[3.21] Aegis Incinerate Elementalist - Tank with over 10mil Shaper DPS!

@Chubbypuppy. Thank you very much for sharing your theory crafting. I am reading each post with interest.
Thank you for your comment! I'm not a pro, I don't reach the highest end game content or complete challenges, etc, but I do enjoy theorycrafting. Why I'm excited about this gem is I usually don't have the patience to grind higher end content for tons of currency, so things like coward's legacy and curse reduction rings are too expensive for me.

I also considered using Viridi's Veil helm for hexproof, but that still requires a legacy belt, and losing inward eye is a huge dps and defense loss.

This guy made 2 videos about how petrified blood works, worth taking a look:

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM03E1J3K30

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-OYy05iyu4
This might be a stupid question but do you play by just channeling Incinerate fully until the mob or boss is dead or do you build up to max stacks then release and channel it up again etc like Blade Flurry?

I'm not sure what the best way to play it is, personally I'm hoping for the lazier option and not have to worry about keeping track of my stacks :P
I thought about asking that myself. Personally I think the release is a lot of damage, so for bosses I try to channel to max then release, repeatedly. For trash you can just channel and they will die soon, doesn't matter.

Some tips:

When you are channeling, if you do anything else, the incinerate channel is interrupted and it automatically releases the wave, so you don't have to purposely stop. I weave wave of conviction and shield charge/fortify during channeling to do this release, while keeping up the exposure and fortify. (I do shield charge/fortify because a megalomanic with overlord is expensive even if the other nodes are trash. If you have overlord then of course don't bother shield charge/fortify)

The MTX for incinerate (blue flame) is extremely cheap (15 points). While normal incinerate looks cool enough, the blue MTX shows a small ring at 4 stages, then a large ring at 8 stages, so a bit easier to see when you are at max (or near max if you have the helm enchant).

So I use the blue MTX, start incinerating and look for the 8 stage large ring, (wait a bit more if I have the helm enchant), then I hit wave of conviction or shield charge to release the wave, repeat.

Edit: I sometimes still look at the counter on the incinerate icon. I also sometimes just count to myself "1... 2..." which is often "good enough" to estimate when your incinerate reaches max, depending on your cast speed of course.
Última edição por Chubbypuppy#3011 em 16 de abr de 2021 15:19:12
A thought occurred to me while doing chores tonight. If we use the new arrogance support (blood magic for aura), at max level it's mana multipler is 197% or something. That means auras reserve 2X the mana with life. We can reserve vitality with it... or even arctic armor, so you take 13% less physical and fire damage hits when you are standing still. It's too bad flesh/stone is 35% mana now, or else that'd be even better.

So with petrified blood, arrogance/arctic armor, you are at 50% life (low life) and has extra defense. I'm going with elementalist version of this so I'm even more socket starved, using them for golems, so not sure if I can fit this in. Vitality is nice though, helps keep golem alive.
How are you guys finding this build handling ultimatum challenges?

This build's defense is armor, and recovery is ES on block. A lot of the ultimatum mods ignore these, like 7 ruin marks fails the challenge, or degen cloud that follows you. I'm still leveling so I dont know, and so far I just run around and drop holy flame totem, firewall and storm brand.

Does flame dash still proc infernal cry or was this changed? I didnt see it proc while dashing when leveling so I replaced it. Not sure if I was doing something wrong..
reviolli escreveu:
Does flame dash still proc infernal cry or was this changed? I didnt see it proc while dashing when leveling so I replaced it. Not sure if I was doing something wrong..

It never did proc it.
You have to cast it manually :)
Claeysken escreveu:
reviolli escreveu:
Does flame dash still proc infernal cry or was this changed? I didnt see it proc while dashing when leveling so I replaced it. Not sure if I was doing something wrong..

It never did proc it.
You have to cast it manually :)

Ah oh ok that makes sense, I thought the dash casted it but it's only linked for the second wind. Thanks!
Chubbypuppy escreveu:
How are you guys finding this build handling ultimatum challenges?

This build's defense is armor, and recovery is ES on block. A lot of the ultimatum mods ignore these, like 7 ruin marks fails the challenge, or degen cloud that follows you. I'm still leveling so I dont know, and so far I just run around and drop holy flame totem, firewall and storm brand.

Well, once you got the shield, it's getting better ^^ I have not try all the mod yet, just taking the easiest one for me but I don't have to jump around all the time (but I'm not on yellow map so maybe it wont stay the same)

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