Tyr's **0.11.1** Pure Elemental Bow Spec

Level 42

Im coasting through all content. Watching mobs get blown up all at once doesnt get old. Most mobs get 1 shot from an explosive or poison arrow. The added burn damage is stronger than I anticipated.

Elemental Equilibrium is overkill at this point. Im taking it away for now.
Última edição por Tyranthal em 12 de dez de 2012 13:12:50
Level 50

Still having fun with this build! Using Light Arrow with Deaths Harp for 8 total attacks. This is nice for shocking mobs, setting up additional explosive arrow dmg.
Última edição por Tyranthal em 12 de dez de 2012 13:13:13
A couple of questions here.

How do you manage to keep your mana up ? I play a witch Quill rain / Explosive arrow and finally have no more mana issue since i hit both Mana regen nodes from Witch and Templar ( wich is something like 40/20&40%, i'm also have a lot of mana regen on rings, mana leech etc... ) so i wonder how can you use a quill rain shadow without going for mana regen.

I also have a shadow bow user on route, but using Quill rain with Lightning arrow isn't going to half your DPS ? And same here, my shadow using a standard short bow ( 1.54 Attk/s ) and still have a lot of mana issue, i wouldn't even consider explosive arrow.

And last one what are the defensive node you are going for ? CI i guess ?
Última edição por super_maZon em 8 de set de 2012 04:27:49
super_maZon escreveu:
A couple of questions here.

How do you manage to keep your mana up ? I play a witch Quill rain / Explosive arrow and finally have no more mana issue since i hit both Mana regen nodes from Witch and Templar ( wich is something like 40/20&40%, i'm also have a lot of mana regen on rings, mana leech etc... ) so i wonder how can you use a quill rain shadow without going for mana regen.

I also have a shadow bow user on route, but using Quill rain with Lightning arrow isn't going to half your DPS ? And same here, my shadow using a standard short bow ( 1.54 Attk/s ) and still have a lot of mana issue, i wouldn't even consider explosive arrow.

And last one what are the defensive node you are going for ? CI i guess ?

Super the trick is Soul Siphon. I got the core shadow passives first then went down & across center & up to get the +25 mana on kill. I pick my shots & the aoe 1 shots multiple targets, giving the cost of the shot back & more.

I stack ALOT of wpn ele dmg from gear. I used Quill Rain at first, the normal attack was high enough to continually fire when oom & be effective. Deaths Harp packs more punch firing 2 arrows at once. 2 Light Arrows with the 3 increased AoE passives hits 8 targets per shot over a wide area.

Light Arrow has surpassed explosive arrow in dmg (2300). Its a lower mana cost, i use it to get mana back. Find gear with +light dmg. Wake of Destruction, the boots with 1-120 light dmg is excellent. Got an ammy with 71 light dmg. Etc etc. Dont even have arcing blows yet.

My rings have high regen, over 100%. Im at about 700 mana. 400 allocated for Haste, Discipline & Light Dmg auras. I dont bother with mind drinker at all, there isnt enough phys to make it worth it.

I just got CI & am building up ES now. I use phase run to get out of the way.

Ive got Light Arrow & Expl Arrow linked to WPN ELE DMG & fire dmg. Not enough mana yet to support fun supports. Will link reduced mana cost in a few lvls as the ones I have are high lvl from another chr.
Ho Soul Siphon...I didn't even care about that node before. Cool ! :D

It's funny cause for my shadow i pick all elemental dmg node near the shadow start. I'm quite amaze that you don't even need it.

Well also that character is supposed to use elemental hit and Elemental Equilibrium in the end. But yeah i'm finding myself using Lightning Arrow/poison arrow so much as they're way more efficient right now ( i guess it will change when i will be able to spam EH with Weapon Ele dmg node...Well i hope :D ).

Thanks for sharing !
Np! I tested Ele Equilibrium. For it to work I used lvl 1 gems of spark, totem with faster casting, gmp & added cold dmg. This setup fire dmg. I wasnt using Lightning Arrow then.

So check this out. Level 53

Ive been saving my respec points.
Since the circle is linked, I can break the chain & refund 6 points. This will provide much needed ES.

Level 68 allows for more ES/Eva/ES Delay, Heartpierce & yes, even Arrow Dodging. Projectiles are my bane.

Alternately, I could hack the 13 nodes from the southern & western route from Shadow start to Soul Siphon. Could place 27 nodes in the Witch/Shadow area for mega critrate, max burning, max ele dmg & hell idk other stuff.
Última edição por Tyranthal em 12 de dez de 2012 13:15:55
I cannot fully express how diabolically overpowered this spec is now. At lvl 57.

The introduction of Ice Shot & Ghost Reaver made this build solid. I can link Elemental Proliferation with Cold Shot to freeze/slow an entire mob thanks to the AOE passives. Use Temporal Chains on fast moving, more difficult enemies.

Phase Run away, turn, Ice Shot again then lay waste to everything with Explosive Arrow. Link EA with Elemental Weapon Damage, Culling Strike, Reduced Mana & Increased Crit Chance.
Última edição por Tyranthal em 12 de dez de 2012 13:16:20
What made you go back to Explosive Arrow vs Lightning Arrow?
I was using both, Ice Shot essentially replaced Light Arrow. I really like the additional burn damage & high explosive radius of Explosive Arrow. Now that the arrows stick in the wall & explode they are highly effective. You don't even have to really aim in tight quarters.
Managed to solo a 71% rare lvl 64 Cemetary map with one mean ass Merveil (30% more dmg, 25% atk speed mod). It went way better than I thought possible! My 68 LS Shadow had a bish of a time doing the same map & he was using Saffels Frame against the she-beast!

Relying on Ice Shot for Mana & Life Leech (for Ghost Reaver) changed everything. Especially now that shielded enemies can be leached. I 5 linked my bow & added Faster Attacks & a high level Wpn Elemental Dmg gem to it. Provides the obvious CC element as well, giving more time for ES to recover. Keep it around lvl 12 (43 mana) if mana is a concern.

I really didn't think it possible for my Lightning Strike Shadow to be outdone in efficiency, but it's undeniable. Ranged Bow Shadow is far superior. Especially in cluttered, close quarter dungeons & areas with uneven ground. Light Strike projectiles cannot pass these areas.

PvP.. lol I have a feeling this will be a nasty build to deal with.
Última edição por Tyranthal em 12 de dez de 2012 13:17:44

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