Thank you very much for the quick reply. I took the Spirit Dance off and these 2 points in Int. I added a little to life. If Enough for something else, I will give away more or less the same as you have in the Skills tree.
I can change the stockings, and the belt too.
I have a budget for the moment 29Exalted. So there should be enough time for some improvements.
Luk> Empower lvl 4> Amulet +1 Level chaos Gem +1 level Agility gems. (minimum)
Yes ?
In a moment I will change the Chainmail, and the Belt also for some Stygian, as you advise. Later I take on the things that I exchanged.
Dont use my skill tree. Its not meant for allround play. Its a pure mapping build I did.
I would say, Bow, Emp 4 and Amu (You dont need +chaos gem and + dex gem. You need either one of them plus chaos dot multi. If you can afford both + chaos dot then go for it but I think we are talking about 20 ex and more... without mana cost reduction).
And one very important advice if I may. Dont ever buy an item above 1 EX without putting it into PoB first. It might mess up your res or your attributes etc. There is a lot of stuff that isnt completely obvious at first sight but might mess up your build. Take your time.
Última edição por VigorDracul#2148 em 25 de nov de 2021 09:19:42
Thank you very much for the quick reply. I took the Spirit Dance off and these 2 points in Int. I added a little to life. If Enough for something else, I will give away more or less the same as you have in the Skills tree.
I can change the stockings, and the belt too.
I have a budget for the moment 29Exalted. So there should be enough time for some improvements.
Luk> Empower lvl 4> Amulet +1 Level chaos Gem +1 level Agility gems. (minimum)
Yes ?
In a moment I will change the Chainmail, and the Belt also for some Stygian, as you advise. Later I take on the things that I exchanged.
Dont use my skill tree. Its not meant for allround play. Its a pure mapping build I did.
I would say, Bow, Emp 4 and Amu (You dont need +chaos gem and + dex gem. You need either one of them plus chaos dot multi. If you can afford both + chaos dot then go for it but I think we are talking about 20 ex and more... without mana cost reduction).
And one very important advice if I may. Dont ever buy an item above 1 EX without putting it into PoB first. It might mess up your res or your attributes etc. There is a lot of stuff that isnt completely obvious at first sight but might mess up your build. Take your time.
Okay, really thank you for your time.
I will do it in turn as you advise :)
Bow> Emp> Amulet with at least one + level Gem;)
I will see then what changes will be :)
Okay, really thank you for your time.
I will do it in turn as you advise :)
Bow> Emp> Amulet with at least one + level Gem;)
I will see then what changes will be :)
You are welcome. Just so you know this is by no means the optimal way (considering DPS) to upgrade your char. There might be things you should change first to get your optimal DPS gain now. But all of the three will stay no matter what you do with this build later.
Wether you go ES chest and Ghost shroud, Maloneys and QotF or whatever. You will always want that bow, the empower 4 and the amulett.
Última edição por VigorDracul#2148 em 25 de nov de 2021 12:51:16
Kinda lost on how/what to upgrade now. I've killed Sirus A8, Maven(first time!), Elder with relative ease.
Haven't tried Uber Elder, Uber Atziri, The Feared yet.
Just attempted Simulacrum and got rocked at wave 22 so I'm looking for some help.
And I use these just for zooming through maps
Some easy upgrades that I'm aware of..
-Enlighten 4
-Empower 4
-Vermillion Curse Magic Ring
-Finish leveling awakened gems
-Quality Flasks
Here's my pob:
Looks like i'm at 7.6mil Sirus A8 dps. Was pretty bummed to only make it to Simulacrum 22.. definitely felt like my damage (and tankiness) was lacking there.
Other than bosses, seems like the biggest weaknesses are being ignited or bleed (working on corrupting blood jewel)
I wonder if there are any changes I should be making to my tree?
I appreciate any help!
I would definitely swap for Divergent mirage archer instead of faster attacks in your main bow setup, it gives more damage and helps with leftover packs and also hard situations in simulacrum. Otherwise that is about "small upgrades" your bow is perfect i think. Empower 4 would help with your damage mainly, otherwise its about changing every piece of gear with little bit better version - this build has almost endless potential. I am currently deeply delving (450 depth, killed Aul five times), doing simulacrums and all content in game with smoothness almost never seen before - damage is actually ridicilous right now. You can check my gear, but mainly, change almost every piece of your gear (except of bow) with BiS items, every single upgrade is in the end big upgrade (i dont even have some crazy watchers eye with vitality LGoH or something like that). What i really like for bossing (and simulacrums aswell) is Replenishing remedies passive node for life and mana flask refill, this stuff saved me so many times.
If you want, you can check out my gear etc:
character is SnunkuvPrd, as i am currently in the job, i cant share PoB link
Thanks so much! Yeah, looks like divergent mirage archer will be a sizeable upgrade (POB says an increase of about 1mil dps)
Dang, sounds so expensive for next steps. Most of my stuff is self crafted with luck because spending more than 2ex on an item feels expensive. I wish I knew how to craft the more endgame kinda gear and/or a better way to make currency. lol.
Really appreciate the reply! I'll take a look at your gear for references on what to do next :)
Well guys... Thanks for the help.. i have lower my AoE effect to 1.39 and killing Sirius was a breeze... easy kill at Awekaned 0.. and i have run out of portal with him at 1/4 of his life last phase at Awekaned 8
So if other people struggle and missing dps on him... be sure to check that you dont have too much AoE effect
I've been having RNG straight from the lowest level of hell today. Been crafting an amulet. 33% chance to hit +1 to all chaos gems, 2ex per attempt. I'm 10ex in so far, it's hit chaos damage leeched as life FIVE TIMES now. :(
Damn thing is cursed. Can't be me, right?
The last time it rolled full prefixes, too, so I had to YOLO annul it. Got "lucky" and it pulled off a prefix, so now I just have to grind out some more ex to try again.
i had the same "luck" with my amulet. on my third try i had to yolo it.
it hit dot multi...
then bought an onyx amulet because there was no agate for sale and hit +1 chaos on my third try.
So overall cost with bases was like 18-20 ex :)
Finally got it. 18ex, 1 annul, and 1 scour all in. And a couple Harvest crafts to push the rolls a bit higher in each tier, it rolled the absolute worst possible numbers initially!
Now I'm on the hunt for a rare chest base and an awakened void manip. We'll see which one I find first...
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Finally got it. 18ex, 1 annul, and 1 scour all in. And a couple Harvest crafts to push the rolls a bit higher in each tier, it rolled the absolute worst possible numbers initially!
Now I'm on the hunt for a rare chest base and an awakened void manip. We'll see which one I find first...
Just wondering : what's the best way to deal with mana substain ?
Spec into Replenishing remedy + a flask mastery that gives 1 mana charge every 3 seconds ?
Global mana regen ?
Mana on hits nodes ?
I already have - 7 cost on my amulet, 2x ring and conquerors efficiency. It's really great while mapping because mana flask fills really quick but i'm wondering how that'll work out on Sirus. I do have some mana regen (13 ish) but once my mana flask is empty, it's a no go to freely spam TR. TR cost around 14 mana right now.
Any tips are welcome.
Thanks !
Última edição por OneLastStandMK4#7708 em 26 de nov de 2021 09:32:18