[3.25] Splitting Steel Gladiator - All Uniques, Cheap League Start, Explody Mapping
Hi there been playing your build exclusively this league and been enjoying it. Overall not a lot of HP/def compared to other characters ive used but learning a different playstyle. Lot of deaths but mostly due to league mechanic and trying the new style. Doing some slight deviations for personal preference but overall similar build.
Question though, just picked up a Mageblood and wondering what your thoughts on BIS flasks would be in a general sense? Have a 3 slot Mageblood and keeping a slot open for maybe a Progenesis later and a Dying Sun for now. Thanks for your help and happy hunting. |
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" Hi, glad you're enjoying it! I haven't used MB in a while, but I believe what you want you do is div that to 4 Flask, and then run Amethyst/Ruby/Sapphire/Topaz all Inc. Effect + 70% Inc. Effect craft. GL |
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Hi there - thanks for all your work. I am a pretty new player to the game and love it so far (even though i am a bit overwhelmed). I tried to go with your build and love the gameplay - i blast through most trash mobs and groups but somehow i have zero single target damage. Even in T1 maps i need like 30 seconds for most single rare mobs.
I would very much appreciate if you could give me some pointers if i f**ed up with the build or if it is just skill issues and i am to dumb to use the skills right :D I am aware that i am only level 72 on this character but T1 rares beeing basically unkillabe seems more than a me beeing underleveld problem right? My budget atm is only around 3div so i wont be able to get a nimis or something like that yet My POB: https://pobb.in/nXf6ev1DyVHt Última edição por Priest1223#1262 em 16 de jan de 2024 23:55:30
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Hello again.
I'm trying to transition my current gear into MF-build. However, I have about 60 div sitting in my pouch. Based on my current gear what should I go for first, Nimis or Progenesis? I can run juiced T12 just fine but struggle with some mob with tedious defensive layers. Indisponível Alguns itens neste post estão atualmente indisponíveis.
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Question the leveling pob says to use the regular version of splitting steel but the pob also says to pick up the impale mastery that uses charges of call of steel but the normal version doesnt have it anymore so when do you recommend to switch over to the ammunition version?
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" Hi, Not sure why you're using "Item Rarity" for league starting, that's something you use when your character is fully setup and very strong. Just think about this for a sec... Did you read what that gem does? Does it say anywhere that it provides any boost to DPS? It does not. As a new player you will need to get used to reading everything and critically evaluating what it does. Please stick to the League Start PoB Export and the notes inside of it. And check from page 19 to see examples of how to progress gear. GL " If you're short on DPS first thing you need is Nimis, then Progenesis, and Defiance of Destiny. You also want Low-life dmg Tincture; much better than Overwhelm. Another thing to keep in mind is that using "Item Rarity" means we will be on 5L DPS doing Empowered T16s, so DPS is never not going to be amazing, unless you have properly ramped-up with HH, but even so, some maps are going to have mobs with ES, reduced Phys Dmg taken, avoid Impale, Blind, player Reduced Accuracy, etc... Wraeclast is an unforgiving land. GL " Just try them both and pick whichever you prefer. GL Última edição por corosou#7048 em 17 de jan de 2024 16:15:47
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Hello, im new to be so far in poe, league, i'd liek to ask about advice, im starting to get items to transition to crit, im at t13, here is my pob: https://pobb.in/jS8Wr2EDPjyF
what am i missing, i think my dps is kinda low. Thank for you're build. It's awesome guide :) |
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" Hi, Your toon looks fine to me; it's normal to start hitting a wall around late red maps. You just gotta keep working on your toon, lvl gems, etc. Besides that, sounds like you need more single-target DPS, so: Culling Strike provides very little DPS, so move Culling to your Totem or Leap Slam and put Brutality there instead. Also switch to Herald of Purity. Also, you NEED an "Instant Recovery" Flask: Try to get your Large/Medium Cluster Jewels ASAP. They will make a big diff to DPS. You're welcome and GL Última edição por corosou#7048 em 17 de jan de 2024 17:50:46
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3.23 Gear Update: Improved MF Setup
Hi Guys, Been testing A LOT with MF and I've gotten to a really sweet spot! Here's what it looks like on a 10k+ Tri-Color Empowered T16 Cemetery: YouTube: T16 Cemetery - (10k+ Tri-Color Empowered) And how about that loot?? HOLY SHIT... lol OK, there's a lot of changes, so to start here's the latest setup: Indisponível Arctic Armour: We swap Herald of Ash for Arctic Armour, which makes us very tanky, and we didn't really need the clear from Herald of Ash, since Call of Steel and HH are more than enough, but also different gloves, read more below... (btw, I haven't used Vaal Arctic Armour at all, but you can) Arcanist Brand: Linked to Warlord's Mark helps us gain Rage pretty reliably, if the mobs can be stunned. The Brand will also jump to other enemies when they die. Keep it level 1/0 so it has the lowest cost and the least activations, as we only want it to cast Warlord's Mark once on the mob itself. There's a slight delay, while the Brand attaches and then casts Warlord's, so don't kill the mob immediately after the Brand attaches. Also, don't cast more than one, or they will drain your Mana. Brutal Fervour Flame/Flesh: With this we can regain full life in no time and it also makes us take less damage. This makes it pretty comfortable to stand in the middle of a fully Empowered Spire, as you can see in the video. Cost: 23d and 4.5d Chest: 50% Crit Dmg Reduced combined with 30% from Mastery helps a lot to survive spiky damage. This corruption is pretty cheap too and and 6L/S myself. Cost: 50c + Tainted Currency Gloves: So, we lose a bit of MF, but Sadima's are just horrendous... And since we drop Herald of Ash, we can regain explody through Asenath's, plus Temporal Chains, which combined with Arctic Armour slows down mobs a lot, and it also Blinds mobs, helping us evade more hits. Cost: 15d Grace: We swap out Determination for Grace, because with Defiance of Destiny + Progenesis we have more than enough mitigation that Determination wasn't doing much. Plus some of its mitigation is handled by Arctic Armour instead. Helmet: Cannot be Blinded. We need this, because we need to hit and Leech life to stay alive. Cost: 2d Megalomaniac: Since we use Grace now, Sublime Form gives us 50% Mana res for it, plus a very nice +10 all Ele. Res. You want one with Sublime Form, Master of Command, and anything else useful. Cost: 2d Oakbranch Tincture: Since we lost 20% Culling from Headsman, this makes up for it. Cost: 9.5d So, is this all worth it? I think so... All self-farmed: ![]() I've been hoarding a bit ;) this and pretty much everything else I've gotten. Just wanna keep mapping, fine-tuning, don't really wanna trade much. I'll sell or open later... No mir yet or ever btw :( Here's my toon imported into PoB: https://pobb.in/cbhbHwQHyRAs **Config page setup for T16 Empowered Abyss conditions. GL Última edição por corosou#7048 em 18 de jan de 2024 18:01:38
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Thank you for quick reply and input ! :)
I've seen that u replied to "when is a good moment to switch to crit" u said when u'll get some good items, could be more spicific, is lvl 90 to early ? or when we are able to get those jewels ? Thank you in advance ! |
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