I'm looking very foward to try this build! Looks fun and promising, i only have one question, why reave? Lacerate, Sweep or Cyclone would be the same? Thanks!
should I use it on a lvl 20 reave gem or is there a better option?
I would just sell the temple 40c https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ultimatum/byz5PBDfL
GGTeMpLaR escreveu:
helm is next but my surviv a little weak too idk how to boost that best
should i save for life % on block shield?
I'm not sure about the surv/dmg ratio helm end up having, but I like it since killing things faster helps with surviving in a way, and killing things faster helps with farming faster. Sure you might die more often, but id say using a tabula is a way bigger survivability issue than using abyssus
life % on block is def a big upgrade to get more survivability
GGTeMpLaR escreveu:
if I get uncorrupted bleed gloves, do I need to just Vaal it to hope for good enfeeble/vuln curse?
temp chains is very similar to enfeeble imo, you can change that when you have more currency
Última edição por AxisDota#1826 em 25 de abr de 2021 19:40:58
Hi, I am playing this build a second time but I have never got this far with it . I am asking for advice about the gear. My character is lvl 90 and I die sometimes in ultimatums , what should be my next upgrades ?
I am currently doing red maps , 3 watchstones.
The belt was a drop.
I have maybe 2 ex atm
Here are some options:
- Get a jewel with Mana leech (other mods pref life, damage, corrupted blood corruption) price: 10c - 1ex+ (depends on how good you want it to be)
- Get an abyss jewel with Onslaught on kill (other mods pref life, flat phys damage, corrupted blood corruption, blind on hit) price: 10c - 1ex+ (depends on how good you want it to be)
- Get 2 decent phys damage steel ring (or swap enfeeble curse for vulnerability, I have mine on a ring). You can even craft the steel rings yourself when you end up with Harvest with Reforge Physical crafts (just need the base ring, any ilv should be fine). Don't forget to Noxious Catalyst Quality. Price: not sure, crafted one for myself, and bought a half decent vulnerability ring 50c
some reforge phys harve craft rings I ended up with:
- Upgrade your amulet (t1 phys dmg with some life, maybe resist shouldn't be too expensive) dont forget to quality and Annoint. Price: not sure, found an insane one with t1 phys t1 life, but shouldn't be too expensive either (can probably do the reforge physical harvest craft for this one, but havent tried it)
- Get a 20% qual Seething (or Bubbling) Divine flask of Staunching
- Save up for paradoxica (7-8ex for the good ones)
Thank you for the advice , should I buy threads of hope or to focus on rings first ?