[3.17]Blazer's Flicker God![League Starter as Cyclone-Supreme Tank-35M+ DPS Maxed-Fast]ALL CONTENT
" I spent around 300-400 alt to get that mod, dropped watchstone myself from bosses. Also, it's ok to farm that region even without it. Actually, I had no idea that it costs that much, wow... Anyway, you asked for advice, and I gave strategy I'm using personally(in stash rn), I have no Idea how you have only 6 ex month in. I can suggest other strategies: 1) harvest(mostly Haewark) - but it's harder, you would need to sell crafts on discord, it can take time. 2) Delve - with lex proxima it's really easy to get a lot of sulphite. 3) Lex Ejoris -> free deli maps -> run them 4) New vastir -> 3x monolith, run with legion scarab. But you are using cyclone(later on that) 5) Betrayal(haewark) - 5 5 2 2 strat for pure chaula, selling vorici service + scarabs(legion and nico usually), also elreon jewellery sells nice. Or other that 5 5 2 2 - hillock sells good too, and if you can manage board with putting vorici, it, cameria, vagan without 5 5 2 2 strat - go for it. 6) Bossing. Doing sirus/awakeners, doing guardians with "guardian's aid" passive from uncharted realms, just 10boss maven fights. 7) Temple - in glennach it's easy to get good temples now. 8) Zana. 2x uncharted realms for more maps, and you either can get a lot of harvest(she can suggest harvest mission) or synthesis maps. 9) Einhar - some beast sells for a lot of money, but I don't have a lot of info about that. 10) Heist. Grand heists are pretty profitable, some replicas are really expensive, and gems too. Also rewards rooms for pure currency. Anyway, the problem is that cyclone is now really good for any of these, I'm saying that as cyclone player. You can't zoom zoom map, you are not really tanky for big bosses(and cyclone is really not a comfortable skill for that too, EQ bleed build is much better for bossing). You also can't open all legion monsters without HH. The best strategies with cyclone are either delve, harvest(but remember no zoom zoom, so you will not be able to fast spam maps to search for one), betrayal or not stated 2ex+ juiced maps strat(which is not possible for you). |
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" So, ripperoni. Tbh, idk why i even started with this build... I knew it cost a lot, i knew it needs a lot... I wanted to start with something "cheap" like TR or something... Maybe it's not too late yet xD Anyway thanks for the pointers. |
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" Really, cyclone is a trap. It looks good, but it slows you down a lot unless you can fastly progress atlas to make it worth running slow by running juiced content. I started as blockman build(and still running it), it was fun experience, but I'll never play cyclone again lol. Some time ago I just slapped in my 6link all flicker gems and run with it low reds just because it's so much faster to farm all content with flicker. I guess that EQ should have a similar clearspeed, but it has much more survivability. Also, bleed bow has fast clear and is meta build, as a possible option for you to not create new char. RN I "solved" slowness of cyclone with HH, but even with it, it's just clear speed of flicker build or any other fast build lol. |
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" Well, Cyclone is just a middle ground before switching to Flicker. Or so i thought. xD To hell with it. I just wonder how TR would do... but, at the very least, it'd be faster. Or maybe some meta golemancer... Última edição por Prof549#3579 em 11 de fev de 2021 06:37:22
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Hello everyone, a question for those who collected flicker, is 90 ex enough to collect something normal or is it worth saving up for max gears? Sorry for my English
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" 90ex is, like, a starter gear for flicker. You can run it, but don't expect incredible results... Last league i had to invest around 160ex for it to become "okay". And that was still far away from it being good. |
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" Not quite true actually. This is t12 run, no HH, keep in mind that even though my gear is not cheap, most of it designed for cyclone and useless for flicker - ring does nothing coz I disable herald to have enough mana, aspect of cat also not used, chest is also worse than normal farull(for flicker), gems are 5link(splash support) without awakened multistrike(so I swapped on test for double strike to kil boss), so I think on 90ex this build is pretty nice and enough to clear most of content Gear:
https://youtu.be/0w1RXcPcFuM |
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You get to be super rich to run this build. I invested 50+ ex and can only rush tier7 maps...the defense is good, I capped everything including chaos res, but it laaaacks a lot dps for red maps.(using a 200dps paradoxica)
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" IDK what are you meaning by "lacks dps for red maps" Did a test, this is clearing t14 red with tabula(and 5link setup for splash, oh, also - no brutality support(because it works bad with HH) ), shitty gear(total worth around 50ex), not optimised - had to disable a lot of auras because now -mana cost mod is on chest, and I use tabula instead in video + tree for cyclone build. If I slap farull here I'd have frenzy sustain for bosses in reds, or I can simply put in double strike. Not doing it because farming for replica one(and now I'm oneshotting bosses with HH buffs), but still, build have enough dps for reds in 50ex budget if spread it even on all gear. https://youtu.be/ekVr46xp9y0 |
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" Dont take it personal but I am so sick to read it over and over again. Just follow the damn guide and dont complain if: - your gems not lvl 20 - you still dont have aw. gems (not even the cheap ones) - no ryslathas - skill tree still on defiance instead of other things - no intuitive leap - not frenzy capped - really bad rings/amulett (your ammu has only resis and life) - your jewels are bad too - your hit chance is not capped - some flaks still have no qual. These are the basics..than.. than will come the expensive ones.. - no bottled faith - no aw. multi - watchers eye Like so many other people have shown. The build works good enough to take red maps with budget gear. We started this league from scratch and cleared sirus a8 with a fucking 1c sword. Última edição por Mekrat#5932 em 11 de fev de 2021 19:51:37
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