[3.15] Panday's Two-Hand Frost Blades Slayer / The Last Hope of Frost Blades!
Think this will be my starter, love the guide and always liked frost blades just never tried two handed
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I've been playing FB for a few leagues as a Raider and I got really excited stumbling upon this build guide.
I loaded up your endgame POB and couldn't believe that with gear worth several mirrors the DPS is only 6M :/ Is it actually calculated correctly? EDIT: My bad, almost nothing was ticked in the configuration tab. Now the damage makes sense :) Última edição por NemoRSRB#4469 em 6 de jul de 2021 11:13:40
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" Hello there! I as well have played ranger using frost blades. Although I chose pathfinder instead :(. In the end I chose Slayer over ranger because of the many quality of life it offers. " Actually, funny it may sound but I bought the base sword for 20ex (w/ t1 phys% + t1 flat phys ) with the phys enchant then warlord slam , reforge speed and aisling ( 1 try ). Probably took 50ex finishing it. Ofcourse I got lucky with that. Thing is no one uses ezomyte blades thats why high pdps ones tend to sell very cheap :) You can check in ultimatum how much is a ilvl 83 phys enchanted ezomyte blades. its 30c to 1ex only lolz. Anyway when 3.15 goes live I promise I will include an in-depth guide on how to craft our gears :) So you won't have to spend as much :) "You can't accurately calculate the DPS of our build since it only shows the damage of the melee hit and if you look at the projectile part it does not account multistrike but in reality it should. Lastly, POB doesn't calculate % chance to deal double damage correctly etc :( Cheers!! Última edição por tacata69#4988 em 6 de jul de 2021 12:58:54
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" The only issue with that is that it is Red instead of Green, you'd be swapping it instead of Pierce, so that's a nono :P I was wondering, have you tried this build without all the beeffy influence mods? With a similar setup that you have in the Kaom's Heart PoB. I'm just wondering how good the 2M dps feels with a skill like Frost Blades, wanna know how good will the midgame progression be |
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" Yes I guess it can be a worthwhile alternative since you get to use berserk on bosses. I think I have to personally test this before 3.15 goes live. " Yes. I think I've tried many FB builds ranging from low to high budget variants. Not only this build. 2m dps might be low by todays standards but with that kind of dps you can comfortable do A8 sirus. One thing I've learned is that in order to have a smooth progression into red maps is you have to have at least a consistent 90-95% crit chance ( 100% hit chance) and early on try to have flat phys or cold on your other gears since to start off you still don't have a big dick weapon so your base damage is low. And don't forget to activate your cooldowns on beefy monsters Vaal AW and Berserk. As always thank you very much for your logical feedback mate! Appreciate it alot! Just for reference here are the FB builds I've tried.
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Hey man saw your FB character that your leveling. I just want to share a couple of things. Gears : If you can afford to remove your gloves. Try to acquire Oskarm Gloves early on since its only a 1 chaos item during league start. The ass mark on hit will carry your crit chance and multi until you get an ass mark on hit shaper ring. How's your hit chance going? Because your gear doesn't have any accuracy rolls on it. Here are other helpful cheap uniques early in the league : *for flat damage Regarding your passives. The next points should be towards Dismembering followed by Disembowling. For the gems. - Early in the league you can try using vaal orbs on ancestral warchief and Double Strike gems in hope of getting their vaal versions. They really help a lot in single target situations. I think they are available on trade site for just 1 or 2 alchs. - Try getting Berserk gem as well - I observed that your using Steelskin Left-click ? Also tried that setup but eventually I reverted back to CWDT + IMMORTAL since it synergizes well with Wind Dancer. When your wind dancer is down your Immortal Call is there to protect you. - Link your Hydrosphere with Power Charge on crit and Increased Critical strike chance gem to help increase your crit chance. This setup is a good option since we can't afford to use Stormrider early on. Regarding your auras, try to get Precision Aura for the Accuracy and Crit chance it gives. For the Flasks - Beastcrafting curse immunity on your silver flask goes a long way. So you don't have to worry about curses in maps. - I saw that your using a quicksilver flask, are you not comfortable using leap slam alone? But just in case you want to replace it, a Jade Flask / Basalt flask can help with your survivability. Última edição por tacata69#4988 em 7 de jul de 2021 07:20:14
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Oh thank you for all the feedback mate :)
I'm just rolling around with random stuff, more than anything testing out the dmg output it has in early ^^ I have 3k acc rating, it says 97/100% chance to hit, definetly should get Precision for the crit though, also the Hydrosphere setup looks rly good, I'll try it out. Yesterday was thinking if there could be a setup for pcoc/coh but didn't think anything regarding Hydrosphere Also, until you have the Cluster notable that gives 1 rage/hit I don't think it'd be that worthwhile using Berserk, atleast it's not reliable enough with Rage in leap slam. And I was wondering yesterday if Stormrider gave power charges if the shock is applied with the Cold conduction wording, and you're saying that you gain power charges with it (also had the 3xbeyond video and checked it out :P) Actually I had Dismembering but respecced it for Tribal Fury. Being able to remove Ancestral Call gives too much dmg to pass on this when you lack dps, honestly. Thanks again, I'm pretty sure I'll start with it, unless they messup Hydrosphere or something xD edit: Also have you though about linking Hydrosphere with Bonechill? Dunno if it actually chills enough to do something Última edição por JamesWorth#7138 em 7 de jul de 2021 12:14:13
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" I guess for mapping having only 1 source of rage like in our leap slam setup is not going to cut it. Maybe you can generate 10 or 15 at most before bosses. But yet again its a matter of playstyle since you are now more forced to always use leap slam on mobs. If that's not your playstyle you can easily replace it with Lifetap until you acquire bloodscent and Divergent Rage. " yes you are correct you need the combination of cold conduction + stormrider in order to generate power charges. Sorry I just didn't bother saying you have to combine them both in my previous reply since I assumed you know it already. My bad on my part. haha! " No man, thank you!! haha. This is also going to be my league starter :). Maybe I'll start practicing it tom. I will also try to update or modify some parts of the leveling guide. Like what bases to look out for, essences to use in early weapon crafting etc. HMMMMM! Regarding GGG messing up Hydropsphere........ PLEASE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! hHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! " I doubt that our Hydrosphere is capable of chilling since its ours is only level 1. But I haven't tested this yet. If your willing to make bonechill work you can try doing Bonechill + Vaal Ancestral Warchief + Hydrosphere. Vaal AW hits really hard so it has a better chance of chilling an enemy compared to hydro. ** I think I should make a discord channel so we can help each other out? Just in case. Cheers again James! Última edição por tacata69#4988 em 9 de jul de 2021 10:13:22
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Im dying to roll this and the delay of the new league is killing me hahahah
Will roll on day 1 and keep my updates here Respect Your strength is the law !!
MadG poe on youtube for mellee content |
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I've always loved frostblades. Thanks for the great guide man.
I was looking at Scion (slayer with probably pathfinder, but also looking at raider/inquisitor). I think the build would feel pretty similar regardless, but please let me know if you think a pure Slayer is obviously going to be superior. My vague plans at the moment pre 3.15 patch notes are: *if archmage/arcane cloak isn't destroyed I'll make a miner or something to start then start an archmage frostbomb build as soon as I can grab a few key pieces. *if it's nerfed from the heavens I'm going all in on frostblades and will try to stick to the one build. I'm pretty excited about it |
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