If you use something not strength, you lose ~30% of damage due to strength melee dmg bonus. Dex and life is more life of course.
Dex+random would lose a good chunk of dmg and life.
Yeah like i thought so :(.
I'm actually low on currency, so i got some motivation to farm more to buy these jewels and test it out :D.
That 13.5m dps and 6k hp looks delicious.
Those aditional impales from cluster jwls really stack ?
Anyone updated PoB?
It supports hollow palm now - I just lost 2mil dps from our manual calcs before.
Do you think the current one works or?
This is my PoB, any recommendations would be appreciated:
I've been messing with too many PoB's to remember my exact numbers pre-update, but I'm pretty sure my crit build damage went up.
However, if I get rid of the new correct One with Nothing and replace it with the weapon I was using for the fix + the jewel, I'm only seeing a difference of about 200k-250k (3.38m to 3.11m) in yours and mine (9.25m to 9.04m). One thing was that the attack speed on the weapon wasn't exactly perfect, but this is pretty close for patchwork calculations.
Also, keep in mind that if you are non-crit the weapon that I was using for the fix has the rigwald's base crit (7%) for the crit calculations. So with that setup you have some crit base as where you obviously wouldn't with no Rigwald's.
Alright man - This is my current PoB:
Got a ton of area from the right cluster jewel and more HP.
Have a bit more hp to pick up and will land at around 5.5k i think.
Do you have any suggestions? I feel my items are all impossible to swap due to resistance, Stats and -mana cost.
Love the guide, heavily inspired, here's what i'm running atm ! (Loreweave was from starter, probably my next replacement, so I can change up resistance gear for more dex!)
Let me know if you see a big flaw in there!
Also I'm using a large cluster jewel with deep cuts, fuel the fight and smite the weak, to a jewel socket for hollow palm.
Glad to hear people are enjoying it :D and there isn't anything that poops out to me there :)
Pandabankie escreveu:
Highly recommend you look into using split personality along with a snake tree and large jewels. Currently getting 600 flat dex/str.
Edit: PoB (13.5M shaper, 6600 life) - https://pastebin.com/3evqvPTe
PoB doesn't do split personality so I put it all on hollow palm jewel.
This! This is exactly the kind of feedback I love. This is another item I didn't know about and will be researching more. If you drop frenzy this build comes out to ~23% more damage than my current crit build with over 1k more health. That is great, but with a lot of investment into specific rolls on unique jewels. I'll have to play with some of those though and look at maybe incorporating into the build. That + the new clusters is offering for a lot of possibilities.
Thanks to everyone who has linked PoB's. I swear it gives me more to think about every time. I'll hopefully land on the best min/max soon.