[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist

Dioktis escreveu:
Hi guys!

Can someone help me, which items should I exchange first now? Got around 30c to spend.


Hello :)

I would raise ES on every rare item you have.

- Rings (40+ ES, 40+ HP, Ele res)
- Amulet (40+ ES, 40+ HP, Ele res)
- Gloves (150+ ES, 40+ HP, Ele res)
- Boots (90+ ES, 40+ HP, Ele res)
- Crystal Belt (110+ ES, 40+ HP, Ele res)

HP is always optinal mod, so try to focus on pure ES at first. Make sure each item base type is it's best ES type. After you reach safe EHP, you can start stacking more damage and better gems on minions.

Gratzs on your rerolls! I actually just bought the cheapest one in trade and then checked all of my jewel sockets by respeccing. I got lucky that my 3 slumlord nodes were on the right side of the tree. It's the perfect place for them.

You should also know that you can anoint your items to get those nodes too. One of my slumlord nodes would have cost way too many skill points to reach, but I just anointed and picked it up instead. You just need to take the jewel out of the socket so you can make sure you anoint the right node, and after you socket it back in you will have it.

I am very happy that I got so lucky with this jewel on my first try. I think I will buy another one to reroll and see what I can come up with. They are very hard to trade for unless you know exactly which nodes the seed number on the jewel gives you. You can also only have one timeless jewel on your whole tree, so use it wisely!

Hey :)

Gz on great roll! I had good luck with 2x closest Slum Lords, but 3rd and 4th might not be worth taking. I may have to reroll second one to get 3rd Slum Lords withing 3 nodes form the tree.

Anointment trick seems great, thanks for the tip! ^^

Update for my progression from last post a few days ago:

From doing t14 maps with ease, to t15 cleared, Minotar then went down (with a death... had to move and get shocked to 60% hp followed by god knows what pseudo one shot me after while he was 5% hp), followed by easymode Chimera (except I've never done any guardians and I didn't realize he smoke the first time because I couldn't recognize it since it looked different from a video I watched), then semi-easy mode Phoenix (lots of running around, got hit by one big ignite, died to research syndicate spawn earlier tho... I hate those), and scary almost got one-shot Hydra clear (because i couldn't see where she moved because of minions made it so scary and hard to position...)

THEN DEATHLESS FIRST TIME SHAPER! woot! And by first time, means never attempted before.

155/159 map completion (30c+ maps remaining ~2ex cost total), got my Elder City Square, planning on 157/159 after I post this, and all that is left in map progression is Uber Elder

I was so scared of Shaper before, Uber Elder was something I never even thought of because of that, didn't really even know how it worked; but now I have a plan to try my luck and skill at it soon, all thanks to this build which feels amazing compared to my dozen or so builds I've used in the past, which never felt like they could get past t14 bosses for the most part, and definitely not Vaal Temple which I cleared once before.

This build really lets you focus on boss mechanics and positioning without the need to micromanage much but flasks and movement/(bone armor for necro) with a bit of channeling for block and EE. And since curses have what I believe 80% reduced effect on guardians, shaper, ect., you don't need to worry about sacrificing much of your already massive dps by moving away from the boss for extended durations, since they die rather quickly, and phases push very fast.

Overall at the moment, I am super happy I picked this build this league to experiment with, and I feel that a lot more investment in this build will be rewarding both scaling-wise and enjoyment-wise, which both make me quit leagues early 99% of the time.

TL;DR - FIRST TIME DEATHLESS SHAPER! Lot's of progression in maps, made in part by this guide being badass and relevant; makes the burnout where I would want to just give up in a league minimal. Looking forward to gearing further!

Hey :)

Gz on Uber Elder kill! \o/

It feels great and requires lot of skill to pull off.

Good part about the build is that it scales very nicely to endgame. All saved nodes help, better gear has instant effect and improving gems matters. After you reach the level where everything is doable, you can fine-tune it for rest of the league and continue later in standard. Lot of guild players have just 1-2 builds and pour most of league earnings on the trophy Golemancer in standard ^^

Minion builds are great for really tuning the boss fights, as you can focus on boss 100% of the time if they don't have too many active skills to spam. I try to keep the skills down to pure minimum for easy gameplay and less user errors in stress situations.

I wait to see what your gear / char will look like at the end of the league ;)

PS. Thanks for the Flaks tips! I implemented them on the guide already. Will add flask part for leveling part later.



I reworked the flask section for "Gear recommendations". Thanks for "repinSniper" and other posters for great tips for the flask upgrade!


I added safe values on each important rare item on "Gear recommendations". Must-have mods are with normal text and optinal secondary mods are on {} brackets. This should make it easier to figure out what mods to look for and what values are good for endgame.
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 22 de set de 2019 09:39:09
Hi Mika,

Your leveling guide says to drop Grave Intentions under Step 5, yet the Step 5 passive tree you linked still shows it active?
Hi, since im reaching endgame i have couple questions:

1. It seems we have only one space for antointment, which is our amulet, so which one do you think is better, Gravepact, or Ravenous Horde?

2. I have yet to upgrade boots, 6 link chest with lvl 4 Empower, double discipline Watcher's Eye, and belt, which ones should be my priorities?

3. Speaking of belt, what do you think about this one
It has life, ES, chaos res, some extra strenght, basically everything we need + minion taunt chance, which im personally very fond of, would that be endgame viable option?

4. I've seen you answer to this 2.5 years ago, but since then we've got 1 extra golem on the tree (and maybe AI changes idk about that one), is running 1 stone golem from clayshaper still bad?

Uhm need help on some matters.

1. I'm browsing the first page and the latest pages and I can't find the POB or item links to the Shotgun Elementalist Version. Anyone has it? Thanks!

2. Is the Clayshaper/ES Shield combo better than the Multimodded Two-Handed Mace with Minions mods?

Very much appreciate the answers :)

meister1523 escreveu:
Uhm need help on some matters.

1. I'm browsing the first page and the latest pages and I can't find the POB or item links to the Shotgun Elementalist Version. Anyone has it? Thanks!

2. Is the Clayshaper/ES Shield combo better than the Multimodded Two-Handed Mace with Minions mods?

Very much appreciate the answers :)



Online skill-tree

Path of Building

  • Buy "Purifying Flame" from vendor after arriving to act 1 village
  • Buy "Holy Flame Totem" from vendor after doing "Breaking Some Eggs" mission and replace "Purifying Flame" with it
  • Take "Lord of Then Dead" for extra zombie
  • Take "Practical Application" to Strength and Dexterity
  • Take "Heart And Soul" for life and mana
  • Take "Arcane Focus" for extra Energy Shield
  • Take "Grave Intentions" for minion resistances
  • Take Jewel socket (Buy "Minions have +8-10% to all Elemental Resistances" Jewel for it as soon as possible)
  • Take "Necromantic Aegis" to give minions regeneration with "Springleaf" shield
  • Take "Harrier" for extra movement speed
  • Take "Shaper" for extra regeneration

Items to get :

  • Springleaf at level 7 (Regeneration)
  • Shaper's Seed at level 16 (Regeneration)

Skills to get (for leveling) :

  • Purifying Flame at level 1 (Regeneration)
  • Holy Flame Totem at level 4 (Regeneration)


Online skill-tree

Path of Building

  • Take 2nd Jewel socket (Buy "Minions have +8-10% to all Elemental Resistances" Jewels for it as soon as possible to cap minions elemental resistance)
  • Take "Indomitable Army" for minion resistance
  • Take "Death Attunement" for extra Specter
  • Take "Minion life regen" near "Death Attunement"
  • Drop "Holy Flame Totem" as soon as you have enough regen to keep Zombies alive

Items to get :

  • Bones of Ullr at level 22 (Extra level for Specter)
  • Skullhead at level 36 (Regeneration)
  • Midnight Bargain at level 40 (Extra Zombie and Specter)


Online skill-tree

Path of Building

  • Run first labyrinth, take "Commander of Darkness" Ascendancy for extra elemental resistances. Make sure you are running "Discipline" to add the bonuses of aura for yourself and minions.
  • Take "Elemental Equilibrium" for extra damage to minions
  • Drop "Necromantic Aegis" to use shields yourself
  • Take "Cruel Preparations" for life and resistances
  • Take "Melding" for extra life / Energy Shield
  • Take "Constitution" for extra life
  • Take "Sentinel" for extra resistances
  • Take jewel socket over "Sentinel" for extra resistances
  • Take "Purity of Flesh" for extra life and chaos resistance
  • Take "Faith And Steel" for extra Energy Shield and resistances
  • Take "Unnatural Calm" for extra Energy Shield
  • Take "Written In Blood" for extra life / Energy Shield
  • Take "Righteous Army" for regen / minion regen / minion life
  • Take 1x 30 DEX node "Alacrity" and 1x 30 STR node "Physique" over "Melding" right side of witch start

When reaching level 50 you have choice between defense or offence.

Defense (Default guide option)
Drop Necromantic Aegis to equip shields bonus to yourself. Game-play is very safe as you can keep block chance high and block most of attacks. Casting "Bone Offering" boosts chance to Block even higher.

Great shield to equip at level 54 is called "Daresso's Courage". Later you can upgrade to it to rare shield with "XX of Block Chance applied to Spells" and high energy shield.

Keep Necromantic Aegis and equip "Victario's Charity" at level 50. This boosts minions damage massively but leaves you with almost no chance to block or evade attacks. Game-play is faster but requires lot more kiting and situational awareness to survive. Casting "Flesh Offering" boosts minions and your speed even higher.

Items to get :

  • Victario's Charity at level 50 (Offence)
  • Daresso's Courage at level 54 (Defense)
  • Vis Mortis at level 59 (Extra Specter)


Online skill-tree

Path of Building

  • Run second labyrinth, take "Necromancer" Ascendancy and select "Mistress Of Sacrifice" to apply block chance from Bone Offering on yourself
  • Run third labyrinth, take "Mindless Aggression" for minion damage
  • Re-spec "Practical Application" out
  • Take "Leadership" for mana reservation reduction and curse radius
  • Take "Sovereignty" using mana reduction nodes for curse area boost and being able to activate both curses and Discipline
  • Take "Whispers Of Doom" for extra curse (Elemental Weakness)
  • Take Jewel socket near "Shaper" with extra mana nodes
  • Take Jewel socket below "Necromantic Aegis" with attack speed nodes
  • Take Jewel socket down-left for Strength
  • Take "Skittering Runes" to boost "Temporal Chains" to maximum level (If you get helmet with at least "20% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect" enhancement, you can drop these nodes)

Items to get :

  • Rare spell-block shield (Defence)


Online skill-tree

Path of Building

  • Run fourth labyrinth, take "Bone Barrier" to get additional resistances and defenses against physical damage
  • Drop "Commander of Darkness" ascendancy and get "Unnatural Strength" for extra minion levels
  • Drop "Grave Intentions" as Zombies are no longer used
  • Take "Golem Commander" for extra Golem
  • Re-spec big "Strength" and "Dexterity" nodes out if gear allows it
  • Take "Fearsome Force" to add area or effect for "Flame Golems" "Marga Orbs" so that they can overlap when exploding and deal shotgun damage to same enemy
  • Take rest of Jewel sockets
  • Take "Redemption" for minion damage / minion movement speed

Items to get :

  • Clayshaper (Extra Golem)
  • Skin Of The Loyal (Extra level to Golems)

Every step you can get the POB Pastebin.
You still can save some passive point by annoiting one of this passive on amulets.



Let's skill-tree to be connected from near mid-left jewel socket to "Fearsome Force" and disconnected from Jewel socket over "Lord of the Dead" to "Death Attunement". Saves 5 points from skill-tree.

Azure Oil + Silver Oil + Golden Oil


Huge DPS boost to minion and gives them 5% chance to deal double damage.

Azure Oil + Black Oil + Black Oil


Huge DPS boost to minion and gives them 10% chance to gain onslaught.

Verdant Oil + Opalescent Oil + Opalescent Oil

***The spoiler parts are from mika2salo, not mine, just copy and paste from 1st page. TY for best guide ever!
Back again with the matter of overlapping Magma Ball explosions...

The Summon Flame Golem Wiki sez:

Magma Ball - Projectile AoE spell, 100% Fire, targets ground like Magma Orb so it can't pierce/chain/fork, supported by spell/AoE and some projectile supports. Has 3 charges on a base 6 second recharge cooldown.

(I am pretty sure a previous version of the Wiki did mention the possibility of overlapping explosions. But no word of it anymore...)

Now, since Magma Ball is likened to Magma Orb in its functionality let's have a look at the Wiki article about Magma Orb:

Lesser Multiple Projectiles Support and Greater Multiple Projectiles Support increase the number of projectiles, and thus the area of effect. However, the explosions from Magma Orb's splashdown do not overlap, meaning that each time the orbs strike down at the same time, damage is dealt only once to any given enemy. Spread of the projectiles can be controlled by targeting closer to or further way from the caster.

This begs the question, is multiple projectile support viable or is it a waste?

I hear a lot here raving about the beauty of "shotgunning" bosses with Flame Golems but does it really work?

Don't you love poorly documented skill functionality? ;)
Última edição por tomay#5509 em 23 de set de 2019 11:40:04
meister1523 escreveu:
Uhm need help on some matters.

1. I'm browsing the first page and the latest pages and I can't find the POB or item links to the Shotgun Elementalist Version. Anyone has it? Thanks!

2. Is the Clayshaper/ES Shield combo better than the Multimodded Two-Handed Mace with Minions mods?

Very much appreciate the answers :)

You can find here, the start of Pledge of hand 's guide : Page 403

Pledge is not on PoB yet so it's hard to arlready do a full guide about it
Sparhawk2014 escreveu:
Hi Mika,

Your leveling guide says to drop Grave Intentions under Step 5, yet the Step 5 passive tree you linked still shows it active?

Hey :)

It was left there from before and I had not noticed it, I fixed it right away. Thanks for the tip!

Hi, since im reaching endgame i have couple questions:

1. It seems we have only one space for antointment, which is our amulet, so which one do you think is better, Gravepact, or Ravenous Horde?

2. I have yet to upgrade boots, 6 link chest with lvl 4 Empower, double discipline Watcher's Eye, and belt, which ones should be my priorities?

3. Speaking of belt, what do you think about this one

It has life, ES, chaos res, some extra strenght, basically everything we need + minion taunt chance, which im personally very fond of, would that be endgame viable option?

4. I've seen you answer to this 2.5 years ago, but since then we've got 1 extra golem on the tree (and maybe AI changes idk about that one), is running 1 stone golem from clayshaper still bad?


Hello :)

1) My own choice would be "Golem Commander" as it saves you most nodes. Gravepact and Ravenous Horde are about equal so, it comes down to own preference. I have more info about the choices in front page "3.8.0 LEAGUE SPECIFIC = ANOINTMENTS"

2) No idea if you talking about your standard or league char, but I would guess that boots are priority number one if they are still "Bones or Ullrs". Next would be to upgrade belt to 110+ ES Crystal belt if its still random rare one.

3) The belt looks very lackluster. Defenses are very low and you only get taunt out of it. You can buy lot better Abyssal Vise for 5c and stick Ghastly Eye with similar taunt and blind in it. No idea why GGG made it.

4) 5th Golems makes clearing bit faster, but is not absolutely needed. You can run Stone Golem instead of it, but links are pretty much occupied. Maybe dropping Storm Brand from CWDT links could be good replacement.

Uhm need help on some matters.

1. I'm browsing the first page and the latest pages and I can't find the POB or item links to the Shotgun Elementalist Version. Anyone has it? Thanks!

2. Is the Clayshaper/ES Shield combo better than the Multimodded Two-Handed Mace with Minions mods?

Very much appreciate the answers :)

Every step you can get the POB Pastebin.
You still can save some passive point by annoiting one of this passive on amulets.


***The spoiler parts are from mika2salo, not mine, just copy and paste from 1st page. TY for best guide ever!

You can find here, the start of Pledge of hand 's guide : Page 403

Pledge is not on PoB yet so it's hard to arlready do a full guide about it

Hi :)

1) You can find Elementalist tree and PoB in PASSIVES -> PLEDGE OF HANDS -ELEMENTALIST

Here's the PoB : https://tinyurl.com/yy9gn4oo

PoB shows really low DPS as Pledge stats are not in it, and Elementalist Ascendancy is still broken in it.

2) I don't have any 2-handers to test with minions, so can't say how well they compare. I like the huge block chance that shield change and EHP (HP + ES) boost that shield gives myself, as damage is plenty already.

Back again with the matter of overlapping Magma Ball explosions...

The Summon Flame Golem Wiki sez:

(I am pretty sure a previous version of the Wiki did mention the possibility of overlapping explosions. But no word of it anymore...)

Now, since Magma Ball is likened to Magma Orb in its functionality let's have a look at the Wiki article about Magma Orb:

This begs the question, is multiple projectile support viable or is it a waste?

I hear a lot here raving about the beauty of "shotgunning" bosses with Flame Golems but does it really work?

Don't you love poorly documented skill functionality? ;)

Hey :)

I guess that Flame Golems Magma ball works similar to Fire Ball, which was confirmed to overlap when shotgunning was officially removed from the game.

Magma Orb is self casted skill, so it makes sense that shotgunning is blocked. However Magma Ball is minion casted skill, so there might not be similar need to block it as you can't control what minions are shooting and from what distance.

Poor wording drives lot of new players from the game, but also makes it possible to find lot of broken interactions.
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 23 de set de 2019 12:57:22
It's not so much the wording... it actually does make sense once you got the hang of it. It's the lack of documentation as to how skills actually work. And in this case a lot is riding on assumption/speculation. Not Good!

For two days now I'm playing without multiple projectile support (since I'm not quite ready to recolour my body armour I just replaced it with a shoddy Enhance gem for now instad of ome big @$$ "moar muliplier"). I didn't notice any significant loss in clear speed, mobs with tougher content such as legion or abyss go down much faster as do map bosses. Arguably it doesn't look as spectacular as huge waves of flame balls filling the screen but it's certainly efficient.
Última edição por tomay#5509 em 23 de set de 2019 13:14:39
About 30 regret + 30 divine results

2 slum... 🤢🤢🤢
Última edição por sugheld#7802 em 23 de set de 2019 16:27:15

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