[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
" https://poecraft.com/itemmods say you cant have 3 +1 mods on wand ░███░░█░░███░█░█░░░███░███░░░█▀▀░█░█░█░█░░░█▀▀░
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"hello! i am from russian, eng for me - hard, sry, but i will try! my build for golem, will be 6,4M DPS, 6 flames, 3 other golems (add 6-link only): https://pastebin.com/5kG9sDx9 I discussed the formula for a long time and came to the conclusion:. 1. the most important thing is more harmonies -> CDR magma ball, need ~1s 2. so that the charges of a magma ball do not end at all, it is necessary that the cast speed balls per 1 charge is greater than their "CDR magma ball" (~1s) 3. Pledge have a Greater Spell Echo, and we use Spell Echo, 3+1=4 ball for 1 charge then formula: DPS = MAX, if CDR = 1 sec and 4*CastSpeed > CDR. i have Pledge + spell echo and 12 Harmony. 4 * 0,33 = 1,32 s(for cast 4 magma ball) 0,98 s (1 charge recharge) 1,32 > 0,98, then charges infinite and DPS = MAX. ---
![]() --- VIDEO: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/481965972?t=00h40m00s Última edição por I_GameR#6844 em 16 de set de 2019 07:13:30
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" hi, wow thx for the detailed explenation now i know where u got ur 0,33s from. i hope pb is correct in this, cause pob has/had some problems with the damage calculation with golems. damn pledge of hands makes it even more complicated :/ with pledge of hands you make 4 balls in 1,32s from 1 charge without pledge of hands you make 2 balls in 0,66s from 1 charge that would mean, that 0,98s cooldown is too high -> increased cast speed for golems would be bad for example i dont use pledge and got 1,09s cooldown, 1,18s cast time for 2 balls from 1 charge. i got only the castspeed from "spell echo" well that shows how good pledge is. you get about 300% (2*1,5) more dmg (100% 2xballs + ~50%more dmg greater spell echo + spell echo) per 1 charge in 1,32s lets compare this to +2 lvl skin of loyal and + 2 golems from clayshapers: +2lvl gives ~40% more dmg (skill+2 and empower+2) +2 golems with 6 1 1 1 1 1 ~50% more dmg (6*12*1,2 vs 6*12*0,8) = 1,4*1,5 = 2,1 so 210% more dmg per 1 charge in 0,98s. thats 277% more in 1,32s ((210*1,32) dont know if you can calculate it like that) 300% more vs 277% more seems pledge is better. (edit: with shield 230% more (statshield, not victarios)) (btw if you go 5 1 1 1 1 with 12 harmonies you even get 4% more dmg from ur pledgebuild if my maths are right 5*12*1=60 vs 6*12*0,8=57,6) so all in all cast speed is only good with pledge of hands? pls correct me if im wrong Última edição por stfukthx#7031 em 16 de set de 2019 11:09:03
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"oh my... good, very good, my friend! 1. PoB have a problems, yes. I corrected all formuls in Excel :D 2. Pledge is bugged in PoB. Need add him "Socketed Gems deal 52% more Spell Damage", if we use Spell Echo. i use. 3. the whole essence of the staff is the synergy of two echoes, both in damage and 4 balls per charge. this is a solution to the problem with cast speed magma balls. left to reduce CDR charge and harmonys help us. 4. if not use Pledge - we are losing +2 casts and 1,52 MORE coefficient, ok. 5. Ye, True: that would mean, that 0,98s cooldown is too high -> increased cast speed for golems would be bad. They will be just stay and wait charge. ok lets go to Mathematics!)) 1,09s cooldown 1,18s cast time for 2 balls from 1 charge good 300% (2*1,5) per 1 charge in 1,32s good why empower, for hp? concentrated effect better for DMG. ok good. +2lvl gives ~40% more dmg (skill+2 and empower+2) if we dont use empower, we use concentrated effect and more dmg ~15% bad carrion golem in pob dont give DPS for harmony (( +2 golems this +40% dmg all golems for Ascendancy too, and then (6*12*1,2 vs 6*12*0,8) = 1,5 +40% all golems - think real 1,55 good 1,15*1,55=1,783 so 173% more. Please note that 2 golems are stones of skills, they will replace something else. It will also take damage, let it be Combustion and 1 curse - 1,16*1,1=~1,27 coefficients -> 0.83 and then 1,783*0,83 = 1,48 = 148% more per 1 charge in 0,98s. i think it is true... btw i cannot use 5 flames + 4 other, because i dont have slot now, need 1 more ring with slot, it is ideal. just 0 exalts for league)))))) i can swap Combustion, but it is bad...( so all in all cast speed is only good with pledge of hands? I think, yes, in any case, even if we made a mistake in the calculations somewhere. Let people correct us. Too, We are losing many hp from Belly of the Beast. Okay, I'll go play, spent 2 hours on recalculations))) I hope my broken English didn’t bleed from your eyes guys: D Thanks for the reasoning, my friend, I look forward to continuing the conversation!)) |
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" thx for the answer! english is not my native language either, so no, your english is fine :D empower vs conc effect: for the pledge build empower isnt that great, yes. gives only 30% more dmg on lvl4 in a +2 skin of loyal its lvl 6 and gives 50% more dmg and some nice hp conc effect has the problem, that the balls have a smaller radius and overlap less, but i dont know if its only marginal. the +40% from 2 more golems from ascedancy should be in a multiplier with harmonies, so 1240 instead of 1200. dont know if its right, but if yes, these 40% dont really matter. with conc effect vs empower the gap seems to rise, so pledge should be best dmg you are using anger, which adds not much damage to golems. only for the combustion from the other golems? for bosses i will try later skitterbots. all say they are intelligent and apply 20% shock and only cost 35% reserved mana. i run devouring diadem with MOM for defence. works pretty nice. skin of loyal will give some nice es to it. also i use a shield and im lazy. |
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Hi. Thanks! This guide helped me get started and level smoothly. But, now that I'm lvl 85, I wonder, what the heck is block good for? Even with 65/55 block chances, I'm getting hit very often! Is it a good choice for the content that is coming ahead for me?
■► It's a business. You won't get the full experience.
■► Yes, this is an addiction. This is a Slot Machine. I am addicted. ■► You won't be rewarded. There is no reward. |
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"it is true, we have problems with HP golems( "ye. it is additive, not good coeff, but i tring play with conc ))) " anger give 15% DPS + help start Combustion other golems, yes))) "need test, if it that, it is good...hmmm..thx!) " :D diadem is good) eh, was thinking about it, but what do with 20% MP?... yellow helmet i can craft with resonator...) |
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" " " " " Hello :) +3 wands seem to be very scarce and expensive at the moment if there are any. If they become more available or we find a way to craft them reliably, I would see argument in losing the 5th Golem as huge DPS boost to TV Specs is more important in bosses than extra Golem. " Hi :) That was pretty quick answer from GGG. I will put up notice to temporarily use Feeding Frenzy with Golems instead of Combustion.
how do you get 0,33s?
was really interested in cdr/cast speed things etc so i did an obersvation: i used this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R05IjPfDmQ0 0cdr/0ics 0cdr/100ics 293cdr/0ics cast 1 1s 1s 1s cast 2 2s 1.12s 2s cast 3 3s 1.27s 3s cast 4 7s 7s 4s cast 5 13s 13s 5s cast 6 19s 19s 6.28s cast 7 25s 25s 8s cast 8 31s ... 8.29s cast 9 37s ... 10.19s the first cast is instant after the golem is summoned (it takes 1s to summon it) with 293cdr the magmaball should have an cooldowntime of 2,05s with 0ics it seems they have a cast time of 1 ball per second with 100ics he casts all 3 balls in 0,27s instead of 2s whats the conclusion? tbh i dont know, since i expected other times from 100% cast speed also i dont understand why in the first column the cast ist every 6sec(cooldown) and in the 3rd its roughly every 1sec, but the cooldown is 2s. but what this shows is, that extra increased castspeed is pretty useless to golems (in terms of constant damage (bosses, blight without moving,...)), cause they alrdy get 70%+ from spell echo. as alrdy mentioned in several posts here the bottleneck is the cdr. its only good for mapclear, when u move from 1 pack to another and want the 3 fireballs charges fired fast. thus i dont understand why some poeple say that castspeed mods on wands lead to more damage 1:1. and ravenous horde doesnt seem to be that good for flamegolems. if someone has an explenation for the drastically cast speed increase, and the last column being 1s, not 2s, we could make a formula. i searched for something like this, but couldnt find anything except the video/post from that nice guy. and pls correct me, if anything i wrote is wrong :D
hello! i am from russian, eng for me - hard, sry, but i will try!
my build for golem, will be 6,4M DPS, 6 flames, 3 other golems (add 6-link only): https://pastebin.com/5kG9sDx9 I discussed the formula for a long time and came to the conclusion:. 1. the most important thing is more harmonies -> CDR magma ball, need ~1s 2. so that the charges of a magma ball do not end at all, it is necessary that the cast speed balls per 1 charge is greater than their "CDR magma ball" (~1s) 3. Pledge have a Greater Spell Echo, and we use Spell Echo, 3+1=4 ball for 1 charge then formula: DPS = MAX, if CDR = 1 sec and 4*CastSpeed > CDR. i have Pledge + spell echo and 12 Harmony. 4 * 0,33 = 1,32 s(for cast 4 magma ball) 0,98 s (1 charge recharge) 1,32 > 0,98, then charges infinite and DPS = MAX. --- Spoiler --- VIDEO: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/481965972?t=00h40m00s [3.8] Моё руководство "Всё и Везде" - Цепь молний - Ведьма
hi, wow thx for the detailed explenation
now i know where u got ur 0,33s from. i hope pb is correct in this, cause pob has/had some problems with the damage calculation with golems. damn pledge of hands makes it even more complicated :/ with pledge of hands you make 4 balls in 1,32s from 1 charge without pledge of hands you make 2 balls in 0,66s from 1 charge that would mean, that 0,98s cooldown is too high -> increased cast speed for golems would be bad for example i dont use pledge and got 1,09s cooldown, 1,18s cast time for 2 balls from 1 charge. i got only the castspeed from "spell echo" well that shows how good pledge is. you get about 300% (2*1,5) more dmg (100% 2xballs + ~50%more dmg greater spell echo + spell echo) per 1 charge in 1,32s lets compare this to +2 lvl skin of loyal and + 2 golems from clayshapers: +2lvl gives ~40% more dmg (skill+2 and empower+2) +2 golems with 6 1 1 1 1 1 ~50% more dmg (6*12*1,2 vs 6*12*0,8) = 1,4*1,5 = 2,1 so 210% more dmg per 1 charge in 0,98s. thats 277% more in 1,32s ((210*1,32) dont know if you can calculate it like that) 300% more vs 277% more seems pledge is better. (edit: with shield 230% more (statshield, not victarios)) (btw if you go 5 1 1 1 1 with 12 harmonies you even get 4% more dmg from ur pledgebuild if my maths are right 5*12*1=60 vs 6*12*0,8=57,6) so all in all cast speed is only good with pledge of hands? pls correct me if im wrong
oh my... good, very good, my friend!
1. PoB have a problems, yes. I corrected all formuls in Excel :D 2. Pledge is bugged in PoB. Need add him "Socketed Gems deal 52% more Spell Damage", if we use Spell Echo. i use. 3. the whole essence of the staff is the synergy of two echoes, both in damage and 4 balls per charge. this is a solution to the problem with cast speed magma balls. left to reduce CDR charge and harmonys help us. 4. if not use Pledge - we are losing +2 casts and 1,52 MORE coefficient, ok. 5. Ye, True: that would mean, that 0,98s cooldown is too high -> increased cast speed for golems would be bad. They will be just stay and wait charge. ok lets go to Mathematics!)) 1,09s cooldown 1,18s cast time for 2 balls from 1 charge good 300% (2*1,5) per 1 charge in 1,32s good why empower, for hp? concentrated effect better for DMG. ok good. +2lvl gives ~40% more dmg (skill+2 and empower+2) if we dont use empower, we use concentrated effect and more dmg ~15% bad carrion golem in pob dont give DPS for harmony (( +2 golems this +40% dmg all golems for Ascendancy too, and then (6*12*1,2 vs 6*12*0,8) = 1,5 +40% all golems - think real 1,55 good 1,15*1,55=1,783 so 173% more. Please note that 2 golems are stones of skills, they will replace something else. It will also take damage, let it be Combustion and 1 curse - 1,16*1,1=~1,27 coefficients -> 0.83 and then 1,783*0,83 = 1,48 = 148% more per 1 charge in 0,98s. i think it is true... btw i cannot use 5 flames + 4 other, because i dont have slot now, need 1 more ring with slot, it is ideal. just 0 exalts for league)))))) i can swap Combustion, but it is bad...( so all in all cast speed is only good with pledge of hands? I think, yes, in any case, even if we made a mistake in the calculations somewhere. Let people correct us. Too, We are losing many hp from Belly of the Beast. Okay, I'll go play, spent 2 hours on recalculations))) I hope my broken English didn’t bleed from your eyes guys: D Thanks for the reasoning, my friend, I look forward to continuing the conversation!))
thx for the answer!
english is not my native language either, so no, your english is fine :D empower vs conc effect: for the pledge build empower isnt that great, yes. gives only 30% more dmg on lvl4 in a +2 skin of loyal its lvl 6 and gives 50% more dmg and some nice hp conc effect has the problem, that the balls have a smaller radius and overlap less, but i dont know if its only marginal. the +40% from 2 more golems from ascedancy should be in a multiplier with harmonies, so 1240 instead of 1200. dont know if its right, but if yes, these 40% dont really matter. with conc effect vs empower the gap seems to rise, so pledge should be best dmg you are using anger, which adds not much damage to golems. only for the combustion from the other golems? for bosses i will try later skitterbots. all say they are intelligent and apply 20% shock and only cost 35% reserved mana. i run devouring diadem with MOM for defence. works pretty nice. skin of loyal will give some nice es to it. also i use a shield and im lazy.
it is true, we have problems with HP golems(
" stfukthx wrote: the +40% from 2 more golems from ascedancy should be in a multiplier with harmonies, so 1240 instead of 1200. dont know if its right, but if yes, these 40% dont really matter. ye. it is additive, not good coeff, but i tring play with conc ))) " stfukthx wrote: you are using anger, which adds not much damage to golems. only for the combustion from the other golems? anger give 15% DPS + help start Combustion other golems, yes))) " stfukthx wrote: for bosses i will try later skitterbots. all say they are intelligent and apply 20% shock and only cost 35% reserved mana. need test, if it that, it is good...hmmm..thx!) " stfukthx wrote: i run devouring diadem with MOM for defence. works pretty nice. skin of loyal will give some nice es to it. also i use a shield and im lazy. :D diadem is good) eh, was thinking about it, but what do with 20% MP?... yellow helmet i can craft with resonator...) Hello :) The setup with 12x harmonies looks interesting, but EHP (HP + ES) looks dangerously low. From my experience if : Golems have higher cooldown than cast speed they run out of charges and go for melee range with weaker spells which is bad. Golems have higher cast speed than cooldown they will accumulate charges for no reason as they can't spend them. This is potentially wasted from other parts of the build like adding "more" damage multiplier, defenses or utility. Is there any benefit in lowering cooldown below the total cast speed that can be archieved without huge sacrifices? Using 1:1 ratio seems to be optimal as Golems can start casting new Orb as soon as old finishes and they don't accumulate charges for no reason. I would also keep all increased area of effect that Golems have, as lowering the area lowers the chance of Overlapping Orbs and can drop DPS by huge margin. " Hi and thanks for support ^^ In theory you could max the block chance for near 75% if you get 30% block chance rare ES shield and use perfect Rumi's flask (20%/10%) with it. This should make you pretty safe against physical hits and spell you can take with capped resistances and high EHP (HP + ES) buffer. I move around all the time, so I don't really rely on block chance while staying stationary. Try tp move around and outside of enemy packs as soon as poosible in fights. Try to lure physical enemy boss closer and then kite away using Phase Run while Offering and Rumi's flask are up. Even very deep Delves feel relatively safe if you keep the block up and move away from the packs. " Hi :) I'm so sorry I missed your level 100, had to use old and crappy laptop while traveling! \o/ Huge GZ on it! \o/ Can I add you in my level 100 Hall of Fame? ;) UPDATE PRIMORDIAL MIGHT IS BUGGED FOR A WEEK GGG Confirmed that "Primordial Might" is not working atm and not increasing Golems aggressiveness. Please use "Feeding Frenzy" instead of "Combustion" for about a week until patch 3.8.1 comes out. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 16 de set de 2019 16:36:47
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Hey, I'm playing the Ele version of this build and I don't really get why we would use Spectres over "The Primordial Chain" amulet.
I'm currently running a 6L TV setup and they barely do any damage. Map clear is fine by now with just golems, currently at tier 7, but bosses take too much time IMHO. Can you have a look at my char and tell me what's wrong? https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Godiak/characters?characterName=godiak_fg |
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Now it have only 1 table for Pledge of hands. Fill in one field - you get all the information on the damage and the ratio of the types of golems. How do you like the idea? Should I add other conditions and which ones? |
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