Arcayn13 escreveu:
You don't have enough invested in order to switch to split personality. You need to be capping your res off just your gear (rare helm and rare rings) + endurance charges (assuming you have a endurance charge generation method. I recommended that you spend 20 ex on your BASE build before even touching split personality for a reason. And your jewels need to be either Dex/life or dex/str. Any other jewels are hot garbage. You also aren't using the right cluster jewels, and you could be. I'm counting at least 10 points which are either useless or better invested elsewhere. A ton of the builds strength comes from running 2 socket large clusters and throwing a split personality in BOTH sockets. Each one of those large clusters has deep cuts as well, which helps with carrying your damage using impale.
My recommendation for now is to just bite the bullet and switch back to the normal tree. Consider switching back when you meet these criteria:
1. Have capped res with just 3 rares + endurance charges. This saves you the points needed to get large clusters going. Drop the 3 points going to ambidexterity as well. Drop revelry and vigor as well. Sell the inspired learning as well. It can help fund your build, and in Split variant, sockets are for splits. You don't have space for an inspired learning in this variant.
2. Have 2 high quality large cluster jewels.
3. Are sitting on enough money to buy at least 2 dex/str and 2 dex/life split personalities. All of your tankiness comes from having a ton of free flat life and strength from split personalities. All the free strength also scales your damage hard. Put these 4 jewels in the furthest sockets. Feel free to fill the closer sockets with cheaper Str/Life jewels, but you need at least 4 of the good ones.
Spent another ex to respec back. Take a look please. That's what I could do with what I had - two mediocre dex splits and a medium cluster with more block and improved infusion (why you think it's bad by itself?).
Taking three points away from Ambidexterity took a huge chunk of my cyclone dps. I decided to spec it back in. What do you think of that and why do you suggest to drop ambi?
Postado porAlex_Spiegel#9718em 13 de abr de 2020 10:41:44
Arcayn13 escreveu:
Tollkirsch escreveu:
Hey, i also started out with the normal version and upgradet to echo's split pers.just yesterday( 4*dex/str + 1*dex/life). I was looking to gain life and dmg like this. the more I was confused when my charscreen dps dropped from 500k to 280k. I thought i was going to have more dmg. Am i missing out on smth? Well i gained about 400 life, lost block and halfend my dmg that didnt really seem to be worth the cost -.-
Yes yes i know, generally gear is not maxed yet and gems lack a lvl and quality. But this should have buffed my dmg anyhow not make it less?
Where the catch here? Can someone tell me?
Pob: https://pastebin.com/bKxK1Xus
Don't use char screen dps it's garbage. And PoB doesn't work for splits either. If you manually update your splits in PoB and have the correct tree, your dps should be going up.
Hey, thanks for the answer so far. I was really enjoying the build and was looking forward to the split per. buff.
Ofc u r right when u say that charscreen ist mostly garbage. Though i fell like if u dont have a lot scaling of it by changing gear the base value could and should give a small hint whether you are increasing or decreasing ur dps. After all i just switched some damage nodes for more dex/strength.
But nevertheless i just did some conquerors( took about 30sec of whirling to kill one without any thicc mods) and yeah.... what shall i say dmg doesnt seem to be more, or at least not to a notable point. Defnitly does not feel like millions. And i dont think that 1 gem lvl and the quality will provide like a 300% dps increase.
Also went for the deep cuts node on the cluster, 2nd cluster will come when i grab some more lvlz.( also im aware that garuka boots and astramentis might do a little, but just very little...)
Thats my 4th and final attempt this league to get a build that can farm simalcrum 20 comfortable and right now i dont even dare to try.
So please good Sir, if u could find some time for some further advice i'd be very gratefull
new pob : https://pastebin.com/CyuRNW64
(did some adjustment, not really much im totally broke after getting the jewels)
Última edição por Tollkirsch#3847 em 13 de abr de 2020 12:18:43
Postado porTollkirsch#3847em 13 de abr de 2020 11:14:16
Tollkirsch escreveu:
Arcayn13 escreveu:
Tollkirsch escreveu:
Hey, i also started out with the normal version and upgradet to echo's split pers.just yesterday( 4*dex/str + 1*dex/life). I was looking to gain life and dmg like this. the more I was confused when my charscreen dps dropped from 500k to 280k. I thought i was going to have more dmg. Am i missing out on smth? Well i gained about 400 life, lost block and halfend my dmg that didnt really seem to be worth the cost -.-
Yes yes i know, generally gear is not maxed yet and gems lack a lvl and quality. But this should have buffed my dmg anyhow not make it less?
Where the catch here? Can someone tell me?
Pob: https://pastebin.com/bKxK1Xus
Don't use char screen dps it's garbage. And PoB doesn't work for splits either. If you manually update your splits in PoB and have the correct tree, your dps should be going up.
Hey, thanks for the answer so far. I was really enjoying the build and was looking forward to the split per. buff.
Ofc u r right when u say that charscreen ist mostly garbage. Though i fell like if u dont have a lot scaling of it by changing gear the base value could and should give a small hint whether you are increasing or decreasing ur dps. After all i just switched some damage nodes for more dex/strength.
But nevertheless i just did some conquerors( took about 30sec of whirling to kill one without any thicc mods) and yeah.... what shall i say dmg doesnt seem to be more, or at least not to a notable point. Defnitly does not feel like millions. And i dont think that 1 gem lvl and the quality will provide like a 300% dps increase.
Also went for the deep cuts node on the cluster, 2nd cluster will come when i grab some more lvlz.( also im aware that garuka boots and astramentis might do a little, but just very little...)
Thats my 4th and final attempt this league to get a build that can farm simalcrum 20 comfortable and right now i dont even dare to try.
So please good Sir, if u could find some time for some further advice i'd be very gratefull
new pob : https://pastebin.com/xetU2TK8
(did some adjustment, not really much im totally broke after getting the jewels)
I can take a look in a few hours. I wrote that while in chem class and I have another class in like 20 mins so don't have time until later.
Postado porArcayn13#2577em 13 de abr de 2020 11:39:11
Oh ur facilitys are not closed? Well thanks ill be waiting and do some further research.
Looking forward for your advice, enjoy ur classes!
Postado porTollkirsch#3847em 13 de abr de 2020 11:45:53
Got it switched over. The issue was the large cluster gems. Once I had those and the three splits dex/str the damage dialed up. Working on changing gear to get chaos resist and swap out body. Thanks.
Postado porsxsilver21#1297em 13 de abr de 2020 12:36:26
Arcayn13 escreveu:
Akuq escreveu:
How much damage are we losing by replacing wildwrap with a rare body armor with -15 mana?
I can't even cyclone right now because I don't have mana regen/-mana cost, so I'm mostly just playing with a praxis.
My solution was to get -3 mana craft on both rings then anoint Lucidity for another -3 mana, for a total of -9. However, this seems like such a roundabout way when I can just craft a -mana chest.
I could also get an Elreon ring, but those rings are unnecessarily expensive for the crappiest combination of mods ever.
I'm really conflicted because
15% increased Dexterity
1% increased Damage per 15 Dexterity
just seems too good to not have. Does anyone know what I should do?
Just keep wildwrap and do one of two things (or both):
1. Start running an Enduring Mana Flask
2. Switch flesh and stone out for Blood and Sand
I tried out the mana flask and it sucks. It feels really bad to have to rely on this flask to cyclone. The nerf to the mod really hit it hard.
I decided to just craft a -15 mana chest. I got lucky and hit it with one try. Now I have more room to craft chaos resist on my other gear.
Postado porAkuq#1826em 13 de abr de 2020 13:14:27
Looking for some advice on my current talent tree. I am wondering how I could take advantage of another cluster jewel perhaps. Basically I was looking to stack a bit more dmg and survivability. So far I have unlocked all but 2 watch stones and defeated a Sirius 6. So the tree is capable of completing content, I just feel like some small changes are possible that could have a decent impact.
Edit - passive tree link
Última edição por Berard420#5627 em 13 de abr de 2020 14:04:04
Postado porBerard420#5627em 13 de abr de 2020 13:59:53
Trying to craft a dex/life/chaos res/fire res helmet and having no luck (bought a base with cyclone enchant).
Is it best to fossil or just chaos spam and pray?
Última edição por Shinyshield#5215 em 13 de abr de 2020 17:21:07
Postado porShinyshield#5215em 13 de abr de 2020 14:54:37
Alex_Spiegel escreveu:
Arcayn13 escreveu:
You don't have enough invested in order to switch to split personality. You need to be capping your res off just your gear (rare helm and rare rings) + endurance charges (assuming you have a endurance charge generation method. I recommended that you spend 20 ex on your BASE build before even touching split personality for a reason. And your jewels need to be either Dex/life or dex/str. Any other jewels are hot garbage. You also aren't using the right cluster jewels, and you could be. I'm counting at least 10 points which are either useless or better invested elsewhere. A ton of the builds strength comes from running 2 socket large clusters and throwing a split personality in BOTH sockets. Each one of those large clusters has deep cuts as well, which helps with carrying your damage using impale.
My recommendation for now is to just bite the bullet and switch back to the normal tree. Consider switching back when you meet these criteria:
1. Have capped res with just 3 rares + endurance charges. This saves you the points needed to get large clusters going. Drop the 3 points going to ambidexterity as well. Drop revelry and vigor as well. Sell the inspired learning as well. It can help fund your build, and in Split variant, sockets are for splits. You don't have space for an inspired learning in this variant.
2. Have 2 high quality large cluster jewels.
3. Are sitting on enough money to buy at least 2 dex/str and 2 dex/life split personalities. All of your tankiness comes from having a ton of free flat life and strength from split personalities. All the free strength also scales your damage hard. Put these 4 jewels in the furthest sockets. Feel free to fill the closer sockets with cheaper Str/Life jewels, but you need at least 4 of the good ones.
Spent another ex to respec back. Take a look please. That's what I could do with what I had - two mediocre dex splits and a medium cluster with more block and improved infusion (why you think it's bad by itself?).
Taking three points away from Ambidexterity took a huge chunk of my cyclone dps. I decided to spec it back in. What do you think of that and why do you suggest to drop ambi?
Your build is looking fine now. You have around 3 mil dps. Can get more if you throw a silver flask of acceleration on. If you want any more dps, you would need to fully switch to splits, but I outlined what the prerequisites for that are already. The only other recommendation I have is that if you are willing to drop some damage, getting a chest with life would be good. Otherwise, all is good. As for why I said to drop ambi, is because it is point inefficient. If you drop those points and some of the other points in damage, and use those points to get a good large cluster with Smite the Weak, Deep cuts, and something else of your choice, you would get more damage per point.
Postado porArcayn13#2577em 13 de abr de 2020 17:41:12
Berard420 escreveu:
Looking for some advice on my current talent tree. I am wondering how I could take advantage of another cluster jewel perhaps. Basically I was looking to stack a bit more dmg and survivability. So far I have unlocked all but 2 watch stones and defeated a Sirius 6. So the tree is capable of completing content, I just feel like some small changes are possible that could have a decent impact.
Edit - passive tree link
Here's an updated tree for you: https://pastebin.com/a1NwxCLy
You need a bit more res on gear in order to make this tree work. Over all though, you need a ton more res on gear. You should be able to cap, or near cap, your res on just gear. For now, get a rare helmet with high res on it, and get a better second ring. Warlord's mark is not worth it on this build. You need way more res on your gear or your tree is gonna be kinda gimped forever. As it is right now, a bunch of points are wasted, and your jewels are sub par as they all prioritize res.
Postado porArcayn13#2577em 13 de abr de 2020 18:01:36