[3.22] LL CoC Ice Spear Inquisitor // Kill Stuff // Stuff doesn't kill you


Disclaimer! I did not come up with the original idea to this build. I have no idea who did and when. The oldest mentions I found were from 3.14. However I could not find any up to date guides and I really love this nieche character so here we go!

A small preface about me, I started playing when Sacrifice of the Vaal launched and played on and off ever since. This is my first build guide and I'm pretty excited to share the mechanics of this build.

The thing that makes this build perfect to me is that it is not ramping, not dependant on cd's, doesn't have 10 different buffs or totems to get the damage promised or is just tanky on occasion. It does what it does reliably and free of hassle.

This is not a leaguestarter. I have compiled a budget, medium and expensive Tree to show some progression and what upgrades are big but this build has a lot of mandatory pieces and without those it does not function.

3.22 Changelog
I'm not playing the league due to a lack of time but due to some interest I decided to atleast update the PoB. Spellblade is insane for this build and adds like 30M damage. The Radiant Faith nerf is hurting us alot. Phys mitigation is a problem now. My bandaid fix for now is to switch to Harmony of Purpose for some good other stats, get the Fortification tattoo and get phys taken as elemental on your Shield and if you can afford it on the watcher's eye. The Build is definetly still functional and will be more than playable.

we gained:
like 30M DPS

we lost:
5k Phys reduction
2k ES
20k effective Hit pool

If mana feels like an issue, swap inc crits to inspiration (I dont think you will need it due to Sanctuary of thought)

for a smaller adjustment drop the flame golem and link frostblink to an apporpriatly levelled arcane surge, that provides a nice chunk of mana regen as well.

if questions arise ask me on reddit, if you have ideas about tweaking feel free to share, I currently cannot look into things too deeply.



+ amazing bosser
+ very tanky
+ high damage
+ easy to gear (lots of uniques)
+ just need to press flasks once per Map
+ lazy one button playstyle


- only average clear
- not the fastest mapper
- not budget friendly


Map Showcase:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d7I-WCUSoE (3.21)
Uber Shaper :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j2nwEwuTqk (3.21)
Uber Uber Elder:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwQwAJ1cqww (3.21)

I purposefully tanked some attacks as well as Uber Shaper Slam and Uber Elder triple wave to showcase the tankiness


I would not recommend lvling as this build. Transition into it comfortably at around level 90.

Because some people felt a bit frustrated when trying the low budget version of the build I will preface this here. The showcase was conducted on my high budget version, the low budget version won't perform in the same fashion, I just wanted to show a starting point for the build and some upgrade paths ! The low budget tree is the point of investment at wich I would consider the build functional.

Low Budget: 8 Mil Shaper DPS // 25k effective Hit Pool // 8k ES

Mid Budget: 28 Mil Shaper DPS // 61k effective Hit Pool // 12k ES

High Budget: 86 Mil Shaper DPS // 60k effective Hit Pool // 14k ES

-> in all of the POB's I put the abyssal jewel that is in my weapon into the config tab under custom modifiers so it gets recognized.




This build does not use a Main-Hand weapon in the traditional sense. It uses Energy Blade wich takes 50% of your ES and "creates" a weapon with flat lightning damage scaled by the amount of Energy Shield used.

However one neat trick to note, you still have to equip a 1-Handed weapon to activate the skill and the sockets of your Main-Hand get transferred onto the Energy Blade. So you can use a weapon with an abyssal socket to equip an additional Abyssal Jewel for free !



Rathpith Globe: Grants mass amounts of Spell Damage scaling with our life total. The 10% of Life sacrificed per cast or trigger is to be ignored. this mechanic does not kill you but rather leave you on 1 hp. since we are Lowlife we just flicker inbetween our unreserved max life (around 20-50 ish) and 1.



Glimpse of Chaos: yes it makes capping res a bit more tricky, but the payoff outperforms different Helms like Crown of the inward eye like it's nothing.

BiS Implicits: Additional Projectile // You can use the reservation multiplier implicit to change the Aura setup and incorporate an additional Aura like Defiance Banner



The Ivory Tower: one of the core pieces of the build due to granting ES per reserved 100 Life

a medium upgrade would be getting the +1 to socketed gems implicit on here

the high tier upgrade being the heist implicit "increased defence modifier magnitudes"
-> this scales the ES per life reserved mod thus granting more ES



Shaper's Touch:

Because we Stack Int, Str, ES, Life and Mana this pair of gloves does so much for us and is another core piece. Usually the inc attack speed implicit is pretty cheaply available.



The Stampede:

These grant quite some quality of life mods such as cdr for travel skills
or mana regeneration while moving. The real important mod is the one that sets our movement speed to 150% of base value. That mod allows us to cyclone without feeling like a deadweight. They are also Annointable !



Astramentis/Eyes of the greatwolf:

For a super budget approach Astramentis is a great item, but it just can't beat the up to 32% inc attributes on Eyes of the greatwolf.
Best secondary mods for Eyes of the greatwolf are:
Inc Life / Inc global defences



Nimis// Rares:

The first rare slot in this build. Suffixes are easily done on an Item with a desired fractured suffix just spam a Str/Int Essence until you hit t1 all attributes int and strength. Then continue crafting prefixes via your preferred method.
-> to sustain mana you need to have 1 Ring with -7 non channeling mana cost.

Nimis: Without crucible there is no replacement for Nimis anymore sadly.



Starting out you'll just use a belt with as many useful stats as you can, after that upgrade towards a hunter belt with % attributes, str and int. Prefixes can be crafted using your preferred method.



Cluster Jewel / Abyssal Jewels / base Jewels all follow the same stat priorities in this build
-ele res if needed
-stats (str int all attributes etc.)
-crit multi
-Life // ES

For the cluster jewel specifically it's completly fine to start out with whatever you can get your hands on.
The ideal cluster is a 12 passive lightning with
-35% inc effect

Split personalities:
BiS are 2x Str Int

budget are Int life/ES and Str life/ES

Timeless Jewel:
Really important and integral to survival. You NEED a Brutal restraint with "Denoted service of ---- dekhara in the akhara of Balbala "
-> to find one with useful stats use this tool:https://vilsol.github.io/timeless-jewels/tree

Watcher's Eye:
The Important mod it the Mana as Maximum Energy shield.
Luxury but useful upgrades include Wrath dmg and discipline ES on Hit

Forbidden Flame/Flesh with Sanctuary of Thought:

Is great for the extra ES and the reservation efficiency

Emperor's Mastery:
self explanatory, Luxury upgrade.



Really important for this build and pretty much the primary source to cap your elemental resistances. (for an explanation look into Mechanics)

Crucible Tree:


The ideal crucible tree for this build is

1. % Str Armor
2. Arcane Sancutary
3./4. Inc Int Inc Str / Inc Str Inc Dex (3 and 4 can appear on either position)
5. Ice Spear projectiles return

crafting this is not easy and will take alot of resources. You can swap nimis for a second rare as early as you hit the 5. mod on a rathpith globe tho.

alt gems that are not self explanatory


-> Anomalous Ice Spear: you need the pierce from anomalous to shotgun. if the proj doesn't pierce anything after dealing it's damage it will just return instantly.

-> Divergent Inspiration: the reduced mana cost helps tremendously with sustain and I wouldn't really play the build without it.

-> Divergent Frostblink: Why Frostblink in general ? It's instant and can be cast while channeling cyclone wich smoothes out gameplay. This alt quality reduces the cooldown by alot helping to dodge and map quicker.


In this section I will go over certain Mechanics that make the build function



This Build utilizes defences as offences and scales it's damage off of 2 different avenues.

1. Stats
Str and Int are the Primary Attributes to scale here. These increase Damage and tankiness via their intrinsic properties but furthermore through:
-> Shaper's Touch
-> Iron Will
-> Rightous Providence

2. Energy Shield and Life
Life and ES scale damage as well as survivability. The more life you reserve the more energy shield you gain. Increasing your ES pool increases the flat damage on Energy Blade. Using life and ES are:
-> Ivory Tower
-> Instruments of Virtue (utilizing the Damage from Energy blade)
-> Energy Blade

Flasks or why we don't just die:


The flasks in this build play a major role in making us survive. Through the Timeless Jewel you gain access to the Traitor Keystone. that Keystones gains each of our flasks 4 charges every 5 seconds per empty flask slot.

By using only 3 flasks you can automate and infinitly sustain those by instilling the mod "reused at the end of this flasks effect" onto them.

All you have to do is use the flasks once you enter a zone and that's it. They will stay permanently active no matter what.

the flasks provide
-> Protection from Chaos Damage
-> single handedly capping res
-> some armour



Reservation is a bit flexible as in you want your life to be as low as possible because you gain Damage and ES for each 100 life you reserve.

I set the auras up in a way so the Mana pool is reserved pretty efficiently leaving plenty to cast with.

Most importantly you can adjust the life reservation by leveling or delevling clarity and arrogance. I would recommend keeping clarity as high as possible while reducing arrogance as low as possible.

Attack Speed/ CDR / Trigger rate:


POB is pretty good in showing you how aquiring a certain ammount of the mentioned above stats will affect your DPS (spoiler, not always positivly). So bear that in mind. If you want to minmax to the brim you can look up how CDR server tick rates and so on affect your dps and do some math.

QOL Supertank Button


You can enable and disable energy blade like a buff. I disable it during boss downtime like uber shaper ballphase to instantly double my ES. (gets me up to 147k effective Hit pool 32k ES)


Why is my POB showing no damage ?
When you import characters from Poe.ninja and such the energy blade does not get transfered. To fix just equip any one handed weapon, POB instantly applies the energy blade gem and should display stats correctly.

how to finish lab on this build ?
Lab is just aweful on this build. Ususally you just flask once upon entering a map or bossfight and sail through. But in Lab on every zone change your flasks reset. Forget to use them once and some random snake will yeet you back to town.

I am not saying this build cannot do lab, it's just by far the most tedious content once you get used to the rythm of usually just flasking once a map.

- Help expanding this category by asking away-


I hope this guide is a functional description of the build I enjoy. If there are questions regarding this build in any shape or form feel free to message me ingame or on reddit. I will link the reddit post regarding this build below.

Questions, Feedback and Suggestions are very welcome.

Since PoE forums don't give you any notifications feel free to msg me on reddit @PackShooter

I will cross reference my reddit post about the build here : https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/13f5ylz/my_first_build_guide_ll_coc_ice_spear_inquisitor/

Kind regards,

Última edição por PackShooter#1441 em 6 de out de 2023 19:09:47
Último bump em 6 de dez de 2023 01:47:31
What would the DPS look like if you skipped energy blade and went with Cospri's and had 30k ES? Curious what it looks like or if the damage is too low (thinking hardcore maybe).
Yeah just changing to cospri's you would go down to like 10 mil ish sdps if you don't change the tree or gear at all. If you watch the videos you'll see that I tank stuff just fine with energy blade on, and for stuff like uber shaper ball phase I turn it off to tank it way easier. You could definitly try to rework this into a cospri's build but it would cost you alot of dmg.

reading through cospri's it just makes sense to me that this item isn't offering anything of value to the build except the flat and the flat to spells. the 3 link trigger is like 2 mil dps, I wouldn't recommend the build for HC in this form anyway because if you miss one flask activation when entering a map you are dead.

Zenwoe escreveu:
What would the DPS look like if you skipped energy blade and went with Cospri's and had 30k ES? Curious what it looks like or if the damage is too low (thinking hardcore maybe).
Very interesting concept, didn't realize Rathpith Globe could be used on low life.
Bazhgat escreveu:
Very interesting concept, didn't realize Rathpith Globe could be used on low life.

yeah, it doesn't kill you or anything you just flicker between 1 and howevery unreserved you have.

Thanks for having a look!
I really want to go for this build since the ice spear totem build I went with is super squishy. What would you say is medium budget? got about 1k chaos right now, and about 3 div worth of fragments. Would that be enough?

Edit: Could I also ask for a "better trading" export? (don't stress if it's too much of a hassle, I'm asking for a lot here xD)
Última edição por Bl0rk#1206 em 17 de mai de 2023 11:57:13
Bl0rk escreveu:
I really want to go for this build since the ice spear totem build I went with is super squishy. What would you say is medium budget? got about 1k chaos right now, and about 3 div worth of fragments. Would that be enough?

Edit: Could I also ask for a "better trading" export? (don't stress if it's too much of a hassle, I'm asking for a lot here xD)

Hey, thanks for taking a peek. I'm sorry but I think at this point of the league the low budget should cost around 20 maybe 25 to 30 Div depending on the market (havn't checked everything in a couple days)

PackShooter escreveu:
Bl0rk escreveu:
I really want to go for this build since the ice spear totem build I went with is super squishy. What would you say is medium budget? got about 1k chaos right now, and about 3 div worth of fragments. Would that be enough?

Edit: Could I also ask for a "better trading" export? (don't stress if it's too much of a hassle, I'm asking for a lot here xD)

Hey, thanks for taking a peek. I'm sorry but I think at this point of the league the low budget should cost around 20 maybe 25 to 30 Div depending on the market (havn't checked everything in a couple days)

I actually managed to get a bit of cash, probably spent about 15-20 div now, ofc on the low budget one. But going smoothly so far, only thing I'm wondering what major and minor god do you use?
I've been waffling on whether to give this build a shot or not. There are quite a few novel interactions I'd like to try out (LL+Rathpith, Traitor+Coruscating, Ivory Tower+Energy blade), but there are some parts I'm not sure about. I guess I'll just go through it all in order.

PackShooter escreveu:

very tanky

I realize the EHP can be doubled by disabling energy blades, but the EHP numbers are a lot lower than I would expect with that much ES and budget. Especially without the Forbidden jewels, this build seems pretty weak to physical and chaos damage. Any problems with phys gained as chaos or extra chaos damage mods?

PackShooter escreveu:

The flasks in this build play a major role in making us survive.

This seems like a recipe for random deaths. I'm assuming the flask charge mod on maps and flask degen on Exarch altar are guaranteed death, right? Isn't there also a rare that can drain flask charges?

It seems like this build needs to block quite a few map mods, what is the list of map mods you skip?
TurboLeopard escreveu:
I've been waffling on whether to give this build a shot or not. There are quite a few novel interactions I'd like to try out (LL+Rathpith, Traitor+Coruscating, Ivory Tower+Energy blade), but there are some parts I'm not sure about. I guess I'll just go through it all in order.

PackShooter escreveu:

very tanky

I realize the EHP can be doubled by disabling energy blades, but the EHP numbers are a lot lower than I would expect with that much ES and budget. Especially without the Forbidden jewels, this build seems pretty weak to physical and chaos damage. Any problems with phys gained as chaos or extra chaos damage mods?

So the interesting thing about the builds survivability is the sustain. As long as there is stuff tot hit you regen a boatload of ES. I personally have never really died even in Sim 30 or stuff like that. And the build can tank 2-3 uber shaper slams without moving even while not hitting. I would say it's plenty tanky.

PackShooter escreveu:

The flasks in this build play a major role in making us survive.

This seems like a recipe for random deaths. I'm assuming the flask charge mod on maps and flask degen on Exarch altar are guaranteed death, right? Isn't there also a rare that can drain flask charges?

All I roll over is no regen and ele reflect. Flask sustain is more then fine if you clear the map at a reasonable pace even with less charges. I would definetly not play it in HC tho.

It seems like this build needs to block quite a few map mods, what is the list of map mods you skip?

Thanks for taking a peek at the build.

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