[3.14] Dual Wield Molten Strike | Pseudo 7-8L | up to 7k life | Dodge + Fortify + Overleech
Hit hard by the Harvest nerfs, but still a very, very strong allrounder and absolutely worth playing.
Average A8 Conqueror with the gear linked ![]() A8 Sirus with the gear linked ![]() with a little more investment he doesn't get to move in last phase [A9] ![]() This is the first build I feel comfortable sharing. You can melt bosses pretty much from the start. However, the build can be squishy at first. Fortunately, you can absolutely push it to be able to facetank almost anything. With Fortify, Elusive and Vaal Grace this is a very, very tanky build. And from there on, if you want to, you can push your damage further. PoB: https://pastebin.com/XyP3i7Mg What you get is a very well rounded build. Excellent bossing, very decent clear, great survivability at higher investment. Molten Strike with Saviour is a very satisfying playstyle. It kind of feels like playing with an explosion chest even though we don't use any. 3.14 Harvest Changes
The Harvest nerfs hit this build hard, there is no denying that. Before it was very eassy to craft a pseudo 8L with the helmet enchantment. Now, realistically, we have to settle for a pseudo 7L and won't have the enchantment. At the end of the day, however, the build still does amazingly well.
Pros - Incredible bossing dps even with moderate initial investment - Nice clear speed - Very tanky with investment (I didn't die between 94 and 94 and I tend to play sloppy and die a lot), 7k + life, fortify, dodge and overleech - First build I have played where I found no need to get corrupted blood immunity (minor point, but I really dislike the fact, you are essentially forced to get corrupted blood immunity) - No need for Cluster Jewels - statisfying playstyle, lots Magma Balls all over the place - very versatile, can do pretty much all content (easiest Sirus and Syndicate build I haver ever played) - very smooth league start experience Cons - Core items are more expansive at league start - Capping Accuracy can be a bit tricky with Saviour corruption - Pushing the build can get pricey - Elemental reflect is a no go (no leech pretty much too, and no regen is a pain as well) Video Showcase
Mapping, Conquerors, Sirus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se_FcGof10w Cortex, Wave 20 Simulacreum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSHpmZlKm8w Uber Elder, Maven https://youtu.be/ENKtB6j_92I How this build was created
Hybridboy once came up with a very popular Juggernaut Molten Strike Build using an Elder helmet as a pseduo 6L/7L. Since it was that build that inspired this one, credit should go out to him (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2211489)
These Elder helmet can also have added flat crit chance. In the Juggernaut build this isn’t particularly big since it uses Elemental Overload. Ever since playing it, the Idea was on my mind to make a crit build with those Elder helmets, essentially pushing it to a Pseudo 8L. The idea of the Juggenaut build was to enable the usage of Kaom’s heart in a Shield build. Since my approach doesn’t try to push life as hard, it has to be noted, that you could go with a regular chest piece. This would allow us to push damage a good amount further (flat crit chance, frenzy and power charge generation via Chest and linking Auras to Empower comes to mind - Farrul's Fur would work really well). I did however stay with Kaom’s Heart. The big life pool works very well with our overleech and addes to our overall tankyness. And tob e blunt: We don’t really need that extra damage, because our damage is absurd as it is. So in my opinion extra tankyness is just more QoL overall. It has to be noted however, that I don't like squishy builds. I am not a particularly good player, I tend to get sloppy and die a lot and dying frustrates me. This being said, once we have all our defensive layers we rarely die anymore. How this build works
The Helmet
This build evolves around the special affixes on Elder helmets. These are: - Socketed gems are supported by level (16-20) concentrated effect - Socketed gems are supported by level (16-20) Immolate - Socketed gems deal 30% more damage (this is an essence mod) - Socketed atttacks have (1-3) % to critical strike chance
This gives us a pseudo 8L on our helmet. This helm cost me 17 Ex (10 for the base, 7 for crafting). Even a pseudo 7L will do nicely for starters. The 8L was easy to achieve with harvest crafting. Now, realistically, we have to settle for a pseudo 7L and the enchant is hard to get as well (see Harvest section). Thread of Hope (very large ring) A Thread of Hope with a very large ring is extremely useful for this build. It gives us easy access tot he 40% phys to fire conversion we need, the very strong sword node Blade Master with some desperately needed accuracy and Versatility (INT and DEX we need, accuracy and attack speed – what’s not to love). If you have Fortify Steadfest is also a really nice option. These are all great nodes for us, but it would be costly to path there. So the Thread of Hope is a major part of this build Apart from the Helmet the build makes use of some really nice synergies: Slayer and Molten Strike (a.k.a. Bossing) Slayer ist one oft he strongest bossing ascendancies thanks to Headsmen and Bane of Legends. Molten Strike is considered a very strong bossing skill. So apparently we have a very deadly combination here. Slayer, Helmet and the Saviour Overwhelm pairs really nice with the flat crit chance from the helmet. We get a base crit chance of 9-11 %. This really let’s the Saviour shine. The Saviour and Molten Strike (a.k.a. Clearing) I wouldn’t generally consider Molten Strike a very good clear skill. Like with most skills, the Saviour is a game changer here. With the reflections, Multistrike and one source of Strike skills targeting another nearby enemy (most likely anointing Tribal Fury; gloves would work as well) makes for some very nice clear speed. Apparently Tailwind will add a great deal, if you can get it. Overleech, Dodge and Fortify (a.k.a. Tanking) Overleech and dodge also have great synergie. Dodge builds are known to be susceptible to one shots. Overleech gives us a buffer that counters this weakness. On the other hand I felt like overleech alone doesn’t give enough tankyness. Since I don’t like squishy builds, this was a huge deal for me and getting this build tanky enough for me was the biggest challenge. Dodge really helps to keep alive the buffer that overleech is. Finally, a Fortify corruption works really well as a 3rd layer. TLDR: Dodge and Fortify really keep your overleech going. Skills and Gem Links
Molten Strike -> [Awakened] Multistrike -> [Awakened] Elemental Damage with Attacks] -> Divergent Combustion [helmet] Anger -> Herald of Ashi -> Precision -> Enlighten Cast when Damage Taken (level 20) -> Summon Ice Golem Blood and Sand Blood Rage Vaal Haste Vaal Grace Ancestral Protector Wave of Conviction (Level 1) Steel Skin [left mouse button] Leap Slam We move with Leap slam, have Steelskin on left mouse button. For bosses we pop Ancestral Protector, Vaal Haste, Vaal Grace and Wave of Conviction. Gear
Evolving this build (from budget to face tanking)
Start off with Dual Grelwoods. From there it is Saviour and then either a Pardoxica or a corrupted Grelwood with Fortify, depending on whether your focus is dps or survivability.
From here, the sky is the limit. There are several big improvements and the order really just depends on whether you want to push your damage or add tankyness (this espscially goes for the boots – tailwind or elusive first?). This is my suggested order - Fortify corruption (Grelwood Shank budget, Saviour more expensive) - Elusive - Tailwind - Awakened Multistrike - Double Watcher’s Eye - Helmet improvements (very difficult since 3.14) The footage in this video is done on a budget of approximately 100 Ex. There is still lots of room for improvement (I haven’t really bothered to change my belt, rings and amulets since I started mapping. Also, you could do some insane stuff with the helmet and the Maven’s Orb – level 25 Immolate Support! However that kind of investment is by no means necessary. I just happened to love evolving my own build and decided to keep pushing it. The motivation is just higher if it feels like you own creation. Leveling
Since we can’t league start with this anyways, leveling isn’t a real issue. You can level with Molten Strike from Level 1 onwards. However, it starts to shine only with Multistrike and Ancestral Call (the latter can later be replaced by any source of „Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby enemy]. Leveling with Molten Strike is pretty straightforward. Leveling with Slayer even more so. We grab Headsman and Bane of Legends first which really helps to smooth the leveling process. We then get Overwhelm for a massive early boost to our crit chance. Last comes brutal fervour. Before we get that, we lack tankyness, so if you are uncomfortable with that, you might swap something our for Brutal Fervour or just get that first. With level 38 Multistrike makes clearing much smoother. You can consider taking Ancestral Call before or, if you don't mind about the currency, annointing Tribal Fury on a leveling amulet will be really nice. At level 68 we can equip our helmet and from there on, bosses just melt. Our main goal now is to add survivability. League Starting
In the first version of this build guide I had assumed this was not a league starter. I did want to try league starting it and as it turns out I was very wrong. What is true, is that league starting isn't efficient in terms of three core items (Dying Sun, Kaom's Heart and The Saviour) being very expansive at league start and then massively dropping in price (as stated in the cons section). Apart from that, the build actually made for one of the best league starts I ever had.
I startet with claws and would recommend doing so. The life gain on hit synergizes very well with Molten Strike. I did most content on 2 Wasp Nests. Since they have a high base crit chance this allows to take Brutal Fervour before Overwhelm. Overleech and LGOH is a strong combination. This will easily get you through uber lab and to red maps. Once you do uber lab it is a good point to respecc to swords and grab 2 Grelwood Shanks. Since we don't yet have Elusive at this point and get hit often enough, the 4 extra projectiles carry you a long way. Última edição por Shafirion#6638 em 20 de mai de 2021 03:50:09 Último bump em 29 de jun de 2021 08:46:36
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I'll give a try for this build, seems quite nice. I used to like Molten Strike but after a lot of changes it wasn't so fun to play anymore. Let's see how far can I get with 80ex budget :)
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" That's great. Let me know how it turns out for you. Have fun with the build and stay safe, Exile! |
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Added more showcase material and more leveling suggestions.
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I am still having great fun with the build but it is mostly maxed out by now.
There is, however, one big improvement and that would be a helmet with level 25 immolate support. I am not really big on crafting. I know these helmets are a thing with cold BV builds. How would I go at it? And what would be the estimate costs of such a helmet. I really only care about the elevated immolate modifier, since that would boost my dps by 25%. Would really appreciate some input! My best guess is essence of horror spam to get a base with 2 removable suffixes. Aug fire till 20 immolate and any crit mod. Maven orb and hope for 25 immolate. Otherwise repeat. When you get 25 immolate augment crit (and add/remove for crit3 if needed). And then spam keep suffixes to get concentrated effect. Is there a better way? Última edição por Shafirion#6638 em 4 de mar de 2021 06:12:04
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Ah man finally I found something I would like to play! Long time ago I started with the same Jugg build and is still one of my all time fav. I must say gearing was much much cheaper back then but the content was also different. I am the same as you in that regard that I hate dying and still need to improve my gameplay.
I just leveled a gladiator which I did not enjoyed so I will respec to this build for sure first thing when I get on tonight. I have a quetion. Can it also be played Without the 30% more damage in the helmet or is it mandatory. I am not super rich yet (price now 15ex +) and Would like to start with just the immo, conc and crit chance. I have both the saviour and paradoxia so I can use these. Paradoxia is the better choice than the grelwood right? I will let you know soon how if iots just as good or perhaps even better than the jugg version :) Nice work. |
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" I honestly can't tell. It certainly depends on the content your Gladiator-soon-to-be-Slayer is currently doing. To start mapping you will be just fine. What I don't like about leaving out the 30% more, is that you can't add it later since it is an essence craft. So you would have to start from there always. The crit mod on the other hand can always be added and is fairly easy to craft. So I would advise to keep an eye on the market. There was a helmet with 30% more / 18 immolate / 18 concentrated effect / 2 crit listed for 6 Ex 2 days ago. So bargains are certainly possible. There are also several helmets with 30% more / immolate / concentrated effect and an open or removable suffix available around 8 ex. I'd say it is better to start from there, but for startes conc/immolate/crit will work just fine. The problem is, that these helmets are a little off meta (though Hybrid's build is still beeing played). I went all in for the helmet myself. Got very unlucky with failing on the first 4 Maven Orb's but finally did it: As to paradoxica, yeah it beats grelwood shank in general. If you get hit, it is probably a close call with the extra 2 projectiles. Since we play dodge and Vaal Grace for bosses, we often do not get hit so Paradoxica is the way to go. I actually tested it out of curiosity and it is not even beaten by a 800 dps foil (because we scale off a lot of flat fire damage). Let me know how it goes and feel free to ask anytime here or ingame. I honestly haven't had this much fun with a build in a long time. Saviour reflections and Molten Strike are super fun, throwing balls all over the place. The only annoying part is getting your survibability, but as soon as you have and Elusive, it's very tanky for a Slayer (didn't die from 96 to 97 either, when I actually started to play to level again). But your post made me think of adding another Showcase with budget Items (no Awakened Multistrike, no Tailwind, some budget helmet, no chest corruption). Will probably do that later or tomorrow. I actually have another goal left. If I can improve resists on my jewelry a little I could craft minimum frenzy charges 3 times. That would be pretty cool for damage and QoL. Última edição por Shafirion#6638 em 6 de mar de 2021 07:29:43
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" Thanks alot! Yes I saw some on the trade as well and I also understand how to make them now as well :) I am still randomly getting one shot but that is because I need more life from the tree and being sloppy. I will update once again when I hit lvl 90 and have the correct helmet. Also I forgot to take tribal which probably clears much better and missed one node to convert 100% phys to fire. AND gratz on the helmet! Its a monster! :) |
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" Thanks ;) Yeah, Tribal Fury is a real game changer. |
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why do u have the golem on a cwdt? just QoL to kep it up all the time?
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