Rustys 2h Vaal Earthquake
Hello Exiles
I'm Rusty This was my Vaal EQ Two Hand Warcry Bleed build With the Nerf to Bleeding in 3.14 the power of melee bleed was reduced in power yes it works but no where near as strong as before. The offensive power of the Seismic Cry combo into 1 shot bleeds allowed you to negative damage by killing before you were even hit. This build lost too much damage for this to be considered a viable end game option without switching to from Axes to Starves for max block and redoing the entire theme of the build. In every scenario for bleed using a one handed axe is better than any Two handed Mace/Staff as Axe tree nodes are superior and you will also have max block. Maybe in the future I will revisit this build if they buff it until then I will continue to play other builds Bandits - Kill all + 2 passives The Pantheon Major God
![]() Minor God
![]() Labyrinth Trials Normal Labyrinth Arena Challenger Cruel Labyrinth Blood in the Eyes Merciless Labyrinth Gratuitous Violence Uber Labyrinth Outmatch and Outlast Pros: Cheap League start | Decent Map Clear| Most Boss Farmer | Dash Mobility | Awakened Gem Options Cons: Warcry Rotations | Glass Cannon Feel | Leap Slam bugged | Gem Attribute requirements - 70 Int & 126 Dex Path of building You may have to keep Community Pob Fork up to date to see links sorry
You will not tell what your Tooltip dps is in Pathofexile you need Pobfork it will say like 4-12k when in reality your doing around 5-9mil Bleed Dot which is 18-70mil total dps I would highly recommend downloading and running this App it will inform you with more advanced tools that help you scale any build especially Bleed and Impale ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axes were the better version and I only want to update this Weapon type Two Hand Axes 41 AoE Radius | Higher damage| Higher Attack speed Budget Anoint: Fangs of the Viper | Risk Management End game Anoint: Dirty Techniques ![]() All Damage versions are dependant on how good your 60% more bleeding weapon is a 750pdps will get 20mil with other high end gear. Cluster Jewel Version League start with 1.5mil dot 5L + Warcry 1-2ex Cluster Jewel Version End game with legion Jewels Glorious Vanity Xibaqua/ Lethal Pride lvl 95+ 15-25mil 10-25ex Cluster Jewel with Intuitive Leap lvl 97+ 20-35mil Late Game only 50-100ex Thread of Hope / Unbound Ailment 10-20mil. 10-30ex Outdated overall weaker now League Start and 90% of people's Passive Tree ![]() Vaal Earthquake With Fortify Setup You should 20 Quality all your gems especially movement
Vaal Earthquake is the attack gem of choice and while we do not scale this build to use attack gems we will utilize the Aftershock only to gain huge amounts of more multipliers from Normal and Vaal versions respectfully normal 150% and Vaal 350% more ailment damage at level 1. With the Addition of Heist League we now have even more ways to mid-max through the use of Alternative quality gems throughout this section you will see gems I have chosen as they were what I tested and prefer. Body Armor Vaal Earthquake
Starting 5L is no Swift affliction End game much more important to upgrade Swift first as it doesn't mess with duration Weapon Warcry & Dash
Starting 6 socket 4L with 2L | 5L add Dash | 6L add Enhance Weapon Swap Ensnaring Arrow
3L set up I like to use culling strike until it's crafted on my weapon Helm Mobility + Defence
Gloves Auras/Stances Blood&Sand always then Pride or Herald of Purity + Vitality lvl7-13
Boots Stance & War banner
Check List Consider this your Item upgrade list 1) Mana Physical leech jewel 2) Physical/Damage over time Cluster Jewel 3) Vulnerability on hit Ring level 5-8 4) Chaos Resistance Positive at least +50% 5) Physical damage over time Amulet Optional Gloves 6) 100% Elemental Ailment Avoid Bench Crafts 7) Awakened Gems starting with level 1 with 20 quality 8) 6L Warlord Influenced Chest with +1 socket support gems & -15 mana cost to attacks 9) Legacy Standard only Elder Influenced weapon with 60% more bleeding Path of Exile has changed so much over the years that now in Yellow to Red Map tier content Map Mods, Bosses, Betrayal encounters, Temple of Atzoal, Conquerors and Guardians plus Delve you need positive Chaos Resistance or you will die without knowing really why Equipment slots
Weapons Entry is 6 socket and 4L | 5L is better
Hezmana's with the cluster set up used all the way up until sirus 4 crazy right. We get to reserve Blood&Sand/Flesh+Maim/War banner and Pride or Herald of purity + Vitality. This makes it so no other weapon is better early on. Rare Weapon
A high Pdps weapon will feel better when Hezmana's damage drops off Legacy Standard only Elder mod 60% more bleeding Weapon
600 or 800+ PDPS weapon these are extremely strong and you will kill All bosses effortlessly Body Armour
All-Rounder Body Start of a fresh League rush Incursion in order to get to Maximum Life to Max Life body with resistances eg Horror Salvation below. Cheap 6Ls usually are corrupted 6L or Div cards Indisponível Influenced Body Armours Astral Plate is the desired body armour however go with what you get/afford Warlord is now the ideal Influence from now on as you can gain access to -15 mana cost to attacks. +1 socketed gems will provide always give the most damage increase Helmet Whether you decide to go with Rare or Influenced Rare Helmet you will need to get an open suffix for Avoid Elemental Ailment Bench craft
Since I have updated the build to use fortify we no longer gain more bleed duration from unbound ailments. This means if we ran Vulnerability curse effect the duration will drop below 4 seconds this is a nerf. Below are now the best enchants keep in mind an Elder helm with -9% Take physical is just as good as an enchanted helm. Helmet Enchants 1) Increased Earthquake damage 40% 2) Increased Earthquake damage 25% 3) Attacks Exerted by Seismic cry deal 50% increased damage 4) Attacks Exerted by Seismic cry deal 35% increased damage 5) Pride has 15% reduced mana reservation 6) Flesh and stone has 20% reduced mana reservation 7) Dash has +2 Cooldown Uses | 100% Increased Travel Distance Budget Helmet High Life/ Resistances/ Chaos resistance/ Ailment Avoid Craft Elder Influence Base with Ailment Avoid Crafts Helmet must be Item level 85 for Nearby enemies Take 9% Increased Physical damage anything lower and your wasting your time. You may want to Awakener orb craft infuse Fortify increased Effect, Shock or Chill Conflux Gloves Whether you decide to go with Rare or Influenced Rare Gloves you will need to get an open suffix for Avoid Elemental Ailment Bench craft
Generic Gloves Life | Elemental Resistances & Chaos Resistance Hunter DoT Gloves Why hunter over Elder? Hunter has less overall mods that make crafting these gloves to get Life, Resistance, Physical Dot and open suffix Boots
Boot Enchants 1) Regenerate Life per second if you were hit recently 1.5-2% 2) Attack/cast speed if killed recently 16% 3) Damage leeched as life if killed recently 0.6 Boots without Avoid Elemental Ailments Life | Resistances | Chaos Resistance | Optional Attribute Shaper Boots with Avoid Elemental Ailments With the rework to the Atlas from 3.13 onwards Two-Tone base has become extremely cheap as they drop all the time aswell as adding influence onto body armour (boots). If you cannot get a Two-tone just get a regular pair with Life/ Resistance/ Avoid Ailment with Crafted Movement Speed Blight League Anointment
Amulets Early-Game Fangs of Viper Anointment ----- Clear,Teal,Azure End-Game Cluster Jewel + Glorious Vanity Dirty Techniques Anointment ----- Amber, Amber, Silver End-Game Intuitive Leap Disciple of the Slaughter ----- Amber, Verdant, Golden Normal/Uber Atziri Queen of the Vaal Risk Awareness Anointment ---- Clear, Verdant, Indigo Optional Defensive Crystal Skin Anointment ----- Sepia, Black, Silver Rings Scout Towers Range ---- teal,Violet Scout Towers Damage ---- Amber, Amber Amulets
Budget Unique with Anoints Carnage heart is generally dirt cheap good all rounder amulet You may get this drop by today's standards this amulet is not very good. The exceptions are if you are in SSF and have this drop before gaining access to a Vulnerability ring then this is a buff. Whether you sell or keep The Jinxed JuJu it provides high easy access Chaos resistances, Pride aura effect, Vulnerability curse effect, solid in Dexterity and Intelligence gains Budget Rare & with Anoints Crafted Life, Elemental Resistances, Attributes or Physical to attacks generally speaking these are your 1-5c range purchases | You can now get very cheap Anointed Talisman amulets if you are a smart buyer. Elder or Hunter Influenced Physical DoT Amulets Bases: Turquoise | Jade | Citrine | Onyx Life | Physical damage over time | Elemental Resistances | Physical to attacks Even after the removal of Thread of hope there it is still worth while crafting +1 minimum frenzy if you have the option to do this its 4% more damage per Hunter Influenced Amulet The Goal here is Life 16% Physical over time & +1 level of all strength gems Optional to craft +1 minimum Frenzy Bases: Turquoise | Jade | Citrine Catalyst Abrasive = Damage | Fertile = Life | Intrinsic = Attribute Belts
Unique Belts The Magnate Can be used all the way until you craft your Elder Rustic look for 30% increased minimum. Soul Tether High Intelligence gain with One hand/Shield for Max block defence builds [Item post="23471233" index="123"] Elder Belts Global physical damage | Life | Resistances Catalyst Fertile = Life | Intrinsic = Attribute | Prismatic = Resistances Rings
White|Yellow|Red Map Tier Rings Vermillion | Cogwork | Two-Stone | Influenced | Synthesis based Life | Elemental Resistances | Chaos resistance | Crafted Non-Channel Mana Cost | Optional Intelligence Attributes Vulnerability Curse on Hit rings The Cluster Jewel version will require at least one ring to have -7 mana cost along with Warlords -15 to 6. The Intuitive Leap version requires both rings to have -7Mana cost with +1 frenzy crafts. Catalyst Abrasive = Damage | Fertile = Life | Intrinsic = Attribute | Prismatic = Resistances Jewels
Viridian Jewel You could also use literally any roll with leeched physical as mana to start with heres a few examples of a more end game option Generic Jewels Life & Physical DoT with Chaos resist Elemental Resist or more damage Life Attributes Resistances Abyss Jewels Since dropping Phase flask I now run 1 jewel that has Phasing on kill. It will become more expensive to also run Onslaught on kill this may be become big quality of life for map clear speed. Corrupting Blood Jewel Optional if you are not confident with Sirus otherwise Bleed Flask is fine Increased Physical Damage Large Cluster jewel Aim for 8 Passive Large This is now the backbone of the build for early game damage. I generally pick up Master The Fundamentals, Furious assault and Exploit Weakness. Physical or Damage over time Medium Cluster jewel You will want to Rush x2 Exposure therapy to get a quick +60% chaos resistance against DoT early on which will carry hard. Any combo afterwards with Wasting Affliction, Vivid Hues, Exposure Therapy, Rend, Wound Aggravation Brush with Death, Flow of Life, Student of Decay will work. Once you get more chaos resistance across gear slots you can keep 1 Exposure therapy. Aim for 4 Passive Medium Small Cluster Jewel Aim for 2 Passive Small Elegant Form (30% avoid elemental) Aim for 3 Passive Small Chaos resistance | Blessed, AntiVenom or Born of Chaos Unique Jewel To build defence you will Need not want Need +75% chaos resistance alongside Xibaqua at lvl 95+ to provide a total of +80-83% chaos resistance Intuitive Leap lvl 97+ provides the highest end game damage however it requires a passive rework and only viable option for high level character pushing a 15mil dot into 25mil+ 100% Avoid elemental Ailments This without a doubt is the best defensive layer in the game for a solo player
What is An Elemental Ailment Shock | Ignite | Freeze & Chill | Scorch | Brittle | Sap Shocked & Chilled ground map mods with 100% you become unaffected The goal is 100% total Avoid Elemental Ailments through Items and Bench crafting we achieve this with varying cost 1% Chance to dodge Attack Cluster Small Jewel Helmet | Gloves & Shaper Influenced Boots bench crafts Body Armour Bench Craft Above is easiest way to gain it. Below is more niche ways but require more funds Synthesis Ring Implicit Range 18-25% you will need to apply a Blessed Orb to reach maximum Crystal Skin Anoint As a Non Gladiator the 15% avoid can come in clutch however I find if you pick up this its generally for the +1 to all Maximum Resistances Flasks You will always gain more benefit from applying Glassblowers up to 20% quality per Flask
Without 100% Ailment Avoid set up Any combo of Flasks with Remove Bleed | Freeze & Chill | Shock | Optional Ignite X2 Life 2 Utility 1 Damage Flask With 100% Ailment Avoid set up A Huge boost to damage is a Bottled Faith you'll have to shuffle bleed immunity onto a different flask like granite or quicksilver we focus on this part only. Consecrated ground created during effect applies 7-10% Increased damage taken to enemies Do not use a Lion's Roar if you want a damage boost run Sulphur Flask or Bottled Faith. As a Ailment bleed build we gain nothing from More Melee damage this flask provides Armour and Knockback only Maps & Map Mods Will update to fit Echoes of Atlas expansion
No Leech Life & Mana The direction Ive taken the new Cluster jewel version this map mod isn't as taxing as it was once before. If we run Hezmana's we aren't effected at all. If we run Warlord Chest + x2 -7 mana cost rings skill mana cost becomes 0. Players cannot regeneration Life/Mana/Energy shield A lot of our defensive layer comes in the form of regeneration from both wary cry spam and basic regeneration from the tree we have a lot of life leech from the tree and Mana Leech from jewels or gear. Blood of Karui Flask keeps you on full life all the time this map mod comes down to personal choice you as when you take a hit you'll notice it. Atziri, Queen of the Vaal You will need either of these 2 options to not die to Queen Atziri both during her phase and mirror phase we deal way too much damage 1) Elder/Warlord Physical Immunity Chest 2) Sibyls Lament ring with Risk Awareness Annoint Physical Reflect Just like above if you run any of the Immune to Physical set ups work as well as sextants on watchstones Simple | Prime | Awakened Sextant Modifier use on any colour watchstone Indisponível Monsters have a %50 chance to Avoid bleeding With A8 bonus this becomes 62% the build can still do this, for the most part you won't notice much change. You will however notice it on the map bosses, you will notice it in delirium maps keep that in mind its more frustrating than a make or break for most builds. While Vaal Earthquake is active it has 100% chance to bleed and since you pop this many times in a map you won't notice the down sides 3 Month League Gear
3.13 Rustys Ritual Trade League with Legacy Elder Weapon
3.12 Rustys Heist Trade League with Legacy Elder Weapon
Recrafted and run now just for damage testing For Sirus Contracts/Grand Heists I prefer Chaos income currently Maps This Combo is for Gem levelling only I do not use an Ensnaring Arrow totem set up my bleed dot is already at 4.9 seconds 29mil ailment dot tree 3.12 Rustys Heist Private League with Legacy Elder Weapon
For Maps For Contracts/Grand Heists situational For a long time I was using my warlord ring and rather than multimod craft into better I bought the synthesis base and crafted it into what it is now 10mil ailment dot Budget Version 3.11 Rustys Harvest League with Legacy Elder Weapon
Tips/Tricks & Trade
Are you new to PathofExile and not sure what is considered a Prefix or Suffix? This website will help you understand Step 1) Choose Base group - "Body Armour" step 2) Base " STR/Dex step 3) Each tier has an Item level weighting This is the most user friendly way to learn items, yes there are other websites but I use this one the most. Right click and open new tab for easy viewing
![]() ![]() Loot Filters Every league I make a custom built filter so I pick up less and clear maps faster. In a way making your own filter gets you familiar with all items How to search for Jewels on All damage nodes on the tree have Physical tag with them this means unless your allocating a Life + 2 damage Stat Jewel in most cases any random jewel will become a straight downgrade. With this in mind how do we look for Jewels? Generic Jewel Since over 5k people have seen this picture expect to pay a little more now generally they will still be cheap 1-20c also remember that the timing and duration of a league determine how easy and costly these get Right click and open new tab for easy viewing
![]() ![]() ![]() Cluster Jewels Since over 5k people have seen this picture expect to pay a little more now generally they will still be cheap 20c - 1ex also remember that the timing and duration of a league determine how easy and costly these get Right click and open new tab for easy viewing
![]() ![]() ![]() Videos I do my best to record with what I have usually showcase A8 boss fights new league content can be on a lesser Awakener level Rotational Ramp Fist of War Area of Effect Build update & Thoughts on Change Leagues
Ritual 3.13 Content with Legacy Elder Weapon
How to generate Ritual League points Rusty Vaal EQ New Cluster Jewel Version Uber Labyrinth Gift of the Goddess Playthrough Heist 3.12 Content with Legacy Elder Weapon
The Vox Twins x3 Unique Contracts Conditionally Uber Elder x2 Player HP 10 mil Bleed Private League 29Mil Bleed lvl83 Contracts Xp Loop Pre nerfed Heists Budget gear Harvest 3.11 content with Legacy Elder Weapon
Harvest Boss Compilation Mid Max 26mil Bleed damage Uber Atizir With Low end Weapon Mostly Budget Gear 5L damage Última edição por GrimExcuse#4461 em 13 de jun de 2021 01:57:38 Último bump em 25 de abr de 2021 22:41:18
Alguns itens neste post estão atualmente indisponíveis.
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pastebin missing
nevermind its just hidden Última edição por schubbey#4429 em 7 de set de 2020 06:37:54
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Just doing some tweaks to make it easier to read
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What do you think the gear on your 116m harvest build was worth (the first one linked)? Do you think it's gonna be more expensive to craft without harvest?
Última edição por jealkeja#4999 em 16 de set de 2020 02:27:57
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" besides the kauri and thread of hope I crafted everything I couldn't tell you how much each item piece is I don't usually play path of trade much anymore. Some of the items I made would sell for alot 20ex+ Your going back to a heavily unfavoured RNG crafting system that is about spamming to get an outcome the items you might get lucky with are weapon, gloves, amulet, belt, all jewels, flasks and hunter ring (you dont need the influence at all) now you can't copy exactly but you will be able to roll something similar since you can't just add remove life/resistances to get t1s the warlord ring, boots, double influenced helm and body will be extremely hard to copy, my budget options are a very realistic gear set with a solid dps Última edição por GrimExcuse#4461 em 16 de set de 2020 15:42:46
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Última edição por GrimExcuse#4461 em 16 de set de 2020 08:27:08
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Really nice guide, GrimExcuse! Thanks for taking the time to put it all together :)
Going to try replicate it to the best of my ability this current 3.12 Heist league. I doubt I'll do as good a job as you but hoping to have some fun with the build. Thoughts on good unique axes to use before we can craft one with the elder mod? Thanks again 🙏 |
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Could you use Kitava's Feast as a viable weapon? And if not; Why?
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" Hi twistedfocus I've done my best to make it as user friendly as possible, Its still very solid choice in Heist even without the harvest crafts which my budget builds were purposely designed for a fresh league you'll do great. I personally like a Nice rare %phy,adds to phy with attack speed 350-520 pdps My goto unique would be Hezman's 440pdps then I upgrade into a rare than an elder |
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