[3.15] Elemental Hit Ballista Totem Hiero | Budget Friendly | League Start to Endgame

The new Far Shot node of the Deadeye looks so juicy for totems. Easy to guarantee the maximum range, and DPS with barrage support might get pretty bonkers.
If multiple totems end up on the normal tree I might try it.
thomzon escreveu:
The new Far Shot node of the Deadeye looks so juicy for totems. Easy to guarantee the maximum range, and DPS with barrage support might get pretty bonkers.
If multiple totems end up on the normal tree I might try it.

Yeah Deadeye is definitely very interesting with the new Ascendancy Upgrades. My initial thoughts is if we start at the Ranger side, maybe we might not want to travel all the way to the top left of the Passive Tree for Ancestral Bond and Avatar of Fire.

Avatar of Fire can be obtained through Xoph's Blood whereas for Ancestral Bond, we can see if we can make up for the damage difference from 1 less totem with the Passive Points saved from not travelling to the top left of the Passive Tree.

decliff escreveu:
How do you prevent stun?

In the 4 leagues I played this build, stun had never really been an issue. I did get stunned before but very infrequently. Never had a time I thought to myself, "Man I should look into how to handle these stuns". No one mentioned anything about stun issues in the 60+ pages of the old thread also.

decliff escreveu:
And is there an way to recover health other than potion?

People have commented about using Vitality Gem, however I have not personally tested it. Currently, this build reserves most of the Mana for Grace and Skitterbot already so if we use Vitality we have to make some changes to the setup.

I've seen people in the December Flashback event use it(By Replacing Grace) but I don't quite like the idea since Defense isn't exactly the strongest for this build so I quite value the Evasion from Grace, especially considering we use "Blind on Hit" to "double" our Evasion %.

kOxi_ escreveu:
What is the diference betwen the chieftain and the scion version ?

I have not played chieftain before so no comments on this.

kOxi_ escreveu:
have PoB of scion version ?

Since there seems to be some interest in Scion, plus myself too, I'll do my initial take on it later when I have a bit more time and post here. Lunasicc187 actually has an old thread on it, You can take a look if you are interested.


kOxi_ escreveu:
And the scion version is viable league starter ?

It depends on your definition of "viable" and "league starter"

Scion is generally less ideal/slower as a league starter due to

- Accessibility to Gems
- Not much Damage Nodes at the start of her area in the Passive Tree
- Nothing special from Ascendancy until the Second Lab

To me, totally viable since I am a casual player so I am not looking at efficiency/speed etc, but to others it depends on what they are looking for.

Ahewaz escreveu:

Did you encounter any issues with Mana placing the totems with 2 x "Non-Channelling Skills have -9 to Total Mana Cost"? From the videos it doesn't seem so.

Thanks for sharing btw!

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Última edição por Vei#5870 em 10 de jan de 2021 02:24:25
Ascendant(Chieftain/Raider) POB Pastebin Version 1: https://pastebin.com/RDiFi5KZ

Unlike the Hierophant Guide which is optimized over 4 leagues already, this Ascendant pastebin is an initial take so will definitely have lots of room for improvement(And might have some errors) so just take it as an idea for now.

With Scion, I would like to approach it a lot more defensively since when playing with Hiero, I always feel the Defense could be improved and thus I am going for 75/71 or 69/75(Depending on which Boot Corruption) Dodge/Spell Dodge and with also higher evasion than Hiero. With all these and the Totem leech life to you from Chieftain Ascendancy, we will be much less reliant on Life Flasks and stronger in defense. Considering we are going to face 10 bosses in Ritual, I think focusing on Defenses is probably a good idea.

The POB is a bit min-maxed Imo so please don't look at the DPS and see that WOW this is much better than the Hiero's POB(In Section 7). Scion actually deals less damage than Hiero and also has 1 less Max Totem since not taking Hiero Ascendancy

The lower left part of the Skill Tree, from Resolute Technique to Chainbreaker can be respeced off later into the Ranger Starting Area(In case it works better, not yet tested)

I left the Jewel Socket on the lower left untaken for now, it can be used for a Grace/Precision/Clarity Watcher eye with some skill point adjustment.

Gems probably can be optimized(or might actually need some shuffling) in terms of where they are socketed and that shouldn't be too hard. I'll leave things as is for now since things are still going to change.

Feel free to give your comments.
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Does the raider ascendency means that totems gain charges when they hit ? Because I suppose our own character doesn't ? What made you pick specifically that one ?

Wouldn't Inquisitor be globally more powerful ? Or even Pathfinder, as we can benefit greatly from both offensive and defensive flasks ?
Última edição por thomzon#6013 em 10 de jan de 2021 07:30:15
Hello everyone.
Vei, what do you think about my champion version of this build?


thomzon escreveu:
Does the raider ascendency means that totems gain charges when they hit ? Because I suppose our own character doesn't ?

It says "10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy" so the totems won't gain charges but we will gain charges. However since totems inherit our offensive stats, the frenzy charges on us boost our attack speed and that gets inherited by the totems.

thomzon escreveu:
What made you pick specifically that one ?

Why not Pathfinder - Answered further below

Why not Deadeye - Let's take a look at what Deadeye provides us:

"Projectiles gain Damage as they travel farther, dealing up
to 50% increased Damage with Hits to targets"

This is calculated additively which mean it's not very strong. Then if you factor it being combined with Point Blank which is calculated multiplicatively, it's becomes useless.

Of course it might change when more info is revealed but as of now it's pretty weak.

"50% increased Global Accuracy Rating"

If you have read "21. Stats in order of DPS boost" in my guide you will know that % increased Accuracy isn't a strong stat. So no good.

"Moving while Bleeding doesn't cause you to take extra Damage"

Small benefit, nice to have but no problem if not

"Projectiles Pierce 2 additional Targets"

This actually is more useful since we are using Atziri's Step which means we can't use a Hunter boot for the "Projectiles Pierce 2 additional Targets" affix but I wanted the Spell Dodge from Atziri Step.

Which means we have to get pierce from somewhere and the possible source for that will be 1 from a Penetrating Quiver and another from crafting the "Projectiles Pierce an additional Target" on gloves.

Alternatively, we can also invest either 2 or 4 Passive Points in the Skill Tree for 1 or 2 Pierce Respectively.

"Skills fire an additional Projectile"

Explained previously that there are item sources for this so while good to have, just like the 2x pierce above, the overall "package" from Deadeye loses to Raider for me.

thomzon escreveu:
Wouldn't Inquisitor be globally more powerful ? Or even Pathfinder, as we can benefit greatly from both offensive and defensive flasks ?

For Pathfinder, I am not a Piano Flask person so not quite for me but I can see why that might appeal to some :)

As for Inquisitor, that's interesting, I must say I didn't noticed it, will look more into it but probably won't give any comments on it since there is gonna be changes in 2 days.
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

velkron escreveu:
Hello everyone.
Vei, what do you think about my champion version of this build?


Hi there,

Interesting Interaction

I saw this interesting interaction and wrote my comments about it below which I can't 100% confirm, but if you happen to test it and don't mind sharing the result with us how it turns out, that will be awesome. :)

You have these 2 Ascendancy Notable:

Worthy Foe
Enemies Taunted by you cannot Evade Attacks
*Removed 1 line of text to make the discussion easier*

100% chance to Taunt on Hit
*Removed 3 line of text to make the discussion easier*

Your chance to hit is 78%

GGG's wordings are generally pretty accurate so base on the wordings and how Taunt work:

Scenario 1.
We shoot the enemy 1st and keep on shooting the enemy to maintain our taunt on the enemy

Worthy Foe's by you will be in effect and Chance to Hit them will become 100% since now the enemy cannot Evade Attacks.

Scenario 2.
Totem A, B and You start shooting at the enemy but Totem A hit the enemy 1st and keep on shooting the enemy and maintain their taunt on the enemy

In this case, since Worthy Foe's text says by you, this means the enemies are not considered to be taunted by us(Its Totem A that taunted the enemy), which means Worthy Foe's by you doesn't work and that means Totem B and you will follow the 78% Chance to hit and you will see Totem B and your shots miss 22% of the time.

What does all these mean?

To take advantage of all the by you and you've benefits in the Champion Ascendancy, you have to start shooting first in all encounters and maintain your taunt on the enemy(Taunt lasts for 3 seconds) which means shooting the enemy at least once every 3 seconds.

Otherwise, all the by you and you've are not working.

As for how to test this, just follow scenario 2 and see if your arrow will miss the Target.

Arrow Miss = what I say is correct
Arrow never Miss = POE is complicated ;)

The below might not be what you need a reply on since it doesn't sound like you are asking about your Equipment setup but I'll put it here just in case.

I am not sure how good the Level 14 Clarity is sustaining mana for you, since I see you are also using a Mana Flask.

Can consider getting 2 x "Non-Channelling Skills have -9 to Total Mana Cost" probably on your rings, then you can free up Clarity, maybe in exchange for Vitality(Instead of Grace) then since I see that you are using Flesh and Blood. This will also free up a Flask Slot since you no longer need the Mana Flask.

Other than the 2 above everything looks great! :)

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Última edição por Vei#5870 em 10 de jan de 2021 10:14:39
Hi Vei,

I had issues with Mana before the rings. Once I got the rings, the build was sweet. It seemed really smooth. I have never killed Sirus at level 93 before.

The unfortunate part is those rings in a league are going to be really expensive. I guess I am going to be running endless Jun missions in the hopes I can find the craft.

EDIT: So I tried your tree. My old tree had a higher DPS.

There is no need to take Path of the Ranger as you are not allocating any points from the ranger. You can remove it and take 1 more passive point in the ascendancy.

I am not Anti-Social, I am just selective on whom I wish to be social with.
Última edição por Ahewaz#3222 em 10 de jan de 2021 13:15:56
Hi Vei!

Wow, finally made your own thread, aww yiss! Glad that you are going to make this much easier to read and come back to. (I was the one that suggested boot enchants last time :))

For those that want to know if this build is good,I took this build for my 40/40 in Heist and also reach level 100 with it (there's only 6 of us and i was third to reach 100)

After Heist, i was playing around with doing a Deadeye variant and took it to lvl 90ish, using the exact set up that my templar had. There wasnt much difference in DPS, but i was experimenting with deadeye because i wanted to take the additional projectiles from the ascendancy instead of items so that its even easier to league start as sometimes additional projectiles quiver and boots can be more expensive and i wanted to see if i can push the build fast in a fresh league. I also wanted to test Far shot to mitigate the drawback of Knockback.

1. The only observation that is very noticeable is the laying down of one totems instead of two. Laying one totem during mapping is actually better when zooming through the maps, and you can even have better coverage since you're not stuck at limiting your totems to 3 locations (2 totems x 3 = 6 totems total before refresh).
However, when it comes to bossing, it feels like AGES to drop all your totems when fighting a boss, especially if its a hard boss like Sirus or Aul where you want all your totems to be optimally place at all times for best damage. (Rmb that we have point blank, so that means closer totems=more dmg, and with the King of the Hill, we keep knocking back the target after awhile. This is also solved by Far shot, i think, which i am happy with). This alone makes me reconsider going back Hiero for the +2, but now that the +2 is gone, i'm not sure how i feel about this loss and how to overcome it. We will have to see during patch notes. I hope +2 will be in the passives tree, and if that is the case, deadeye will be a clear winner in my eyes.

2. Thanks for the initial build draft for scion. While experimenting with the above, i was also considering either chieftain for a more defensive variant. Chieftain has that totem leech and if you take the other passives, the dps is not too much lower either. Also, from what i can see, we are including EE via the Malachai artifice and also more dps from WOC traps. Why didn't we do this last time? LOL. Seems like a good way to gain damage. I probably wont't adopt it as i find it tedious to even fire barrage frenzy (im lazy).

As for suggestions, while Hyrri ire is good, i think Kintsugi is better. My two arguments in favour of Kintsugi are:
a) Kintsugi is way easier and cheaper to obtain than Hyrri ire. I believe Hyrri Ire is a legion only drop, and the price stays multiple exalts throughout the league. If we are to keep the spirit of the guide in keeping it as low cost, Kintsugi is better, yes?
b) During my time in Gauntlet race, i learned the importance of layering defences. One method is through fortify. You can see this on builds that usually tack this on their whirling blades/shield charge. Since we can't use either, Kintsugi's 20% less damage taken is more valuable to me than extra dodge on the Hyrri. Most of the time this playstyle requires you to move and not get hit anyway(atleast thats how i play it) so it synergizes well.

Looking forward to play this again with the new ascendancies. Very solid build that can do everything in the game.
Última edição por crimsonraziel9#6256 em 10 de jan de 2021 12:13:46
its not official, but someone posted a preliminary mock up of the maps and it seems like estuary is a t15. does that just mean use tabula longer? assuming frostferno will be harder to get

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