[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
a 3B 2R 1G Skin of the loyal appears to be very expensive. Both 2B 2R 2G and 2B 3R 1G are much cheaper.
I was thinking of purchasing one the cheaper ones until I have the currency to get the ideal one. What would the ideal flame golem sockets be for either configuration? Taking out combustion for either fire penetration or slower projectiles? I'm currently running the necromancer defensive version. |
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" " Hello :) Actually I guess it's level 26 now, as we use Unnatural Strength. 21/20 gem = level 21 +3 from the ring = level 24 +2 Unnatural Strength = level 26 Commander of Darkness is still pretty useful when level as it gives lot of elemental resistances. After taking Bone Barrier, the elemental resistances however become overcapped so it's more beneficial to drop it at this point and take Unnatural Strength with Bone Barrier. " Hey :) Thanks for updating the document! I will try to add it in Faq section of the guide for players who are interested in optimizing their Pledge of Hands DPS by mixing Golems. " " Hi :) Yep, best one are : - Golem Commander - Gravepact - Ravenous Horde " " Hey :) The explosions should be overlapping as they have indepentend explosions when they hit the ground, like Fireball explosions can overlap with GMP. By shooting far or small target, the Orbs can become more distant from each other and all projectiles may not overlap. Increasing the exlosions size helps more projectiles to overlap with each other. There is very little info about Flame Golems orbs + GMP. I was not even 100% sure than the overlapping actually happened until I tested Pledge of Hands. Pledge gives mediorce DPS per projectile, but all orbs overlapping together create huge DPS spikes and seem to verify that orbs overlap indeed. "Increased Area of Effect Support" has no added damage, so taking more area from skill-tree seems better as it also adds minion damage. " Hey :) Just sent you an invitation. Welcome to the guild! ^^ " Hi :) Yep, it's either Slower Projectiles or Fire pene for thise colors instead of Combustion. With Slower Projectiles you lose about 20% of total Golem damage compared to Combustion. With fire pene you should lose but less, but the combination may cost more than 2r2g2b. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f |
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Why Element equal? That will INCREASE their resistance to fire since thats the main minion dmg with this build. and a -50 to you minuscule channeled ice spell seems a waste. What am i not seeing here? I feel like it would be better used elsewhere.
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" Minions don't trigger equilibrium with their attacks. Only your own damage does. So, you just take a skill that easily procs non-fire damage on lots of mobs (like ball lightning or winter orb), spam it here and there - and that's an additional, massive resist debuff (which is also unaffected by curse count limit or limited effectiveness on unique enemies). |
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Hi, I started this league using this build, and with no empower gem yet on my lvl 91 necro with 8 jewels currently, presence of chayula, and my six link non-corrupted skin, and spell block defensive shield, and a 20/10 rumi's, I am having no problem in tier 14 maps at all, cleared Hall of the grandmasters (painfully (mana issues/resummoning) with 2 deaths and had to swap to scorching ray/frostbomb to kill demi's spiderqueen, good learning experience tho - never did it before), and feel that it will scale even better both offensively and defensively with more investment ( only lvl 24 fire golems now, 22 spectres with non-minion buffing helmet). I've been able to clear most every map mod (ele. reflect seems to kill golems after a long blight encounter, but not on boss or on mob packs, not sure about blighted maps)
A lvl 4 empower, minion helmet w/ temporal enchantment, lvl 4 enhance, +1 corrupted Skin, full gem min/maxing, getting 5-7 more lvls to get the last 2 gem slots, using animated guardian, and getting a good 2-3 exalt amulet anointment will each help me buff everything up nicely; can't wait to see the results! A few suggestions and tips I found while playing this build: 1. Mana flask suggestion - IMPORTANT! - I suggest you swap the instant/hybrid instant-overtime flask for the new ENDURING affix. 25% reduced duration, but lasts for the full duration. Meaning if you reach max mana (40 mana for me with all auras active...), you will still have the flask buffs for the full duration, mana gain and status effects. ALSO! YOU CAN CURRENTLY STACK THE BUFF AS MANY TIMES AS YOU USE IT IF YOU HAVE CHARGES!!! The effects on one flask fully charged will last 26.5 seconds if you spam it 5 times on a 20% quality eternal mana flask (best flask to use - longest uptime with best charges). One flask = 26.5 seconds of mana + > > 26.5 seconds of 30% movespeed - or > 26.5 seconds of curse immunity - (best for temp chains maps) - or > 26.5 seconds of ignite immunity - or > 26.5 seconds of freeze/chill immunity (best for chilled maps) - or > 26.5 seconds of any other suffix! (posion/shock/bleed/armor/evasion) Amazing for a flask option because of the extreme duration that can be spammed and forgotten about, since you don't have to worry about reactivation until all uses have run their duration. Makes mana flasks very attractive, as well as makes Cannot regenerate life/mana/energy shield maps even more of a joke for this build (just have to heal up chaos dmg with life flask). 2. Hybrid life/energy shield isn't that bad while leveling, but gets painful when you encounter end game content not geared without proper flask affixes. I would suggest getting Ignite/Bleeding/Movespeed flasks and upgrading them as you progress ASAP. Makes this build have much less downtime waiting for ES recharge and much more survivable in long fights with DoT's that eat your ES and keep your life lvl's dangerously low. After all the defensive options that come with lvling as well as gearing, it seems tanky AF. 3. I don't feel a bleed flask is necessary, with Bone Armour removing all bleeds from you and minions for 4.2 seconds every 7.2 seconds. ~58% Bleed Immunity uptime if you keep Bone Armour on coodldown, and allows your life pool to be near (for me right now at least) 11k+ while active (currently have 2.2k life and 6.6k ES). TANKY, that is if you don't block that hit, which you most likely will. Bone Armour is highly underrated, and it also gives your minions a bit of psuedo heal/recovery against ele. reflect, which seems to be the killer of your golems in high density, high duration fights @ 18% reflect. (they can be resummoned quickly if you turn off a single curse) 4. Expensive! Yet, worth it. If you know how to trade effectively, you can get what you need piece by piece; and it really comes together imo. I didn't even use 6 link golems when I got a 3rd day Skin that I stole for a measly exalt (80 chaos was priced, told him it was too cheap, sold it to me for 100c/1ex at the time <got lucky w/ exalt @ lvl ~40 on Blight encounter main loot pinata> ), I used 6 link solar guards til ~86 when i had the currency to snipe a set of 2 primordial mights for 55 and 50 chaos and 7 43-45% harmonies for 25-27 each. Build exploded and gained 3k EHP at that point, all content was trivial (t10 maps at the time). TL;DR - Costly but Effective, gear bought was all worth it and scaled well vs. how much was spent. 5. Chaos resist, you need more then what is on your amulet and passives (unless you have the amulet w/ double chaos resist, then you have 75% without any other sources <~1.5 exalt for the enchant tho, and may be better passive saving enchants to get, like the +1 curse enchant @ ~3 exalt tho...>) or you will suffer with high chaos burst and always be afraid of it happening out of nowhere and one shotting you. Once you have Presence of Chayula and ~20-30 on your items in total, Chaos becomes much less scary. I think 75% may be overkill, but I would like to try it and see if it makes chaos dmg absolutely trivial. 6. Casting your channeled spell (Winter Orb) seems to make your minions move to the location where your mouse cursor currently is at the time of casting. Use this to your advantage to position minions before fights or move them to where you want them during fights. Not sure how much command priority it has when facing certain encounters when minions are already occupied by opponents, but feels like you can abuse this 95-99% of the time to reposition the horde. 7. Lots of little things I can't think of now which make this a great build, a learning process for anyone looking into this build, with a rewarding outcome if you can follow thru and make thinks work for you. 8/10 on the guide, with top marks for succinct information that matters, but lower marks on the formatting and new player/ new to build information (definitely not the worse I've seen; even though it is the area if improved which would make this guide a 9.5/10) Great work with the theorycrafting and guide; keep it up! |
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recommend this bunch of stones, it is better than winter orb |
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I started with Winter orb aswell but I still enjoy Storm Burst more, it's not the powerhouse it used to be but it spreads EE way faster than Winter Orb, I hate the small delay with Winter orb before it starts hitting if you have no charges.
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" Don't I know it? A shame really... ;) " I know that too but if we can assume that all 5 explosions can inflict damage on one target at a greater distance (where the projectile spread is wider than at close range) if they have say, 50% incr. AOE from the gem, that in itself would be a lot more single target damage. So yea, the lack of proper skill documentation is one of the major shortcomings of this game. GGG's policy, "This is for us to know and for you to find out," is a bit of of a pain the behind. Última edição por tomay#5509 em 20 de set de 2019 16:08:41
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I'm running the elementalist shotgun build and loving it. It's definitely squishy though.
I'm wondering, can anyone tell me why mika is running storm brand in the armor? I started out using it too, but it just felt like it wasn't doing anything for me. I'm just wondering if I'm missing something here. Any help would be appreciated. |
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" i guess, to proc Elemental Equilibrium :] |
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