[3.25]The BLOCKMAN

Hi everyone!

I'm making this build and it's great (never finish endgame but this one might be!) but feeling a bit weak in survivability in red map, some boss OS me and i don't know what i can do for upgrading this aspect.
I'm wondering also about my accuracy because sometimes it drops from 100% to 99%.

If anyone got any advice it would be great!


POB : https://pastebin.com/pvWBFQvB
Última edição por MaltaTek#5442 em 28 de mai de 2021 08:33:32
YungSlickSloth escreveu:
Alakarde escreveu:
can someone check if my itens to see if they are ok or if i need to change something, i fell fine doing all kinds of maps right now, did not get to the end game bosses yet and having trouble getting the last lab to show up, but im feeling fine with what i have but i want to know if there's something that could be better on the build.

Your Character tab is private

Fixed, i think i got it fixed.
Última edição por Alakarde#2621 em 28 de mai de 2021 10:39:20
YungSlickSloth escreveu:
DFA1 escreveu:
I'm at level 84 and I feel like my damage is pretty lacking for end game. Can someone check out my build and let me know if there's something I'm doing wrong?

Currently trying to roll -15 mana on my chest, it's taking a ton of fossils so far only got it once.

Try testing endgame on lvl 95, you need those skill point to maximize your build. Get Watcher eyes with impales, it will boost your dps significantly. Get Accuracy on your jewel instead from skill tree and put the rest on dismember and life node (with 4,2k you will get 1 shot a lot, trust me). You got no Onslaught source, try crafting it on your boots if you can afford the ring. Quality your gem and corrupt it or use the awakened version instead. Get Cyclone attack speed enchantment. Get remove curse on your sulphur flask and craft Increased critical strike chance on your diamond flask with crafting bench. You can switch your glove crafting into +1 melee range

Thanks for the tips! I'll work on all that. Question, how much dps boost will I get from the Impale Watchers Eye? It's non existent on Xbox yesterday when I looked.

Regarding life, I have life on all my gear I can get. I don't see how I could get more than 5k life unless I just need to gain a few more levels and grab 2 more life nodes.
piszczel escreveu:
joencaniza escreveu:

You're right. In my previous skill gem setup, I was attacking faster but the delay between the hit and the aftershock was abysmal. That and fist of war having a CD of 2.5 seconds makes it so there are times I use earthquake but fist of war isn't available yet.

Lastly, I saw you aren't using Measured Fury. Would that be an option in the future?

Here's my current POB that's using the template of your build if you wanna take a look: https://pastebin.com/7pxybEU9

That looks really good - your damage is better than mine. I think one more way to min max the build would be to get a chest with +1 curse and slot in a poacher's mark somewhere, and hunter gloves with some damage multi but that would only be a minor buff against bosses and probably quite costly.

Yes Measured Fury is definitely an option for the future, I basically ran out of points to allocate. I opted for more life instead of the 3 points leading to that node. If I dropped the small jewel with fettle and a life point or two, I could allocate it but I wanted to stay above 5k life. If I had 3 extra levels I would allocate that. Though the build is so tanky I imagine it's fine to be sub 5k life.

Hello, could you please tell me what are the differences between cyclone and eq?
Great build! No problem until at the very end against super-bosses or tier 5 Maven maps, which is a bit to hard for me right now (suggestions?). Kinda stuck at 94 because I keep pushing and always ends up dying about as much as I gain experience :-)

I made some changes though:

1. I use "Glorious Vanity" on the jewel slot to the left of the start point, to get "Immortal Ambition" and leech at full life. I also got some good other passives, but lose out on the cluster of 3 impale nodes. According to POB this ended in a 15% DPS loss.

2. Combined with 1 I use "Atziris Acuity" to get "Vaal pact" more or less permanently.

1 and 2 definitely increased the tankiness, at the cost of some DSP.

I also use an amulet with 25% reduced Pride cost, enlighten level 3 and a "Circle of Guilt" with 20% reduced Pride mana, which makes it possible to use all the following: Pride, Herald of Purity, Flesh and Stone, Dread Banner.

Finally I choose to use Starkonja as head, because Abyssal just means I die to much. I also have enchantment +100% Dash distance, which linked to second wind and lifetap makes for really fast travelling (I also have phase run in that 4-link which is set to left mouse button).

Pastebin is here, please have a look and give some kick-ass suggestions :-)
DFA1 escreveu:
YungSlickSloth escreveu:
DFA1 escreveu:
I'm at level 84 and I feel like my damage is pretty lacking for end game. Can someone check out my build and let me know if there's something I'm doing wrong?

Currently trying to roll -15 mana on my chest, it's taking a ton of fossils so far only got it once.

Try testing endgame on lvl 95, you need those skill point to maximize your build. Get Watcher eyes with impales, it will boost your dps significantly. Get Accuracy on your jewel instead from skill tree and put the rest on dismember and life node (with 4,2k you will get 1 shot a lot, trust me). You got no Onslaught source, try crafting it on your boots if you can afford the ring. Quality your gem and corrupt it or use the awakened version instead. Get Cyclone attack speed enchantment. Get remove curse on your sulphur flask and craft Increased critical strike chance on your diamond flask with crafting bench. You can switch your glove crafting into +1 melee range

Thanks for the tips! I'll work on all that. Question, how much dps boost will I get from the Impale Watchers Eye? It's non existent on Xbox yesterday when I looked.

Regarding life, I have life on all my gear I can get. I don't see how I could get more than 5k life unless I just need to gain a few more levels and grab 2 more life nodes.

Greetings there! I hope some of my inputs could prove to be useful for your consideration. Ultimately, you are the pilot and should determine the best course of action. :-)

(Quick disclaimer, I am not familiar with the economy / market on XBox Live. Some of my suggestions may not be feasible but still, do your best! ^_^ )

1) Your chest piece is decent but could be improved on the damage-front by (attempting to) search for attacks have #% crit chance on top of the stats you already possess. This is not a real survivability upgrade but a DPS upgrade. I will put this as low priority for now.

2) Your gloves currently have 60 life total on them. I would aim for 80-90+ (I went with 100+ personally) life for the gloves slot (along with other desired stats). I will put this as medium priority.

3) I noted that your passive skill tree has deviated a reasonable bit (12 passive skill points I counted). I would pin this as the biggest reason why your health pool is being pinched hard (these points could have been reallocated into health nodes). My speculation here (I could be wrong, feel free to correct me) is that you ventured for damage, resists (through the Unnatural Instinct jewel) and accuracy (just one node via the Intuitive Leap). Maybe stats too by taking two extra points into Aspect of the Lynx (ranger side of the tree). I am a firm believer that resists, accuracy and stats could be eventually fixed through gear and in my opinion, the pathing for these nodes and slotting in these jewels is both cost and resource ineffective.

This is probably the toughest headache but also the highest priority for you to work on. This could be tough as it could possibly mean revamping your gear to cover some of the stats, accuracy, etc. However, I felt these 12 skill tree points that was deviated could have been placed into health nodes or maybe picking up an extra jewel slot on the tree (or both). As it stands, I find it hard to recommend that you stay your current course.

4) On your "Beast Nail" ring, assuming you keep it, I would either bench-craft physical damage to attacks or accuracy (whichever you need more). Drop the leech craft. Medium priority here.

5) Gems do not have 20% quality. If you want to be luxurious and go for awakened gems or 21/20 gems, save that for later. But getting quality on your gems now is a high priority.

6) Flasks should be re-rolled as a high priority. The diamond flask merely has immunity to curses, no increased recovery rate or anything else. Replace your Sulphur Flask with a Silver Flask (reduced charges and something else). Get a better roll on your Quicksilver Flask (you can take reference from my character). You might cite that you have an onslaught on kill jewel on your tree which brings me to... the next point.

7) Morbid Reach abyss jewel on your skill tree needs to go. It is lackluster and not really adding much. If you are on a budget, get a jewel with life / %life and some simple melee dps stats. This is a high priority as it could potentially boost both your HP and damage.

8) Replace the Circle of Guilt, it is corrupted and has no quality. It is also poorly rolled on the physical damage stat. Medium priority here.

9) Lion's Roar flask has the lowest melee damage roll. Get it to 25% for easy 5% more damage. Medium priority here.

10) Get a proper cyclone enchant on your Abyssus but I will put this as a low priority.

11) You got the Surrender shield which is an important part of the set-up but it is sadly not quality-ed up to at least 20%. Please do this easy fix. Also just bless orb spam the implicit to 40 life. :-) High priority.

12) The character is now level 89 (as I am typing out this post). A few more levels (maybe about 2-3 more?) would be nice for more passive skill points. Medium priority.

13) As for the Watcher's Eye, my estimate is at about ~20-25% dps upgrade (maybe more?) which obviously is significant. However, I would put this as a low priority as I would classify it as a luxury upgrade.


Sorry for the long post but I just felt that the character could be better fine-tuned. As mentioned, I am not too familiar with the Xbox live's market / economy or availability of gear but I hope at least some of these pointers could help steer your character into a better killing machine. :-)

Overall, I would put your mind to focus on (3) to start with the toughest and most problematic one to tackle. I truly feel that the inefficiency of those 12 points deviated from the originally-proposed skill tree (by the build author) is holding you back.

My character is a higher level as of this post (level 99) but the higher levels just brought me slightly more HP (maybe 400 more?) and extra jewel slots. I am now sitting at 6.3K HP and even taking away about 400+ hp and some dps from the extra jewels...I have crushed the end-game before I hit even level 92 (I just felt bored working from home and leveled to 99 gradually and slowly).


I am no master of the build, first-timer here but am confident that some changes (at least) could do you some good if you wish to take the build further. :-)

I hope the above helps! :-)
This game is an illusion, exile.
Última edição por SADleem#0331 em 28 de mai de 2021 20:25:48
in your 3.14 "changes and thoughts" PoB how are you regenerating mana?
Been following budget, medium, tanky POB's to get a feel for progression once i get better gear. With that in mind, I need to know priority of auras as mana is limited as well gear base to run them all.

I see the following Aura's:

Herald of Purity
Blood and Sand
Dread Banner
Vulnerability way of Blasphemy

Think those are it. Which ones are priority? Would think Herald of Purity and Vulnerability as I do not yet have a steel ring to have vulnerability on.

Appreciate any help here
Melee build without stun immunity lol
I was wondering if someone could help me with my build. I'm fine with up to T14 maps, but T15 and T16 I can die in a little easier than I prefer. I'm basically stuck at 92 because of it. I think I have the dps for higher level, but something is off for keeping myself alive. Can someone help me and give me recommendations? I have 6-7 ex to spend, but I don't know what is higher priority from his endgame build.

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