[3.0] How to Flicker. Two Handed Weapon Edition!
thanks for your help man! check out the new weapon i got! helps so much!
IGN: Marissa_Is_Hella_Hot
My Domination Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/713727/page/1/#p6181728 |
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491 DPS.. awesome weapon.. better than mine actualy :D well same dps but yours can roll attack speed mod and it will have more! So if you have extra currency you can use an eteral orb and try to get attack speed on it!
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Hello Community and hello Korgoth.^^
First of all, you've done great work for writing this Guide and the Build. I was happy to see that i can play my Duelist like in the Closed Bet again. :) I run a similiar Build and i was thinking if a Crit 2-Handed Build would be possible atm. The Points to get all *reachable* Crit Chance Nodes is high and if my calculation is correct, i would get round about 400% increased chance for Crits with 20% Quality Flicker Strike and Crit Chance Gem 20% Quality. This would give me a chance of 30% to crit and i dont think its really viable, except if i link the Power Charge on Crit on the Flicker Gem this would net me another 150% Crit Chance ( 3 Charges ). So i can get roughly 40% Crit Chance, but it is really worth it ? Not to mention that i must spend also points in Crit Multiplier and use also the Crit Multiplier Gem..... But i think its to much of a hassle right now and Resolute Technique is the way to go, which is kind of sad, i want to crush my Enemys with 2-Handed Flicker Crits.^^ And sorry for my bad english, i'm a german. :D |
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In my opinion crit is just too much of a trouble for too little of gain. You need to spend awful amount of passives for crit chance/multi ; you also need to sacrifice some link slots for a crit chance gem and probably crit chance multi. But the real problem is that you will one-shot yourself wih high crit multiplier.. you can't use blood rage + life + vaal pact .. and without vaal pact .. yea .. reflect (even the aura ) will kill you. So in my opinion crit is not a good way to make life 2h flicker build ... the way to use flicker + crit is CI dagger flicker strike build :)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Yeah right, the Reflect Mod........ damn ! xD
Ok thank you for your response and i will use Resolute Technique instead of a Crit Build.^^ My Build runs really well right now ( near the end of chapter 3 cruel, but that can change in merc....^^ ), instead of Flicker through Mobs, i use Infernal Blow + Melee Splash + Added Fire Damage + Life Leech as my Main Elemental Skill to kill Mobpacks and Physical Reflect Mobs. Flicker Strike + Melee Physical + Multistrike + Item Rarity ( i dont have a good Blue Support Gem atm if I want to use Resolute Technique^^ ) is my Boss and Rare Mob Kill Skill and Elemental Reflect Mobs / Bosses. Frenzy + Faster Attacks, is my Utility Attack to gain Frenzy Charges for Bosses. I want to have 1 Elemental Attack and 1 pure Physical Attack to counter the Reflect Mobs / Bosses and it works fine as i said before. Auras, i alternate between Vitality and Hatred, i'm not sure if i take Determination or skill Iron Reflexes and take Grace instead of Determination. My Gear is pure Armour right now and its all i need at the moment, i have 54% Reduction without Buffs and Elemental Res is capped, except Cold ( 60% ). 1900 Hp and 85 Life per sec. Buffs i use are Molten Shell, Enduring Cry and Blood Rage. I dont have the Cast on Damage Taken Gem.^^ Keystones atm : Blood Magic + Mortal Conviction, i think with Reduced Mana Gem i can run Vitality + Hatred without to sacrifice to much Life. Unwavering Stance And i'm not sure if should go to the Marauder Section to get more Life / Armor / Regen and Resistence Nodes or Buff up my Infernal Blow with the Amplify Node in the Templar Section and grab some Life Nodes on the way.... What are your expierence Korgoth ? What advice gan you give me ? I want to play the Duelist mostly in my own way, but Melees are limited in some aspects what i read..... |
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Well you are overthinking it!
Having blood rage takes care of all relect that you'll encounter so loose the life leech gem and add Multistrike or Faster Attacks. Another thing don't use added fire damage on your infernal blow as a 3th support gems.. better use Melee physical damage .. you will see the huge difference vs elemental reflect I see that you like to play .. complicated... alternating auras, switching between attacks, using utility constantly etc. It's all good if you like that playstyle but i'll tell you this The simple the gameplay - the better the results. Don't use Blood magic keystone .. i don't believe that a bad enough word exists to describe it! It's the most terrible and useless thing in this game at the moment! Eighter try to find a way to cast with mana or just use blood magic gem i know that the life cost would seem high .. but just try and you'll see that it's really nothing. Since you already have Unwavering Stance if you have easy acces to Iron Reflexes - then use it! Vitality aura is ... pretty much wasted mana reserve... the amount of life regen is beyond terrible! In my opinion Amplify and the life nodes in the templar would be the better choice... not to mention the offensive nodes there.. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Última edição por KorgothBG#4084 em 21 de dez de 2013 10:32:07
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Yeah its a bad habbit of mine....i overthinking to much in these kinds of games or RPG's in general.^^
I planned to use Multistrike on Infernal Blow but its a late Quest Reward, and i dont want to pay 8 Chaos again....besides i dont have Chaos Orbs right now. xD Faster Attacks......i can give it a try. Is that really so much of a difference ? I dont have any MAPS experience with the Reflect......i keep that in mind. Yeah, im not so a big fan of...how should i put it.......No-Brainer / Cookie Cutter Builds. I always add my *touch* or i want always play that fits my style or my imaginings. I need some tension in battles....i hate the *one button / one kill skill* playstyle. I think you know what i mean.^^ Really ? Is the Blood Magic Keystone so bad ? I cant believe that, i played a Blood Magic Duelist with Flicker / Lghtning Strike in the closed Beta till Act 2 Merc and i was fine. But that was 2 years ago.... I try it till i hit the *Wall* and then i respecc for Mana and use my 2 Blood Magic Gems. But thanks for telling me.^^ Reflexes would cost me 2 Skill Points to get, maybe after killing Piety i get it. But is the benefit from the Hybrid Armor still top notch even after the Nerf to Reflexes ? Or is mixing the way to go ? Vitality cost me right now 24% Reserved Mana with Mortal Conviction lesser with Reduced Mana on my next Lvl. Lvl 20 gives you roughly 2% Life Regen, is this really so bad ? Yeah, Templar is really the better choice.^^ Damn, i noticed i still have the *old* Path of Exile in my head......^^ Has it so changed drasticly ? |
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I'll start with the last question.
Yes PoE changed alot.. i still remeber the time when you needed an AoE attack and a single target attacks .. that's no longer the case. The auras are changed ALOT! Now al auras (except clarity) reserve X% instead of a flat number and exactly that makes the Blood Magic Keystone terrible and unusable... it's just not worth it to resreve half of your life in order to run only 2 auras! Note that even 4000 life ( and that's the normal amount of life that you'll reach ) is "kind of" enough ... now if you resrve even 1000 life ( which is 1 aura ) you'll go from "i'm able to survive 95% of the encounters" to "wtf i die 50% of the time!" ... so .. keep that in mind ;) about the vitality.... at level 20 the life regen is 1.65% ... and that's .. well... nothing... especialy compared to the reserved cost. i know what you mean about the no-brainer/cookie cutter/one button builds because i create those and i love them :P It actualy requires alot of brains to create one because PoE ;) ... well .. following one ... that's easy indeed ;) About the Iron Reflexes. Well even having 0 evasion on your gear and just run Grace you'll get insane amounts of armour because armour nodes will increase the armour that you get from the IR+Grace "combo" "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Aw man, really ?
I loved to play with the Blood Magic Keystone..... they should fix this problem, or are GGG thinking thats ok so ? That sucks donkey balls...they changed and nerfed Single Player ALOT, hm ? It sounds like this.... NOTE : I didnt read ALL Patch Notes, it was too many for me to read trough... i didnt play PoE for 2 years only short in the Closed Beta and i liked it and waited since then for the full Release. BUT i understand this and that makes really sense..... man my bubble bursted....xD Oh they changed the Values for Vitality i see ? That was a lot more in the CB if i remember right... Ok, that is really a waste.... Yeah, i think you understood what i meant with the no-brainer/cookie-cutter builds. I meant to play such build, annoys me as hell and is boring. BUT to create one is a total different thing, thats correct !^^ Thats why i said you did a great work. :) Ah ok, yeah right, Grace is really the better choice. Thank you Korgoth for sharing your experience and time to discuss with a PoE returner.^^ |
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Thank you too and good luck! Noctaris85
Just a word about the aura changes. As i see it it's not actualy a direct nerf to the solo play because most of the auras now give greater bonuses, but it is rather a big buff to party play ( you can sense the difference i hope :) ) Personaly i feel like GGG are trying more and more to encourage people to play in a party ( which i utterly hate ). Atleast the solo play wasn't nerfed( in my opinion ) ... for now... In general i like the aura changes... because running 7 auras just didn't felt right to me. And about the Blood Magic keystone. Yea it's absolutely stupid the way they practicly annihilated the keystone. Of course you can still use it and just run around with no auras... but that would be .. pointless... a similar example would be to run around with no flasks.. of course it's possible but useless .. maybe if you want to just proove to yourslef that it's possible to still play... but in the end it's absolutely uneffective. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Última edição por KorgothBG#4084 em 21 de dez de 2013 12:01:59
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