[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
" I've been testing the different movement skills: Leap slam: sluggish without high APS. Lightning Warp: annoying delay - I had instances where I clicked the LW to a safe place, get hit and end up teleporting as a dead body. Shield charge: elder slow affects movement speed, thus makes shield charge move slower as well. It feels really bad when you get caught. Whirling blades: feels snappy, but elder slow will slow down the end-cast animation. Phase run: I've done UberE with just phase run, can work (depending on your dodging skill), but doesn't give room for error - no quick changes possible. Leaves us stuck with LW, unless we go scourge and 4 flame + 1 stone instead of clayshaper and 4+1+1. I don't think there's 'overkill' in the UberE fight because there are just too many sources of incoming damage. Definitely Leo craft on both rings. I'd still go with watcher's eye. A +1 shav's could work, but that would be hard to get (maybe with the new corruption chamber...). The faster start would still have a delay, so having a strong base ES regen would be key to surviving the fight. I'd also use a different tree, something like this with 14 sockets. https://pastebin.com/tzEY1nTN " I found that without the 2% from necro, spectres can't regen through all the damage, so I think it would be better to just leave them off :( With a 14-socket build, you can put anima + might + 8 harmonies + 3 eminences (+watcher's eye ES regen / discipline). 🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶 |
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" " re: Lightning Warp LW is almost instant if you 3L (or even 4L it with Swift Affliction). Drop Spectres and AG, which are inefficient for the Elementalist Ascendancy, and you'll get - gem slot freedom to make LW useful (and have more free slots for defense) - almost the same damage from pure golems as you would golems+specs To me LW is handy on a golem build (i.e. little to no tree investment into APS or cast speed) if you mess up in managing ground degens from octopi/anomalies. I tried Uber Elder for the first time last week and still suck at the fight, but from what I can tell, LW is more than serviceable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grOLE_KNt_A. Here's an example from a Flame Golementalist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrBtYmOcdzk. re: Spectres or not on Elementalist The only time this made sense to me was in 3.0, before the TV nerf. If you compare how much generic minion damage a Necro invests in vs. an Elementalist, it makes a lot more sense to drop Spectres imo. If you want to (unnecessarily) go overkill, then I suggest actually using the Elementalist Ascendancy instead of trying to shoehorn Spectres in. Grab a Burning Damage Helm and self-cast Scorching Ray. Or if you're rich, craft a Horror Essence+Burning Damage helm to use. re: Victario's In a classic Flame Golem 5L/6L, it does not benefit Magma Ball from my limited testing. Spell Echo increases cast speed to the point where cooldown is the bottleneck if you run less than 10 Harmony. ⚡ Lightning Golems: /1902593 ⛄ Ice Golems: /1914382 Última edição por tomatopotato#6384 em 5 de jun de 2018 00:00:51
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Tbh, with incursion it's the first time i feel like I really need chaos resistance, to the point i've stacked enough to be around 75 chaos res when i'll have the chayula's presence.
About spectres, i've stopped using them (as elementalist) and added a stone golem (4+1+1+1) because they keep dying from the heavy chaos damage in incursion/temple. Switching to double aura (vaal discipline + vaal haste) + double curse on hit (ele weakness + temp chains that i will probably change to flammability I think) + bone offering for the speed of golems make it feel as smooth as with before (especially as I can trigger vaal haste once to thrice per boss fights, depending on the boss). The stone golem also help a little, as it provide a better regen for life for those chaos damage. Can't say if i see much difference in endgame, i'm not there yet: i'm taking my time and enjoying the league :D On a side note, found this kind of jewel really useful (well it's socketed so you'll have to over): My version of golementalist: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1827487/page/276#p15615251 Última edição por Anakhon#4996 em 4 de jun de 2018 18:56:28
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" " Hello :) Lightning Warp looks pretty snappy, will definitely test it when I finally get to Uber Elder fight. I have tested Phase run, but it feels pretty dangerous to use as it leaves no room for errors. I think it will be mostly Shield Charge vs Lightning Warp. For most bosses Charge should be better but Warp looks handy in Uber Elder fight. Dropping Clayshaper for Whirling Blades seems like too much loss of DPS. 14x Jewels seems to be pretty high investment. Can you post video about Uber Elder fight later, I'm interested to see how 14x compares to 10x jewels? ;) With Elementalist Specters will most likely die in Uber Elder fight every time if not using Necro Aegis and some defensive shield. Elementalist is pretty much going all out with Golems. Maybe add some really tanky Spectes as baits like the statues from act4 Grand Arena WP for Uber Elder fight? I think Victarios should work now better than ever as all Harmonies can be 45% cooldown reduction. Change makes it much easier to max Golems cooldown reduction and they should be able to spam as fast as possible. This however needs testing so can't say anything for sure yet. " Hey :) I have been reading same stuff from forums. GGG really want for high chaos damage this league. I was able to cap chaos res with 40c worth of rares (rings, amulet + belt) in abyss league, so capping chaos even without Chayula should be doable reasonably easy. Using Storm Burst to make minions enter rooms first seems like good practice to get some meat between you and mobs. League has felt pretty good for once even if i'm at low level still. Hoping for good league in total this time :) PS, I have been experimenting with Vaal Skels recently. If you can get "chance to taunt" jewel and use Vaal Skels, you can cheese mobs bosses and architects without danger. I will later upload videos how I can do T16 guardians without taking single attack when using Vaal Skels ^^ [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 5 de jun de 2018 15:18:39
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why is there a +10 minion res jewel in the necro PoB? since minions have base 40+ herd of the flock 16 + commander of darkness 20, they should be at max res at all times.
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Vaal Skeletons in very nice skill - I've been using this both with Specters and Golemancer builds. When you have blind/taunt they can provide really nice meat-wall.
Pre-specters link (when you are not going after high end-game yet and don't have currency to get all the items): Zombie + Minion Life + Vaal Skeletons + Blind/Melee Splash/Minion Damage (Minion Life / Minion Damage used because I am exping them for quality/corruption). I need to check this setup this league, after vaal skills rework. (I am on 56lvl of my farming character, so it can take some time) |
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On the Animate guardian part you say that with splash damage your guardian can apply AoE curse, but where do you put that gem? as mainhand where you tell us to put AG is already filled with shieldcharge + faster attacks
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"Fundamentally, there are no interesting differences between 10 vs. 14 jewels on an efficient Golementalist tree. 14 jewels is a normal softcore spec; not high investment at all. It's just comes down to your preference between DPS vs. EHP. 14 Jewels: 9-10K EHP ~3min Uber Elder kill time 10 Jewels: ~12K EHP (14K+ w/ elite gear) 4~5min Uber Elder kill time Things don't get questionable until you start pushing for 15+ jewels, since that's when you have to start giving up the good Life/ES nodes and/or level to 100. I highly recommend against it of course, but the option is there for people and makes it easy to build golems that out-damage TV specs. Please run/record Uber Elder yourself and you might see that Spectres on an Elementalist are perhaps not the best use of points/gem slots:
boring maths
Let's assume you have an ELE and a NEC using identical Spectre setups (links and # of Spectres). Nowadays, there's a lot more awareness that "More" damage is better than "Increased" damage in similar amounts, but that doesn't mean we can just ignore "Increased" and assume both setups will deliver anything close to similar output even with identical 6-links.
A typical Necro Spectre build will run 300-500% worth of Increased Damage sources: +100% Soul Weaver +100-150% Ascendancy bonuses +50-100% Jewels +50% other passive tree nodes +50% 20q Gems +50-100% Equipment (Scourge, Vis Mortis, etc.) A Golementalist will get like 100%, or maybe 150% max (assuming you don't want to completely nerf your golems to trash clearing only). For easy comparison, let's call Spectre damage "S" and assume both builds have the same minion cast speed. Since all sources of "Increased" damage works like one combined "More" multiplier, the comparison is fairly easy. After factoring in "Increased" damage, it's about 5×S for the NEC setup vs. 2×S for the ELE setup. Now let's be a little more realistic and consider how powerful Soul Weaver is with its +100% Spectre Life. Conversely, we should then consider how ELE usually needs to run with Minion Life to ensure their Specs survive harder battles. -1 DPS link from the ELE 6L: 2×S ÷ 1.4 now becomes 1.43×S. 1.43× versus 5× The ELE setup is now doing less than a third of a genuine Spectre build's output. That doesn't seem worth it to me. Now let's be even more realistic and consider that the ELE might not even be running a full set of 4 Spectres. On top of that ELE specs still die versus some of the toughest content, even with Minion Life linked... " Not sure if you're trolling me or what, but this was covered 2 pages ago by multiple people and I believe you even acknowledged it? Harmonies have virtually the same cooldown they've always had since their introduction in Breach League. ⚡ Lightning Golems:
/1902593 ⛄ Ice Golems: /1914382 |
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" Hello :) It's placed to make sure that Golems have high ele res even without Necros aura. While leveling, aura redius can be pretty small and some players had trouble keeping low level Golems alive. Now Golems have : - 40% base ele res - 16% from Flock - 8% from Victario's Charity (if using it) - 10% from jewel So they get to 74% ele res which will keep them alive even without auras. I also prefer using 1x rare jewel as 1x more Harmony wont make that much difference as getting chance to taunt, blind or hinder to minions ;) " Hi :) Vaal Skels is excellent now that it also contains basic Skeletons. I just uploaded video how it works with Guardian run. Was using them earlier in multiple maps and they pretty much stopped enemies surprise attacks on me. " Hey :) There's corrupt with vaal orbs that adds Melee Splash to chayshaper. This will let you add melee splash for "free" to Animate Guardian. This is totally quality of life upgrade and not required, but can be nice clear speed boost if running more auras. " Hi :) The difference seems to be pretty small then. Most endgame bosses have immortality phases anyway, so small increase wont really matter. Chance to damage with Dyadus was so massive that I was interested if there could be even near same difference. I have to say that Lightning Golems sure can kill stationary boss fast, but their clear-speed was pretty low when I tested them and they can't stack enough orbs below moving boss to kill faster than Flame Golems. However they are best against stationary bosses. " Can't find anything in last 6 pages but maybe it was earlier or with some other person? From my experience charges increase minions damage more than +1 Golems and gives other utility, but charges are also boosting TV Specs when using multiple summons. With pure Golems, extra Golem might be better. UPDATE Flame Golems 101 - Phoenix Run With Necromancer + Skeletons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6bhrFG_8bU Recorded Phoenix run with using Vaal Skels instead of Desecrate -> Offering. Skeletons had : - Chance to blind (-50% chance to hit for enemies) - Chance to taunt (draws aggro from player) - Chance to maim (-30% movement speed) Using : - Storm Burst -> Cast When Channeling -> Vaal Skeletons -> Chance to Maim - "Bone Sculptor" Ascendancy instead of "Mistress Of Sacrifice" They are doing excellent job at keeping boss busy while other minions are doing the killing. This setup might also help against heavy chaos damage in Incursion temples. Cast Skellies in front of door, before entering it and there should be enough targets to keep enemies busy. When using Bone Sculptor 3x Skellies are summoned at once which speeds up the summoning. Skeletons hits cannot be evaded and you can summon them next to enemy, which makes sure that that enemies are taunted / blinded / maimed as soon as possible. - "Chance to taunt" comes from jewel with 7-8% chance to taunt - "Chance to blind" comes from gloves support gem - "Chance to maim" comes from support gems linked to Skeletons [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 6 de jun de 2018 15:59:00
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Been loving this build so far while leveling - one question though: Why do you recommend minion and totem resistance as a gem for spectres while leveling?
Don't spectres already have 70% resistance (40 base, 30 from their own gem), +16 from herd of the flock? Or am I misunderstanding something? |
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