"No. They don't work. It's because they give "projectile attack damage" and not "projectile damage". Sad but true. |
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" Figured as much. Damn my gloves would be close to mirror tier if it worked lol. Thanks also for Mazino for the same answer. @Mazino: How the hell do you have 88% max chaos resistance??? Isn't normal chaos resistance cap 75% as other resistances? |
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" Divine Flesh keystone. That and my quiver gives +2 max chaos res. I like playing builds that can do every map mod.
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" So what would be the ideal bow crafts for this? (Because... stretch goals.) (Probably starting with a Thicket Bow for the APS, and a Synthesized 40% Chaos, though I ignored the Synthesis for purposes of numbers below.) +1 Socketed Gems +2 Socketed Bow Gem Skills +2 Socketed Support Gems (Crafted) (This is less than a 1% difference to 15% CDoTM; I suspect it may flipflop based on the rest of your setup.) +35% Damage over Time Multiplier +19% Attack Speed (Dealer's choice. I'm thinking Culling Strike, if it can still be influenced. Alternatively, Life Gained for Each Enemy Hit for survival, or Increased Crit Chance if you're using Tailwind/Onslaught boots.) The upshot to this is that it's actually really easy to craft in-league. The final suffix does have a few technically superior options, but I think everything else you might want would push this from "costly" to "downright prohibitive" due to un-harvestcraftable mods, type conflicts, or incredibly low weighting. With my setup, PoB reports a 60% DPS improvement... and even when using the +1/2 Carcass Jack posted a few posted prior, this hypothetical bow is still 12% superior. Any better ideas? Última edição por Shani#7118 em 20 de jul de 2020 23:46:51
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" This is the bow I've been looking at. Someone posted it on reddit and I've been interested to make something like this after I "finish" my build(missing a few t1 rolls and a watcher's).
![]() A friend of mine and Remi's was theory crafting with this kinda bow. The +2 arrows could be huge if you slightly change how you do your rings + quiver. Basically grab AoE on them to ensure that you can overlap. The one you posted is really good. I don't know if that beats out a corrupted quill rain with +1 arrow though(You'd have 8 overlaps with a +arrow QR and 7 with that crafted bow). Edit: I put in the bow you wanted to craft into pob and looking at the numbers, it gets beat by a corrupted quill rain with +1 arrow. But this is tested with my carcass jack. And like I mentioned in that post, that carcass is definitely not something everyone would have. So the crafted bow would in theory would do more damage for most people. The annoying part about using pob for this build is the fact that TR calcs aren't really accurate and pob just ignores mirage archer. I feel like if pob actually fixed this, we would have better info to work with. I like playing builds that can do every map mod. Última edição por Mazino_Urek#7589 em 21 de jul de 2020 00:14:35
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" With my setup, all other things equal, +arrowQR with +1/2 CJ beats out that crafted bow by 3.9%. Using a 40% incChaos Synthesis lets it pull ahead by 1.3%, and +1support increases the lead to 2.1%. I admit, I'm rather loathe to consider +2arrow because the odds of it are painful... I'm getting about .3% when blocking prefixes and harvestcrafting attacks. But, it is a non-conflicting mod so it's a trivial, if time-consuming and costly process. (And on a personal level, I use Dying Sun already, so the extras are worth less in terms of percentage. I suspect the importance of +AoE is somewhat overblown in a practical sense... as far as I can tell, all fired arrows have to land somewhere in the playing field, so to speak. That means if you're in a narrow tunnel, the potential area for them to land has shrunk considerably, making them that much more likely to hit. On the other hand, there aren't too many useful prefixes for rings... I didn't expect to have a spare slot on one of my rings, so I'm now giving some serious consideration to using a warlord-exalt and spamming blue T4s to land that 7.7%... Edit: Uhm... I also haven't slept for about 20 hours, so I apologize if this comes off a bit brusque, or if my math was botched. Última edição por Shani#7118 em 21 de jul de 2020 00:35:44
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" Checking in again, have had a few long days @ work and forgot I posted here! I try. PS4 is a different animal in that it does not have as robust of an economy PC does, so a lot of the gearing option which are stated to be optimal are not easily attainable via trade. My chars are now public, Vondeepah is the one to check up on! |
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" Yeah the more I look at the bow I want to craft the more I want to play a different class(+skill/spell) and make some comfy items for that character. You have a point when it comes to overlap. In fights like sirus/uber elder/aul etc you'll miss some overlap but in general it shouldn't matter that much. But because most of this is pushing things to the limit in a theoretical way, some of us focus on overlap. But if you're at this point of min-max, you've got damage for everything in-game. As for aoe on rings, yeah, due to there being like no prefixes, it is a "free mod" in a way. :) I like playing builds that can do every map mod. Última edição por Mazino_Urek#7589 em 21 de jul de 2020 01:23:52
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Okay, after a few hours of sleep, I realized just how stupid it was to basically say "What's the best bow?" followed by "That's too hard to make." (Though I still stand by the point that it is vastly more difficult to make.)
Using the same baseline comparisons again: QR+1/+1/2CJ puts out 12.12. Thicket/+1supportSynth puts out 12.56. Thicket/+2Arrow/+40%cDamSynth puts out 15.59. Thicket/+2Arrow/+1supportSynth puts out 15.71. (40%dam and +1support seem so close that I feel like personal build variations make it a toss-up...) However, the cost differential... (Based observed values within the last few hours of post time.) Text blob follows, with some seriously dodgy math and probably inefficient crafting route:
Starting here...
T1 DoTM is .393%weight; alts have a 50% chance of adding a suffix*, so .196%. You have a ~75% chance of getting it within 700, ~50% within 350 tries. 1ex. Multimod, 2ex. No-Attack, 2ex. +1 socketed gems, 1ex. Remove No-Attack, harvestcraft on an elemental blocker suffix. Negligible. Harvestcraft Attack, +2 Socketed Bow Gems; 1.79% chance per attempt. ~50% within 38 tries, ~75% within 75 tries. These are dirt cheap and realistically <10c, but TFT sellers are advertising 40c. 3-20ex.
Finishing with Dealer's Choice
Harvestcraft Speed, T1 IAS. 5.55%, 12 tries for 50%, 24 tries for 75%; 1.5ex-2ex per try, call it 25-50ex. Remove Multimod, add +2 Support, 2ex. Harvestcraft off the blocker and replace with whatever you want in the last suffix.
Finishing with +1/2 Arrow
Remove Multimod, add PrefixLock, 2ex. Harvestcraft Attack, +1/2 Arrows. 4.214% chance, 15 tries for 50%, 31 tries for 75%. With the same cost estimate above, 1-10ex. Harvestcraft Attack, +2 Arrows. .383% chance, 180 tries for 50%, 360 tries for 75%. With the same cost estimate above, 12-100ex. Remove PrefixLock, negligible. Harvestcraft Speed, T1 IAS. 5.55%, 12 tries for 50%, 24 tries for 75%; 1.5ex-2ex per try, call it 25-50ex. Add +2 Support, 2ex. That makes an empty suffix about 40ex with low-end prices to craft; adding +2 arrows will add to it considerably. It's probably worth aiming for +2 and settling for +1, though. Then add on the cost of your base; +40cDamSynth is 1-2ex; +1support is 20ex. I have no idea what QR+1/+1/2CJ costs, so if somebody could weigh in on that? A few divines are also needed, but I'll roll that into 'negligible' for the purposes here. ...If nothing else, this made for an interesting exercise. *Is that actually right? Última edição por Shani#7118 em 21 de jul de 2020 07:51:47
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" +1 QR is about 1ex if you self corrupt them. +1 +2 carcass is about 40-60ex. Edit: Apparently someone has the bow I wanted to make up for mirror service but it seems that they've abused the multimod thing or whatever. A mirror and 75ex seems a bit much after looking at your calcs. And looking at the difference in damage, I wish pob showed mirage archer damage in the calcs. One bow has 1.83 aps while the other has 3.05. This should have some kinda impact on it cause in reality entities in poe move around and such but the calcs are assuming there to be a target that doesn't move and something you can preload on every time. I like playing builds that can do every map mod. Última edição por Mazino_Urek#7589 em 21 de jul de 2020 08:21:40
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