[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
Just wanted to Add... I play most leagues to get items that are up in that league pre nerf. How often have we seen the item nerfs after the league? When i go back to standard I have some nice things to show for my time. Toys to play with.
Find me a build that clears real fast and stacks IR/IQ like this one. I love my little golems and all the nice loot they bring me... NS Edit - Wanted to add while my little golems are kicking the crap out of everything im picking up loot and opening chests. How many builds save time like that? Última edição por Nightstone13#5744 em 18 de ago de 2017 23:02:28
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Any chance people could give pointers on this second build. I'm currently running the first linked build and am purchasing the last jewels for the second link build. Ive been running a lot of atlas maps with fairly decent success. Although i have struggled with the harder t10's using the specter build.
I want to make the move towards the flame golem build but want to make sure I will be stronger with the flame golems. Will the second out preform the first at consistent higher tier mapping? https://pastebin.com/yVaPQSgy (1st) vs. https://pastebin.com/yVaPQSgy (2nd) PATH OF BUILDING BUILD. Current Jewels for second will be an anima stone and 3 harmonies. That is the limit of my capital atm and can't afford any expensive purchases beyond that. Flaks will likely change over time. I have got a second clayshaper so could boost the golem number by 1 at a trade off of their survivability. Specters are from epilogue map. Any help and advice welcome. Thanks! Última edição por CellteX#6377 em 18 de ago de 2017 22:58:33
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You have phase run and bone offering for hits. Your also running temp chains at a high level. Im currently at around 5200 comb hp/sh. Its fine if I avoid getting hit.
2 tank specs, 6 trash zombies, animated guardian and 4 golems takes up alot of aggro. Most boss fights hes sitting right just in aura range while I move around him. Or if hes real nasty I sit just out of visual and keep the pet zoo on him with flam curse. Or last but not least the tried and true run like hell while casting golems. The investment in gear pays for itself. Just picked up my infernal a bit ago and biffed corrupting my fire golem. Before that I was using a 15c chest. Here is where im at right now... broke but getting there. NS " Última edição por Nightstone13#5744 em 19 de ago de 2017 01:39:03
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" Hey :) Totems casting your skills counts as your casting them. So when Totem casts Ball Lightning and it hits enemies its your damage, and EE will trigger. Minions however are not you, so they wont trigger EE back and enemy will keep -50% resistance for full effect time. " Heh, the tactical circle. I can kite homing frostballs within Shapers bullet-hell minibubble as I'm so used to it :P " Hi! Golems have 5% chance to ignite without power charges. With all power-charges crit will raise to about 35%, so ignite should not be used with support gems. Ignite is nice as it finished of mobs with low health when Golems don't shoot them to 0 hp, but its not their main damage source in any way. " " " " Hello! Results really depend on how you want to play. Boss-killing is not the fastest as I'm using lots of sockets for defense rather than stacking vaal hastes. This build kills bosses in about average-fast time but almost always alive, compared to full DPS elementalists that finishes boss fast-very fast but usually dead. Like NS said well, defenses are very heavy. This means both good and bad things : + Playstyle is super safe + No need to click almost anything while playing + Fast currency farming as all mods are ok + Defenses are so heavy that dropping some for MF is doable (Gear customization) + Time to manage loot, kick barrels and open boxes during battles - Playstyle is very passive - Not many free slots for own skills like movement skills - Dps is very good but not amazing (Mine is about 400k static) - No adrenaline rush I have video with level 23 level Flame Golems in T13 maps, you can check it in video section ;) Most players should end within 8-8,5k EHP in league in higher levels. 8k is for very low gear and 8,5k is about t2 rolls and not even in every piece of gear. Uniques in build provide really high ES values, so just stacking them gives high Es buffer. Taking enough life to break 2k buffer for chaos damage while getting about +70% chaos resistance for gear, tree and ascendancy nodes keeps build very safe against all non T16 bosses. " That's absolutely brilliant, I will try it in next league too ^^ Never really though about farming pre-nerf stuff in leagues before. " Hi! Prices usually start low for Anima Stone as they cost much even in early league and players start playing melee / archers / caster for lower starting cost. However when league progresses, many builds will start to feel clunky for reflect, mapmods, skill nerf, etc and players start to go for more expensive builds like Golemancer that can do all mods and content. They will have much more currency at that point, which raises price for limited amount of Anima Stones to very high. Getting Anima Stone and Might are very good investments early in league as in last 2 leagues the prices will continue to raise till the league finally ends. They usually end to be about 4-5 ex pure. " Hi! Specters are by no means meant to be the endgame of this build. They are for carrying you to high tiers maps safely, while running all mods for maximal currency drops and minimal costs. As some point they will get weaker (t13-15) if you don't summon higher level ones from maps instead of laboratory. Golems are many times stronger and if they ever happen to die, you can cast instantly 2 for 1 with spell echo. I would recommend trying 4x Golems with shield first, but some prefer second clayshaper. I will check the Pob links later, but can't right now as I have little time to answer ;) [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 19 de ago de 2017 06:42:11
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Got an important tip for those inexperienced players (like me) who struggle with the golem starting costs.
Yesterday I made this transition from Flame Sentinels to Flame Golems. Sentinels (even lvl 79 ones from t12 Residence) are efficient until t11-t12, where they start dying on bosses - and it becomes a chore to get them back. Golems at first seem like the same dps, but much clunkier - without Primordial Might they are pretty dumb and tend to cuddle up to you instead of doing any damage, but still manageable - so don't expect an easy ride. Once you get your Anima Stone, the only thing - and I can't stress it enough - the ONLY thing you should take care first is Golem level. Do not try to level your gems - buy them instead. Lvl 20 corrupted golem is 2-3c now. Lvl 3 corrupted Empower is 40c. Lvl 19 Animate Guardian (the one that won't die) is 10c. This gives you Lvl 23 Golems in your 5L Infernal Mantle (another 40c, plus ~30c worth of chromes to roll your colors). Cheaper way to get Lvl 24 Golems - don't go for 5L Infernal Mantle, take the Skin of the Loyal with 2 green sockets instead (50c on market now), you won't be looking for 6L Mantle anytime soon anyway due to crazy costs, so it will work as 5L for now, and nets +1 level to Golems (through Empower). It means no Fire Penetration (or Minion Damage, if you get BRRRGG one), but Slower Projectiles as the 2nd green gem compensate a bit. Credit Extremo_X for showing his setup on page 55, which made me look into Skin of the Loyal. Just ran two t15 maps (rare, corrupted) in this setup, not deathless but pretty smooth overall - level 83 with just 6k EHP, and no Primordial Might - lvl 24 Golems kill bosses reliably. Want to thank mika2salo for this great guide - this is my first character ever, and without the guide I wouldn't enjoy the game as much as I do now, very smooth and rewarding experience. You did not hold my hand all the time, but provided enough and proper info to let me learn on my own, while still zipping through content at the speed of light. Now I'm looking at the end game content with confidence. Good job! |
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Is this build able to clear hall of grand masters? If so would someone would do it for me, im willing to pay for that of course.
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" Thank you very much! ^^ It has been very fun tutoring you in to the secrets of the Golemancy. Hoping you will enjoy endgame as much as the progress :) Your points for new players are spot-on. Golems level is the most deciding factor on what content you can run and how fast bosses will die. When starting mapping with level 68 Specters and low level Flame Golems, Specters will be much stronger but wont gain levels. Golems will easily win Specters in damage if you can just skip to full level Flame Golems and even Empower 3. Off-color "Skin Of The Loyals" are not optimal, but can be lot cheaper than the more used color combinations. " Hey! If you need Grand Master run in standard, I can do it for you. In league I have been fooling with Specters to make any real progress, but there should be multiple fully decked characters by guide followers that are able to do it. I just finished recording new, even easier Hall Of the Grandmasters run with "Spectral Spirits" UPDATE New stuff for the build. Friend tipped me about Spectral Spirits : - They are permanent Summon Raging Spirits (3x per dagger, 6x when dualwiesling, no time limit) - They are immoral (Nothing can kill / harm them) - Gems in weapons that summons them affect them (Only gems in one dagger affect 3x Minions from it) - When Swapping weapons, they die and leave chaos could (Beacon Of Corruption) I have been testing them in Hall Of The Grand Masters and they wreck masters pretty hard as they cant he harmed by their spiky damage. Other mods in Daggers don't matter, as they don't affect minions. Sai's are best weapon base as they give 12% block chance. They are bonus content, but they make farming GM lot easier. Using 3x Flame Golems and 6x Spectral Spirits there. They eat alt weapon slot for quick swap, but are great backup plan if Golems suddenly start dying. https://youtu.be/ZMzsckElrQg [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 19 de ago de 2017 20:08:48
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Thanks for the build, I managed to make all guardians and shaper.
my gear: Bonus: Farm 10 shaper.
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Nice gear this early in the league... Grats on the kill!!!!
NS " |
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Wanted to throw one other thing out there when leveling. Using tank spec pets. The Tank specs have out lasted my golems in boss fights. Let your golems DPS and specs soak up damage.
With oriath there are some new mobs that can really take a beating. Those huge winged heralds are one. Put them in a plus 2 helm along with your zombies and guardian. NS |
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