[3.0] How to Flicker. Two Handed Weapon Edition!

What are your thoughts on using Cospri's Will along with the new unique axe Uul-Netol's Embrace over Daresso's Defiance and Atziri's Disfavor? I ask because these two uniques together seem less costly than getting a Disfavor axe.
Well Uul-Netol's Embrace has ~130 pDPS less compared to Disfavour and it has pretty terrible attack speed.

Now poison + bleed is nice, but this build really doesn't improve them in any way ( via tree, ascenadancy, gear, suppport gem or curse ) and thus they remain just that - nice. Without daresso you also loose soe survivability. Not to mention that cospri isn't exactly cheap, though indeed the combination is cheaper than disfavour ( especially early on ).

In the end ... if you want to try it - do so! See how it works, how it feels and decide for yourself :)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
I'm wondering if you recommend axe/mace over other two-handed weapons for this build? And Slayer better than Champion?

I'm trying to help my boyfriend fix his duelist build and when we saw your video we were amazed at how cool it looks during gameplay. He prefers using 2-handed swords (guess he likes the look of it? can we use skin transfer later?).
Última edição por tkensei#3800 em 7 de dez de 2016 02:34:29
Well this is rather subjective, but in my opinion the way to go is Slayer with an Axe.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
KorgothBG escreveu:
Well this is rather subjective, but in my opinion the way to go is Slayer with an Axe.

It should be pointed out, though, that good 2H maces are extremely cheap this league. Not so with axes. I bought a 450 pdps mace for 3 chaos. Also, mace passives are as good or better than axe's. The only problem I see is that you cannot upgrade to Disfavour later on.
I have build it full stuff in like 18h. lvl 82. But still struggle versus some bosses... the dps against single target is so bad... ii don't know how to manage boss fight...
Well more info is required. Define "struggle" and which bosses are you talking about, what map mods? It is also fair to mention that level 82 isn't really a "high level character", and also Hezmana is veeery far from being an "end-game weapon", it is just the step before getting your end-game weapon.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Just wanted to say Thanks for this build. Playing it in Hardcore Breach and its amazing. Since i started using a Kitava's Feast it really went off. Bosses can be tough when you have to Frenzy them first because you don't have any charges. But it has all been fine till now.

Saving for Disfavour atm. Eventhough i fear to go away from the Melee Splash Kitava's offers.. back to the Ascendancy Splash.

Edit: And 20mins after Writing this i RiP'ed :D
Última edição por mathias772#0969 em 14 de dez de 2016 12:57:30
KorgothBG escreveu:
Well more info is required. Define "struggle" and which bosses are you talking about, what map mods? It is also fair to mention that level 82 isn't really a "high level character", and also Hezmana is veeery far from being an "end-game weapon", it is just the step before getting your end-game weapon.

You're right, first of all, ther's no way arguing on how good this build is when it comes to clear trashes from t1 to t16. No mods to be afraid of except "phy reflection"

So when i'm saying i have some troubles with boss fights it's easy. The fact you have to be at close range to use "Frenzy" to generate Frenzy charge when you re out, is the worst thing that comes in this build. That's right, despite the fact that the skill most of the time aim in the wrong direction (even if you have the pointer on the target it ll do shit most of the time), it brings you in close combat, which means you re at range to be hit by any attacks from the boss, and might be sometimes one shot.

Even with a full 7 frenzy charges, and a decent gear (going up to 22k dps with flicker pots+7 charges + fortify, i don't know how high you can go tho?), doesn't bring bosses down in one load, which is sad when you see how fast this build can clean the maps.

I can't do yet the End game Lab, i m getting stuck to the first phase because i can't get enough dps to take him down nicely (i had 0 troubles in normal, cruel and merciless).

After all that said you re right, I'm only lvl 83, but the last nods i need to take is like 2 jewels, and some hp but you ll tell me 2 jewelers can be up to 60% more dps an you're absolutely right. Then i don't have a Disfavor yet, neither a taste of hate, which brings the dps 20% higher + flat phy from the axe and the +2 socketed which can be awesome on th e6L flicker, which is again still a lot.

But god damn it, it's a league, disfavor is at least 10 ex, and Taste of Hate 30ex, so it's not for now.

So yes maybe with full end games gears i might be able to take down some bosses quite os if fully charged, but i still doubt it a lill bit.

Anyway the guide is awesome, well done, fast to read and understand even if it looks big at the first sight. I enjoyed playing it, i ll try to get it to 90 but if i can't get a disfavor i ll probably quit the flicker strike per lack of dps (monotarget) compared to other builds.

EDIT : DPS as u calculated bloodrage + 7 frenzy + fortify + atziri's promise + lion's roar : 20702.5*9.8=202884.5 dps which isn't that bad what do you think?

Última edição por Tomymoonly#7972 em 14 de dez de 2016 17:44:51
Tomymoonly escreveu:
But still struggle versus some bosses... the dps against single target is so bad... ii don't know how to manage boss fight...

You can use Cyclone against tough bosses. Put Cyclone in place of Flicker Strike and Weapon Elemental Damage in place of Multistrike and you are set. You can carry the spare gems in your alternate weapon slots. With 6 points invested in mana nodes, I can run Cyclone on mana, but, in case you don't, just put Blood Magic in place of Multistrike.
Última edição por lussiano#2573 em 15 de dez de 2016 07:45:40

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