December Events - Mayhem, Endless Delve and Flashback

Will there be thresh hold jewels as a reward at some point in endless delve?
endless delve could be a permanent alternative for those who don't like playing the acts to get to the endgame
Looking forward to the event. The prizes are awesome, thanks for everything
Nice! Looks like opportunity to grab a lot of mpxs :D
Prepare for millions of not-working builds with the next expansion.
Just as you like it.
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
I would prefer a new league [Removed by Support]

GGG should not be afraid of cyberpunk, cause this move just open doors to demands for other release push when another AAA game comes out
YES I support the game, NO I don't agree with many GGG decisions

Lab still sucks balls.

I miss Zana already.
Última edição por Lisa_GGG em 25 de nov de 2020 12:17:57
Why "Three-Week Heist Flashback" instead of "Three-Weeks Heist Flashback" ?
I go buy Cyberpunk.
When you do nothing with state of game. And tell us to go play Cyberpunk then some good new league in PoE. Hope you will pet more bots and SC nerds.

BB Tencent-GGG. Maybe next year.

HF and gl to all :D
Hype delve event !!!

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