[Archived] Moosseolini's Holy Relics Guardian

This build guide is no longer being maintained.

Hello everyone! I wanted to share with you an interesting build which revolves around scaling Summon Holy Relic for our main damage source, and triggering the relic nova spell using either Static Strike or Cyclone. Let's quickly run over the main selling points of this build.

Some of the main reasons to play this build include:
- Huge life pool of 8,000+.
- Over 3M DPS without flasks.
- Many defensive layers.
- The ability to move freely while dealing damage.

The build features many defence layers, alongside great utility, and high and consistent damage. We do not require flasks or combat buffs to deal our damage, making everything that much more predictable.

Bossing is made simple as we can just keep moving and dodging while our relics do the heavy lifting. If we do get hit, all of our defensive layers will mitigate the damage for us and also replenish our health.

Mapping feels very smooth as we always keep moving, killing each pack with one large nova blast. Since our flask options are very flexible, we can run whatever immunities we want on them.

The build is optimised to tackle all content, and therefore is invested in both bossing and mapping capabilities.

Gameplay footage can be found at the bottom of the Gameplay section.

Pros and Cons
+ Wrist friendly playstyle
+ Cheap league starter (get to red maps using <1ex)
+ All content viable
+ Very tanky (8K+ life pool with many defence layers)
+ Good damage (3M+ DPS without flasks)
+ Useful in party play

- Does not sprint around or off-screen enemies.
- Relics occasionally die by standing in AoE and need resummoning.
- Can only get life back through flasks or regen.
- Vulnerable to Phys Reflect/No Regen

Beginner Resources
Path of Building
Path of Building (PoB) is an offline build planner for PoE. Many builds are created and shared using this tool, which you can get here. Be aware that some players may ask you to open their builds in a different fork of PoB. The link provided will lead you to LocalIdentity's implementation.

Loot Filter
A loot filter is going to make your Path of Exile experience much smoother, as it will help you understand what items are valuable and which are not so valuable. There are many loot filters available. I will be providing you with NeverSink's loot filter, which can be found here.

Path of Exile Trade
If you are not playing solo self found, it can be greatly beneficial to trade with other players. The official trade site can be found here.

Using this trade site (or any other third party trade sites available), you will be able to search for items which players have put into their public stash tabs. Most items will have been assigned a price. You can filter your results by many different filters, including filters for stats, type, sockets, requirements, and others. Remember to set the league in which you want to trade first!

When trading, it is common etiquette to whisper a player for the item you want to purchase. Copy the whisper message by clicking the 'Whisper' button, then paste it into chat with CTRL + V. The player will invite you to their party if they want to trade with you. Once you are in their party, join their hideout, and wait for them to trade you. Once you perform the trade, thank each other before proceeding on your merry ways.

Here is the link for one of the mandatory unique items for this build, Geofri's Crest.

Path of Exile Wiki
Path of Exile is a complicated game with many variables. To make it more approachable and easier to grasp, I recommend using the PoE Wiki, which can be found here.

A quick search on the wiki is likely going to help clear up any confusion you may have about various topics. If you are still confused, you can ask questions either here on the forums, or on the Path of Exile Subreddit.

Skill Gems
Levelling Gems
Below are the recommended skill gems for levelling. Active skill gems are marked with '#' while Support skill gems are marked with '+'.

Pick one of the activation setups to use. If you're unsure which to pick, go with Activation Setup 1.

It is recommended that you obtain all the Active skill gems, place them into the suggested gear slot, then support them with as many Support skill gems as possible.

Main Setup (Body Armour)
# Summon Holy Relic (quest reward from Breaking Some Eggs [Act 1])
+ Minion Damage (bought from Nessa after The Caged Brute [Act 1])
+ Predator (bought from Yeena after Sharp and Cruel [Act 2])
+ Controlled Destruction (quest reward from Sharp and Cruel [Act 2])
+ Meat Shield (bought from Clarissa after A Fixture of Fate [Act 3])
+ Brutality (bought from Lilly Roth after Fallen From Grace [Act 6])

Activation Setup 1 (Helmet/Gloves/Boots)
# Static Strike (quest reward from The Siren's Cadence [Act 1]) Note: Use Smite until you get this (quest reward from Enemy at the Gate [Act 1]).
+ Ancestral Call (quest reward from Mercy Mission [Act 1])
+ Increased Duration (bought from Clarissa after A Fixture of Fate [Act 3])
+ Maim (bought from Siosa after A Fixture of Fate [Act 3])

Activation Setup 2 (Helmet/Gloves/Boots)
# Cyclone (Lvl 1) (bought from Clarissa after Sever the Right Hand [Act 3])
+ Life gain on hit (bought from Siosa after A Fixture of Fate [Act 3])
+ Maim (bought from Siosa after A Fixture of Fate [Act 3])
+ Infused Channelling (bought from Nessa after Mercy Mission [Act 1])

Herald of Purity (Helmet/Gloves/Boots)
# Herald of Purity (quest reward from Intruders in Black [Act 2])
+ Predator (bought from Yeena after Sharp and Cruel [Act 2])
+ Melee Physical Damage (bought from Yeena after Sharp and Cruel [Act 2])
+ Meat Shield (bought from Clarissa after A Fixture of Fate [Act 3])
Note: You will only be able to apply support gems to Herald of Purity after you have acquired Sovereignty and the reservation mastery on the tree.

Other Minions (Helmet/Gloves/Boots)
# Raise Zombie (bought from Nessa after Enemy At The Gate [Act 1])
# Summon Skeletons (bought from Nessa after The Caged Brute [Act 1])
+ Minion Speed (bought from Yeena after Sharp and Cruel [Act 2])
+ Meat Shield (bought from Clarissa after A Fixture of Fate [Act 3])

Aura Setup (Weapon/Shield)
# War Banner (bought from Nessa after Breaking Some Eggs [Act 1])
# Pride (bought from Clarissa after Lost in Love [Act 3])
+ Generosity (bought from Clarissa after A Fixture of Fate [Act 3])

Utility Setup (Weapon/Shield)
# Steelskin (bought from Nessa after Breaking Some Eggs [Act 1])
# Flame Dash (quest reward from The Caged Brute [Act 1])
# Summon Carrion Golem (quest reward from Breaking the Seal [Act 4])

Endgame Gems
Below are the recommended skill gems for endgame content. Active skill gems are marked with '#' while Support skill gems are marked with '+'.

Pick one of the activation setups to use. Cyclone is better for bosses, while Static Strike is better for mapping. If you're unsure which to pick, go with Activation Setup 1.

Main Setup (Staff/Chest)
# Summon Holy Relic (lvl 21)
+ Minion Damage
+ Predator
+ Controlled Destruction
+ Empower (lvl 4)
+ Brutality

Note: Getting lvl 21 on Summon Holy Relic and lvl 4 on Empower are going to boost your damage by a lot. For big DPS, use a Divergent Summon Holy Relic quality. For tanky relics, Anomalous. For good clear, default quality.

Activation Setup 1 (Gloves)
# Static Strike (Lvl 18)
+ Ancestral Call
+ Increased Duration
+ Maim

Activation Setup 2 (Gloves)
# Cyclone (Lvl 1)
+ Life gain on hit
+ Maim
+ Infused Channelling

Note: Make sure the attack speed of activation skills is optimal. Check the FAQ for more details. You can use Phantasmal Static Strike if it hits too slow for you.

Utility Setup (Boots/Helmet)
# Flame Dash
+ Faster Casting

# Vaal Molten Shell
+ Cast when Damage Taken

Note: Make sure you do not accidentally support Flame Dash with Cast When Damage Taken.

Aura Setup (Boots/Helmet)
# War Banner
# Pride
# Zealotry
+ Determination

Note: This setup requires over 100% mana reservation to run, we overcome this by picking up '% reduced mana reserved' on the passive tree with the Sovereignty wheel.

Other Options
1) You can replace Faster Casting with Enduring Cry. You will need to allocate Call to Arms on the passive tree. This will make you tankier and heal you when used.
2) There is space to run another 6-link in this build if you wish. Interesting choices could involve Raise Spectre, Raise Zombie, Animate Guardian, Herald of Purity, Dominating Blow, or Summon Skeletons.
3) Determination can be replaced for Vitality for better life recovery. Alternatively, you can use 'Flesh and Stone' and 'Aspect of the Spider' for better damage. This will require more reservation efficiency investment.

The gear section is split by item type. Within each subsection, you will be able to find information about the progression for that gear slot.

Progression is split into three main sections: Levelling, Mapping, and Endgame.

1) Levelling - describes the recommended gear while progressing through the main story.
2) Mapping - describes the item progression going into the Atlas of Worlds.
3) Endgame - describes the best-in-slot gear for this build.

If gear does not have these sections, it is assumed to be endgame. If gear is missing one of these sections, try to progress directly to the next section.

Endgame gear priority:
1) Get Geofri's Crest first, as this item gives so much damage for its price. You should be able to fight Shaper/Elder and their guardians once you get this.
2) Get one of the staves from the Weapons>Mapping section. This will allow us to upgrade our chest next while ensuring we don't lose out on damage.
3) Get Kaom's Heart for insane life. If you need the sockets, instead craft a 6-link body armour with the essence of Greed.
4) Get lvl 21 Summon Holy Relic and a lvl 3 or 4 Empower gem. This will not only make the relics deal more damage, but it will also make them tankier.
5) From this point onwards, prioritise the most cost-effective upgrades. Endgame content like A8 Sirus and Uber Elder is now potentially doable.


While levelling, we can use any melee weapon. Look for melee weapons with the highest attack speed. Personally, I prefer dual wielding sceptres or daggers to make Static Strike attack as fast as possible. You can also use a weapon and a shield if you prefer.


From level 55 onwards, we will want to dual-wield sceptres with '+1 to Level of All Spell Skill Gems' and the 'Minions deal % increased damage' bench craft. The level mod is very rare so I recommend buying a sceptre with it rather than rolling for the mod yourself.

The next options are more expensive, but are a good intermediate upgrade before transitioning to Endgame.

The first of these options is a 6-link warstaff like the one from Crafting Guide, except it will only have the '+1 to Level of Socketed Gems' mod and the 'Minions deal % increased damage' bench craft to keep costs low. This will have less damage than the sceptres, unless you swap from Meat Shield to lvl 3 Empower, in which case the damage will be roughly the same.

The second option is a 6-linked Femurs of the Saints, as it gives +2 to Socketed minion gems, effectively accomplishing the same task as the sceptres.

The third option is a 6-linked Cane of Kulemak with '+# to level of socketed support gems' and 'minions deal % increased damage'. This staff is better than Femur of the Saints, but usually more expensive and gives less gem levels than a crafted rare staff.


Our endgame weapon will be a Warstaff. We will be running our Holy Relic setup here.

A 6-linked Warstaff with +1 to Level of Socketed Gems and +2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems will increase the level of our Holy Relics by a lot (by scaling both the Relics gem and the Empower gem), scaling our damage tremendously. If you have the currency spare, you can craft on Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers suffix as well as Minions deal % increased damage prefix on top of the two prefixes already on the staff.

Check the crafting section for a tutorial on crafting this staff.


Goldrim can be equipped as soon as you enter Lioneye's Watch and provides a huge amount of resists. This will be the best helm we can wear for a very long time.

If you don't have this unique, pick up a helmet with life/resists.


You should continue using Goldrim throughout the mapping stage. If you happen to find a rare helmet with life on it and enough resistances to keep you capped, you can swap over to that rare helmet.


Geofri's Crest almost doubles our damage by allowing us to have two Holy Relics instead of one, it is a mandatory unique for high tier maps and difficult bosses.

For helm enchants, get 'Summoned Holy Relics deal 40% increased Damage' if you want to improve your bossing. You can alternatively get 'Summoned Holy Relics have 24% increased Area of Effect' to improve your mapping.

Body Armour

Tabula Rasa can be equipped as soon as you enter Lioneye's Watch and allows us to socket our entire Holy Relic setup with 5 support gems inside it for huge damage.

Until you get your Tabula, you should use the body armour with the highest amount of sockets you've found thus far.


Continue using Tabula Rasa.

If you have found/bought a 6-linked body armour, you can use a Deafening Essence of Greed on it and finish it off with a bench crafted resistance to give you a very nice chest to use while you farm up the currency to get your endgame chest.

Another option is Rotting Legion. It works to give us a pseudo 7-link when socketing our main setup here and provides us with a bit of life.


Kaom's Heart provides us with an incredible amount of life, but with the drawback of not having any sockets. Fortunately for us, we did not need those sockets anyway. The huge increase in life is going to make us die less. Good corruption implicits are '4-6% increased maximum life', '+1% to all maximum resistances', and 'you take 50% reduced extra damage from critical strikes'.

There are a couple of alternatives to Kaom's Heart if you really want the sockets:
- Rotting Legion - There's a bit of life on this item, and gives us a potential 7-link on anything we socket into here. This item can also potentially double-corrupted with '+1 to Level of Socketed Gems' and '+2 to level of Socketed Minion Gems'.
- Rare Astral Plate (Elder or Hunter) - We can roll for huge life on this item.

Belly of the Beast can get us huge life, so it's worth mentioning, but getting the right socket colours for our main setup is extremely unlikely.


Lochtonial Caress can be equipped as soon as you enter Lioneye's Watch. They provide a little bit of life and attack speed; that's it. You should look for a pair of gloves with better life/resists to replace these ones as soon as possible.

If you don't have this unique, pick up a pair of gloves with life/resists.


Rare gloves with life/resists are good for mapping. When trading, try to buy a pair of gloves with an empty prefix so that you can craft 'Minions deal % increased damage' onto the gloves.

As a unique option, Southbound are cheap and offer the right stats.


Enchant: Commandment of the Grave
Mods: # to Maximum Life, % to Elemental Resistances, % to Chaos Resistance, increased Armour, Minions deal % increased damage (Crafting Bench / Redeemer), Socketed Gems are supported by Level 20 Faster Attacks (Elder), % Chance to Block Attack Damage (Elder), % additional physical damage reduction while Focussed (Veiled).
Base: Titan Gauntlets

Getting as much life and resists while having an open prefix to craft 'Minions deal % increased damage' is usually the best course of action. The enchantment will allow us to conditionally trigger the onslaught from Radiant Crusade without having to permanently summon more minions, and is therefore not to be overlooked. If you are having trouble with attack speed on your activation setup, this is another place where you can look for some. Socketing your activation setup in gloves with the elder mod should feel very smooth for Static Strike.


Wanderlust can be equipped as soon as you enter Lioneye's Watch and offer a lot of movement speed as well as freeze immunity. Keep using these until you find a pair of boots with more movement speed, or a pair with a lot of life and resists.

If you don't have this unique, pick up a pair of boots with movespeed or life/resists.


A pair of rare boots with life, resists, and movement speed will serve you well while mapping. I'd recommend going with this option as these will often be good enough for endgame anyway.

As a unique option, Redblade Tramplers provide good stats for a cheap price.


Enchant: Regenerate 2% of life per second if you were hit recently.
Mods: # to Maximum Life, % to Elemental Resistances, % to Chaos Resistance, Movement Speed, increased Armour, % additional Physical Damage Reduction (Warlord), Regenerate % of Life per second (Warlord)
Base: Titan Greaves, Two-Toned Boots

Life, resists, and movement speed are the key stats for this item. Getting life regen on the boots will feel nice. The enchantment is nice to have, but can be overlooked.

If you're using Cyclone to trigger the relic nova, then 'The Stampede' boots can also be used for the flat 50% movement speed even while channelling.


Araku Tiki can be equipped as soon as you enter Lioneye's Watch. It gives a nice chunk of life and resists. I would recommend swapping over to a rare amulet with life and resists as soon as a better one drops.

If you don't have this unique, pick up an amulet with life/resists.


Hopefully by now you have found a decent amulet with life and resists. You can also opt for less life/resists and get the '+1 to Level of all Intelligence Skill Gems' modifier.


Anoint: Enigmatic Defence (defensive), Bannerman (offensive)
Mods: # to Maximum Life, % to Elemental Resistances, % to Chaos Resistance, Regenerate % of Life per second (Elder/Hunter), +1 to Minimum Endurance Charges (veiled), +1 to Level of all Skill Gems, % Chance to Block Spell Damage (Shaper).
Base: Marble Amulet, Turquoise Amulet

The amulet is quite interesting. We can consider sacrificing some defences here in order to try and get that +1 to Level of all Skill Gems, which will noticeably increase our damage. On the other hand, both the life regeneration mod and minimum endurance charge mod provide us with a big increase in survivability. Anointing the amulet with Enigmatic Defence is going to increase our block by a decent amount.

Getting an amulet with all of these mods is going to cost a fortune, so pick the ones which are the most important to you. Personally, I think that the level increase for Holy Relics is too big to pass up.

It's also worth mentioning the 'Ashes of the Stars' amulet here. It is very good for divergent SHR in particular.


Picking up any rare ring with good life/resists on it will always be the right choice for this item slot. This would be my recommended course of action.

The unique options are Lori's Lantern or Le Heup of All for the resistances, but they're very mediocre for us so a rare ring is probably better.


I would recommend getting rare rings with life/resists on them for mapping. There aren't many other useful stats we can get on rings unless we are willing to spend a nice sum for influenced mods.


Mods: # to Maximum Life, % to Elemental Resistances, % to Chaos Resistance, +1 to Minimum Endurance Charges (veiled), Channelling skills have -# to Total Mana Cost (veiled), Curse enemies with Vulnerability on Hit (Warlord), % reduced Effect of Curses on you (Shaper/Crusader).
Base: Vermillion Ring, Two-Stone Ring, Amethyst Ring

The ring is also quite interesting. Minimum endurance charges add up to make us quite a bit more tanky. Cursing enemies with Vulnerability on hit will make our Relics deal noticeably more damage. Getting a Tier 1 '% reduced effect of curses on you' from both rings will make us unaffected by all map mod curses. Finally, getting reduced total mana cost will fix any mana problems you may have with Cyclone.


Meginord's Girdle can be equipped from level 8 onwards. This belt gives us a bit of life/resists. I would recommend looking for rare belts with better life/resists and replacing this unique as soon as possible.

If you don't have this unique, pick up any belt with life/resists.


A rare belt with life/resists is the best recommendation for mapping. There are very few other useful stat that we can get on a belt. The next big upgrades for this slot come with influenced mods.


Mods: # to Maximum Life, % to Elemental Resistances, % to Chaos Resistance, % increased Maximum Life (Elder/Hunter), % increased Life Recovery rate (Elder).
Base: Leather Belt

The belt is likely going to be the single highest source of life for you after the chest. It can not be understated how much life you get from a belt with both the regular life mod and the increased maximum life mod from Elder/Hunter. The Life Recovery mod also acts as a multiplier to our life regen.

Rare Cobalt Jewels

Mods: % increased Maximum Life, Minions deal % increased Damage.
Increased attack speed can be picked up here to help with your activation skill attack rate.

Unique Jewels
Fortress Covenant

This unique jewel gives a lot of damage to the relics, and also a bit of block. Socket it into your cluster jewel to avoid transforming your notables. Don't use this jewel in sockets where it transforms your notables.

Glorious Vanity
- In the name of Xibaqua (for Divine Flesh)

Passives to look out for:
- % increased maximum life (Ritual of Flesh)
- Aura effect (Commanding Presence)
- Minion damage (Hierarchy)
- Armour (Automaton Studies)

Watcher's Eye
Mods to look out for:
- % increased Life Recovery rate while affected by Vitality
- Consecrated Ground you create while affected by Zealotry causes enemies to take % increased damage.
- % additional Physical Damage Reduction while affected by Determination
- Other Zealotry/Determination mods with useful stats.

There are very few good options on the Watcher's Eye for this build, but the two mods listed above provide us with good stats. It is worth replacing Enduring Cry/Faster Casting with Vitality if you can get its Watcher's Eye mod.

Cluster Jewels
Large Cluster Jewel:

Mods: % increased effect, Feasting Fiends, % chaos resistance, % elemental resistances
Base: Minion damage (8 passives)

Holy relics scale almost exclusively from minion damage, so we want to pick up as much as possible. You don't need any of the mods to use this jewel effectively, and you may want more than 8 passives if it's the small nodes you're interested in. Socket regular jewels or medium cluster jewels into the large cluster jewel.

Small Cluster Jewel:

Notable: Righteous Path, Uncompromising, or Destructive Aspect
Base: Mana Reservation Efficiency (2 passives)

We need this jewel to be able to reserve enough mana and still be able to cast spells.

Scaling our aura effect is another way in which we can gain damage. Look out for ways to increase your aura effect.

If you're running Herald of Purity, you may want to look into using Medium Cluster Jewels with Minion Damage while you have a Herald. If you're lacking defensive stats, such as life or resists, then Small Cluster Jewels can be a good way of getting those.


Your life and mana flasks should change frequently as you progress through the acts, picking up better flasks as you go. I recommend having exactly one life and one mana flask.

Your utility flasks will remain mostly static throughout levelling. You should always have a Quicksilver flask, which you will first get from Nessa after Mercy Mission. I also recommend finding a Granite and a Bismuth/Quartz flask to run alongside your three other flasks.


There are a lot of options for our flasks, as we don't use any damage-boosting flasks and only focus on the utility they provide to us. An example set-up may look like this:

1) Bubbling Divine Life Flask of Staunching
2) Alchemist's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline
3) Experimenter's Quartz Flask of Warding
4) Alchemist's Granite Flask of Iron Skin
5) Chemist's Basalt Flask of Heat

The suffixes on a flask offer some very useful utility. Here are my suffix recommendations in order of priority:

1) of Staunching - This is very important, as bleeding will drain our health very quickly.
2) of Heat - This is very important, as getting frozen will likely lead to death.
3) of Iron Skin - This suffix will increase our armour by quite a bit, which makes us tankier.
4) of Adrenaline - This suffix will increase our movement speed, which is nice for mapping faster and dodging attacks better.

1) You can use Forbidden Taste to replace your Life Flask if your chaos resistance is around 50% or more. Make sure that you have a flask 'of Staunching' in your setup if you do this.
2) Replace your Granite Flask with a Rumi's Concoction once you acquire it. Less armour for more block is a very good trade-off.

Finally, feel free to experiment with flasks depending on the type of content you are doing! This is my recommended setup for early mapping.

Additional Info
No abyssal jewels are used in this build, but if you want to use one, look for life and minion modifiers.

Going for chaos resistance is completely optional. Divine Flesh is completely optional too for that reason. If you do have the budget to spare, however, I reckon that you will like the additional mitigation that Divine Flesh offers.

Passive Tree
PoB has multiple passive trees. Please select the one which is most relevant to your current stage in the game, and then fill out the tree as shown.

If you don't have PoB, use this passive tree for Levelling, this passive tree for Early Mapping, and this passive tree for Endgame.

Cluster jewels will unfortunately not show up properly in these links.

Recommended travel path:

1) Travel to 'Retribution', picking up minion damage along the way.
2) Travel to 'Gravepact', taking the life points along the way and taking the minion AoE mastery.
3) Travel to 'Resolute Technique'.
4) Travel to 'Sovereignty', pick up all mana reservation efficiency.
5) Travel to 'Tireless'. Pick up the +50 life mastery.
6) Travel to 'Devotion'. Also pick up the 10% increased maximum life mastery.
7) Travel to 'Righteous Army' and 'Redemption'. Pick up all minion damage passives.
8) Travel to 'Purity of Flesh' and fill out the entire wheel.
9) Travel to 'Sacrifice'. Also pick up the minion leech mastery.
10) Travel to 'Holy Dominion' and 'Faith and Steel' for elemental resistances if needed.
11) Travel to 'Barbarism'.
12) Travel to 'Constitution' and fill out the entire life wheel.
13) Travel to 'Juggernaut'.
14) Travel to 'Sanctum of Thought'. Pick up the reduced effect of curses mastery.

If you don't have endgame gear yet

15) Travel to 'Quick Recovery'.
16) Travel to 'Enduring Bond'.
17) Travel to 'Heart and Soul'.
18) Travel to 'Cruel Preparation' via 'Lord of the Dead'.

You can start unallocating nodes which are no longer useful to you and prepare for the transition towards the Endgame tree once you have the core Uniques and the Warstaff.
Consider changing the travel order to prioritise more life when playing in Hardcore.

We're going with Guardian for this one, as it provides us with a good mix of survivability, utility, and damage. This also allows us to play the Templar, which has objectively the best character model. :)

The alternative is Necromancer, which will offer stronger offensive options but may be lacking somewhat in survivability or utility. Since we path very close to the Witch starting area, it should be easy to modify the build for the Necromancer ascendancy.

Normal: Radiant Crusade - elemental resistances and damage make this the best point to pick up early
Cruel: Unwavering Crusade - Unnerve and area of effect allows us to deal more damage and reach more enemies
Merciless: Time of Need - if we do get hit, this will quickly recharge us up to safe levels
Eternal: Bastion of Hope - block chance with stun immunity makes us avoid damage better.

Soul of Lunaris is great for mapping as it provides us with a bunch of physical damage reduction and movement speed. Swap to Soul of Solaris when taking on bosses as Lunaris provides little to no benefit against single enemies.

Soul of Shakari or Abberath are good at mitigating pesky degens while mapping (especially upgraded Soul of Shakari). Swap to Soul of Ryslatha for bossing as the life flask charges are valuable in drawn out encounters.

I suggest that you kill all three bandits. Oak may be good in the future if his stats get a numbers boost.

Levelling Overview
This section will outline the progression of the build as you progress through the acts of the main story.

Note: The levelling described in this section is not optimized for speed; instead we are trying to reach maps as comfortably as possible while also levelling our main Holy Relic setup. If you are a more experienced player, you may prefer to level with one of the well-known levelling minion builds and swap later.

Passives: Check the 'Passives' section of this guide for assistance. In PoB, you should follow the passive trees for Levelling, then Early Mapping, and then Endgame, as you fill out your passive tree.

Skill Gems: Check the 'Skill Gems > Levelling Gems' section of this guide for assistance. In PoB, levelling gems have also been added.

Gear: Check the 'Gear' section of this guide for assistance. Each item slot has its own suggestion for Levelling. PoB also has an Early Mapping item set which you can look at to compare your items.

Check the tips below for some good advice.
Levelling Tips
1) Good use of 'Steelskin' and 'Flame Dash' will make your levelling process much safer and easier. Practice and improve with these.

2) Always keep moving! Avoid moving back to where you were standing a second ago, as this will usually result in getting hit and potentially dying.

3) It is likely that you will be starved on sockets and links, so you should try to move setups between gear pieces depending on your sockets. You can always roll for different socket numbers, links, and colours using Jeweller's Orbs, Orbs of Fusing, and Chromatic Orbs, respectively.

4) Keep looking for better Life and Mana flasks as you progress through the acts. I recommend having exactly one of each while levelling.

5) Utility flasks are very powerful, and you should use them whenever you're in combat. I recommend finding and using a Quicksilver, Granite, and Bismuth/Quartz flask.

6) After rescuing Helena in Act 2, complete her quest 'Safe and Sound'. This will unlock the hideout, but more importantly, the crafting bench. You can craft some life or resists on your gear here to help you while levelling.

7) Continuously look for better gear to wear, picking up anything that can improve your life and elemental resistances.

8) For this build in particular, gem levels can make all the difference between smooth and rough levelling. Keep your gem levels high, and consider over-levelling a bit if you feel weak.

Act 1
Gem progression:
1) Take Smite after completing Enemy at the Gate, socket it into any item.
2) Buy Raise Zombie from Nessa, socket it into any item.
3) Take Ancestral Call after completing Mercy Mission, link it to Smite
4) Take Summon Holy Relic after completing Breaking Some Eggs, socket it into any item.
5) Buy Holy Flame Totem after completing Breaking Some Eggs, socket it into any item.
6) Buy Summon Phantasm Support after completing Mercy Mission, link it to Holy Flame Totem.
7) Buy War Banner from Nessa after completing Breaking Some Eggs, socket it into any item.
8) Take Steelskin from Tarkleigh after completing Breaking Some Eggs, socket it into any item.
9) Take Flame Dash from Tarkleigh after completing The Caged Brute, socket it into any item.
10) Buy Minion Damage from Nessa after completing The Caged Brute, link it to Summon Holy Relic.
11) Buy Summon Skeletons from Nessa after completing The Caged Brute, link it to Raise Zombie.
12) [OPTIONAL] Buy Enduring Cry from Nessa after completing The Caged Brute, socket it into any item.
13) Take Static Strike after starting The Siren's Cadence, replace Smite with it.

Item progression:
- Pick up any sceptres to use Smite with.
- Take a Quicksilver flask from Nessa after Mercy Mission.

Skill point quests:
- The Marooned Mariner
- The Dweller of the Deep
- The Way Forward

Trial of Ascendancy locations:
- The Lower Prison

Act 2
Gem progression:
1) Take Herald of Purity after completing Intruders in Black, replace Holy Flame Totem with it. Discard Summon Phantasm once you run out of sockets for other gems.
2) Take Controlled Destruction after completing Sharp and Cruel, link it to Summon Holy Relic.
3) Buy 2 Predators from Yeena after completing Sharp and Cruel, link one to Summon Holy Relic. Link one to Herald of Purity later.
4) Buy Minion Speed from Yeena after completing Sharp and Cruel, link it to your Raise Zombie and Summon Skeleton.
5) Buy Melee Physical Damage from Yeena after completing Sharp and Cruel, link it to Herald of Purity later.

Item progression:
- If you are completing optional quests, replace your worst items with the rewards.

Skill point quests:
- The Way Forward
- Deal with the Bandits (kill all three)

Trial of Ascendancy locations:
- The Crypt Level 1
- The Chamber of Sins Level 2

Act 3
Gem progression:
1) Take Zealotry after completing Lost in Love, socket it into your weapon swap.
2) Buy Pride from Clarissa after Lost in Love, socket it into any item.
3) Buy Determination from Clarissa after Lost in Love, socket it into your weapon swap.
4) Take Meat Shield after completing A Fixture of Fate, link it to Summon Holy Relic.

You can swap to Cyclone after completing A Fixture of Fate, if you wish.

5) Buy the support gems for your activation skill from Siosa/Clarissa as required.
6) Buy 2 more Meat Shields from Clarissa after completing A Fixture of Fate, link one to Summon Holy Relic, one to Herald of Purity (only if you picked up reservation efficiency on the tree), and one to Raise Zombie/Summon Skeletons.
7) Buy Increased Duration from Clarissa after completing A Fixture of Fate, link it to Static Strike.
8) Buy Generosity from Clarissa after completing A Fixture of Fate, link it to War Banner.

Other progression:
- Small pieces of armour can now roll 4 sockets when dropped in this act or later. Use Jeweller orbs on items if you are starved on sockets.
- If you are completing optional quests, replace your worst items with the rewards.

Skill point quests:
- Victario's Secrets
- Piety's Pets

Trial of Ascendancy locations:
- The Crematorium
- The Catacombs
- The Imperial Garden

Act 4
Gem progression:
1) Take Summon Carrion Golem after completing Breaking the Seal, link it to Herald of Purity.
2) Buy Cast when Damage Taken from Petarus and Vanja after completing The Eternal Nightmare. Either link it to Steelskin, or socket it into your weapon swap for later.

Skill point quests:
- An Indomitable Spirit

Act 5
Item progression:
- Take a Quicksilver Flask after completing The Key to Freedom, replace/add as necessary.
- Keep upgrading your rare gear with better items.

Skill point quests:
- In Service to Science
- Kitava's Torments

Act 6
Gem progression:
1) Buy Brutality from Lilly Roth after completing Fallen from Grace, link it to Summon Holy Relic.
2) Take some time to review your gem setups, and purchase from Lilly as necessary.
3) Buy any gems which you are still missing for the Endgame setup and level them up in your weapon swap.

Skill point quests:
- The Father of War
- The Puppet Mistress
- The Cloven One

Trial of Ascendancy locations:
- The Prison

Act 7
Item progression:
- Take a Granite Flask after completing The Silver Locket.
- You can equip a Geofri's Crest at level 53.

Skill point quests:
- The Master of a Million Faces
- Queen of Despair
- Kishara's Star

Trial of Ascendancy locations:
- The Crypt
- The Chamber of Sins Level 2

Act 8
Item progression:
- You can now equip sceptres with the Magister's mod (check Gear -> Weapons)
- Take Conqueror's Efficiency after completing The Wings of Vastiri. Use a vaal orb on it and pray for 1% reduced mana reserved. Sell for large sum if successful.

Skill point quests:
- Love is Dead
- The Gemling Legion
- Reflection of Terror

Trial of Ascendancy locations:
- The Bath House

Act 9
Skill point quests:
- Queen of the Sands
- The Ruler of Highgate

Trial of Ascendancy locations:
- The Tunnel

Act 10
Item progression:
- Take a Quartz Flask after completing Safe Passage

Skill point quests:
- Vilenta's Vengeance
- An End to Hunger

Trial of Ascendancy locations:
- The Ossuary

1) You should be able to clear the main story with anything you pick up from the ground, levelling gear will only make it faster.
2) You should be able to clear to red maps with just the mapping gear. Your expected stats for mapping with this gear will be 0.5M+ DPS and 5K+ life.
3) Challenging content in high tier red maps (T14-T16) may prove difficult until end game gear is acquired. Most content should be doable.
4) Transitioning from mapping to endgame gear will take a long time and will be expensive. Have a bit of patience as you farm up the necessary currency.

Our strategy to clear maps is very simple:
1) Hit enemies with the activation setup (channel with Cyclone, or hit once with Static Strike).
2) Chug utility flasks for defences and activate your Guard/Warcry skill.
3) Move from pack to pack, and watch as the relics destroy each pack with one fell swoop.

Likewise, our strategy for bosses is also very simple:
1) Hit the boss with the activation setup (channel with Cyclone, or hit once with Static Strike).
2) Dance around the boss while the relics do the heavy lifting.
3) Occasionally drink a flask when required; for life recovery or buffs.

Here are some other tips:
- Using 'Flame Dash' to move between distant packs will help you clear faster, and it can also be used to dodge dangerous boss attacks.
- Use 'Signal Prey' from Predator on any enemies that don't immediately die to kill them faster. Re-apply every 8 seconds.
- Use 'Vaal Molten Shell' before engaging dangerous enemies to keep your life protected.
- If your relics die, simply toggle one of your auras, and then re-summon them.

Negative Map Mods
1) 'Monsters reflect % of Physical Damage' - your relics will immediately kill themselves from the reflected damage after they hit an enemy with the nova, therefore your damage and clear-speed will be very low.
2) 'Players cannot Regenerate Life, Mana, or Energy Shield' - the only other way we have to recover life and mana is through flasks, so this map mod will be especially dangerous to run.

We are still able to run all map mods, but if we can, we would really prefer to avoid those in particular.

Videos (3.9)
Awakening 8 Sirus Deathless
T16 Underground River
Awakening 8 Hunter citadel
Shaper Deathless
Elder Deathless
Uber Elder
Mastermind lvl 83
T15 Estuary (No Regen + Phys Reflect)

PoB build link
Fork: https://pastebin.com/20HW17Cn

Get the fork here.

Note: To calculate the maximum potential damage manually, take the shown Average Damage, divide by Skill Cooldown, and multiply by Active Minion Limit.
Última edição por Moosseolini#7370 em 1 de dez de 2022 05:05:35
Último bump em 9 de abr de 2024 04:46:56
Crafting Guide
1) For the base, we can use any warstaff that is at least item level 50. Ideally, we want a 6-linked Judgement Staff as the implicit grants us a large amount of block, helping us mitigate damage. A Maelstrom Staff is a good alternative if you value Attack Block over Spell Block.

2) Once we have our base, we use Alteration orbs until we hit the '+1 to Level of Socketed Gems' prefix. If you wish, you can look for a suffix too. Both 'attack speed' and 'block chance' from Elder are good suffixes to roll during this step, but bear in mind that this will cost you many more alterations to get.

For reference, getting just the prefix will cost up to 200 alterations. Getting the prefix and the attack speed suffix will cost up to 2500 alteration orbs (and even more than that for higher suffix tiers). Costs provided are for a confidence value of 95%

3) I recommend creating an imprint of your staff once you roll your prefix and suffix, as the next step involves a bit of RNG. Now we use a Regal orb, and hope the staff gains a suffix. If it gains a prefix, that prevents us from having our desired 3 crafted modifiers on the staff. If we want to have 3 crafted mods, we have to try and save the staff. An Orb of Annulment has a 33% chance of saving the staff by removing the bad prefix. Using the beast craft 'Add a Suffix, remove a random Prefix' has a 50% chance of saving the staff by removing the bad prefix but adding a random suffix. If you are limited on currency I would recommend just keeping the staff if it rolls a prefix after using a Regal orb.

4) Now, if we don't have two prefixes open, we apply the '+2 to Socketed Support Gems' craft from Catarina and finish crafting. If we do have two prefixes open, we apply the 'Can have up to 3 crafted modifiers' craft, followed by '+2 to Socketed Support Gems' and 'Minions deal % increased Damage'.

1) We begin with an iLvl 84 Hunter Leather Belt. An iLvl 75 Elder Leather Belt can be used instead, depending on the mods you're looking for.
2) We simply spam one socket resonators with Pristine Fossils on the item. We can also Reforge Life harvest craft the belt, though I don't know the odds for that.
3) We have a 95% chance of hitting t1 '+# to Maximum Life' and T1 '% increased maximum life' within 160 resonator attempts. An Elder belt will need 235 attempts instead.

We can stop here as this is already the best life we can get, or we can keep going for some extra mods...

4) Depending on what suffixes the item rolls, we may be able to bench craft an extra resist on it and finish crafting.
5) If we want to multi-mod resistances onto the belt, we have get rid of all suffixes. This will can be done via a combination of Orbs of Annulment, the best craft 'Add a random prefix, remove a random suffix', and 'Prefixes cannot be changed' + Orb of Scouring. The exact crafting steps depend on the mods on the belt.
6) Finally, we can multi-mod resistances onto the belt.

In theory, we could even go for '% increased life recovery rate' here with the Elder belt in crafting step 2, but the odds of getting all of the life mods at high tier start becoming expensive.

Q1: How fast should my activation skill hit?
A1: This answer is pretty complicated.

If you use Summon Holy Relic with an attack skill in PoB, it will calculate the trigger rate of the relic nova pretty well for you. Below are the steps just in case you wanted to calculate it manually though.

First, we need to calculate the cooldown recovery for the relics. As the nova skill of the holy relics can only trigger if it is not on cooldown. PoB does this very well. It performs the calculation and then rounds it to the nearest server tick. We are therefore able to just take the number PoB gives us (Skill Cooldown for Summon Holy Relic). We will refer to this number as C.

Now that we have the skill cooldown, we need to make sure that our activation skill matches this number (or is a little bit lower than this number).
1) For static strike, this means we want the Hit Rate in PoB to be equal to 1/C or less.
2) For cyclone, this means we want the Attack Rate to be 1/C or less. This can be hard to achieve, so we can also aim for the Attack Rate of cyclone to be a multiple: i.e. 2/C, or 3/C, or 4/C, and so on.

All that remains is to figure out how we can tweak the attack rate/hit rate.
1) For Static Strike, this can be changed by gem level (or quality if Phantasmal).
2) For Cyclone, this can be changed by attack speed.

If you didn't understand any of the above, just play Static Strike and leave it at level 18.

Q2: Static strike feels slow and clunky. What do?
A2: Static strike on its own feels bad for multiple reasons.
1) First, we need Increased Duration to make sure it lasts long enough for us to actually be able to take advantage of it.
2) We need Ancestral Call to increase its range, so that we don't need to be inside enemies to hit them.
3) We need a bunch of attack speed to make the animation faster. The more the better. For me, I try to aim for at least 2 attacks per second while using static strike. Consider using Elder gloves with 'Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Faster Attacks' and putting static strike in the gloves.
4) If you still dislike static strike, consider using cyclone instead.

Q3: My relics are dying! Help!
A3: If you relics are dying, that means their gem level is low. First, try to increase the gem level of your relics as much as you can. If they're still dying, grab some minion life or minion leech on the tree.

A single leech point will be enough to reach the maximum leech per second cap.

Also remember that it's not the end of the world if a relic dies. Simply put down your war banner and resummon it when safe.

Q4: Which one is better, Guardian or Necromancer?
A4: They both have their upsides and downsides.

Guardian has a lot of quality of life on his ascendancy, especially for league start. All elemental resistances, onslaught while levelling, huge life regen every 4 seconds, lots of curse effect reduction, block chance, and immunity to stun. Guardian's damage is generally lower than Necromancer, but tankiness is generally higher.

Necromancer has better raw damage on her ascendancy. +2 to all minion gems is a good damage and a good life increase for Holy Relics. We often use Bone Offering to give ourselves block, but it also gives the relics a lot of block, making them tankier. We often therefore also reach higher block numbers as Necromancer in general.

Ultimately, the choice is mostly preference. Look at the upsides and downsides above and consider which ascendancy suits you better.

This section explains how to maximize the damage on Summon Holy Relic.

The below PoB highlights what was probably the top-end of holy relic damage for '3.16 - Scourge'. Check the Notes section of the PoB for things we'd like to do but don't have room for in the build.

Crit Necromancer PoB: https://pastebin.com/VSWXGAah

Ways to scale relic damage include:
- Minion damage from various sources.
- Gem level increases from various sources.
- Frenzy/Power charges and other buffs from spectres.
- Kingmaker on an Animate Guardian.
- As many damage auras as we can fit into Victario's Influence.
- Minion crit from Cluster Jewels.
- Curses on enemies (primarily Assassin's Mark, but with investment other curses could be used too, such as Vulnerability)
- Divergent Summon Holy Relic gem quality via Enhance.

Crafting steps for the min-maxed staff:
1) To start, you should get your hands on a Judgement staff with '+1 to Level of Socketed Gems' fractured on to it.
2) You can do the fracturing yourself by chaos orbing any Judgement staff for the +1 mod and then using the fracture harvest craft on it. Bear in mind the craft is pretty rare.
3) Once you have your fractured staff, use 3-socket resonators with Faceted, Corroded, and Aetheric fossils on it. Do this until you hit +1 to Dexterity Gems and +1 to Intelligence/Strength gems. The Intelligence gem mod is better but the Strength gem mod is good enough too and it will lower costs.
4) Now we need to remove all mods on the staff except the two gem level suffixes we rolled for. You'll want to annul off any additional suffix that rolled, as well as one of the two additional prefixes that rolled. You can remove a single prefix by crafting 'Suffixes cannot be changed' and then scouring.
5) Once we have just our fractured mod and the two gem level mods, we can craft 'Can have up to 3 crafted modifiers' followed by 'Minions deal % increased damage' and '+2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems'.
6) Expected costs are in the tens to hundreds of exalts, depends on how lucky you get and how cheaply you got the crafting base.
7) This is just the best method I could think of at the moment, there may be better ways of getting this staff but I'm not aware of them.

Change Log
3.9 - Metamorph
- Videos added (Sirus and T16 Underground River).

- PoB Modified with improved passive tree and additional flask options.
- Modified suggested gear, and added spoilers to reduce clutter.
- Added a crafting section, currently featuring how to craft the staff.
- Generally polished the guide a bit. (thanks to Propht and Smerte for the contributions!).

- Added more videos (Hunter citadel, Shaper, Elder, Uber Elder).
- Made the guide more approachable to new players.
- Changed to a more suitable title.
- Sneaked this easter egg into the change log.

- Added even more videos (mastermind encounter).

- Explained the gear in a little more detail.

- Added a clear video of a map with physical reflect and no regen.

3.10 - Delirium
- Added a note mentioning the holy relic nova cooldown nerf.
- Added an alternative activation setup for the holy relic nova for the late game.
- Cleaned up the change log.

- Updated PoB pastebin added (Read the Notes in the PoB please!)
- Changed the activation setup for late game relics
- Updated errors in skill gems section

- Removed Static Strike references in the guide where they were no longer suitable.

- Added a section for cluster jewels.

3.11 - Harvest
- Added a trading section to Beginner Resources.
- Added a new section discussing the current challenge league.
- Updated references to Cyclone, replacing them with references to Activation Setup instead.
- Updated the PoB build.
- Krangled the build guide.

- Updated the crafting section to reflect item base type changes.
- Added a Levelling Overview section, describing milestones.
- Further polished the guide by rewriting sections to be more clear.
- Moved cluster jewels to Gear
- Updated anoints for amulet
- Added Maim support to Cyclone, turns out we were missing out on about 10% more damage without this (Thanks to Anh13193vip). Static strike is reliant on all 3 supports to function smoothly.

- Polished the guide.
- Updated the PoB build.
- Switched recommended PoB version to LocalIdentity's.

- Changed PoB build
- Updated crafting guide to clear up some confusion

- Further polishing of the guide. Cleared up some inconsistencies.
- Items are discussed a bit better.
- Based on popularity, gems now include Enduring Cry.
- Added FAQ section

- Updated PoB to include Enduring Cry, also fixed support gems for static strike.

- Added an example cluster jewel, and discussed cluster jewels in more detail.

- Added an example jewel.

3.12 - Heist
- Updated the Notes on Heist.
- Added a few useful mods to the Gear section, mainly sources of block.
- Updated the Crafting Guide, discussing suffixes and bases for the staff.
- General cleaning up of the guide.

- Updated the PoB.
- Added discussion of alternate quality gems to Notes on Heist.

- Updated the PoB. Endgame setup is a little more expensive now (should give those who want to min-max a little more opportunity to do so)
- Updated Gear > Flasks to include Rumi's Concoction.
- Updated gear to include medium cluster jewels.
- Updated gems to include alternative qualities (at least the most important ones).
- Updated Gear > Jewels to include Glorious Vanity and relevant passives. New section added for Rare Cobalt Jewels.
- Updated the FAQ to give simpler answers.
- Updated gear to remove the notice that said Geofri's Legacy was bugged. It was never bugged, I was just stupid and didn't understand how skill cooldowns worked. For those that want an explanation, it was the tick-rate of the game servers that made it look like the item was bugged.

- Updated the PoB. Pathing is more efficient and gear requirement is lower.

3.13 - Ritual
- Updated the Notes on Ritual.
- Reformatted the changelog with spoilers to reduce clutter.
- Added Rumi's Concoction to Gear > Flasks
- Added WIP notification

- Switched over to a clearer title to avoid confusion between other guides.
- Moved the 'Notes on 3.13 - Ritual' section to the top of the guide.
- Rewritten the Gear > Flasks section.
- Updated Gear > Cluster Jewels.
- Updated Crafting Guide with estimated alteration orb costs
- Updated the Introduction to offer more details.
- Updated Pros and Cons to be more complete.
- Updated Gear > Rings to include the 'reduced effect of curses' mod
- Updated Gear > Body Armour to mention corruption implicits.
- Updated the PoB for 3.13.
- Generally polished the guide up.
- Removed WIP notification as the build guide is now mostly upgraded.

- The Gear section has been reworked for better clarity and greater detail. It now also suggests which upgrades to prioritise when transitioning into endgame.

- Final touches before league start
- Updated PoB with a few more item choices and a different mapping tree.
- Merciless Lab is now 'Time of Need' instead of 'Bastion of Hope'. If you need stun immunity, use 3 points to path to Unwavering Stance in the meantime.

- PoB update broke the passives, this is now fixed in the new pastebin

- Updated the Skill Gems section, breaking it down into Levelling Gems and Endgame Gems. Levelling Gems are now different to Endgame gems.
- Updated the Passives section, adding spoilers, and reworking the passive tree section to include a suggested path.
- Updated the Levelling Overview with new levelling information. This should make it easier for newer players to clear the acts.
- Updated the 'Gear > Flasks' section to include suggestions for flasks while levelling.

- Added Fortress Covenant to Gear > Jewels
- Minor changes; mostly clarifying things and polishing.

3.14 - Ultimatum
- Added the "Notes on 3.14 - Ultimatum"
- Added some more options to Skill Gems > Endgame Gems
- Added more rare mods to look out for on gear.
- Added a Watcher's Eye to Gear > Jewels
- Updated the PoB. The build has more regen, and no longer uses Enduring Cry in the Endgame.

- Updated the passive tree URLs for Ultimatum.
- Updated the Notes on Ultimatum with modifiers to avoid.

- Updated the FAQ.

- Updated the passives for Levelling. This should be more comfortable than the previous suggestion.
- Added Cane of Kulemak as an Early Mapping option for Weapons.
- Updated the PoB with new levelling tree.
- Minor polishing of the guide.

3.15 - Expedition
- Updated the Notes on Expedition
- Updated suggested affixes for Gloves
- Removed mentions of 'of Warding' in Flasks

- Updated outdated information in the guide
- Updated the PoB

- Various updates in Notes on Expedition based on gameplay experience.

3.16 - Scourge
- Updated the Notes on Scourge

- Updated PoB. PoB is still missing features so this is preliminary.

- Updated the Notes on Scourge with what we now know and tried to outline the outcomes of the changes to the build.
- Added a new section below the FAQ. This section will discuss ways to fully optimize summon holy relic as a skill.

- Updated the Min-Maxing section with a Necromancer PoB.
- Updated the Necromancer PoB again to fix mana cost and improve pathing.
- Updated the crafting guide for the staff with improved ways of fixing a bad Regal orb (thanks to Fenris1970)

- Recommended travel path for Passives > Passive Tree has been updated. This has not yet been updated in the PoB or passive tree links however.
- Updated the Levelling Overview section. Slightly modified our gem links while levelling which should make it smoother overall, especially early.
- Updated the Levelling Gems.
- Updated the PoB with new recommended trees for Levelling and Early Mapping. Notes have also been updated to describe the travel path.
- Updated the Min-Maxing PoB. Pushed the damage up further still. Also described things we'd like to be doing to push damage even further, but we don't currently have room for.
- Updated Notes on Scourge.
- Updated Beginner Resources to link to the new PoE wiki.
- Removed 'Work in Progress' text.
- Edited Endgame Gems to reflect PoB. Discussed alternatives.
- Added the Belt to the crafting section.

- Fortify gem has been replaced with other options as it is no longer usable.

- Updated PoB. We didn't have enough mana reservation efficiency to run our auras, so now we're using a corrupted Conqueror's Efficiency instead of a rare Cobalt Jewel.
- Updated the PoB again to use a mana reservation efficiency small cluster with Uncompromising instead of an armour one, as this gives us exactly the reservation we need. Cobalt jewel is back in instead of Conqueror's Efficiency.
- Moved the Crafting Guide down to the second post, as I'm running out of space in the first post.

3.17 - Archnemesis
- Updated Notes on Archnemesis
- References to Geofri's Legacy replaced with Geofri's Crest
- Amulet modifiers updated
- Small cosmetic changes

- Updated Min-max Necro PoB.

- Added 'The Stampede' boots to 'Gear > Boots' as a viable choice when using Cyclone.

- Updated the Amulet section with the gem level modifiers that can now roll as well as the new 'Ashes of the Stars' unique amulet.

3.18 - Sentinel
- No changes due to "consistent balance".

3.19 - Lake of Kalandra
- Initial Notes on Lake of Kalandra
- Preliminary PoB
- Passives > Passive Tree update due to changes

- Updated links to trees in Passives > Passive Tree

- Updated PoB again with updated Geofri's Crest

- Removed the WIP tag in the title.
- PoB is up-to-date. At the time of writing, the changes to the Summon Holy Relic minion and its nova spell damage effectiveness are not yet implemented in PoB.

- Updated notes on Lake of Kalandra with data from the patch
Última edição por Moosseolini#7370 em 19 de ago de 2022 20:11:20
Thanks for sharing your build, I'm going to try this for Metamorph.
good bild
Última edição por Wanainau#7979 em 1 de jan de 2020 03:39:14
If I am using a slotted chest piece, do I want to do static strike as a five or six? I could then maybe use a curse on hit OoS set up in the gloves?
Schnoodlez escreveu:
If I am using a slotted chest piece, do I want to do static strike as a five or six? I could then maybe use a curse on hit OoS set up in the gloves?

You don't even need to support Static Strike with anything if you don't want to. The supports that are currently on Static Strike are there more for convenience/utility than anything else. The skill will activate Holy Relics with 0 supports just fine, but it might feel a little annoying to maintain.

If using a slotted chest, I would just put whatever supporting setups you want in the chest (assuming you've already got Holy Relics on a 6-link on your weapon).

Hope this helps.
Carrion golem + power/frenzy spectres w/ + minion life + meat shield + blood magic + maim doesnt seem like a bad idea
Última edição por hijacker979#1995 em 2 de jan de 2020 15:23:35
thnx guys
I made some changes to my tree for a bit more tankiness (mainly for 25% spell block and also more consistent attack block)
You can check out the changes in PoB: https://pastebin.com/c9JwChtH
I suggest looking at this amulet aswell. It might not have that much hp, but it definitely is nice.

Also, I'm using Forbidden Taste for the instant max hp heal and with capped chaos res it only takes 2% of maximum hp/s which is taken care of by natural regen.
Thanks for the build, really enjoying it!
Última edição por Propht#6790 em 2 de jan de 2020 17:49:34
Propht escreveu:
I made some changes to my tree for a bit more tankiness (mainly for 25% spell block and also more consistent attack block)
You can check out the changes in PoB: https://pastebin.com/c9JwChtH
I suggest looking at this amulet aswell. It might not have that much hp, but it definitely is nice.

Also, I'm using Forbidden Taste for the instant max hp heal and with capped chaos res it only takes 2% of maximum hp/s which is taken care of by natural regen.
Thanks for the build, really enjoying it!

I do like those changes made to the passive tree, that increased spell block for barely anything lost is quite impressive. If I find that the relics are still fast enough to keep up while using this passive tree, I think this is superior to what is currently in the guide. Good find!

The amulet does seem rather incredible too. Could you verify for me whether it does in fact increase the level of Holy Relics? The +1 to Level of all Intelligence Skill Gems doesn't seem to be doing anything in PoB when I look, but I suspect it's actually providing you with a very strong benefit in-game.

Forbidden Taste is also a clever addition to the build. Especially when chaos res capped, it seems better than any life flask we could use (probably even worth running in no-regen maps).

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