[3.17] strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator -- League Start & End Game v3.
" I highly recommend swapping your Deadly Ailment Support for Cruelty Support. Cruelty is not calculated properly in PoB but in game, it should work pretty well. There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer
strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3136830 |
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Will do, it's a shame the nerf to deadly ailments....It definitely felt like I am doing more bleed damage, but the initial hit nerf kinda sucked haha.
PS The Red Nightmare technology is actually mind bogglingly good. What's the deal with block cap? Última edição por Getsmurfed#0745 em 31 de ago de 2021 04:44:10
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" thanks, bro. can't wait to see your PoB. that will help a lot. |
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Hello, first of all thanks for the great guide.
I have a question about what axe could be better: OR One have more DoT multi and the other more APS, I think i must use the one with the highest APS right? Thanks in advance. kek?
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" I think the DoT Multi belong to the same group, so you can divine the lower one: +(43–50)% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Bleeding from Hits with this Weapon The Runic Hatchet is better because of the APS. The Royal Axe is worse not only because of the APS but also the Phys to Chaos conversion. If the Royal Axe does not have the conversion mod, then it might come down to a test run to see if the lower APS is acceptable (assuming you own both axe). If you are making a purchase, then I don't recommend a low APS axe unless you can fix it. There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer
strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3136830 |
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Really thanks for your fast answer, the chaos covnersion also bothers me....
I´ll stay with first one. Thanks again for your guide and responses. kek?
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I will be rewriting section [2.1] Weapon, the following is the original discussion saved as backup for future references.
[2.1] Weapon
As briefly mentioned in introduction, we will be using axe as our weapon type since many axe skill tree nodes include bleeding modifier. This is the most important piece of gear.
In 3.14, bleeding mod 60% chance for Bleeding inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage has been replaced with +(51–59)% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Bleeding from Hits with this Weapon. This was the biggest nerf for 3.14. Pre-3.14 Elder Siege Axe was (probably still is) the best in slot base for this build because of the base attack speed. More attack speed means you can apply more stacks of bleeding per second and more chance to roll higher instance of bleed: " Attack speed is not the only consideration for maxing bleeding damage, what is also important (if not more important) is our base physical damage. " Therefore you need to balance between attack speed and base physical damage in order to maximize your bleeding. As aforementioned, Siege Axe provides the highest APS, but Royal Axe provides the highest base (average) physical damage while other axe types fall in between. Testing using PoB yielded the same result; with the same weapon modifiers, Royal Axe produces the highest Combined DPS while Siege Axe the lowest Combined DPS. Yet, poe.ninja shows 77% of players use Siege Axe (week-6 snapshot, level 98+, sample size 30). ![]() My conclusion to these observations is that in an ideal situation (i.e. hitting target dummy) Royal Axe beats Siege Axe. In reality during mapping and bossing, you are constantly moving, in order to keep 8/as many stacks of bleeding, you will need to have enough APS during the attack window. This is not to say Royal Axe is bad, we can still invest in attack speed to make it work (or work better).
In a future update to this guide, I might research into how much speed investment is needed for Royal Axe.
Finally we can talk about what mods to look for on your weapon. P Adds # to # Physical Damage P #% increased Physical Damage P #% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Bleeding from Hits with this Weapon S #% increased Attack Speed Culling strike is a quality of life suffix for bossing but absolutely not mandatory. We have the option to get it through weapon swap, linking Culling Strike Support to our Ancestral Warchief or on our gloves. You also want as much quality on your weapon as possible. Keep in mind that 48% Quality is equivalent to 48% increased Physical Damage. How the 3.14 axe was crafted: 1. Buy an Elder Siege Axe iLv 83+ 2. Perfect fossil to 28%+ quality 3. Two options below and you are looking for 2 required prefixes (one of which must be DoT multipler) and a open prefixes to craft the missing one a. Harvest reforge physical or attack (or any other reforge but less likely) b. Fossil craft with Jagged and/or Corroded 4. Harvest reroll suffix until we have attack speed or reforge speed with prefix cannot be changed. If you are really feeling lucky, you can reforge attack with prefix cannot be changed hoping for culling strike and attack speed. Keep in mind, when reforging attack, you run the risk of getting 3 undesired suffix thus breaking the item. We can also multimod our axe if the situation allows (like the one above). It turns out this axe I crafted (which is worth 10ex mid-league) is beaten by a 7c unique (day-7) or 65c (day-1) as per PoB. Shout out to u/TheHappyEater and u/Botatua who asked about my opinion on this axe. The lack of attack speed was not too much concern and I recorded a couple of boss kills with this weapon. The gears used in the video has more flat damage from two Steel Rings (it was not done intentionally). You must wonder why I am not showcasing with the same gear and the reason for that is all the gears in this guide (gems and cluster/jewels) are stored in inventory to create linkage. It is extremely tedious to re-socket/un-socket and put them back in the right location (and it looks something like this).
![]() I did kill Uber Elder with this axe as well but there were some interruption in between so I did not finish the full recording. If you are interested, I can record a new one. Shaper Sirus Based on my testing and cost of Jack, the Axe, it is probably the best in slot for early to mid league. The following section discusses the damage output and at what point does a crafted axe surpass Jack, the Axe. Since there are multiple factors influencing the outcome (especially attack speed), interpret at your own discretion. Surpassing Jack, the Axe:
The conclusion of this discussion is at the bottom of this section. If you do not wish to read through the underlying assumptions, you can skip ahead. Keep in mind the results are derived based on a specific set of assumptions and should only be used as a broad reference range. Before making a comparable axe, we need to understand how much damage Jack is dealing. The following calculation shows the DPS for 1 stack of bleed with the following condition: 1. All modifiers' roll on Jack is the lowest. 2. Removed the effect of Ryslatha's Coil (for simplicity) 3. All values in Blue can be referenced back to PoB, all values in Yellow are are adjusted using Jack (including Thirst for Blood). ![]() I then backward calculated the required DPS need on a rare axe the result is shown below. To have the same bleeding DPS as Jack, the Axe, a rare axe with the same attack speed (APS 1.4) and without damage over time multiplier will need an average physical damage of 292. If the axe has damage over time multiplier (i.e. the minimum value of 37%) then the required average can be lowered to 235. ![]() This is not a realistic scenario however, as discussed earlier, we need attack speed on our axe. In order to incorporate APS into our equation, we need to compare the cumulative bleeding damage across time. For Jack, the Axe, the APS is fixed at 1.40. For our rare, I used Siege Axe with 20% increase attack speed. This is the highest speed we can bench craft. This puts our rare's attack speed at 1.80. I set the attack time to 10 seconds so that Jack attacks 14 times and rare attacks 18 times. Now let us look at specifically Jack's damage. Using the bleed DPS above (108k), we calculate the bleeding damage over 5 seconds (108k*5) which is 541k. With APS of 1.40, the time interval between each attack is 0.71s (1s/1.40APS). Therefore the bleed damage per instance of bleed between each attack is 77k (108k*0.71). Below is a bleed damage schedule from time 0s to time 10s. Each hit deals the average bleeding damage and is depleted over 5s. The total bleed damage at the end of 10s is 5,397k. ![]() If our Siege Axe were to generate the same bleeding damage over 10s. It only needs 50k of bleeding damage per instance of bleeding between each attack. If I take this number and compute the physical damage needed on the axe (without DoT Multiplier), the result is 219. ![]() Some numbers are colored in red, they are excluded from damage because the stacks of bleeding are caped at 8. This initially suggest some additional attack speed may be wasted, however we need to keep in mind that additional attacks give us more chance to roll higher bleeding damage which is not captured in the above scenario since we are assuming uniform damage per attack. Conclusion: In order to have an equal amount of bleeding damage per 10 second interval. Our axe (with 20% increased attack speed) need to have the following average physical damage. ![]() There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer
strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3136830 |
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I'm loving the build, I'm managing to do all the content without problems. Could you explain how you craft the armour? What fossils did you use?
I know the base needs to have the hunter's influence. Thank you. |
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" The 3.14 chest (described in the guide) is simply Essence of Greed into good resistances and open prefix. You can then craft either %Life/Mana or %Block. For 3.15, I wanted to do something different. Option 1 was +life, %Life, %Block as prefix. You can use either Hunter or Elder base. I used reforge life to get +life, %Life and open prefix. At this point, you can craft %Block and be done with it. Option 2 was +life, %Life, +1 Curse as prefix. To get +1 Curse, I still need +life, %Life and open prefix but must be a Hunter base. I then craft prefix cannot be changed and reforged caster to the +1 Curse. From here you have a couple of options: 1. Reforge suffixes. 2. Prefix cannot be changed + Aisling Slam. This will remove a random suffix (including prefix cannot be changed). The only beneficial modifiers are Fortify Effect when Focused, Attributes or Elemental/Chaos Resistance. The reason I didn't use Fossil is because there is no end game challenges related to Delve so I didn't have enough Fossils and currency investment went to offensive gear. You can run a simulation on CraftofExile to see the best combination of Fossil needed to get +life/%Life. Edit: Reforge caster is not guaranteed. There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3136830 Última edição por strTrader#2330 em 2 de set de 2021 16:36:34
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Sorry if this is a silly question, when i open the POB to look at the skills (particularly the CWDT link) when it says disabled we dont run that anymore? the immortal call and tempest shield link is what im wondering about
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