[3.15]Archmage Ball Lightning Hierophant, will it work in Expedition?
Thank's SkylerOG for keeping the thread alive. I'm currently following your newest pob since I rerolled yesterday. Working out great thus far, just reached lvl 80.
One question poppep up. How do you manage with the 3 curses in Assassins Mark, Enfeeble and Conductivity while only been able to have 2 curses? Did I miss something or am I just being stupid? :D |
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"I have a level 5 hextouch and I use windshreik boots. Sure they are sorta sub-tier, but until I have the 3 more points to get Whispers of Doom (which means lvl 97 for me) they do the job. The extra curse is more benefit than 100 life and 5 or 10 more movement speed, which I already supplement with enduring of adrenaline mana flask. And the 80% to avoid stun enchant that’s on these particular pair is really nice, too. Also, I didn't have Righteous Fire clicked on the previous PoB, so here it is with that on. https://pastebin.com/ZreeewjC Última edição por SkylerOG#3817 em 27 de set de 2020 02:44:04
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" Your current POB proposes a ~4m dps drop from OP's for roughly a 6k EHP increase and some QOL improvements? Could you elaborate on that a bit, I feel like I'm missing something... Also, why use crown of the inward eye as opposed to indigon when you already get transfiguration of mind from Divine guidance? |
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"That "Total DPS" line isn't even how Ball Lightning DPS is calculated. You can't take the Average Hit number and multiply it by your cast rate to get BL DPS. That's not how BL works. Each BL has multiple lightning strikes that can "hit" every 0.15 seconds (hard-coded game limit). And 1s / 0.15 = 6.67. HOWEVER, for each BL to actually hit 6.67x in 1 seconds, it needs to have slower projectile support and 31.6 minimum AoE radius (assuming the target has a hit-box of 2 units, which is the standard), otherwise it will travel too fast and get out of range before all it's lightning strikes can hit. Typical BL without slower proj travels 48 units/s. With slower proj it'll travel 33.6 units/s. If the mob has a hitbox of 2, then BL needs 31.6 units to have a full second of possible strikes reaching the mob. So at 31.6 radius and slower projectiles, a single BL has a duration of ~2 seconds, and can hit a total of 13x max per cast. Each BL. The end resulting formula is basically: DPS = PoB Average Hit * number of BL's cast in 1s (which is your cast rate) * number of possible lightning strikes per BL, as determined by your radius per BL/6.67. Now the next problem is PoB and it's errors in calculating Pledge of Hands, as well as the incorrect base radius on BL (since the 3.12 nerf took it from 22 to 18, but PoB still has it set at 22). PoB has mistakenly taken the spell echo from gem, and the 2 echo's from greater spell echo, along with the original ball, and averaged out the +150% AoE and +105% more spell damage across all 4 balls to come up with that Average Hit figure. But that's not how it works. The first BL is X damage and X AoE, the 2nd BL/1st echo is X*35% more damage & X*50% more AOE, the 3rd BL/2nd echo is X*70% more damage & X*100% more AoE, and the 4th BL/3rd echo is X*105% damage & X*150% more AoE. And you can't simply average 105%/4 and 150%/4 to get the Average Hit value of each BL hit. Because you may have 24 radius with the 1st BL, but 45 radius with the 4th BL. So the first BL is only going to hit maybe 3-4x each second for 26% less damage (105%/4) on those 3-4 hits, while the 4th BL is going to cap out at the 6.67x each second at 105% more than the 1st. And BL's #2 & #3 are also different non-linear values, too. So the way to fix the PoH error is to EDIT your Pledge of Hands and add "38% reduced Area of Effect" and "26% less Spell Damage". But we're not through. PoB hasn't updated the nerf to BL radius yet, either. It still lists it at 22 even though it was dropped to 18. So to fix this, you have to add another line to Pledge of Hands, "50% reduced Area of Effect". None of this is in Aniki's PoB (but it is in mine), so it's super inaccurate on DPS and tremendously inflated. On top of all this, Aniki for some reason has both Snipers Mark and Assassins Mark. But in 3.12, you can only have ONE mark on any given single target at a time. So one of those isn't doing a thing. He's also got shock lvl 6 turned on even though his BL is using Ele Focus, which means it can't shock. And I seriously doubt Storm Brand is shocking A8 Sirus. In fact, I'm 1000% certain it's not coming anywhere close to the damage-to-life threshold to shock anything but white trash map mobs. And he has ignite checked on too, because he's got # to # fire damage to spells on his belt jewel, but again, that ignite can't come from his BL, so I guess he's thinking Storm Brand and/or holy flame totem will crit and apply ignite, but I'm not sure how reliable that is, either. But, if he can do it, so can mine. Needless to say, his AoE radius is not 34, it's 27 (which means his 1st BL gets about 4 hits/s, then about 5.5 with the 2nd BL, and then the final 2 echo's are hitting the 6.67 cap), and his average hit is not 1.3M, it's ~830k as a result of all this. His cast rate is 6.71, so that means there's 2 "1st BL's", 2 "2nd BL's", 1.71 "3rd BL's" and 1 "4th BL" per second. So doing the math to calculate total possible hits, thats 8 + 11 + 11.4 + 6.67 = ~37 possible BL hits per second * 830k Average Hit = ~30.7M So it's actually around 30.7M sDPS and no where close to the ridiculous 130M sDPS he suggests in the OP. Which don't get me wrong, nearly 31M sDPS is still a metric F-ton of DPS for a premier boss in the game. But Aniki also had the "Always on Full Life" button checked, which made his mana regen look like it was nearly 3k. And, he still has the 30% mana rate recovery Watcher's Eye when you can't get that in league anymore. It was nerf'd to 15% max. So his MR is really about 750 while not on full life, and around 2500 when on full life. I mean I appreciate the guy's hard work, so I don't mean to sound like I'm crapping on it, but his PoB just isn't accurate in many ways, and it's misleading some folks, such as yourself. My PoB I can easily make a few adjustments and bump up the DPS as well, so here you go: https://pastebin.com/ZreeewjC PoB doesn't yet account for Sigil of Power, so I added it manually just at the bottom of the Thread of Hope jewel. Along with a couple other tweaks, and it's up to a legit 750k Average hit with 5.86 cast rate and accurate 32 AoE radius. So the first BL is getting 6.67 hits/s and 2 of them are casting in 1s. 2nd BL is 6.67 hits and 1.86 are being cast/s, so 12.4 hits/s. then 6.67/s from BL 3 and 6.67/s from BL 4. So that's 39 hits per second at around 750k Average Hit = 29.3M sDPS. And that's with about 600 more life, 800 more life leech (which hits the 927 leech cap almost instantly), about 200 more mana regen on top of 4% mana recovered on every mob death (cursed concoction small passive + mind drinker), and nearly double the EHP, except for only slightly more on chaos. As for the Inward Eye Crown while already having Transfig of Mind... it's still a great helmet for this build. It gives +11% more damage, ~350 life, ~300 mana, and ~8% phys damage reduction. If you can get a different helmet that does more than that, go for it. But that's pretty good stats for this build from a single item of equipment. And Indigon doesn't work with this build no matter what PoB you're looking at. Indigon only allows you to get one or maybe 2 BL casts in before you're permanently to a point you don't have enough mana to cast another set of BL's without a long pause. Última edição por SkylerOG#3817 em 27 de set de 2020 02:55:01
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Hello guys, i wanted to try this build for so long and i was about to finally do it, but checking poeninja i see that most of the people play the Scion version of this build. What are the pros/cons between going Templar (Hierophant) or Scion?
I´ve never played an archmage build, so i have no idea. |
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I made some edits on SkyleOG pob and made a crit version of it with changes, more mana but less HP, didn touch items but could make some changes like add mana recovery on belt which gives a lot of mana regen (Redeemer belt, POB doesnt shows it) . You can also go skyforth for stun immunity,power charges on crit while having mana regeneration if you casted recently if you want for boots.
Here it is. https://pastebin.com/u9k61bMk I also replaced threads of hope for healthy mind to get more mana in there ands bonuses, didn't think Hearth of Thunder and Utmost intellect were that worth for it. Also removed some flask nodes and mana regen seems to be low at 500 but if you add boots enchant + belt +watchers im pretty confident you can have around 3.5k mana regen with arcane cloak and surge. Im curious what do you think about this since the DPS with crits is seriously enticing. |
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Hey guys, I feel kinda lost with this build, also sorry in advance if I'm asking something dumb.
I finished the main story and in white maps atm, what I feel I'm lacking VERY VERY much is mana regen. I currently run tabula with amplification rod which makes my damage feel adequate, but once I started getting some tougher bosses it seems like my mana can't keep up... what am i missing? i have around 200 mana regen and 350~ with arcane surge, which is kinda nothing compared to the 2-4k i keep reading about here. Would apricate any help, thanks. |
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" I've Almost started with that build but the mana potion spam was the dealbreaker for me, I can't imagine spamming non stop the mana button, ever. I'm considering this build only because it does not involve mana pot spamming Second-class poe gamer
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" I made the exact same decision. Once I found out how intensive the flask is on that build I looked for alternatives. When I found this build I was sold. To be honest this build was a little challenging at league start but in a good way. Each upgrade was meaningful and very impactful. I’m now getting to the point of starting to min-max gear a little bit and it’s extremely powerful now. Game design wise it’s felt super rewarding to upgrade and struggle with at times. The biggest issue I had with the build was cast speed (after you have most of the mana sustain tools covered) I’ve opted for several QoL upgrades and passive tree choices to get lots of cast speed. It makes this build feel much smoother to me. I haven’t gone crit yet but I am considering doing so once I buy some decent crit multi jewels. |
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" I am running the crit build, I suggest you get a large cluster jewel and just socket in 2 crit multi+life or mana jewels instead of pathing to Assassination, which takes 10 points. Here is my live pob, did not do any of the fancy editing yet, and opted for a lot more life. https://pastebin.com/cPqkZ5Sj Última edição por Stealthyy#2418 em 27 de set de 2020 13:37:25
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