[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
LvL 70 in LHC now,basiclly got all the Gear you got on your Acc there and im pretty Happy :D
just one questions: What about Mind over Matter with the new Buff ? PoE & F1 is Life. <3
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" Great to hear Animate Guardian is working. I have no idea how your problems are possible :/ Singularity and Rathpith globe have never bugged out when i have animated them as they use different hands. What do you mean by dualwielding? did you first summon Animate Guardian with 2x Singularitys? Asenath's Gentle Touch gloves should work just like on player. Never had any bugs with that. You can try to add melee splash and run him in act2 ape forest to see if curse works with your own curses off. I only take Animate Guardian off in few t16 guardians as aoe spam damage is so huge. Minotaur and Chimera are fine through. Shaper I haven't tried with Animate Guardian out but in theory it could be doable. " Depends what armour you are using. With Infernal Mantle is says "Take 100% more spell damage" as you hit low mana on one hit ;) Rest of armors should be ok with it, but I rather take extra curse or aura. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f |
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The issue I mentioned with AG and dual wielding occurred because I had a rare dagger equipped to him first. I animated the Singularity first when overriding his gear and I think that made him dual wield momentarily (and put Singularity in the 2nd hand). So when I animated Rathpith it overwrote Singularity since the shield went in the 2nd slot.
Makes sense to me now, but at the time I was wondering what happened. Added that in case anyone makes a dumb mistake like I did. I think I'm just going to try putting a second pair of Asenath's on AG when I get home. They are cheap and it sounds like I'm the only one having this issue. I did searches and couldn't come up with anything. Since you verified it still works for you ... must just be me :(. " For HC I would stick with Mika's build exactly or even opt for a high ES chest as he suggested. You don't want to mess with low mana on an Infernal Mantle in HC. He can speak better about how much of a difference the mantle is over a regular ES chest. I'm guessing pretty significant dmg wise. But with a regular ES chest you would have some options to play around such as extra curse (Flammability, Elemental Weakness, Enfeeble) and recasting golems for Primordial Might dmg boost. That might close the gap a little bit and give some flexibility if you wanted to use MoM. I am doing something similar and running Flammability until I can 6-link a Mantle. At that point I am going to drop Flammability and add Fire Penetration into the 6-link instead. |
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Hello again,
I made some decent progress with this build, get anima x1, might x1, harmony x2 and almost out there except gem levels. It's very detailed guide thanks to owner as i mentioned before so it allowed me to make some adjustments with my own taste. Temporal chain felt me like hardcore curse so i switched dual curse with flammability and elemental weakness+curse on hit+arc manual, i'm not quite sure about arc for sure, i'm still testing orb of storms etc but arc does quite well with chains i can say. Also i had one aura empty with that way cause i cast curses manually, i put anger+generosity instead of blashempy. So these adjustments felt me more like softcore and gave speed on character. I'll post my tree and gear, if you see any cracks or missings about it , please inform me for improvements, thank you very much :) Ah also i'm still thinking what infernal mantle role is, if we drop that out, and arc can be replace with orb of storm as well.
Última edição por Zhultas#6315 em 11 de mar de 2017 04:12:19
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" Ok, thanks for clearing how it happened with Animate Guardian. Thanks for good startup :) Like you said Infernal Mantle is very dangerous with Mind Over Matter. The Extra levels matter more the higher you go with golem levels. If you have level 19/20 golem and Empower lvl 3 you can use either Infernal Mantle or high ES armor and curse. Es armor and extra damage curse will do more damage at first, but when you start getting lvl 4 Empower and 21/20 Golem the +1 From mantle is way better as it gives almost same damage and huge lifeboost to Golems. BUT if you can get your hand on 5link +1 level corrupt Infernal Mantle, I advice to get it. Basically your life is equal to your golems life. If they die, you die next as all aggro to you. if choosing 5l +1 lvl mantle for HC and 6l link es armor, I would get the 5l Infernal Mantle. Basically Infernal Mantle is great balance and starter armor as it gives +1 level to Golem and Fire penetration if you are using one. It also has great ES and doesn't cost much as 5l or 6l. If you end up not running Infernal Mantle, you can run maybe Enfeeble as extra curse for extra safety as it boosts your golems life also 30% as they take less damage and last longer. " Thanks for posting your variant :) Gear looks good, rings are really nice rolls with huge str. I explained Infernal Mantle in earlier part of this post. I would add Animate Guardian as 2-3 link and gear him with Dying Breath for 18% extra curse effectiveness if you have links for it. I think it can still also hit for Temp Chains with "Asenath's Gentle Touch" and not require additional curse from your gear as its not "you" who is cursing. So you can get 3x Curse and 18% effectiveness without any mana reservation. Tree is ok, Just check how much mana you exactly need if you are running Infernal Mantle or other armor as you lose 5 nodes to get Charisma. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 11 de mar de 2017 13:13:16
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What's the verdict on the 5th and 6th gem, if I i'm confined currently with blue colors.
Minion damage and spell echo obviously. but 2 blue slots left, which 2 gets priority?: conc effect vs elemental focus vs controlled D. System specs: AMD Ryzen 3600, RTX 2060 Super
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" Right now I recommend for 4 Golems without Empower : Golem -> Minion Damage -> Spell Echo -> Gmp -> Fire Penetration -> Controlled Destruction With Empower : Golem -> Minion Damage -> Spell Echo -> Gmp -> Empower -> Controlled Destruction If you can't use red or green gems add -> Conc Effect -> Elemental Focus (as last resort as you get dmg but lose ignite) [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 11 de mar de 2017 14:53:48
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Thanks, conc and elemental focus it is then.
What level of empower would replace the fire penetration. Would a level 2 empower be better than a fire pent? System specs: AMD Ryzen 3600, RTX 2060 Super
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Primordial Might prices are crazy! Earlier today they were 160C, now they're around 200...
Luckily I'm done gearing for a while, aside from chromes. I've spent 300-400 chromes attempting 2R1B1G on my boots with Vorici's 1G1R recipe without any luck. And I have a less-than-ideal chest (330 ES that dropped as a 6L for me), but my other gear is solid. I've been playing with both golems and spectres in a 6L chest, and it works well. I wonder if this ultimately provides more damage than dropping spectres and opening up one more gem slot for golems? Summoner damage is so weird in this game! You have to feel it all out since we don't get details and damage numbers. I hope GGG changes that in the near future. I'm thinking about combining Bone Offering and Phase Run into one 4L. Keep Phase Run + CwDT at a low level and self-cast the offering skill. I'm generally a huge fan of automation, but in this case I actually like more gem slots because of all the options we have (golems, spectres, skeletons, vaal skeletons, SRS, totem, zombies). I probably won't go with Infernal Mantle or Enhance linked to Temp Chains, which means I don't need to worry about low mana and extra reserved mana nodes. With the saved points I can run more skeletons and zombies. I'm still liking 8 zombies + the Violent Dead jewel. I will probably link zombies to damage gems in a 4L and maybe put SRS + skeletons in a 3L with Spell Echo. It's a lot to cast, but it's manageable and skeletons are especially good at keeping you safe; put them between you and enemies and they make a great barrier, kind of like a Frost Wall that you can walk through. Is Elemental Equilibrium that reliable in this kind of build? I worry that a good portion of the time is actually spent with enemies being resistant to fire. Just some thoughts I've had while playing this build!
My Gear So Far
I have about 6.3k ES, which is plenty to get by in most softcore maps as long as you have ways around stun and freeze (potions). Vulnerability is pretty nasty, though. Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616 Última edição por Tempada#2630 em 12 de mar de 2017 05:36:52
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" You can actually do basic check easily from wiki : http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Summon_Flame_Golem Go to the lower part of page and check raw hp and dmg numbers golem get per level. For example level 20 golems do 619–1547 damage and on level 21 with empower lvl 2 they to 684–1710. calculation is (619+1547)/2 VS (684+1710)/2 which ends up with : 1083 and 1197. Comparing level 21 dmg with lvl 20 1197 / 1083 = 1.1 so its about 10% boost in damage For comparison Fire Penetration 20/20 gives 37% more damage as penetration. In Short it's (((Min damage1) + (Max damage1)) / 2) / (((Min damage2) + (Max damage2)) / 2) Where damage1 is current level and damage2 compared level with empower I'm really bad at math but I hope the calculation gives some advice :) " Prices are pretty much same as with last league. I grinded currency for Anima Stone in 4 days playing day and night last league without any drop over Divine Orb. It's just about patience and running maps to get anima. Once other gear is ok as you seem to currently have, your savings actually get much better. :) Damage depends on how many Spectres and what level they are. If you have 3x Specters and summon them from over t10 maps, you need at least lvl 23 Flame Golems to get even close to lost damage. Offering are good but only as 1 of, as they overwrite each other. Without automation you place youself in danger as all attention from kiting is good spot to die. But if you can manage multiple button setups, its worth trying. If you want extra buffer for bosses, you can add Vaal Skels with Zombie links. Use Zombies -> Minion life -> Fortify -> Vaal skel. Normal Skeletons take pretty long to cast and Srs with 3l is mainly lag increaser. But if it works its ok. EE is best dps increase any summoner can have. Its 50% penetration for 8 sec, every hit. If you dont deal fire youself, they never get fire res. Gear looks ok but try to get +2 minion helmet and place Zombies and maybe Vaal skels on it. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 12 de mar de 2017 08:16:06
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