[3.15] Elemental Hit Ballista Totem Hiero | Budget Friendly | League Start to Endgame

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StalinsGhost escreveu:
I havent been using Holy flame totem at all, I was following the leveling guide in your community section and it made it seem that I should switch to the spell totems. I've just been using the spell conviction totems, am I doing it wrong?

I see, that explains. Nothing wrong at all. It happens that you are the first person who used that leveling guide and asked me question so I kinda assumed you were using my leveling guide and didn't thought otherwise.

I personally haven't tried that leveling guide but looking at your current equipment, switching over to Elemental Hit setup(On a 5/6 Link Body Armour + Other Gems used for the Setup) is a DPS upgrade for you base on what you mentioned(Quill Rain + Jewels)

I spent my chaos orbs and got a 5L and quill rain and switched to EH, and it definitely feels better even wearing otherwise garbage! Will take it to maps in 2 acts.
Beverice escreveu:
Back at it again guys.

Welcome back!

I saw an Ele Hit Ballista Raider with 2k HP on POE.Ninja and without looking at the Name, I already know whose char that belongs to ;)

By the way, thanks for helping to answer questions while I was taking a break last league and also for the Step by Step post to craft the +6 Helm with Veiled Orbs. :) Appreciate!!

Beverice escreveu:
Seems like GGG nerfed the rarity of a vision of ice and fire :(

If that is really true, Frostferno will have to be moved to the Mid-Tier Gear Section and a Tabula/6 Link will then fill the role of Frostferno on the Budget-Tier. "Budget Friendly | No 6/5 Links" Tag from the title might not be that applicable then.

Hopefully it isn't that bad, but I wouldn't be surprised if the rarity has been nerfed, considering GGG has been coming down hard with all the nerfs this league.

And if it is that bad, I think I will retire this guide after this league.

StalinsGhost escreveu:
I spent my chaos orbs and got a 5L and quill rain and switched to EH, and it definitely feels better even wearing otherwise garbage! Will take it to maps in 2 acts.

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

No problem for answering questions! Too bad the veiled craft is pretty much dead at this point.

And the rarity of frostferno is not that bad. It's just a ~1 exalt item. It's probably worse right now because we have competition with the new explosive concotion skill.

1 ex being the most expensive part of the build is not too horrible though, especially since you can just use a tabula till you swap to frostferno!
Could you please prioritise which gems i should get to 20 quality first? Because the gcp's are a bit expensive now want to get the most juice from gems in the right order :)

And another question . Should i use the Marylene's Fallacy until i either +2 amulet or Xoph's?

Última edição por Hey0cean#0102 em 26 de jul de 2021 03:50:40
Hello all!

Here are some notes from my journey so far in Expedition with this build. Hope this helps if you decided to try it for yourself

- As expected Act 1 was hard and it took me 2 hours to finish it. I am not the fastest leveler and ran the Expedition in every zone so it took me 17 hours until I was ready for maps.
- Normal lab at the beginning of act 4; was no problem. Had 1k HP
- Until L 40 I used 2 Wands (vendor recipe with added fire dmg)
- Then I switched to 2 new Wands with +1 to fire spells and crafted add to fire dmg on them as per guide.
- Upgrade the Holy Flame Totem to 4L as soon as it was possible (during act 4), then added the Wave of Conviction 4L and the Flammability 3L as soon as I could
- This setup was comfortable until the end of act 10
- Cruel lab at the start of act 8
- Merciless lab at the end of act 10 before Kitava

Now mapping was rough initially. T1-T4 maps (magic or rare) is possible with the leveling setup (HF-4L, WoC-4L, Flamma-3L) but slow.

I started to grinding for Chaos to buy the gear for 6L-Ballista-Totem
Sources for chaos:
- chaos vendor recipe
- sold a few divination cards in the range 3-5c
- Expedition traders: I was lucky with Tujen: He sold me: 2 times 10-stacks of fossils worth 8c and 10c, a 6-stack of essence worth 15c, and a few c.
- I also was lucky to get a Tabula from Gwennen. The trick here is to create a second character, run with it to Lionseye watch and buy Simple Robes whenever possible. With a little luck this robe turns into a Tabula. I needed a bit more than 10 vendor resets. See the video of Zizaran for details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa4MVw284Ac
- Yesterday I had sufficient chaos to buy the basic gear. Here are some of the prices:
-- Rain of Splinters was expensive: 50 c (35 reduced dmg)
-- Combat Focus gems: 4c and 5c (13 and 14 increased dmg)
-- Marylene Amu, Quill Bow, Skirmish: 1 c each

My current setup:
- 6L Ballista
- 4L Frenzy/Flammability
- Phase Run, Flame Dash, Precision, Grace, Skitterbots
- Flasks I was lazy: Using 2 Life, 2 Mana and 1 Quicksilver. This is most probably the place where I need to update but with all the flask changes und upcomning patches I decided to wait a bit

I am now able to run T1-T5 maps comfortably.
With all 3 auras on I can spawn 4-6 Totems fast and additional totems 1-2 secs later; mana regen is good enough.

Current stats: L 80, 3.4 k HP, 7.9k Ballista DPS (Hideout), 29 hours playtime, 27 maps on atlas, 4/6 Uberlab trials

Now the grind for the Frostferno begins; looks like the prophecy is a tad rare; current price is at roughly 100 c :-/

Other notes: No Ex found so far. Expedition is lackluster during Act1-10 and not worth the time. I found one runebook (L34), one Helmet with Ward and got nothing significant from the vendors. Reset items are way too rare; found none for the haggler or for the crafter. However it gets a bit better now in the maps.

Beverice escreveu:
No problem for answering questions! Too bad the veiled craft is pretty much dead at this point.

Is it that bad? I tested it at Craft of Exile and thought it was fine, except Aisling can't be used anymore since it removes a random modifier so will have to go with the Veiled Chaos Orb way.

Since I didn't play 3.14 I might have missed something. If you could let me know what makes it dead now that would be great!

Beverice escreveu:
It's probably worse right now because we have competition with the new explosive concotion skill.

Explosive Concotion players might not be affecting the price much, I checked POE Ninja only 6 Explosive Concotion users versus 93 Elemental Hit users XD

On another note, Forbidden Rite Totem users, 767 players compared to 93 Elemental Hit users... making Rain of Splinters price went through the roof!

Beverice escreveu:
And the rarity of frostferno is not that bad. It's just a ~1 exalt item.

1 ex being the most expensive part of the build is not too horrible though, especially since you can just use a tabula till you swap to frostferno!

That does make sense, though no more "Optional 6/5 Link". *Sad Face*

Hey0cean escreveu:
Could you please prioritise which gems i should get to 20 quality first? Because the gcp's are a bit expensive now want to get the most juice from gems in the right order :)

If you meant using GCPs specifically on Gems, don't do that.

They are not that big boost, so I would recommend using GCPs only to convert Level 20/0% Quality Gems into Level 1/20% Quality Gems through the Vendor Recipe. If you plan to do this, be sure to have high level Gems used in the Elemental Hit Setup as swaps since it will take quite sometime for the Level 1 Gems to Level up.

I would recommend selling extra GCPs for chaos and go for Equipment/Item/Gem(Ele Hit Level specifically) Upgrades, Specifically things like Level 20 or Level 21 Elemental Hit(No quality) and Shaman's Dominion Anoint on your Amulet. These are much more impactful than using GCP to increase quality of Gems.

For more info on Upgrade Priority and Value for Currency upgrades, you can refer to 26. Upgrade Reference List in the guide :)

Hey0cean escreveu:
And another question . Should i use the Marylene's Fallacy until i either +2 amulet or Xoph's?

Yes that is correct.

riverstomp escreveu:
Hello all!

Here are some notes from my journey so far in Expedition with this build. Hope this helps if you decided to try it for yourself

Thank you so much for posting and sharing your experiences with the build! I am sure this will be very helpful for players who are considering whether to try out this build. :)
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Thank you for the detailed answers. Much appreciated :)

Hey, new player here so my question might be dumb, but how come the Combat Focus Viridan jewel work if it says 40 Total Dex and Str in range while there are only str and int nodes around it? Also other says 40 dex and int while there are only str nodes around.
Have you considered to add the Fury Valve amulet to the build ?

Looks interesting :)
oLaudix escreveu:
Hey, new player here so my question might be dumb, but how come the Combat Focus Viridan jewel work if it says 40 Total Dex and Str in range while there are only str and int nodes around it? Also other says 40 dex and int while there are only str nodes around.

It says total 40 dex and str. That means you can have 20 of one and 20 of the other, or 30 of one and 10 of the other, or just 40 of either one. At least that's how I assume it works, considering their placements.

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