can be combined with Cry Wolf, Lead by Example, Provocateur or Rattling Bellow. Megalomaniac can be used as well. This unique jewel can have any 3 different notables, which can roll on any cluster jewel, doesn't matter the size. The the Possibilities are almost endless. Here is example of one, i chose to use:
Small Cluster Jewels
For the socket in medium cluster jewel there are 3 possibilities: 1. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 4% increased maximum Life (enchant) This small jewel to get as much life as possible, many Notables are viable there. 2. Normal jewel with a life roll for balanced option. 3. Natural Affinity. The buff from this jewel is amassing for fights with a lot of standing. Pretty much useless on clearing and fights with a lot of movement.
My gear in Delirium
PoB - https://pastebin.com/57gm2sft SSF Endless Delve adventure.
Here is a version of a build i used to level to 90 in Endless Delve event at the end of the Heist league (3.12). That was a perfect opportunity for me to see, how good the build is in SSF environment. Few remarks: 1. From depth 171, where mobs lvl 83 start, i felt the need for a 6L. Lvl 80 mobs were easy cruse mode. 2. This exact version is possible without the unique shield. A combination of spell block mod on shield, stone of lazhwar, arcane guarding and tempest shield will easily cap block with glancing blows. I tried to chance stone of lazhwar with no luck. 3. Bossing is bad with my current gear. 4. I died a total of 17 times on the way to lvl 90. 13 times before lvl 55, most of it before lvl 10 (here i could use vitality). At lvl 55 i could allocate pious path EB and MoM. 1 time to Kurgal, forgot about his beam. The rest on nodes with rogue exiles and some nasty mods at lvl 80+, until i got anti curse flask. Tips for SSF: 1. start leveling as many sparks in 2nd weapon set, as possible. Use all vaals on the to get vaal spark asap. 2. chance stone of lazhwar. Remember to keep few chance orbs for buying gems. Community fork PoB: lvl 78 - https://pastebin.com/pBaPwNCq lvl 90 - https://pastebin.com/A3dFVFG7
Última edição por 1337fun#2733 em 30 de jun de 2021 12:10:37 Último bump em 22 de out de 2021 13:27:35
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Any tips for leveling?
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" I was using spark from the start. Frost bomb as help till 12 and replaced it with storm brand after and continued with regular setup. Dual wielding axiom perpetuum till i could use the staff. 1 praxis ring is very nice, if u r using tabula. Karui ward is awesome. Otherwise standard lvling stuff. |
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" Oh thx, and about the tree, Any tips on which way to go first? |
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" All the templar nodes besides staff, witch, scion life wheel and duration nodes, shadow. Staff nodes as soon as u start using it. |
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" Thx, i go leveling this \o/ |
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I started to play with this build and its really really fun to play.But i have a few question about this build;
1. How can you trigger EE with this build? 2.im a big fan of arc skill, can i play with arc and how can i setup my gems(and wich glove should i pick)
sorry for my bad englando :)
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" 1. FAQ 2. replace pierce with controlled destruction. Shadows and Dust is a good choice or some rare ones. I personally would go for rare with good life and cast speed and then craft some dmg mod on top. |
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" oh i see , thank you for feedback |
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