[3.21] Aegis Incinerate Elementalist - Tank with over 10mil Shaper DPS!


^ This guy caught my attention + I already was thinking about trying out bodyswap so figured this is the sign.

So I went and tried it, obviosly the map is nothing spectacular, just a random yellow rare map and me being still level 80:


^ Not the best map to showcase this and I was a bit lost sometimes, but you get the gist from that anyway.

The biggest negative about bodyswapping is that you dont really stay stationary during channeling Incinerate this way (well, that and you do less damage lol), though you retain all your Incinerate stages similar to when you're frostblinking. But for regular mapping this seem to fit the build pretty well. All you do is swap two blue gems in the chest link and you can somewhat zoom around the map. I like this idea to tackle faster clear more than using different 4-link alongsides Incinerate or getting Asenath gloves and losing easy exposure source.

Now I'm contemplating if I want to try pathing down to Call of Arms for instant Infernal Cry for massive QoL and kinda survivability too as 0.6 use time for IC can screw you over inside the pack. Then you might as well take Utmost Might and Iron Will (strength affects spell damage), though trying to fit in Strength stacking into the build might be too much. Juggernaut and additional jewel socket for 2 points each on the way to Call of Arms also looking good. But I might as well try that while I'm gearing up still.

EDIT1: Just got Call of Arms, but realized that Infernal Cry becoming instant means you can't use Second Wind alongsides it, hmm. EDIT2: Well, I just got Redblade Banner shield + Deep Breaths anoint for cheap to alleviate the issue and reduced Infernal Cry cd to 4.4 seconds. Once I'll get Aegis, I'd unspec from the whole Call of Arms thing probably.

EDIT2: Here's a small footage of an improved version with Redbanner/instant IC (I removed 38% fire damage and -5% Exposure nodes temporarily):


I run Rogue exile atlas nodes, so when the map spawns 20+ of them I switch from CwC+Bodyswap, but other than that didn't felt the need to do it for any other league/mechanic (yet). I'm honestly surprised that the damage is decent for clearing stuff, though ofc the real test will be in T16 maps.
Última edição por MrCinos#7558 em 22 de ago de 2022 13:02:04
great stuff MrCino's!

Note that if you find you like Call to Arms, you can also look for it n a Skin of the Lords so that you don't have to path to it. It is usually pretty inexpensive to get on Skin of the Lords compared to other keystones.
AndyLovesHisBge escreveu:
lovableteddy escreveu:
Why is this in the templar forum???

This build is very very old. When it first started, it was as an Inquisitor.

Over the years, GGG has made many changes to the game and as such we have adapted the build to different classes but keeping the core of the build the same.

For 3.19 we feel that Elementalist will be the strongest. It has been the strongest in other leagues for us and we think it will again.

Since it changes quite often, we decided to not start a new thread each league since we have a ton of knowledge stored up in this thread.

@claeysken, since this is a very common question, it might be worth adding a note to the very top of the first post stating this.

AndyLovesHisBge escreveu:
great stuff MrCino's!

Note that if you find you like Call to Arms, you can also look for it n a Skin of the Lords so that you don't have to path to it. It is usually pretty inexpensive to get on Skin of the Lords compared to other keystones.
Yeah, I've been thinking about it as well. Still need to build up the currency first and it's going pretty slow.

almost Level 82 and so far in raw drops I got: 0 exalt/divine drops, only 1 regal and around ~10 chaos orbs. For the first time ever I had to buy alch orbs even though I never used it on anything but maps. I'm doing chaos orb recipe, but it's a very slow process compared to last league too, seems like it's mostly Heist that's lucrative. Well, whenever I get 8% chance to spawn 20 rogues I am speeding up a bit with the recipe but still.

With Harvest being basically deleted I have to wonder how much more expensive large/medium clusters will be. I used to roll those all the time and get some profit here and there, but now this seems like a foolish idea considering how much worse are reforges now, not to mention you get way less attempts per 1 harvest on average.
Última edição por MrCinos#7558 em 22 de ago de 2022 14:48:30
MrCinos escreveu:

almost Level 82 and so far in raw drops I got: 0 exalt/divine drops, only 1 regal and around ~10 chaos orbs. For the first time ever I had to buy alch orbs even though I never used it on anything but maps. I'm doing chaos orb recipe, but it's a very slow process compared to last league too, seems like it's mostly Heist that's lucrative. Well, whenever I get 8% chance to spawn 20 rogues I am speeding up a bit with the recipe but still.

With Harvest being basically deleted I have to wonder how much more expensive large/medium clusters will be. I used to roll those all the time and get some profit here and there, but now this seems like a foolish idea considering how much worse are reforges now, not to mention you get way less attempts per 1 harvest on average.

you are not the only one. I am hearing every one say the same things about map drops. It sounds desolate out there and is making me stay in heist. I am making 3-4 raw chaos with every run, which on average takes about 3 minutes (plus what ever time it takes to sell the chaos recipe).

For the large cluster, my recommendation is to look for an 8 passive with 2 nodes we need, like this
. I got this for 5c today and will cover me for a long time.

This is a great starter large cluster since the 3rd node in the large cluster is one of the last ones we path to in our tree.

This video is just WOW!!!!!!!

If you want to see the real reason that mapping and drops went to hell, watch this video linked below. This guy is the brains behind Empy's powerful farming group. They have as much knowledge at making currency as any one in the history of the game and he explains why so much is screwed up really badly and why things like Heist are still working correctly.

If GGG let this slide, they are going to lose an enormous amount of the player base.

I am actually afraid to come out of heist now......

Things continue to fly along smoothly. I have already purchased some of my starter gear for Incin (see below). I am probably going to stay in here a little longer than I originally anticipated since the currency generation seems steady and things look chaotic in maps.

No need to leave heist, but I totally expect heist to get tuned as well. I saw more recommendations for endless heist before the league started, and now they know they forgot to tune chests.

They are forcing their vision down everyone's throat but even they must see that Empy's video shows it's completely broken right now, but that post showed that this is actually working as they wanted. I thought last league's "extensively tested" was just BS coverup about their incompetence, but now I'm not so sure.

Even if they made the ramp smooth, their "not changed in red maps" means everyone will have to stay in yellow maps. Good job GGG, you balanced every build to be viable, since we only need to make it viable for yellow maps now. We might as well strip half the defenses of this build and increase AOE 500% to cover the screen XD

Última edição por Chubbypuppy#3011 em 23 de ago de 2022 07:59:36
Chubbypuppy escreveu:
No need to leave heist, but I totally expect heist to get tuned as well. I saw more recommendations for endless heist before the league started, and now they know they forgot to tune chests.

Me too :(

I am running Heists at light speed before anything bad happens, saving for my last core piece in the Skin of the Loyal. As soon as I get that, I putting heist to bed and going to start leveling Incinerate.
For those that don't like the downside of Vaal Righteous Fire, you can replace it with Vaal Haste. Vaal Haste has slightly less DPS with no down side. We should still easily maintain incinerate with increased cast speed over the short duration of Vaal Haste.

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