Harvest Fan Art Competition
Title: Oshabi's Marionette Long story short, I was led on a wild goose chase for my ice crash axe and staff with Oshabi's crafting, because I'm a dumb dumb who doesnt know how to craft. I felt Oshabi was controlling the pace of the league for me. The galaxy behind is a mixture of the various fauna colors all swirling into a universal mixer / dispenser I enjoyed the delirium groves tho, featuring spikey boy and stomach mouth hidden in the background. |
Don't forget about the old Gods
Here is my entry :)
I am not sure if I did this right, this is my first time using imgur. https://imgur.com/a/hX1Yhg2 |
Second entry. I decided to picture Oshabi as close as I could to real person- someone who is unkept from living in an open air, in the same clothes for months, using only what she could find. I carried her 'mystic light of the eyes' to skull she is wearing, and her own eyes kept in semi-realistic way, same goes for some more things like her hair being less lush. Did nothing to lessen her natural beauty, though.
My entry: "The Heart of the Grove"
We spend so much time in there, might as well paint it. Última edição por sakrai#7542 em 27 de jul de 2020 15:20:44
Tried a different style this time - "The Color of the Grove".
Might make some changes still, will edit this post then. Good luck to the rest :). |
Hi everyone! Here is my submission:
Avatar of the Grove Enjoy! How did this terrible creature come to be?
Hate alone was not enough. It took one more ingredient. Love... poisoned by betrayal, to bring so much bloodshed and woe. |
Hello people! Hope you like it :)
Hello again.
ver with add layers
twitch.tv/deathfavour_999 Última edição por deathfavour#7199 em 28 de jul de 2020 17:11:29
Hope you like it! Good luck to everyone participating ^^ Última edição por nimue094#2668 em 28 de jul de 2020 16:57:30