[3.0] How to Flicker. Two Handed Weapon Edition!

stratx escreveu:
oedipat escreveu:
stratx escreveu:

I don't want to get into an argument, but following the Axe tree in the guide means I have all of my damage nodes minus level 90+ jewel sockets. Which is why I posted my question.

Besides that point; "At level 74, you will gain 100% experience from monsters of level 74." Which is T7. I have plenty of maps to waste this late in the league, not that this matters.

If gem levels, gem quality and a Disfavour is all I can really do for more damage than that is the answer I was looking for.

Thanks for your reply.

Your theory is wrong. Maybe you get more exp, but you are really slow. You can run tropical island in a minute or less. for your t7 you need much longer. so the exp per minute is not good.

I have a similiar axe like you, using a 5l daresso and my dmg is at lvl 85 absolute fine. i finished uber lab at first try and just killed twinned dominus enfeebled. my tooltip was maybe 8k.

i dont think the dmg is your dmg but your lifepool.
this build is no dmg glascannon its a balanced build with good survivebility. so just take your time if you want to do t15 bosses.

This makes a bit more sense. I have similar tooltip when at 6 frenzy charges ~8.4K. I guess I was just expecting different results. The bosses I was having trouble with were Terrace and Torture Chamber. Terrace because I couldn't out dps his regen and Torture Chamber because of the totems.

Right now my life is just over 4K and I am fully ascended.

Also, not sure which theory you meant;

The "At level 74, you will gain 100% experience from monsters of level 74." is true. And the speed I clear the trash? mobs is pretty consistent except for enfeeble mod.

Only being able to get more damage from Disfavour/gem levels/gem quality/jewel sockets still seems true to me.

I'm sorry if I came across as hostile.

It's true that at level 74 you gain 100% experience from monsters at 74. But you also gain 100% eperience from monsters at 68. Which means it's most efficient to run those maps safely at high speeds. When leveling in the 70s and early 80s it's best to do maps about 8-9 levels lower than you. Doing t7 maps at 74 is basically wasted xp and currency, and even time. Though if you have tons of maps to spare, then take it all with a grain of salt.
For try, for see, and for know.

This is a buff
So...I tried, for the first time ever (ever...ever...ever...echo...) to come up with a workable passive tree on my own. I used this guide, mathils, and a friends advice...and eventually came up with this monstrosity: http://poeplanner.com/AAIAAVhBQUlFQVFBQWZia2RGZXlLOE9sR3hJTEtrSVRaUjM0QjNLbVV2VFozNDNoNmgycGxUYWx1cVNlLXA4QWFlV2lFNzNnTmJ6dkJCTnJCWVNHMThsOF9WYlZETVhUdHJsQTFraG8tOWtnVUlKN052OVhETTB6X0JTMy1hXzZQMkwzeUw0elA3dzd5bk5JaHB6QlR1MW9hMWxnVHlVM2pQZnhRUjI2WFZ3MEI1MFNlWmFlbVYxaGo1RkgzdnZPYkdfb1VUU0ZnTVo2WGVXaGxKZF84UzNUeFFLQUpsdlBkdGl5OG55bWxScmRlRXprTy1PdWtHUmlSMDJfdlRpRlY2aGhrVW1GUzNEMHMtX2N5d2FOT01zVlRCM1dLSW56WjRtRVg0ZHd5d0tZbklEQjNKdmhJZUZuLUUwd0ZQSGFzejM2dGphVTFzb0FNY0lhME83YUZwX1ZoSjU4PQAIQUFBQUFRQUEAAA==

Really looking for opinions here. I've never been a fan of dodging, so I went with iron reflexes. Since every single piece of gear I plan to use (currently) is hybrid str/dex I figured this would be a great node to take.

I amped up the leeching since I planned to try out brutal instead of impact as well. The build has a lot more life and only misses a small amount of damage from what I can see. I am missing somewhere around 50 dex though.

I don't know if they are good or not but since fortify would be up more or less 100% of the time in this build, the passive nodes seemed fairly powerful.

As I get better gear I can remove some of the +all resist nodes and move them into other spots, although I'm unsure where yet.

I would still be using the same skill gem setups as this build I think, I see no real reason to deviate from that. I might work in a totem and remove the auto counter attack skill, but I don't know if the totem is really needed?

Honestly, I just wanted to try my hand at creating/modifying a passive tree. This is the first build to actually get me excited to play the game since release (yea, I took a long break...nothing interested me) and I just wanted to try and make something. I have no idea if it's even viable, I'm guessing it would get completely destroyed, but I wanted to try ^^;;

Any recommendations?

Also...if (big if here I guess) you think the build would work, leveling progression advice would be so nice...I have no idea where to aim for first. Haven't played in years.

Anyway, sorry to ramble, thanks in advance for any advice.

[edit] The mana leech node is there as a crutch, it would be removed once I no longer needed it.
Última edição por sutasafaia#1977 em 3 de ago de 2016 04:29:33
Well ... it is certainly vialbe, though i don't think that it is the most optimized way of building up your character.

Personally i find the dodge/evasion/armour hybrid defenses (when it comes to this build) vastly superior to armour only but that doesn't mean that your tree isn't viable.

I'd say go for it, test it out, see the results and tweak your character if needed. :)

One thing though ... i really don't think that spending points into life leech related nodes is needed ... or ... of any good really ( when you have more than enough from other sources )

"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Última edição por KorgothBG#4084 em 3 de ago de 2016 11:48:17
Thanks. I may just end up following your guide instead since you've obviously had more practice/experience with making them, I just wanted to mess with it. I modified my build based on your ideas though, this is the "final" one I came up with. I did drop iron reflexes and a few other clusters since they felt out of the way, cut my spending down from 120 and the like.


If I did follow your guide instead, I would only make very few changes, mostly on personal preference. Something like this?: www.poeurl.com/ISS

Basically, the only change I would make (and not even needed if I get to 100) is to remove that one life regen node from templar/marauder (I forget which start that is) and grab the mana/life leech nodes in the void cluster. I might not even need it, so could always spec out of them later on, but we're so close to them anyway and I would rather use the gear slot for something else rather than mana leech.

You obviously have tons of people who love this build, so maybe instead of re-inventing the wheel I'll just use your build with a few tiny tweaks :P

By the way, since I forgot to say it already, thank you so much for this guide. Like I did say, I haven't played the game since launch, no builds really got me to care enough to bother, but this "nightcrawler" build has me genuinely enjoying the game again.

Also, did you ever consider Abyssus for this build or does the defense penalty hurt too badly?
Última edição por sutasafaia#1977 em 3 de ago de 2016 16:32:21
Thanks mate. But again i'd say go for it, test your ideas and see how they work, because they can legitimately be better for your play-style and preferences!

As for Abyssus - the increased physical damage taken really isn't that much of a problem as many players tend to believe, i've explain how it works in my facebreaker guide ( or rather how physical mitigation works overall when it comes to order of different sources of mitigation ) but hey i'll just copy paste it in this post too ( it's a rather long explanation ):

KorgothBG escreveu:

31. It seems that many players don't really know how physical damage mitigation works ( how armour works, which damage increases or reductions come first etc. ) so hopefully the explanation below will help you with that:
1. First the damage conversions take effect ( things like Lightning Coil, Cloak of Flame and Taste of Hate )
2. Then the armour reduction and the flat % reductions ( endurance charges, chaos golem, soul of steel ) kick in
3. The −X Physical Damage taken from Attacks takes effect ( from things like immortal flesh )
4. Now the reduced damage from Fortify and the increased damage from things like Abyssus, shock and vulnerability curse are factored in
5. The "less" multiplier of Arctic Armour is last

So let me give you an example. Let's say that a monster hits you for 1000 physical damage and you have Taste of Hate, 3 endurance charges, fortify, 50% Abyssus( which is the worse possible roll ) and just for this example 7000 armour which reduces 50% of the damage ( to reduce 50% of the damage you need to have 10 times the armour )

1. First Taste of Hate converts 300 of the physical damage to cold damage ( which then is reduced by your resistances which capped is 75%+10% from taste of hate and that means that you'll take 45 cold damage )
2. The remaining 700 physical damage is reduced by your 7000 armour for 50% combined with the 3 endurance charges ( 12% ) for a total of 62% physical damage reduction and that leaves 266 physical damage
4. Fortify reduces the remaining damage by 20% but the Abyssus increases it by 50% so in the end the remaining 266 physical damage is increased by 30% for a total of 346

In the end you'll take 346 physical damage and 42 cold damage out of the initial 1000 physical damage hit. You could readjust the numbers if you have chaos golem, or better rolled Abyssus or more endurance charges, different armour values, soul of steel etc.

Some general tips when it comes to armour reduction:

To prevent one third of damage, you need armour 5 times the damage (e.g. 500 Armour for 100 damage)
To prevent half of damage, you need armour 10 times the damage (e.g. 1000 Armour for 100 damage)
To prevent two thirds of damage, you need armour 20 times the damage (e.g. 2000 Armour for 100 damage)
To prevent three quarters of damage, you need armour 30 times the damage (e.g. 3000 Armour for 100 damage)
To prevent 90% of damage, you need armour 90 times the damage (e.g. 9000 Armour for 100 damage)

Again please do note that armour is factored in AFTER the damage conversions from taste of hate and lightning coil so for example to prevent half of the damage you'll need armour 10 times the remaining physical damage after the conversion.

So the tl;dr is that Abyssus is not a big deal if you have other layers of physical defense like taste of hate, armour, endurance charges, fortify ... and that's if the hit gets past your other defensive mechanics ( dodge, evasion, block ) ... and let's be honest you absolutely should have most of these things.

But then you might ask "Why don't you use abyssus then?". Well because the damage increase isn't really needed ( sure it's nice but not needed ) especially when this is a RT build and the huge crit multiplier is wasted. On top of that Abyssus lacks life AND resists.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
How does this build maintain flicker strike on large single targets? I've seen streams on twitch of non-oro builds doing it for a good 20-30 seconds without stopping. I feel like I'm missing something obvious. Both blood rage and poachers are only on-kill, right?
The only way is by hitting a couple of times with frenzy when you run out of charges.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
hmm finally got my daressos chest 6L so i could add faster attack but going from having the Flicker link in the Disfavour 5L and to the chest 6L actully netted a 400dmg tooltip loss -_^ so i guess getting those +2 support gem lvls is kinda goood or i might need to get my faster attacks to 20/20 first and it will be a diffrence
Faster attacks makes no difference on your tooltip DPS, because flicker strike does not display DPS it displays damage per use! To get your DPS you need to multiply your damage per use to your attacks per second.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Última edição por KorgothBG#4084 em 5 de ago de 2016 00:19:21
KorgothBG escreveu:
Faster attacks makes no difference on your tooltip DPS, because flicker strike does not display DPS it displays damage per use! To get your DPS you need to multiply your damage per use to your attacks per second.

yeah that i know, noticed that when im pushing max speed with all frenzy stacks, onslought and vaal haste im pushing 12.33 aps and with potions etc im sitting at 284k dps if i did the math right so just waiting for that ToH now or well so my prophecy char gets to standard so i can use my Legacy ToH :)

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