[3.15] Elemental Hit Ballista Totem Hiero | Budget Friendly | League Start to Endgame
" Hello! Yes applied by our ballistas " If you want to taunt(No reason to) or blind the enemy then yes " Yes, unless you want the "You take (9-11)% less Damage from Attacks from Enemies that aren't nearby while in Sand Stance" from Flesh and Blood I would prefer to use our Mana Reservation on other things. " We are using Blood Rage for the Attack Speed My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3005581 |
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Thanks for the answers. I think I will go Scion as well. I feel like the leech will be quite important if we face the 10 bosses. As far as I know there arent any information about the boss/maven mechanics, so we dont know if there will be adds to fill our flasks.
On the other hand, phasing, onslaught and the evasion/dodge advantage will lower the risks of dying as well. There is - probably - no right or wrong, just what we prefer. I tend to try the Scion-path. But we will see. Nevertheless I am hyped to play this game and try it out and maybe give it my personal touch. Thank you for this build. @Ahewaz, you have tried raider in the videos, what is your feeling about it? What do you think? (I am just curious what you guys will try :D) |
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" Mind that Scion route you also got Phasing and Onslaught (just not buffed). Its not that bad :) |
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Ok guys, I took a look through the various POB again, updated to 3.13, made some small changes and also adjusted the Gems a bit so they should fit now
Ascendant(Chieftain/Raider)(Defensive Focused/For Starting/leveling): https://pastebin.com/VM0MaUv1(Updated added Sniper's Mark) Ascendant(Chieftain/Raider)(Offensive Focused/For switching to later): https://pastebin.com/yYKLF5mK(Updated added Sniper's Mark) Raider: https://pastebin.com/MpS2eWDU Chieftain: https://pastebin.com/bp0sfqeM Hiero(With almost same setup/settings as above for comparison): https://pastebin.com/msVEKSRC *Note 1: Have ran through the Gem positions in the POB but might not be the most optimized positions *Note 2: Other than Hiero, and Offensive Ascendant POB, the build uses Enduring Cry Gem. To use it, bind the skill to your left mouse button so it will auto cast as you walk around as long you have Call to Arms Keystone *Note 3: Enduring Cry, if on the Bow, shouldn't be linked to the other 5 gems because Increased Duration will increase Enduring Cry's Cooldown Ascendant POB A bit of detail on Ascendant's POB, the Defensive one is the one to follow when leveling, after which you have 3 options: A. When you have about 6.5k HP, switch out Kaom's Heart for other Body Armour like Hyrre Ire, Kintsugi, Replica Shroud of the Lightless(If you can get 6 nice Abyss Jewels) or if you have some Favourite Armour you like. B. Before reaching 6.5k HP, along the way, slowly respec into the Offensive Focused one. C. Stay with 6.5k HP no change Raider POB There are 2 Options under Gloves, one is based on Clarity + Vitality(Enabled), the other is base on Grace(Disabled). Chieftain/Hiero POB Nothing to Note My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3005581 Última edição por Vei#5870 em 14 de jan de 2021 16:39:20
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" Nvm. My pob didnt update properly :D Última edição por Kaeltwyn#5129 em 14 de jan de 2021 14:49:01
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So I decided to test Heiro with a single totem cast (removed Ritual of Awakening). Same gear as I used for the Scion (Chieftain / Raider) & Pure Raider builds.
Shaper / Elder / Uber Elder / Uber Atziri / Catrina
Conquerors - I did kill the shaper but I did not record it. It was just as easy.
My summary on all 3 (Scion (Chieftain/Raider) / Raider / Heirophant) Regardless of the path you take. You will need to find a way to supplement your mana (rings / Mana pot). My end decision, I am going with the Heiro. I know the build. This is not the first time I have had to deal with nerfs. It has been ongoing for 1.5 years. I think this is like the 3rd major nerf to this build. Each time, Vei has found a way to make it stronger. Worse case, I will make it to t16 maps & have currency to try other versions of this build. Good Luck to everyone tomorrow, make sure you download the new filter! I am not Anti-Social, I am just selective on whom I wish to be social with.
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" Don't mind me, just thinking out lout to pick the "right" class for me.
Alright, I am going back and forth to decide which class to pick, and I might found the solution.
I cut out all POB datas using the snipping tool to compare the classes (scion, templar, marauder, ranger). There are quite a few differences, but mostly in dps and the leech/regen aspect as well as defences. Scion hast about 200k less dps than Hiero, I know, the comparions lacks a bit but what ever :D The Hiero and Chieftain dps it not that far apart, so I neglect that in my decision. In terms of leech/regens, Chíeftain wins over Hiero in my opinion, just because I have no clue if there will be ads in the maven fights. Scion has more leech than Chieftan, but about 50k less dps, but way more defences. So, I call it a day and take Scion with the second best defensive stats, best leech, but the lowest dps and I have learned I get Onslaught an Phasing. No idea if POB takes that into account calculation the dps. Vei has confirmed in some posts, that scion is definetly a valid option to pick, might not be the best, but I am not even close to being one of the top 20 % or even 30 % players, so ... whatever! Take the best from scion and chieftain :D And even then, maybe I start with a different class tomorrow. Whatever my mood decides :D Última edição por Kaeltwyn#5129 em 14 de jan de 2021 15:29:08
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" So, about the Ascendant changes. Any reason for updating previous build (https://pastebin.com/UW6a9pQg)? It had more %Life and more damage per totem than the current offensive PoB |
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You could swap 3 points and increase dps by about 60k, by loosing just 2 % hit
https://pastebin.com/7EyibVjk @Vei: Do you mind adding your pob's to the front page. I cant find them unter the topic "ascendencies". Or is it bc this is the templar forum and those are non templar options? Thanks :) Última edição por Kaeltwyn#5129 em 14 de jan de 2021 16:02:08
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Sorry guys, there was an error on the Ascendant (Offensive Focused) version, I missed out Sniper's Mark.
Here's the correct one with Sniper's Mark https://pastebin.com/yYKLF5mK " Explained above, The new one now has 2.1m DPS. Life wise the old one actually only has 5457 life compared to the new offensive one at 6029 life. My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3005581 |
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