[3.9] Turtroll Saviour Cyclone Double Curse 10M DPS (DPS excludes Reflection)
![]() Intro The new Saviour sword that drops from Awakener is so good, it makes all melee skills so much more fun and powerful to play. Cyclone with Saviour sword is really POG, the damage and clear is really nice. Our DPS essentially doubles because each Reflection is 50% less damage than our DPS, and we get 2 Reflection. Reflection is triggered when we do a critical strike with a melee skill, the Reflection will use the melee skill we trigger the critical strike with. If you plan to league start this build, you can follow DontheCrown 5c Cyclone Build then transition into this when you get more currency. Impale is so strong right now, it requires little investment and you will still do a lot of damage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZIdq0EQBUI&t=135s ![]() You can check me out on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/turtroll Or Youtube for gameplay footage and guides: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzp7hS9aD3Csraa8NpHeojQ?view_as=subscriber PROS: +DOUBLE CURSE, ABLE TO PLAY TWO OFFENSIVE CURSE IF YOU WANT MORE DAMAGE OR 1 OFFENSIVE + DEFENSIVE +HIGH DPS +FAST CLEAR +ABLE TO USE ABYSSUS FOR MORE DAMAGE AND MITIGATE THE DOWNSIDE BECAUSE WE ARE CHAMPION +KILLS METAMORPH/BOSSES IN 3SECONDS CONS: +EXPENSIVE TO START AND MIN-MAX +CANNOT DO NO LEECH/REFLECTION MAP +6K HP DIE TO HIGH DAMAGE ONE-SHOTTER MOVES Video Build Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yx_tzU2aXlg&t=312s ![]() BOSS FIGHTS (WILL KEEP IT UPDATED) Shaper Kill (Lvl 92 no watcher eye): https://youtu.be/MM4JnDaHWGw Awakener 8 + Drox Kill (Lvl 92 no watcher eye):https://youtu.be/T8KlZfx3iu0 Uber Elder (1 death w/ watcher eyes):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE2Ttnr-0m0 All Conquerors (with Watcher Eyes and Bottled Faith):https://youtu.be/S9VBjRSrtEs POB LINK (DPS ARE NOT PROPERLY CONFIGURED):https://pastebin.com/9WYTDwZ8 MY GEARS (will constantly update it)
Gears Explanation
Saviour sword is the spotlight of this build. We are using a Paradoxica as our second weapon, Paradoxica is really good unless you have a foil with more than 600PDPS. Generally Paradoxica, look for increased Physical Damage, Attack speed and Quality. DO NOT BUY PARADOXICA WITH TRIGGER LEVEL 1 BLOOD RAGE, IT WILL OVERRIDE YOUR LEVEL 20 BLOOD RAGE DECREASING YOUR DPS
Abyssus gives use a lot of damage with some attributes and armor which are pretty good. The downside of Abyssus is us taking more damage, however, our character has high amoumt of armor, physical damage mitigation from ascendancy and skill tree making the downside negligible
This chest allows us to run 2 curse, either for defensive or offensive purposes. Additionally, the additional attack critical strike chance allows us to have more consistent critical hits to proc Saviour sword and for damage
Steels/Diamond Rings are really good for additional damage, Vermillion rings are good if you are looking for more life. Generally, i look for additional physical damage, life, resistance and attribute on rings
Spiked gloves are good because of the implicit for more damage, look for additional physical damage, life, resistance and attack speed if possible.
I like stygian vise because i can put in abyssal jewels for more life/damage. Leather belts are fine as well because more life and some other options are Soul Tether or Ryslatha's Coil
Generally look for attributes to cover up our needs and look for life and damage.
Two-toned are great for the implicit resistances, look for movement speed so that spinning feels good and fast. Generally important stats are life, resistance.
Look for life, attack speed, critical strike multiplier and one of the jewel look for physical damage leech as mana
Additionally look for Watcher's eye "Impales you inflict last 2 additional hits while using Pride" This is a huge boost to your damage and is very good if you are looking to min-max your damage Flasks
Instant recovery flask is very good to use when need the life. Lion's roar just gives more dps. Bottled faith is insane, the DPS boost is actually crazy but if you couldn't afford it you can us Sulphur flask. Diamond flask makes our critical strike very consistent and Onslaught flask just gives a lot of attack speed. Our flasks majority are just to boost our DPS.
Skill gems link
Use awakened brutality and melee damage support if you can afford.
Level 21 Cyclone is good because you can get 7 maximum stages instead of 6. Generally the links are pretty standard, things you can change would be infused channeling to either Pulverise Support or Close Combat Support Curse
I use it with CDWT LVL 1, it will proc very often. I use enfeeble and assassin's mark, 1 defensive and 1 offensive curse. Enfeeble is good to prevent critical one shot from monsters and assassin's mark is good to generate power and frenzy charge while giving us consistent critical hits.
You can run double offensives, eg. Vulnerability with assassin's mark is a huge damage boost. The curse set-up is up to you. Guard Skill
Vaal molten shell with increased duration and CWDT. Vaal molten shell is very good because we have high armor rating so the molten shell mitigates a lot of damage and the Vaal version is very strong to use in sticky situations.
Movement Skill
Endurance charges on melee stun is good so that we can generate endurance charge for more tankiness. Blood magic and faster attack support is used for better QoL
Linking Pride and Flesh and stone to Enlighten Lvl 4 to reduce mana reservation. Maim support is linked to flesh and stone to increase the maim effect of the aura for more damage. Dread banner is good because we are playing impale. Blood and sand is just to increase our DPS.
Utility Gem for DPS Boost
Vaal Ancestral warchief very good during boss fight, placing both down gives huge damage boost. Blood rage is really good for the attack speed buff, which also boost our DPS
Crafting the Chest +1 Curse and Attack Critical Strike
Get a hunter influenced chest, alteration spam until +1 curse. Get a astral plate elder base lvl 85, spam alteration until you hit T1 Attack critical strike chance. Use an awakener's orb, first click onto the hunter chest which is going to be sacrificed, then onto the main chest which is the elder astral plate. Pray to RNGesus you can open prefix/suffix to craft mods you want.
You can check out my video on crafting such chest:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwqZOmHzCv8&t=179s Pantheons
Solaris and Shakari upgraded are amazing. Solaris gives a lot of tankiness. Shakari gives us immunity to poison damage which we are weak towards.
Conqueror->Worthy Foe->Master of Metal->First to strike, Last to Fall
Sand vs Blood Stance
Using Sand Stance is really nice because of the larger AoE and blinding of nearby enemies, better clear and survivability. I generally like to use Sand during delving/mapping. I switch to Blood Stance during bosses/metamorphs to burst it down really quickly. Generally, staying at Sand Stance is also fine if you are lazy as our damage is pretty good already
Mana Problem
I heard that there is mana issues when playing the build, i personally do not have such problems. However, i would like to present some solutions to the mana problem. Firstly, crafting -mana cost on rings/amulet is definitely helpful if you are having mana problem.
Secondly, crafting a body armour with -15 mana cost is nice as well. To get additional curse + -15 mana cost + decent life. Get a hunter influenced astral plate, use serrated + pristine fossils, -15 mana cost is guarantee + life rolls. Pray to RNG you get additional curse with decent life roll. Proccing Adrenaline for more DPS before Boss
Offhand weapon link Blood Magic to an Aura, before bosses switch to offhand and use the Aura then switch back. This will proc Adrenaline giving you a lot of DPS boost. I recommend proccing Adrenaline for bosses that can be killed without phases, such as metamorphs, elderslayers, shaper/uber elder last phase.
This is my first forum build guide post, i appreciate any feedback. Thanks and hope you enjoy this build. Will be making a video on my Youtube. Additionally, i will be making a HoWA CI jugg and HoAg Jugg forum build guide post soon. :D Última edição por Turtroll_theThird#7871 em 17 de fev de 2020 22:10:42 Último bump em 30 de mar de 2020 22:13:46
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I'm thinking of trying you build. I don't have a chest with the +1 to curses but a nice astral with killed enemies explode. Could impresence amulet with vulnerability aura be an alternative as the second curse? I would need to fit the two gems also. What could I take out? Do you think the trade off is worth it? Thanks |
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" Hi, thanks for considering to try my build. Impresence doesn't give us additional curse, you can anoint Whisper of Doom for additional curse. Otherwise, single curse is fine. You can link ancestral warchief with culling strike. For additional gems, vaal haste/ vaal grace is nice. Vaal haste is good for more DPS while vaal grace is good for more tankiness. |
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pantheon please ?
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" Hi, sorry for forgetting to include the pantheons. For pantheon i chose upgraded Solaris and Shakari |
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np, thanks
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I'm really enjoying the build.
Currently im running a slightly different version without 2 curses/bottled faith/watcher's eye and with precision (im not sure if I need it because of the champion ascendency passive) |
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" Your set up is decent, definitely there are upgrades available. Once you get the watcher eye and bottled faith the DPS increase is huge! |
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Hi, thanks for the guide... I've been following it and it's pretty good. Clear speed is decent and the damage is pretty crazy even without Bottled Faith and Watcher's Eye.
I just have a couple questions about the build. I feel like I take a lot of damage and I'm always running out of mana even with Enlighten level 4 and mana leech on my gloves. Is this just how the build works? Large packs feel fine but smaller packs I tend to run out of mana. I guess this build can't just hold down Cyclone forever? I tried swapping the First Strike, Last to Fall ascendancy to Unstoppable Hero but it feels about the same. |
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" Hi there thanks for trying the build~! When playing this build you will take more damage than usual because of Abyssus, but i rarely die. If you find yourself taking a lot of damage and dying frequently to pack of mobs, you can use Eye jewel with "Gain phasing on kill". I use this jewel for levelling until 90+, where i have high enough HP to not die. Another way is to not use Abyssus, although the damage is nice a rare helmet can provide HP and resistance, making this build super tanky and deal pretty nice damage. As for the mana issue you are facing, i never had that problem when using this build. I am always able to hold down my cyclone on single targets/ small pack of mobs. If you are still facing mana issues, some ways are to craft -mana cost for channeling skill onto your amulet/rings. Última edição por Turtroll_theThird#7871 em 4 de fev de 2020 00:18:30
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