[3.15] Panday's Two-Hand Frost Blades Slayer / The Last Hope of Frost Blades!
So I have been playing this build for two leagues now ever since Hydrosphere was introduced into the game, and I fell in love with it ever since. That being said, I decided to make a build guide and share this build to you guys hoping that you may also enjoy it as much as I did. I hope you may find this guide helpful and informative. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions because I would be more than happy to answer them to the best of my knowledge. Thank you very much and have fun reading!
If you need any help with the build you can add me in my personal discord TACATS #2432 :). Cheers! Have fun in 3.15! *For Tree Progression refer to leveling guide section ( just don't take supreme ego anymore ) LEAGUESTART / BUDGET VERSION https://pastebin.com/uELeTv0h MID-GAME NON-CLUSTER https://pastebin.com/ya9Mk83f END-GAME CLUSTER VERSION https://pastebin.com/iCFFP1Zb " NOTES GEMS Hypothermia vs Melee Physical damage Early on while you have less attack speed on gear Hypothermia is chosen over Melee Phys. But in the end-game if you have good gear and/or awoke multistrike, melee phys ( esp. awoke MP ) will beat Hypothermia. TREE Supreme Ego Removed because of support gem mana cost changes Second 6L Setup **Pending Change Either Icecrash + earthbreaker support or Vaal Ancestral Warchief " _____________________________________________________________________________ ![]() _____________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS "_____________________________________________________________________________ BUILD OVERVIEW PROS + Fast Clear Speed --- With awakened ancestral call you can almost one tap the whole screen. + Excellent Maven's Invitation Farmer --- Our projectiles have a screen wide coverage of the arena. + Easy Damage Scaling --- It does not require to massively stack flat phys on gears, like steel rings etc, to do efficient damage since 2handed weapons have a large base flat phys damage already. + Decent Survivability --- It’s not a super tanky AFK build but it can take a few hits. CONS - Can be expensive to min-max --- Our weapon consumes the bulk of our investment since most of our base damage will be coming from it. But the cost will be way less if you decide to craft your own gear. - Need to reach enough levels to feel good in the "end-game" --- Main drawback of “CRIT” builds is that you need enough critical strike chance and multiplier to deal consistent damage in the end-game. For that you need enough levels to allocate the important critical strike nodes in the tree. Good thing increased crit chance gem was buffed which can help to counteract this drawback :) - Best played as your 2nd character --- If you're not experienced with frostblades leveling then your better of playing as Cyclone or Lancing Steel first then transition to this build. _____________________________________________________________________________ BUILD INTRODUCTION So why play frost blades “now” ?
There are a couple of reasons why one should try out and play frost blades today. Here are a couple of examples :
1. Changes to marks ( ass. mark) makes it easier to cap ( 100 % ) critical strike chance against “ single target “ which frost blades struggles to achieve in the past (w/o massive investment). Even you stack cold penetration and crit multipliers but don’t have a “consistent” 95-100+% crit chance against single target you will definitely experience a poor to average dps output. It is simply because Frost Blades utilizes the “Multistrike” gem where in if you don’t crit in your first attack, the next 2 attacks won’t roll a crit. ** Getting 100% Hit Chance is also mandatory. 2. Single Target In the past, people shy away from playing frost blades because of its single target issue. But today we have all we need to fix that problem such as hydrosphere gem, buff to crafting and essences, and veiled mods. Now, I don't see any reason not to play frost blades today :) If you place the Hydrosphere beside a boss you can hit the boss with the melee portion of frost blades along with the secondary projectiles that spawned from the hydrosphere which ultimately increases our single target damage. 3. Competitive Clear Speed Even though frost blades is a melee skill, it can compete with other long range builds such as winter orb or elemental hit in terms of clear speed. Having +2 strike additional targets from our gloves in combination with Awakened Ancestral Call or Awakened Chain allows us to 1 top the whole screen.
![]() 1. Brutal Fervour (BF) - Overleech = Damage of Full life Support ( damage ) + Sustain ( Survivability ) We go for Slayer to be able to use the “Damage on Full Life Support Gem” which is a very strong support compared to let’s say hypothermia. DOFL also scales both the melee and projectile part of FB and has 50% more damage multiplier at lvl 21. Overall it is the best support gem next to “Multistrike and EDWA” for this build. Next point is that because of BF, we gain a very nice life sustain during mapping and especially during boss fights. Finally, on top of the above benefits, we get a generic 10% reduced damage taken while leeching which, we always are, 100% of the time ( unless you run a cannot leech map mod ). ![]() 2. Bane of Legends ( BoL ) - 20% Cull ( instant kill upon reaching 20% or less of the monsters health ) - Aspd + Movespeed Since the primary goal of the build is to be a smooth mapper and decent bosser, BoL gives us the ability to achieve that. ![]() 3. Endless hunger ( EH ) - 20% Aspd - Importance of being stun immune for evasion + dodge characters - Overkill Damage leech as life = good sustain during mapping As an evasion and dodge character it is of importance that we are immune to stuns since we don’t have a large HP pool ( 7k+) and stuns can be deadly and it can potentially interrupt our leech stacks while attacking. Yes you can achieve that through gear and use another ascendancy but that takes up a “suffix” slot in our gears which we wouldn’t like since gearing will be more difficult than it is. On top of stun immunity, EH grants as 20% attack speed and Overkill Damage leech as life which is a huge quality of life ( faster attack animation + good sustain during mapping ). ![]() 4. Headsman - 30% more damage lols
Two-Handed Sword - Ability to use Kaom’s Heart (KH) or Replica Shroud of the Lightless ( end-game variant - Easy damage Scaling - Higher Overkill Damage = higher leech from Endless Hunger One of the reasons we use two-handed weapons because it allows us to wear kaom’s heart ( 500 life ) or Replica Shroud of the Lightless ( 200 – 240 life ). It is of great importance for evasion/dodge characters to have a decent hp pool ( at least 6k life ) in order to avoid 1 shots. Yes, it is achievable without wearing the said uniques but that would the cost a lot of passive points or insane gear. As a CRIT build we are already “passive point starved” since we have to allocate our points mostly on crit nodes besides life. So by wearing KH we can focus more on damage without massively sacrificing our survivability. Since, we already have a large base damage, having base flat phys or cold damage on gears becomes less important ( except in our weapon ). With this in mind, we can focus more on life and resistances which makes gearing a lot easier.
This build scales both the melee and projectile part of Frost Blades ![]() - Point Blank and Hydrosphere This build takes advantage of the Point Blank keystone to add a 30% more multiplier to the projectiles that spawn from our hydrosphere. That is why when we encounter a beefy monster, we drop our hydrosphere close to the enemy to help boost our damage. Since both the damage of the melee and projectile part of frost blades is of importance, we scale it both in terms of Support Gems, Gearing and Passives. In our setup the only support gem that does not Scale the projectile part of FB is “Awakened Melee Physical Damage Support” (A-MPD). It is very hard to justify replacing it with, like hypothermia support ( 39% more multiplier ) since A-MPD has a 54% more melee physical multiplier and gives us a 10% chance to intimidate. ( enemies take 10% increased damage ). VIDEOS
Mapping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXa0XI4EL48 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxJx7Xohy5U Terminus Est Maven Run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AZXDcuD61w No HH t19 100% Delirium 3ple Beyond https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdFVTkNT7Oo&t=2s 122% Quantity "The Feared" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2KL6vV7Lbw Maven w/ actual gear https://youtu.be/9xd1wZkjvks A9 Sirus https://youtu.be/6CMyJbyGbNo PASSIVE TREE DISCUSSION / POB TEMPLATE
You can download the POB Community Fork here : https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/releases *Take note that I intentionally did not tick all the boxes in our POB. I did not bother because POB cannot accurately calculate our DPS anyway. Bandit : Help Alira Passive Tree (w/ Progression) *see leveling guide Kaoms Heart Passive Tree ( More Strength ) *read changelog 3.15 Replica Shroud Passive Tree ( Less Strength but more % evasion ) *read changelog 3.15 My End-Game POB https://pastebin.com/yEQMWGai NOTES: ![]() Winter Spirit -This node is very important because it converts 40% of our remaining physical damage into cold damage. ![]() Weapon Artistry and Aspect of the Lynx -These 2 notables are taken because they help with our stat requirements and can potentially get a double damage mod from Lethal Pride. ![]() Wind Dancer -A very important keystone to save us from 1 shots. ![]() Thick Skin Life Wheel -Gives us a total of 20% avoid elemental ailments. ![]() Lethal Pride in the Ranger Starting Area -Takes care most of our STRENGTH requirements ![]() Point Blank - Give 30% More Projectile Damage to the projectile portion of our FB PANTHEON (Imporant!)
![]() MAJOR GOD Soul of Lunaris ( MAPPING SETUP ) Soul of Solaris ( BOSSING SETUP ) MINOR GOD Soul of Gruthkul - As an evasion/dodge character we are in dire need of physical reduction. Luckily for us, our Pantheon provides us a decent amount. Upgrading your Pantheon - Place the divine vessel in your map device along with your map. After you've killed the designated map boss, bring your divine vessel to Sin in Act 9. ![]() GEM DISCUSSION
WEAPON ( 6L - Frost Blades ) - Try to get lvl 21 Frost Blades since adds 1 additional projectile. - If possible try to buy the Anomalous Quality of DOFL because it adds another 0.4% to our attack leech and is more beneficial than the 10% increased damage given by the normal quality. - If you are on a tight budget and can’t afford to buy Awakened Multistrike, the Divergent Quality ( 10% attack speed ) can be a good budget alternative until you save up enough currency to buy the Awakened version ( highest dps support gem in our setup). - Try to buy the Anomalous Quality ( 20% critical strike chance) of Inspiration. Inspiration is chosen over Hypothermia simply because it adds 60% crit chance and reduces the mana cost of our frost blades. - If you don't have yet our Bloodscent Cluster replace Melee Phys Support with Rage Support so you can use Berserk on bosses ALTERNATIVE - Inevitably in the end-game ( w/ bloodscent cluster ) there will come a point that you can afford to replace Awakened Melee Physical Damage (A-MPD) for Ancestral Call ( or awakened ) during NORMAL MAPPING. Even though we already have +1 strike additional target in our gloves , you may still want to do this since Awakened Ancestral Call will increase your clear speed even more. - Still, A-MPD is the main gem used against BIG BOSSES ( Guardians, Maven, Sirus ). AWAKENED GEM PROGRESSION 1. Awakened Melee Phys >>>> 2. A-EDWA >>>>> 3. A-Multistrike ( most expensive )
BOOTS ( 4L - MOVEMENT ) - Our Leap Slam is one of the important sources of our rage generation alongside the bloodscent notable. As much as possible try to get the Anomalous Quality of Rage ( 20% chance to gain rage when use a skill) so every time we use LS we have a chance to generate rage. This is a huge quality of life since we are able to maintain our rage stacks in between packs as long as we are Leap Slamming. - But if you are having mana issues don’t hesitate to replace rage with LIFETAP support as a temporary fix until you fit it -mana cost of non-channeling skills in your gear. ***VERY IMPORTANT : TRY TO ALWAYS MAINTAIN YOUR FORTIFY ( 20% less damage taken ) BY CONSISTENTLY LEAPING ONTO ENEMIES.
HELMET ( 4L – AURA + COOLDOWNS ) Indisponível - Before every boss fight try to always use Vaal Ancestral Warchief and Berserk to boost your single target DPS. - Don't hesitate to press your Berserk (19% less damage taken) if you find yourself in a tight spot. ALTERNATIVE - In an ideal setting you want to have 1 white socket in one of your gears. So you can fit in herald of ice whenever you want. - Herald of ice barely does anything to our damage but it's nice to have during map clearing and aesthetics ( MTX ).
2L Level 1 Cast When Damage Taken – Level 3 Immortal Call - You can choose whatever level of CWDT you are comfortable with. Level 1 CWDT is just a personal preference. - Just don’t forget to match the level of your Immortal Call with your CWDT.
2L Blood Rage – lvl 1 Hydrosphere - Try to maintain Hydrosphere at level 1 so its intelligence requirement won't increase.
- In-Game, Press X to initiate Weapon Swap - Put hydrosphere in front of you and attack it with Chain Hook or Frenzy in order to generate rage stacks / frenzy charges before a big boss fight. - We primarily use this during Maven’s Invitation, Sirus and Maven when there is enough time to generate rage. GEAR DISCUSSION ( PLEASE READ! ! ! )
MOD PRIORITY : ( 1 = Most Important , 10 = Least Important )
WEAPON TWO-HANDED SWORD EZOMYTE BLADE (ideal base) > REAVER SWORD > LION SWORD > EXQUISITE BLADE Try to aim for : > 700 Physical DPS, > 1.75 Attack Per Second , > 7.8% critical strike chance TROUBLESHOOT - If somehow you can’t craft or buy a good ezomyte sword. There are still other temporary alternatives available for us such as the Reaver Sword or Lion Sword but you will have to take the “ OVERWHELM ” ascendancy passive to make up for the low base crit of these two bases. - Your last option is using the EXQUISITE BASE since it is the “SLOWEST” amongst the 3 bases. But mind you it only has 7% base crit with the crit bench craft so you might want to replace it with an ezomyte blade in the end. ALTERNATIVES - A good starting weapon is a Terminus Est (TE) since it has a high crit chance and decent attack speed. But you will want to replace it in the long run since it is only a 400+ pdps weapon. - If you manage to buy a Fortify Corrupted Implicit TE, it can be a budget alternative early end-game weapon until you can craft or buy your end-game sword. "
KAOM's HEART - The standard version of the build uses Kaom’s Heart for the 500 flat life. - As much as possible try to get one with a corrupted implicit such as +1 all maximum res or 40% increased damage since those are CHEAP. “REPLICA SHROUD OF THE LIGHTLESS (RSOTL)” ( END GAME OPTION ) - If you decide to invest more on the build, then it is worthwhile to buy a Replica Shroud since it can give you a potential 72% critical strike multiplier, 48% aspd and 240 life. - You lose a bunch of life but you gain more damage which makes up for it since DAMAGE is also a form of defense. The primary stats that we want in our abyss jewels are the ff: Maximum life ( 30+ life ) Global critical multiplier Attack speed if you’ve crit recently - You don’t have to worry about getting flat phys or flat cold in your abyss jewels since it does barely anything to our damage. - In the market, these costs for 80c – 1.5ex each. But the t1 life ones can be pricey (3-4ex). - In one of your abyss jewels try to fit in Chance to Blind for another layer of defense. - Blind is a debuff that lessens the chance to hit of the affected target by 50%, making enemies harder to hit us. - You can also try fitting in Flat fire damage to attacks in your abyss jewels to take advantage of Cinderswallow Urn Flask ( ignited enemies take increased damge ). ALTERNATIVES RARE INFLUENCE CHEST ( Hunter, Redeemer, Elder ) You can also play around with a rare chest if you want since you can get good mods on it such as additional curse, base crit, % life, increased effect of non-curse auras, nearby enemies are blinded etc. Choose what’s best fits your preference. REPLICA FARRUL’S FUR If you want more tankiness, Replica Farrul’s Fur can also be an option. But again, I haven’t tried this chest so I cannot give any input on it.
EVASION BASE : Lion Pelt base REDEEMER INFLUENCED PRIMARY MOD 1. Nearby enemies have -9 to -12 cold resistance - Although we use 2x fight for survival jewels, unfortunately that only applies to the melee portion of our FB. - So it is highly recommended that we get more penetration from our gear and passives to acquire more penetration for our projectiles. " SECONDARY MOD 2. Physical damage from hits taken as cold damage - The redeemer mod “Physical damage from hits taken as cold damage” is huge for our physical damage mitigation. Coupled with “Taste of Hate” flask, we now have a total of 30% physical damage from hits taken as cold which is a huge survivability boost. OTHER MODS If your only using 1 strike additional target gloves, you can put “+1 PIERCE” in your helmet slot to make your clear more fluid. You can get it through bench craft or veiled mod. BUDGET HELMET OPTION - Starkonja’s helmet can serve as a budget alternative until you get a redeemer helmet. It has attack speed, life and crit which is nice to have. - You can also play around with a Starkonja’s with a Malediction corrupted implicit. ENCHANTMENTS - Bring any of the offerings to Aspirant's Plaza ( @ Sarn Encampment ) to fight izaro and obtain an enchant at the end. - Ideally you want to buy a base item with an enchant on it already then craft it on your own. ( see crafting section ) Main Enchant : Blood rage grants additional 12% aspd Other notable enchants : - 40% frost blades damage - 30% berserk buff effect ![]()
AGATE AMULET REDEEMER INFLUENCE PRIMARY MOD 1. Hatred has 20-25% reduced mana reservation - We want this mod because we are using the Supreme Ego Keystone which increases the mana reservation of other non-aura skills ( eg. Heralds and Aspects ). So in order to fit herald of purity we need a form of reduced reservation. - Agate amulet is the base of choice since we need the Strength and Intelligence from it. SECONDARY MODS 2. Global Critical strike Multiplier 3. Physical damage as extra cold damage / Damage penetrates cold resistance 4. Elemental damage with attacks 5. Increased damage while leeching ( Bench Craft ) 6. Melee Damage ( Veiled Mod / Aisling Syndicate Craft ) - Out of all the given 2ndary mods, GLOBAL STRIKE CRIT MULTIPLIER, PHYS AS EXTRA COLD and DAMAGE PENETRATES COLD RESISTANCE will be the most impactful in terms of damage. The rest is nice to have but not entirely game-changing to our overall damage. BUDGET OPTION Replica Hyrris Truth (RHT) RHT can be a budget alternative until you craft or buy a decent “hatred reduced mana reserve” redeemer agate amulet. But do take note that it doesn’t have any Strength or Intelligence. You might have to compensate through your gears and/or passives. ANOINTMENT 1. Constitution ( 2 gold 1 silver oil ) 2. Discipline and training ( 2 silver 1 black oil ) - You can talk to Cassia (NPC) along with the required oils to anoint your amulet - Our main priority in our build is getting more life because it increases our effective health pool and at the same time boosts our leech rate. - You can anoint discipline and training if you are in a tight budget since it costs way less compared to Constitution. ![]()
RING SLOT 1 Mark of the Elder Steel Ring ( MOE ) - In terms of damage, it’s very hard to beat MOE since it can give a potential 90+% elem damage with attacks ( w/ abrasive catalyst ) and it has % life on it. The only downside is that is has no resist or stats for quality of life. - You can also try to getting a Hatred has increased Aura Effect corrupted implicit if possible since we don't need the flat physical damage. With this kind of corruption, this is probably the BiS ring for this build. - Don't forget to put Abrasive Catalyst on it before corrupting one. ALTERNATIVE VERMILION RING ( elder, warlord, non-influenced ) PRIMARY STATS 1. Life / Resist 2. Global critical strike Multiplier 3. Elemental damage with attacks 4. Accuracy 5. – mana cost of non-channeling skills 6. +1 Minimum Endurance Charge / Endurance Charge on kill( veiled/aisling mod) - A rare Vermillion ring is a very nice option since it will offer more life but less damage than MOE. I myself decided to go this route since I needed to cap my resist and meet my intelligence requirements. - Try to put Fertile Catalyst on it if you have the currency.
RING SLOT 2 VERMILION RING SHAPER INFLUENCED PRIMARY STAT 1. Assassin’s mark On hit ( lvl 8 or 12 ) - Assassin’s mark is the best curse for this build since at adds 1.5% base crit and crit multiplier. There is little difference between lvl 8 and 12 ass mark ( 4% crit multi ) so don’t stress yourself in getting a tier 1 roll. 2. non-channeling skills a - mana cost - We need at least 1 – mana cost roll in one of our gears so we don’t run out of mana when performing leap slam. If you can fit in 2x – mana cost in your gears the better. - If you are still having mana issues you can use Replica Conquerer’s Efficiency Jewel UNTIL you can fit in either life + mana regen ( veiled mod ) or 1x – mana cost in your gears ( craft bench ). SECONDARY STATS 1. Life / Resist 2. Elemental damage with attacks 3. Accuracy 4. +1 Minimum Endurance Charge / Endurance Charge on kill( veiled/aisling mod ) VERY IMPORTANT!!! : You need at least TIER 2 ( high roll ) accuracy in one of your gears to reach 100% hit chance. Ideally you want to put 1 accuracy mod in one of your ring , amulet, gloves or helmet.
GLOVES EVASION-BASED GLOVES ( Gripped or Slink Gloves ) HUNTER INFLUENCED PRIMARY STAT 1. Strike Skills Target 1 or 2 Additional Nearby Enemy - We need at least 1 strike additional target in order to smoothen our clear during mapping and also to benefit from HYDROSPHERE during single target situations. But if you can elevate it into 2 additional targets the better the clear. In my case I settled with 1 strike and just added 1 pierce in my helmet to make the clear more smoother. - If you can't acquire a Hunter Glove additional strike, using Awakened Ancestral Call ( see gems section ) in replacement of A-MPD is always a good option. - One other option you can do is to travel to the Tribal Fury Notable in the Passive Tree. This is the most realistic option since you cannot use Ancestral Call during single target situations and we desperately need +1 strike to target both hydrosphere and the boss. SECONDARY STATS 1. Life /resist 2. Attack speed 3. Global critical strike chance / inc. elemental damage if you’ve crit recently ( veiled mod ) 4. Increased damage while leeching ( bench craft ) 5. Increased damage with hits against chilled enemies ( temple mod ) 6. Accuracy ALTERNATIVE - Assassins Mark on Hit - Oskarm gloves is a very strong alternative until you craft your +1 strike additional target gloves. But keep in mind that you should temporarily allocate Tribal Fury Passive Notable to compensate. - At level 52 you can already wear oskarm which is very advantageous early on in our progression to maps since it will carry our critical strike chance, accuracy and critical strike multiplier. On top of that it also has life and spell dodge which is nice to have. - Try to get a good roll one ( -10 chaos res ) and try to compensate by putting a little bit of chaos res in one your gears which can be easily achieved. "
BELT STYGIAN VISE ELDER INFLUENCED PRIMARY STAT 1. Maximum life / % Maximum life / Elemental Damage with Attacks ( EDWA ) The belt slot is important in increasing our life pool since it can roll % maximum life ( elder ) along with flat life. These two stats are your main priority next to resist and you can just bench craft EDWA. SECONDARY STATS 1. Resist / Intelligence 2. Attack speed during any flask effect or Global Physical Damage ( in replacement of EDWA ) ENCHANTMENT ( via Dedication of the goddess fragment ) 1. Chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments while you have Elusive ( if you have elusive/tailwind boots ) 2. Recover 2% of Life when you Kill an Enemy while you have Rage - Ideally you want to get the #1 Option so freeze/chill/shock avoidance can be achieved easily.
TWO-TONED BOOTS ( EVA/ARM or EVA/ES ) HUNTER INFLUENCED PRIMARY STATS 1. You have tailwind if you have dealt critical strike recently - Tailwind is the most important stat here since we highly value action speed ( aspd,cast speed, move speed ) because we are wielding 2handed weapons which doesn’t have a very high APS (2.0+) like foils or claws. - If you have the currency you may want to craft/buy a dual influenced REDEEMER + HUNTER BOOTS ( via Awakener's Orb ) since elusive increases our dodge and spell dodge. SECONDARY STATS 2. Life / Resist 3. Intelligence( You need a tier 2 intelligence roll in at least 1 of your gears if you are going to use Replica Shroud ; 122 int req. ) ALTERNATIVE - Can already wear at level 46 - Although a rare boots with Movement speed, Life and resist is a strong alternative until you get tailwind boots. Using Redblade tramplers is also a wise choice especially if you have little flat phys on your gears or you have a low pdps weapon. - Besides having decent amount of flat phys it also provides us with life, resist and movement speed which is nice. OPTIONAL STAT 4. Cannot be frozen - Since our flasks are almost all unique, the “cannot be frozen” can be handy so we can afford to remove the “cannot be chill/frozen removal” mod from our flasks. ![]() - Ideally since we are using taste of hate and the Thick skin Life wheel ( 30% avoid frozen + 20% avoid ailments, respectively ), you can get the remaining 50% avoid frozen from jewels ( abyss, viridian, cluster jewels, ) through harvest implicit craft or belt enchantment. ![]() - You can get these crafting options whenever you encounter harvest in a map ( eg. where you fight SHINY sh***t monsters ) - Here are examples: ENCHANTMENTS( see the boots above ) Offensive 1. Attack speed if you’ve killed recently ( ideal enchant ) 2. Damage penetrates elemental resistance if you haven’t killed recently Defensive 3. Chance to Dodge Spell Hits if you've taken Spell Damage Recently 4. Chance to Dodge Attack Hits if you've taken a Critical Strike Recently "
JEWELS 2x Fight for Survival Jewel - We need two of these so we can penetrate 30% of the enemies' cold resistance ( melee portion only ). They are socketed in below the Duelist Starting Area and the Jewel socket below Profane Chemistry Node. - Try to get a “ Corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you” corruption implicit so you won’t have to put it in your Life/Utility flask. The next best corruption implicit is cold or elemental penetration. RARE VIRIDIAN/CRIMSON JEWEL PRIMARY STAT 1. Maximum life 2. Critical Strike Multiplier with Two Handed Melee Weapons 3. Critical Strike Multiplier with Elemental Skills 4. Global Critical Strike Multiplier 5. Melee critical strike multiplier ( least priority; only applies to the melee portion of FB ) SECONDARY STAT 6. Attack speed or attack/cast speed of any sort - The jewel slot is one of best places to get critical multipliers. - At first glance, you might think that these stat combinations are expensive. But lucky for us only a few people play “ 2handed melee elemental builds”. - A No % max life 3ple crit multi jewel with the above combination is only 1ex or less in the market. - Now, if you aim to min-max and add % life into the picture, yes it’s going to be expensive if you are going to purchase them BUTTTT in the crafting section I will teach you how to craft them on your own to make it cheaper. ABYSS JEWELS - Since we already discussed the required stats in the “Chest Section” I would just like to add here that the abyss jewel slot is a very nice place to incorporate avoid frozen or chill or shock into the build. It is made possible by harvest crafting ( see boots section ). WATCHER'S EYE The best watcher's eye for this build is the BASE CRIT CHANCE followed by PENETRATION. We highly value critical strike chance over everything else. If you have the currency, you can try getting both but it will be very expensive.
LETHAL PRIDE ( Important! )
LETHAL PRIDE TIMELESS JEWEL ( LP ) - Either Akoya, Rakiata or Kaom will work fine. - Our LP must be socketed in the Jewel Socket in the Ranger Area Beside the Fervour ( frenzy ) Node. LP is very important in this build since it will provide us the needed Strength to wear certain parts of our gear and gems. Aside from that we also need the following stats in order of importance : PRIMARY STAT 1. 5% chance to deal double damage ( VERY IMPORTANTTTT!!) - Since we are a fast hitting build, we greatly benefit from stacking % chance to deal double damage. You need at least 2 of these in this slot. If you are having a hard time finding one, The Forbidden Trove ( TFT ) discord channel is a good place to start since they recently added a Timeless Jewel Section. - A 2x double damage costs only 2 to 3 ex on TFT depending on the mods that comes along with it. But if you have the budget and want to min-max the build, it is worthwhile to invest in a 3x or 4x double damage. " Other useful stats are: 2. 4% maximum life 3. Melee Critical strike Multiplier 4. 10% increase fortify effect 5. Melee critical strike chance 6. 20% physical damage / 20% melee damage LINKS https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Lethal_Pride Lethal Pride Explanation by Fiver : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozMUYx5e0CQ **Fiver has a very informative frost blades guide and you should also check it out!!: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081371
CLUSTER JEWELS Large Cluster Jewels ( 8 passives ) ![]() 1. Bloodscent + Fuel the Fight + Heavy hitter ( cheaper ) or martial prowess - This cluster jewel will provide us our mana leech and rage generation. We don’t need to allocate the 3rd notable ( heavy hitter ). ![]() 2. Surefooted Striker + Martial Prowess + Graceful Execution - We need the crit chance, aspd and accuracy provided by these 3 notables. Surefooted Striker is kinda strong since it provides an additional 5% chance to deal double damage, which we heavily need. While graceful execution will help with our stat requirements particularly intelligence. MEDIUM CLUSTER JEWELS ( 4 or 5 passives ) ![]() 1. Pressure Points + Precise Retaliation or Quick GetAway - These notables will provide a huge boost to our GLOBAL critical strike chance and provide another 5% chance to deal double damage. ![]() 2. Cold Conduction + Stormrider Other Option ![]() 3. Enduring Composure (EC ) Small Cluster Jewel - If you want to fit in Endurance Charges into the build, using EC can also be a good RELIABLE option and it has good synergy with our CWDT + Immortal call.
FLASKS BOSSING SETUP MAPPING SETUP - In our mapping setup you can swap out Lion’s Roar since it does barely anything for clearing. A Quartz flask is a more suitable flask for mapping quality of life. - The only time we are going to need Lion’s roar is when: a.) when bossing ( guardians, maven, sirus ) b.) if you really need the extra damage since you still have poor gear c.) 100% delirius maps. - Taste of Hate is a key component in our build since it provides a significant amount of defense against physical damage. - “Cinderswallow” is used for the critical strike chance, onslaught, and the recover % life on kill is too GOOD for mapping QoL. - If you don't have a cinderswallow yet, a silver flask w/ crit bench craft will suffice. - As a slayer it is a must that we maintain our leech status during bossing or in between packs so our "Writhing Jar" does that for us. More importantly this flask activates the Headsman Ascendancy and the 16% aspd if you’ve killed recently ( boot enchant ) during boss fights with no adds. - Last but not the least, out of all the flasks listed above, our "DIAMOND FLASK" is the most important. Simply because we deal almost no damage if we don’t crit, so as much as possible, be conservative of this flask especially during boss fights. " VERY IMPORTANT!!!: AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TRY TO ALWAYS ACTIVATE YOUR FLASK BEFORE EVERY MONSTER PACK. FLASKS PROVIDES A HUGE BOOST TO OUR DAMAGE AND SURVIVABILITY. Última edição por tacata69#4988 em 28 de jul de 2021 06:59:54 Último bump em 28 de out de 2021 16:53:11
Alguns itens neste post estão atualmente indisponíveis.
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LEVELING GUIDE ( by Wildwombat )
![]() PASSIVE TREE WITH PROGRESSION ( updated ) https://pastebin.com/kjaXYXMA *for the changes refer to changelog 3.15 " MELEE LEVELING FILTER by tytykiller : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4yvJgRBTC0 * I highly recommend to download his filter so you can easily see the best bases and the right colors during leveling :) LEVELING TIPS FROM OTHER FELLOW FROST BLADERS
![]() ITEMS OF NOTE If it is your 2nd character for a league etc some items of note are Level 1 - Redbeak / Wanderlust Boots / Goldrim hat / blackheart rings Lochtonial Caress Gloves / Tabula Rasa Level 5 - Karui Ward Amulet Level 8 - Meginord's Girdle Level 10 - Princess Saber - fantastic sword until the low 30's Level 16 - Daresso's Salute Level 18 - Taste of Hate Flask Level 20 - Belt of the Deceiver Level 21 - Maligaro's Virtuosity Gloves Level 25 - Prismweave Rustic Stash ( very nice dps belt ) Level 26 - Ewar's Mirage is good for main hand Level 27 - Lion's Roar Flask Level 36 - Tombfist gloves Level 43 - Daresso's Passion / Ornament of the East Level 51 - Terminus Est Two-hand sword Level 52 - Oskarm Gloves ( very important until you acquire an assassins mark on hit ring ) Level 60 - Starkonjas VENDOR RECIPE There is a vendor recipe to get a weapon with (40 to 69%) Increased Physical Damage by selling x 1 Weapon + 1 Blue or Rare Rustic Sash + a Blacksmith's Whetstone. This is extremely useful throughout the story. Weapon Physical Damage Vendor Recipe by Ziggyd : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNb3Ke-b3aU ACT BY ACT LEVELLING GUIDE I am assuming you have the perfect amount of sockets and the right colours even though I never do! Very early I will find any two weapons with 3 sockets and put them in my weapon swap (II)(x) slots so that extras gems can go in there and are levelling or I will just hold on to them until later. Here is what I used for champion and it seemed to work well and what I would expect to use for slayer. (I'll try and get act by act put back in soon but really need to run a few characters to be able to say this is the best way it also varies with gear choice of life vs damage) " ![]() I take 'mana flows' early and then taken it off later. ![]() Cloth and Chain is also very good if you want more resists ![]() If you're having mana issues don't hesitate to take Spirit Void. ACT 1
Gear We are looking for any item that we can use with 3 linked sockets that are Green-Red-Red (GRR) and some boots with 10% movement speed. When possible find or get from Nessa 2 x iron rings, a rustic sash and a lapis amulet. Story Get the sword & double strike at the start as well as chance to bleed from the chest Get frostblades in town Check Tarkleigh for any boots with movement speed and if possible get an iron rings from Nessa. Exit town, go through to the Coast Waypoint, then tidal Island and kill Hailrake. In town get a Quicksilver Flask. Get ancestral call and ruthless gems (onslaught is also possible if using a tabula). Put ruthless in with FB (in 3 link or take out chance to bleed if still have 2 link). Personal preference but I dont like ancestral call at this point as we only have a little damage and I will just put it to level until I have at least a 5 link. Go to Mud flats and then clear the fetid pool. In town get ancestral protector Back to the mud flats, get the glyphs and enter the Submerged Passage. Look for the Flooded Depths and kill the Dweller of the Deep. Get Skillpoint in town Go back to submerged passage, then through ledge and climb, getting the waypoints and freeing Navali. Enter the Prison and then in town get maim (put in with FB and ruthless) and get ruthless to go with ancestral protector Complete the Trial of Ascendancy in Lower Prison Kill Brutus and go through to prisoners gate and then on Ships Gravyard. In town get whirling blades. Go to Ship Graveyard Cave, get the Allflame, kill Fairgraves and get a skillpoint Go through the cavern of anger and kill Merveil Gems Double Strike -> Chance to Bleed -> Maim ( Single Target ) Frostblades -> Ancestral Call -> Onslaught ( Clear ) Leap Slam Ancestral Protector -> ruthless War Banner ( aura for single target )
Gear During this act you will get to the first jewel socket on the tree. Hopefully you have had a chaos orb drop by the time you reach that point. If so grab a 'fight for survival' jewel with 14 or 15% cold damage from poe trade (even on day 1 they can usually be had for 1c). If you haven't got any chaos yet leave the jewel socket until you have one. Story Once in town, enter the Old Fields and look for the Den. Kill the Great White Beast and get a second Quicksilver in town or a rustic sash Continue to the Crossroads, get Waypoint and enter Chamber of Sins. Complete the trial of ascendancy on Level 2 and kill Fidelitas In town get blood rage, herald of purity and optionally herald of ice or ash Go back to the Crossroads, enter Broken Bridge and kill Kraityn Go back to Crossroads again, enter the Fellshrine Ruins and then Crypt. Complete the Trial of Ascendancy in the Crypt Back to town, enter Riverways and get the Waypoint Go to the wetlands, kill oak and get waypoint Go to the Western Forest, help Alira, kill Captain Arteri and unlock passage. ‣ Look for the Weaver's Chambers and kill the Weaver. Go back to act 1 and get a point from Bestel Back in Act 2 (I never have enough or the right sockets here) get 'faster attacks' and culling strike for whirling blades (cull is low priority). 'melee physical damage' and 'elemental damage with attacks' - put these in with frost blades (put ruthless and maim in weapon swap to level) Preferably get another 'melee physical damage' and 'elemental damage with attacks' as well as a culling strike for the totem (these wont all fit but we will want them later) Make your way to the Ancient Pyramid and kill Vaal Oversoul Gems Frost Blades -> Elemental Damage with Attacks -> Rage Support -> (+ Ruthless/Maim/Ancestral Call ( clear ) if you have 4 link) Whirling Blades -> Faster Attacks -> Culling Strike Ancestral Protector -> Ruthless -> (unlikely to have 4 link for totem but have Melee Physical Damage, Pulverize & Culling strike leveling or in storage. Blood Rage Herald of purity Optional Herald of Ice/Ash
We get ancestral warchief and replace ancestral protector during this act. We actually want Vaal Ancestral Warchief which takes corrupting the warchief with a vaal orb. I have always waited and bought a quality 20 version when mapping, however my SSF char found one with no quality and I found it very powerful early on, so if you have a vaal orb you could try your luck :) Gear Look for a 4-linked GRRR item (Hargan can also sell them) Story Kill the Blackguards in City of Sarn and enter town Go to the Slums, enter Crematorium, finish Trial of Ascendancy and kill Piety Get Hatred (replace herald of ice) and the Sewer Key in town Go back to the Slums, enter the Sewers, get Waypoint, find the three busts and get skillpoint in town Go through to the Marketplace Waypoint and finish Trial of Ascendancy in Catacombs (optionally pickup the decanter spiritus for fairgraves quest) Enter the Battlefront, get Waypoint, Ribbon spool and kill Captain Aurelianus Go to the Docks and get Thaumetic Sulphite (optionally talk to Fairgraves) Go back to Battlefront, enter Solaris Temple and talk to Lady Dialla Destroy the Undying Blockade in Sewers Enter Ebony Barracks, get Waypoint and kill General Gravicius In town get ancestral warchief and replace Ancestral protector as well as remove melee splash (these two are no longer needed). Enter Lunaris Temple, kill Piety and get Skillpoint in town Get Imperial Gardens Waypoint, finish Trial of Ascendancy and optionally get plum for fairgraves. Go to the Library and do Siosa's quest Get frostbomb Get hypothermia for main attack (just put it to level unless using a tabula) Get fortify and blood magic for whirling blades (this makes 4 gems for WB so probably wont have sockets leave one out) You can now do the first labyrinth but it is easier to wait until the next act. Enter the Sceptre of God and kill Dominus Gems Frost Blades -> Elemental Damage with Attacks -> Rage Support -> Ruthless/Hypothermia/Ancestral Call (clearing). Whirling Blades -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify -> Blood Magic (put culling strike to level) Ancestral Warchief -> Melee Physical Damage -> Pulverize/Damage on full life -> Culling strike Blood Rage Herald of purity Hatred Frostbomb/ Hydrosphere
Gear We can use non unique boots with 20% movement speed. It is often worth replacing your weapon before the labyrinth and end of the act. If you have 2-3 chaos you can sometimes get a cheap low level 5-link from trade during this act (although it can wait until later). Story Enter the Dried Lake, kill Voll, get ice golem in town Enter the Mines, free Deshret's Spirit in Level 2. Progress to Crystal Veins and get Waypoint. Get skill point in town. Go back to Crystal Veins, enter Kaom's Dream and kill Kaom Now enter Daresso's Dream and kill Daresso Get multistrike put this in (FB -> Rage Support -> Ele Damage with Attacks and Multistrike) Get Cast when damage taken and immortal call (you can put other spells in with these two if you wish - see the section on gems). If you havent done it yet go back to act 3 and complete the first Labyrinth (Read up on the Lord's Labyrinth and Izaro to get an idea what's going on) After finishing the Labyrinth, ascend to champion If one of your flasks isn't 'of staunching' to stop bleeding it is a good time to get or roll one now. Kill Piety in Belly of the Beast, and finally Malachai in the Harvest Gems Frost Blades -> Multistrike -> Elemental Damage with Attacks -> Rage Support -> Ruthless/Hypothermia/Ancestral Call. Whirling Blades -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify -> Blood Magic (culling strike to level) Ancestral Warchief -> Melee Physical Damage -> Pulverize/Damage on full life -> Culling strike Blood Rage Herald of purity Hatred Ice Golem Cast when damage taken -> immortal call Frostbomb / Hydrosphere
Gear Hoping for a five link to drop :) Story Kill Overseer Krow and enter town Find the Miasmeter in Control Blocks and kill Justicar Casticus Get Silver Flask and Skillpoint in town to Replace one Quicksilver Flask Make your way to Templar Courts, kill Avarius and get a fight for survival jewel in town Get Ruined Square Waypoint and optionally kill Utula (although we dont want any of his rewards) Finish the quest in Reliquary and get Skillpoint in town Look for the Sign of Purity in Ossuary Kill Kitava on Cathedral Rooftop You will suffer a permanent -30% resistance penalty after this fight Gems Frost Blades -> Multistrike -> Elemental Damage with Attacks -> Rage Support -> Ruthless/Hypothermia/Ancestral Call. (hypothermia and unused others levelling) Whirling Blades -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify -> Blood Magic (culling strike to level) Ancestral Warchief -> Melee Physical Damage -> Pulverize/Damage on full life -> Culling strike Blood Rage Herald of purity Hatred Ice Golem Cast when damage taken -> immortal call Frostbomb
Gear We lost resistances at the end of the last act. Fire resistance is important in this act so if possible craft or replace gear to improve fire resistance. Story Clear the Twilight Strand to unlock Lilly as Skillgem Vendor Get frostbomb if you didnt get it from Siosa Optionally do Bestel's quest in tidal island Get to Mud Flats and kill the Dishonored Queen Enter Karui Fortress, kill Tukohama, use Soul of Tukohama on the pantheon. Get Skillpoint in town Finish Trial of Ascendancy in Prison and kill Shavronne Enter Prisoner's Gate, kill Abberath and get Skillpoint in town Get Riverways Waypoint Enter Wetlands, kill Puppet Mistress and get Skillpoint in town Light the Beacon and kill the Brine King Use Soul of the Brine King for now Gems We have all the gems now to take us through the whole game. Now it is just levelling them and putting them in place.
Gear Story Find the Silver Locket in Broken Bridge and get a diamond Flask in town Enter Crossroads, get Waypoint then enter Crypt through Fellshrine Ruins Finish Trial of Ascendancy and find Maligaro's Map Go back to Crossroads and enter Chamber of Sins Kill Maligaro in Maligaro's Sanctum Finish Trial of Ascendancy in Chamber of Sins Level 2 and enter the Den Make your way to Ashen Fields and kill Greust, then get Skillpoint in town Stay with tukohama (but change to ralkesh whenever doing the lab) Get Northern Forest Waypoint and enter Dread Thicket Collect all Fireflies and kill Gruthkul, then get Skillpoint in town Use Soul of Gruthkul or Tukohama Find Kishara's Star in Causeway and get Skillpoint in town Get the Vaal City Waypoint, enter Temple of Decay and go back to town Finish the second Labyrinth and get Shaper of Desolation Get back to the Temple of Decay and kill Arakaali use Soul of arakali
Gear Very optional (some people dont like doing it) but from Harbour bridge items that drop are level 60 so can be used for the chaos recipe. By doing it unidentified, I have the money to buy the gear I want. If using swords we can use a scaeva at level 60, buying a cheap one and using it the main hand with three green sockets is very worthwhile. Story Enter the Toxic Conduits and kill Doedre Go for Quay first, find Ankh of Eternity, kill Tolman and get Skillpoint in town Kill the Gemling Legionnaires in Grain Gate and get Skillpoint in town Enter Solaris Temple, get Sun Orb then optionally enter Solaris Concourse and get Waypoint Go back to Doedre's Cesspool and go for the Grand Promenade now Get Bath House Waypoint and finish Trial of Ascendancy Enter High Gardens, kill Yugul and get Skillpoint in town Enter Lunaris Temple through Lunaris Concourse and get Moon Orb Go to Harbour Bridge and kill Solaris & Lunaris Use Soul of Solaris
Story Find the Storm Blade in Vastiri Desert and speak to Petarus & Vanja in town Look for a blocked entrance in Vastiri Desert Go to town, talk to Sin and then to Petarus & Vanja Kill Shakari and get Skillpoint in town Get Foothills Waypoint, enter Boiling Lake and get Basilisk Acid Enter the Tunnel and finish Trial of Ascendancy Get Quarry Waypoint, enter Refinery and get Trarthan Powder Go back to Quarry and kill Garukhan and get Sekhema Feather Go to town and give the feather to either Tasuni or Irasha, get Skillpoint Enter Belly of the Beast and kill the Depraved Trinity
Gear I usually buy a very cheap corrupted 6 link with either 4R2G or 5R1G sockets (on day 1 they can often be had for around 15 chaos) before the end of the act. Story Go left on Cathedral Rooftop and kill Plaguewing Get Sulphur Flask in town Go back to Cathedral Rooftop Now go right, enter the Ravaged Square and go south Enter the Control Blocks, kill Vilenta and get Skillpoint in town Optionally find the Teardrop in Reliquary Go back to Ravaged Square and get its Waypoint in the upper part Enter Ossuary, complete Trial of Ascendancy and get Elixir of Allure Get to Desecrated Chamber through Torched Courts and kill Avarius Personally I like to do the third labyrinth at this point as we lose another -30% resistance after Kitava again. Enter the Canals and make your way through the feeding trough to Kitava, kill him and save the world :) INFO REGARDING ELEMENTAL PENETRATION ( by the great "Invalesco" )
- So I added this since some people ask why I don't use Blanketed Snow or Primeval Force or Frostbite Curse. Simply put I don't want to suffer from "Diminishing Returns". - Below is a very wonderful essay made by what I consider the "Father" of Frost Blades, Invalesco regarding this topic. He made this essay back in 2.6 but is still relevant up to this day. Enjoy reading!! _____________________________________________________________________________ Penetration is nice to have but should not be taken blindly in excess at the expense of everything else, especially in the case of a physical to mono-elemental conversion build. As with almost everything in POE (except maybe crit multiplier), stacking too much of one thing will provide diminishing returns. As you can see, having high penetration is excellent when mobs have high resists. HOWEVER, as the resistance of the mobs goes towards negative (left-wards on the x-axis), you can see that the %damage increase per unit of -ve res goes down significantly. Now, what does this have to do with builds in general? A lot of non-inevitable judgement builds that I see focus on taking a lot of penetration from the tree as well as using an elemental penetration gem. When you consider all the points spent to grab those nodes; points that could have been spent on jewel sockets or other nodes which give more %dmg per point, it becomes a waste, because having high penetration with low base damage is always going to give you lower effective damage compared to having sufficient but not excessive penetration and high base damage. I’ll try to make this abit more straightforward. Assuming you have 1000 base damage and are up against a boss with 40% resists, i.e. Shaper. You have 50% cold resist reduction in the form of 2 x FB threshold jewels and -20% cold resists on frost bomb. Shaper thus has -10% cold resistance. • Scenario 1 with Wise Oak: you gain an extra 20% cold res pen. Shaper now has -30% effective cold resistance. Your effective damage is thus 1000 x 1.3 = 1300. • Scenario 2 with Lion’s Roar: you gain an extra 35% physical damage. Shaper still has -10% effective cold resistance. Your effective damage is thus 1000 x 1.1 x 1.35 = 1485. Let’s use another example. This time I’ll use a level 20, 0q Cold penetration gem versus an Elemental focus gem. The former gives 37% cold penetration while the latter gives 49% more elemental damage. • Scenario 1 with cold pen: you gain an extra 37% cold res pen. Shaper now has -47% effective cold resistance. Your effective damage is thus 1000 x 1.47 = 1470. • Scenario 2 with Elemental Focus: you gain an extra 49% elemental damage. Shaper still has -10% effective cold resistance. Your effective damage is thus 1000 x 1.1 x 1.49 = 1639 damage. It is precisely for this reason that I did not bother pathing for too many elemental resist pen nodes (except Primeval Force, and even that primarily for the reflect protection) and went to grab %phys damage nodes instead, as these nodes usually provide additional bonuses such as %attack speed or %crit chance and are hence stronger, point for point. It is also for this reason that I usually have hypothermia linked (instead of cold pen), because hypothermia does more effective dps for me than cold pen does in general mapping (against bosses that can be chilled, that is). If you import my character on Path of Building and tick the options 40% extra cold resists and standard map boss (for another 30% resists for a total of 70% resists), you will see that I deal more damage with hypothermia than with cold penetration, especially when taking into account the 28% penetration I get from Wise Oak (I have 40% incr. flask effect). " HAVING PROBLEMS WITH THE BUILD?
If your having a hard time with the build, here are a few important character checkist: 1. Try to aim for a life pool of at least 5.8K+ life ; if possible all of your gears must have life on it. 2. You must have at least 75% elemental resistances ( fire, cold and lightning ) 3. Don't forget to upgrade your Pantheon ( more avoidance, dodge and phys reduction ) 4. Put a "Courrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you" Corruption Implicit on your Fight For Survival. 6. Always remember to activate your flask ( eg. diamond flask = crit chance, taste of hate = phys reduction ) 7. Consistently Leap Slam onto mobs to maintain your Fortify ( 20% less damage ). 8. In the mid-endgame, have at least 90-95% Critical strike chance and 100% hit chance. ( VERY IMPORTANT!!! ). Otherwise, you will experience a poor dps output. 9. Early on if your having problems with single target try to get Vaal double strike and Vaal Ancestral Warchief + Pulverize/Damage on full life + Melee Phys Damage support. In addition, while you still don't have the BloodScent Large Cluster try using Rage Support instead of Melee Physical Damage Support on your main links so you can pop Berserk on bosses. CRAFTING SECTION
Jewel Cluster
Since many are asking here's a quick summary on how to craft our cluster jewels. Make sure to pay attention to the ITEM LEVEL of our cluster jewels to avoid excess mods to show up. Cheers!! I hope you are all doing well. 1 pc :: Increased damage with two - hand weapons Large Cluster Jewel 8 Passives Item Level 50 to 67 ONLY ! ! ! ! !! Graceful execution + Surefooted striker + Martial Prowess Method #1 Spam Serrated Fossils 1 socket resonator Method #2 Harvest Garden : Reforge attack or speed Method #3 Orb of binding + orb of scouring Crafting Difficulty : VERY EASY :) 1 pc :: Increased damage with swords and axe 8 Passives Item level 75 to 83 ONLY ! ! ! Bloodscent + fuel the fight + heavy hitter or martial prowesss Method #1 Harvest Garden : Reforge attack Mathod #2 Serrated Fossils 1 socket resonator Crafting Diffculty : HARD :( better buy one instead heavy hitter as 3rd notable is cheaper compared to martial prowess 2 pcs :: Increased Critical Strike Chance Medium cluster 4 or 5 Passives Item level 50 - 67 ONLY ! ! ! Pressure points ( ideal notable ) + Quick Getaway or Precise retalliation Method #1 ( best ) Reforge Crit! Method #2 Harvest Garden : Reforge Speed or Attack / Serrated fossils Crafting Difficulty : VERY EASY :) n Última edição por tacata69#4988 em 28 de jul de 2021 01:37:39
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Navali approves!
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Excellent work brother
I coment on your yt too ( madg) I really like this and i love strike skills This will be my 3.15 main char if no nerfs I use the bloodscent + leapslam with rage on my max block glad but i couldnt fit it and still have max block so i droped it Respect Your strength is the law !!
MadG poe on youtube for mellee content |
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" Thanks man! Glad you like it " Don't worry most likely strike skills are safe compared to the OP slam builds. Let me know if you need any help :) " That's the thing with block builds, is that you have to go all out especially with passives to make it work. I feel you. I also made a FB Glad but didn't like it so I sticked with slayer. Última edição por tacata69#4988 em 2 de jul de 2021 09:56:07
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*added pictures for easier navigation
*leveling guide added *passive tree progression added *crafting section will soon be added once we know what are the crafting changes in 3.15 Última edição por tacata69#4988 em 4 de jul de 2021 02:29:09
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" Top work brother , i love this Bring 3.15 already so i can roll this !! 😇 Massive respect for the crafting guide , i NEED this for the sword cause i am on console ( prices really suck here ) One question , if i go for rare influenced chest what you would advise for 2nd 6 link ? Aura setup with empower+ enchance ? Thank you for this , i was heartbroken cause i thought i couldnt play strike skills anymore Your strength is the law !!
MadG poe on youtube for mellee content |
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" Thanks a lot brotha! " Actually was already doing the crafting guide yesterday and then when I typed the words "Harvest, Fracture and Veiled mods"..... I thought to myself wtf?! 3.15 is around the corner and they might change crafting overall what the point of doing this "NOW in 3.14" lol. Lets wait and see and hope for the best :) If your in an SSF-Like Environment such as console. There are still many alternative routes. First is doing HEIST ENCHANTED ARMAMENTS BLUEPRINTS. For some reason during the 1st month of the league there a lot of decent phys enchanted ezomytes up for sale. I was lucky enough to buy one which I continued crafting which resulted to the sword you see now. Second, farm the region where the Essence Passives at and also try to craft Chromium Watchstones for extra essences. Your Primary goal is to accumulate Essence of Contempts for our Sword and Essence of Scorn for our amulet. For now that's all I can say since If I continue I might do the entire crafting guide just replying to your comment hahah. " If you have the currency you can go with Vaal Ancestral Warchief + Hydrosphere + Bonechill + Awakened Unbound Ailments + Awakened Hextouch + Frostbite. You can also play around with Enhance + Berserk + Blood Rage + Phantasmal Ancestral Protector + Divergent Smoke Mine ( left-click ). For now that's all I can come up with. I'm pretty sure there are still decent setups out there. ;)) Cheers Mate! Let me know if you need more help :) |
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" Wow !! Such detailed and helpfull answer Nah i have you , i not afraid anything ! Im feel it this will be my favorite build Gone start as soon as league starts Lets get frost blade slayer to the top !!! Make strike skills great again !! 😂😂😂😂 Lets go !! Your strength is the law !!
MadG poe on youtube for mellee content |
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Mepho :D
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