1.0.5 Patch Notes

Illypsus_BLoB escreveu:

Another nerf on Puncture? I mean, first the bleed percentage is stealth nerfed. Then % increased physical damage doesn't affect the bleed (like similar damage % affects chaos and burning). And, % increased DOT damage doesn't change the tooltip for Puncture's bleed at all. Now the bleed procs armour both on the initial hit and the bleed. While this puts it in line with how fire and chaos degen has been working, those degens can be increased by % increased damage of their elements, unlike puncture.

Like seriously, wow.

wait what? i thought generic increased physical damage mods affected Puncture's DoT? i had a build working around the idea of the bleed DoT getting massive buffs
Cuddles' DoT trapper build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/683322
Illypsus_BLoB escreveu:
Another nerf on Puncture? I mean, first the bleed percentage is stealth nerfed. Then % increased physical damage doesn't affect the bleed (like similar damage % affects chaos and burning). And, % increased DOT damage doesn't change the tooltip for Puncture's bleed at all. Now the bleed procs armour both on the initial hit and the bleed. While this puts it in line with how fire and chaos degen has been working, those degens can be increased by % increased damage of their elements, unlike puncture.

I don't know where you're getting this information from. Increased physical damage and increased damage over time do affect the bleed from Puncture. Armour has no effect on physical damage over time. Puncture wasn't "stealth" nerfed - the patch notes for 1.0.2 stated that some damage over time skills had been rebalanced.
Última edição por Ellie_GGG em 8 de jan de 2014 22:31:10
Jeets escreveu:
False. It only procs 1 gem at a time since there is now a cool down. Meaning, you cut the viable dps by 66% if u are linking 3 ek gems.

If u consider level 90 and running 75+ maps top tier than in my opinion, it's a huge nerf.

yes i stand by my statement. ran a map. i used to be good at single target and ok at bosses. now im ok at single target, and shit on bosses. not enough procs. not enough time between leeches. introduced a skill, everyone thought it was going to be this way, then they throw this at us, completely changing the mechanics and ruins most MOST CoC builds.
Hey GGG, maybe this is a bug but unsure. Nowhere in the patch notes does it mention a further "hidden" nerf to Cast on Critical strike where two of the same spells will no longer proc. This nerf that wasn't even documented has effectively destroyed a build that I created that I spent well over 200 exalts on and disassembling my only other major character. I would love some feedback as to whether or not this is a bug or meant to happen because it seems like bullshit that it was not documented.
If CoC can still cast X + Y + Z spells on a single trigger, wtf is wrong with X + X + X spells?
Multiple builds of mine need a big overhaul (including some that were far from OP).
Let's all have fun with level 70+ characters with level 1 gems.

Many lewt.
Much desync.
Such rewarding.
According to forum mods "sandwich" is considered an offensive word. Who knew?
the only thing this changes for danmaku builds is less EK put into ur link for cast on crit. replace 2 ek with coldsnap and storm call. ull get more utility and dps with shock stacks....also less worry about reflect. u will also become a shock stak mobile freeze mine.

it doesnt hurt makus that much, in fact by getting power charges and freezing enemies u will double ur survivability.
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
It's pretty cool that Immortal Call will now nullify Puncture DoT.
Double Post
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Última edição por Coconutdoggy em 8 de jan de 2014 22:35:14
Jeets escreveu:

False. It only procs 1 gem at a time since there is now a cool down. Meaning, you cut the viable dps by 66% if u are linking 3 ek gems.

If u consider level 90 and running 75+ maps top tier than in my opinion, it's a huge nerf.

This is correct:

A quick video I made detailing the changes to CoCS. Different gems will cast simultaneously, the same skills will not.
leighferon escreveu:
the only thing this changes for danmaku builds is less EK put into ur link for cast on crit. replace 2 ek with coldsnap and storm call. ull get more utility and dps with shock stacks....also less worry about reflect. u will also become a shock stak mobile freeze mine.

it doesnt hurt makus that much, in fact by getting power charges and freezing enemies u will double ur survivability.

Survivability wasn't an issue for me. Reflect wasn't an issue for me. I built more tanky than most do, and used double EK (with no damage supports and no hatred) for dps.
The only way I can see to keep mine "working" is to replace my second EK with multistrike, which will just set me to desync hell. I haven't pumped spell damage at all, so chucking some random spell in to replace it will not do me any good.
Many lewt.
Much desync.
Such rewarding.
According to forum mods "sandwich" is considered an offensive word. Who knew?

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