Solidwolf escreveu:
I see the ranger accendencies focus alot on onslaught, how does this build get onslaught while playing?
it's a raider. You have permanent onslaught.
Postado porChemistHCSSF#2067em 16 de abr de 2021 11:22:22
FlyingGiraffes escreveu:
Where do you get mana flask sustain for bossing? Build also has -1000 mana regen on pob?
this is with agnostic ticking as in you've lost health recently.
Postado porChemistHCSSF#2067em 16 de abr de 2021 11:24:03
MisterWubbles escreveu:
Sorry if I misunderstand, but how does the vigil fortify buff work with only 10 STR in radius?
Vigil has been broken in PoB for a while, it doesn't require allocation of strength nodes for about a year now.
Postado porChemistHCSSF#2067em 16 de abr de 2021 11:27:07
Schnubbel_ escreveu:
your mentioned gear section is missing. is it editing mistake, didnt u get there yet or am i just blind? :p
guide sounds interesting, i would apreciate a gear/bis recommendation for tradeleague.
thx and good job
I didn't there yet. The items are all very detailed and in path of building.
Postado porChemistHCSSF#2067em 16 de abr de 2021 11:28:01
Malyniak escreveu:
What do you think about squeezing in Asenath's gloves (https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Asenath%27s_Gentle_Touch) for explosions? I was using them when playing Chieftain previous league and they rock. I think I will try this one but have never played raider and I wonder if it's really as tanky as you say. Chieftain was great at it ;)
They felt good on chieftan because it's pretty zdps, it's unneeded on raider imo but you can use them.
Postado porChemistHCSSF#2067em 16 de abr de 2021 11:28:56
Hey guys, still a W.I.P here but trying to be diligent as possible. Thank you very much to the other people helping answer questions, it's very much appreciated.
Postado porChemistHCSSF#2067em 16 de abr de 2021 11:33:13
Heads up:
Careful on doing ultimatum with this mod, especially HC
Lightning Damage from Mana Costs:Take 1000% of Mana costs as Lightning Damage
Postado porsnowmittens#5923em 16 de abr de 2021 11:38:14
snowmittens escreveu:
Heads up:
Careful on doing ultimatum with this mod, especially HC
Lightning Damage from Mana Costs:Take 1000% of Mana costs as Lightning Damage
good save!
Postado porChemistHCSSF#2067em 16 de abr de 2021 11:39:31
@ChemistHCSSF Will be updating the filter?
Postado porClassicEnergy#2307em 16 de abr de 2021 11:53:51
snowmittens escreveu:
Heads up:
Careful on doing ultimatum with this mod, especially HC
Lightning Damage from Mana Costs:Take 1000% of Mana costs as Lightning Damage
I think it shouldn't be a big problem cause of mitigation. (Lightning res + MoM)
Biggest problem (highes mana cost) would be arcane cloak, but it absorbs most of the damage from this mod, so...
Postado porZekanyd#5338em 16 de abr de 2021 11:57:13