[3.20] KissMeQuick's Slayer Reave: REBORN — T19 100% Maps & Mad Strong in Sanctum — Starter
A lot of people are asking about leveling setups and I've been practicing leveling with this build so I thought I might pitch in some ideas. My average so far with this strat is ~6h kitava with all points.
When you start off you want to use Double strike or Heavy strike as your single target, I pick depending on what color 3 links I can get. The first time you get to town you should buy a frost blades gem from nessa for 1 wisdom. You'll use frostblades until you get bladestorm later on. DS / HS links = DS(G) or HS(R) / Ruthless(R) / Bleed(R) FB links = FB(G) / Ancestral Call (R) / Onslaught (G) / Rage support (R) You can get both onslaught and ancestral call after killing hailrake. Rage is an act 2 skill but it's unlikely you'll get a 4L before finding it. In act 2 you can add close combat and melee phys to your single target(remove bleed for room). Your single target will likely feel a little weak during this time but there aren't any great single target options until you finish A4. When you finish blood aquaducts / whenever you feel comfortable do lab 1. Once you have lab 1 finished, a 4 link arm (people often sell for 1-2alch), and multistrike, you swap to bladestorm. Note: multistrike is a reward for killing Malachai. You can bladestorm before these requirements but it feels really bad. BS links = BS(R) / Close Combat(G) / Multistrike(R) / Rage support(R) / Impale (G) / Fortify (R) The playstyle with BS is to leap slam into a pack of mobs, drop 1-2 storms, then slam away. Make sure you're using the right blood/sand form. You basically just zoom zoom through each map and melt bosses with blood form. Make sure you are killing most packs you find while leveling, you shouldn't chase stragglers, but always kill the meat of each pack you run into. Movement = Leap slam / faster attacks Auras = Pride / dread banner / Blood and Sand Extra = Blood rage / Ancestral protector or warchief I did all of this using the suggested 2H leveling build with some minor changes as some things didn't make sense to me. Última edição por rawfodoc#7789 em 13 de jan de 2021 16:42:57
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" Looks solid! I'll include it in the first post! Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3508506
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Your 2H leveling POB https://pastebin.com/CfgkEVPW, doesnt seems to work properly, we cant see the tree.
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Be sure you have the Community Fork. I can see it fine, both as 3.12 and 3.13.
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Just my opinion on a leveling process here.
Right after hillock bow wielding guy awards us with Splitting Steel gem that will carry us right until we want to respec for reave. Splitting steel pros - flat added phys is always good for leveling, built-in impale chance, built-in cleave, built-in aoe. Also %dmg effectiveness is slightly higher than FB. SS also benefit from war banner that i suggest to use at low levels. Cons - you need to press call of steel sometimes. It sucks. My gem setups are: 1 - SS+Bleed 4 - Grab ruthless or onslaught depending if you got GGR or RRG or your pref. Grab Protector, buy war banner. If you go for ruthless link it with Mr. Protec. 8 - Grab maim, SS+bleed+maim. Buy another one if you are rich-rich. 10 - grab precision. 16 - grab bloodrage, buy HoP+skitters if you are rich. 18 - grab vicious proj. Swap maim for VP. You can buy meelee phys+culling for Ancestral buddy if you are rich. 24 - you can grab snipers mark (i think? not sure rn). grab dread banner (not sure if it's worth to use it after you get impale support). Start looking for 4-links (RRRR, RRGG). SS+Bleed+VP+maim. AP+meleephys+ruth+culling 28 - grab warchief. leave protector in weaponswap, we will use it later 31 - grab impale support, buy fortiy, second wind if you are rich. SS+impale+VP+maim. 34 - uh..nothing? 38 - grab brutality, buy multy totems. SS+impale+brut+vp, AW+AP+MT+cul. zoom the rest of acts. You can go with 1h/s or 2h, whatever. Just follow kiss_me_quick leveling three and you'll get there. You can easily push 5h/a10+3labs if you are into that sort of stuff. quick spicy edit: since we scale bleed dmg somewhat you can swap splitting steel for shattering steel at level 12. If you do keep bleed support always. Also keep dread banner Última edição por lolshie#0438 em 13 de jan de 2021 18:10:45
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Hi, how should i level if I don't wanna buy stuff early on? I hate doing that on leaguestart.
Also, how much ex did you need to start farming 100% T19 delis so early on? And how did you make that required ex so fast? Thanks in advance. |
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Thanks for the great guide @Kiss_Me_Quick. I appreciate it when guide authors take the time to answer questions and keep the guide updated.
I'm going to league start with this, and like many, this will be my first melee starter. How well does this delve? I usually like to hit ~500 by mid-league. Do you think that is possible with this build? Delve ability is one question that I didn't see answered anywhere. Also, I'm assuming no phys reflect maps? Any other map mods we can't do? Última edição por GrimzEcho#6607 em 13 de jan de 2021 23:33:29
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Can someone lay out the major differences of this build and the champion alternative of this build?
Something along these lines - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySpL49IwFsg - POB https://pastebin.com/1x2YSK37 I cant seem to come to a conclusion on which route to go or key QOL differences. I'm not experienced enough to know the reason behind which ascendency is better other than POB showing slightly higher DPS on your route with gladiator Última edição por Wetip#6784 em 13 de jan de 2021 23:48:30
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" If the dps is around the same I'd go for the glad, since it has capped block chance & 90% phys damage reduction, while the champion you linked only has around 20% in both. Glad also gets Arena Challanger which makes you giga fast. Keep in mind I'm pretty shit at the game and Im just syaing what I'm seeing. |
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" Read your post. Doing nearly the same. Did HC SSF test yesterday A1-5 (to have some competition for myself). Played Frostblades + AC + Onslaught for clear and DS+Bleed for ST. Remember we get buff/fix on DS-dmg on bleeding targets, which increases ST by a lot. On lvl 28-30 I got a 4L Boot with RRRG and changed to Bladestorm+Closecombat+Ragesuppport+Meleephys Multistrike was never used for killing kitava A5. I also used Ancestral Protector+Maimsupport for bosses. I played DW-axes and always used weapon(axe)+rustic sash+Whetstone for nice magic weapon. I can imagine, that with a 2H, you want Multistrike on lvl38, because Bladestorm may feel clunky. Enjoy leveling tomorrow guys. |
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