[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist

Hello, i have a problem - my flame golems seem to lag behind me alot. Would getting minion movement speed help with this or?

Also, since decent 6 link armors are expensive as fuck, i dropped spectres and am currently using a 5 link instead. Should i get a shitty 6 link or just keep my 5l for now until i get enough currency to buy a decent 6 link?

Current Gear:

Any thoughts on gear? What to change etc.

Thanks for an awesome build.
mika2salo escreveu:
EE is best dps increase any summoner can have. Its 50% penetration for 8 sec, every hit. If you dont deal fire youself, they never get fire res.

Wow, I completely forgot about that minion fire damage doesn't count in EE!

Gear looks ok but try to get +2 minion helmet and place Zombies and maybe Vaal skels on it.

Good idea. I'm totally out of currency now, but I'll see what I can do.


I'm not sure I get the penetration formula... You're certain that Controlled Destruction + Empower is better than Empower + Fire Penetration with totally maxed (21/20 in a +2 chest) gems?
Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616
Última edição por Tempada#2630 em 12 de mar de 2017 11:14:46
LiquidGrandpa escreveu:
Hello, i have a problem - my flame golems seem to lag behind me alot. Would getting minion movement speed help with this or?

Also, since decent 6 link armors are expensive as fuck, i dropped spectres and am currently using a 5 link instead. Should i get a shitty 6 link or just keep my 5l for now until i get enough currency to buy a decent 6 link?

Current Gear:

Any thoughts on gear? What to change etc.

Thanks for an awesome build.

Good to hear you like the build :)

Minion speed is best thing you can increase for as quality of life. You have several ways of doing it :

1. Craft minion speed in rings (60-90%)
- You can get at least 20% minion speed essence for cheap and craft your own rings.
- Get Citrine amulet base(str & dex) and 2x res ammys (example fire & cold / fire & light)
- Use Essence on rings and ammy if they are white or rare.

2. Run haste (9%)
- If you don't use Infernal Mantle, you can run extra aura or curse. Haste is great for clear speed

3. Equip Animate Guardian with "Victario's Flight" boots (10%)
- I have been testing "Victario's Flight" on Animate Guardian and they have been awesome. its like second haste that it shares with whole party after 2.6 buff.
"10% increased Movement Speed for you and nearby Allies"

Only neven run minion speed gem on 5-6 link. It sucks damage wise.

6 Link is boosts clear speed massively and you can run spectres easy with it. 200-300 es corrupt 6l costs about 15-20c and is usable. I have 250 ES 6l and rarely die if i play it safe.

I'd craft minion speed rings and amulet as soon as possible and get 6l.

Tempada escreveu:

Wow, I completely forgot about that minion fire damage doesn't count in EE!

Gear looks ok but try to get +2 minion helmet and place Zombies and maybe Vaal skels on it.

Good idea. I'm totally out of currency now, but I'll see what I can do.


I'm not sure I get the penetration formula... You're certain that Controlled Destruction + Empower is better than Empower + Fire Penetration with totally maxed (21/20 in a +2 chest) gems?

Controlled Destruction is better that Fire penetration against mobs as they have low fire res and controlled deals more damage. Fire Penetration should be better against rares and bosses with high fire res.

Problem is that we run INT armor, so getting 3red, 1 gree and 2 blue sockets can take massive amounts of Chromatics. If you can get colors right you can try and see the difference, cant really say which is better below t14 maps
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 12 de mar de 2017 17:20:00
Recent results on links :

Just got my new Infernal Mantle with color for Fire Penetration :)

Testing it in high level maps and bosses dies much faster with it compared to controlled destruction. I will record new video of recent power in few days when I get more time.

End results are that :

- For early levels Controlled Destruction is better as Flame Goems still do low damage and 50% more is huge. Also monsters tend to have low fire res in lower maps so EE from totem is good enough.

- With high levels golems (23+) Fire penetration is better as golems do already massive damage and resistance negates most of it. Especially guardians and shaper have enormous resistances.

- When you have 6 link on any armour and have tons of Chromatics I recommend rolling colors for :
Flame Golem -> Gmp -> Echo -> Minion Damage -> Empower -> Fire penetration

Otherwise replace Fire Penetration with controlled destruction. Difference is mostly visible in boss fights if you have to kite a lot and cant use totem for EE.
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 12 de mar de 2017 18:13:04
mika2salo escreveu:
Just got my new Infernal Mantle with color for Fire Penetration :)

Whoa, congrats! Glad you were able to test it out.
Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616
Thanks alot for the info, i appreciate it :)
This is definitely the most powerful build I have ever played. Put in a lot of time this weekend seeing how far the build would be able to take me. Was able to take down the Minotaur the 1st time I ever faced him with a 5-link and lvl 20 Flame Golem. I died 5 times, but got the job done! I blame the 1st two deaths solely on me not knowing any of the mechanics of the fight. Decided to curb advancement until I geared up a little more to mask my bad play.

Last night I was finally able to get my Mantle 6-linked and got a lvl 21 Flame Golem gem after 4 tries. Then I was really rocking! Excited to give the guardians another shot.

Just got my new Infernal Mantle with color for Fire Penetration :)

Congrats are definitely in order :). How many tries did it take you to corrupt to +1? The chest is cheap, but linking definitely is not. I'm just wondering what kind of investment to expect to get the extra +1 gem level.

I really only have a few upgrades left to make and some are really minor:
1) Kiara's Determination. Outside of Guardians, the few times I die are always due to stun/freeze. I've been experimenting with The Wise Oak flask to see how much the added Fire Pen affects things and am not super impressed with this build. I'm guessing it is because the Fire Pen is affecting our character and not the golems. In any case, I will be buying and subbing in Kiara's for this immediately. That will solve my stun issues and keep me alive a LOT more.
2) Lvl 4 empower. This one is going to take a while to get. I have 5 leveling in my 2nd equipment set, but don't expect them to be ready anytime soon.
3) Helm enchant. Still missing 1 trial. I hate lab, so I may just buy this thing regardless of the obscene cost. Or I may skip it since bosses already get slowed a lot.
4) Speed on rings/Ammy. I tried crafting a few this weekend with really poor results. I was either missing resists or getting poor totals. Considering all the uniques we wear, there are limited places to make up resistances, so I couldn't skip on these. Been shopping around for some as well and will pick these up eventually.
5) Better gloves/belt. Current ones are actually really good, so improvements here are trivial (and super expensive)

Looking forward to trying Shaper for the 1st time with this build!
Tempada escreveu:

Whoa, congrats! Glad you were able to test it out.

Thank you very much ^^

LiquidGrandpa escreveu:

Thanks alot for the info, i appreciate it :)

Np, hope it helps :)

jddc78 escreveu:
This is definitely the most powerful build I have ever played. Put in a lot of time this weekend seeing how far the build would be able to take me. Was able to take down the Minotaur the 1st time I ever faced him with a 5-link and lvl 20 Flame Golem. I died 5 times, but got the job done! I blame the 1st two deaths solely on me not knowing any of the mechanics of the fight. Decided to curb advancement until I geared up a little more to mask my bad play.

Last night I was finally able to get my Mantle 6-linked and got a lvl 21 Flame Golem gem after 4 tries. Then I was really rocking! Excited to give the guardians another shot.

Just got my new Infernal Mantle with color for Fire Penetration :)

Congrats are definitely in order :). How many tries did it take you to corrupt to +1? The chest is cheap, but linking definitely is not. I'm just wondering what kind of investment to expect to get the extra +1 gem level.

I really only have a few upgrades left to make and some are really minor:
1) Kiara's Determination. Outside of Guardians, the few times I die are always due to stun/freeze. I've been experimenting with The Wise Oak flask to see how much the added Fire Pen affects things and am not super impressed with this build. I'm guessing it is because the Fire Pen is affecting our character and not the golems. In any case, I will be buying and subbing in Kiara's for this immediately. That will solve my stun issues and keep me alive a LOT more.
2) Lvl 4 empower. This one is going to take a while to get. I have 5 leveling in my 2nd equipment set, but don't expect them to be ready anytime soon.
3) Helm enchant. Still missing 1 trial. I hate lab, so I may just buy this thing regardless of the obscene cost. Or I may skip it since bosses already get slowed a lot.
4) Speed on rings/Ammy. I tried crafting a few this weekend with really poor results. I was either missing resists or getting poor totals. Considering all the uniques we wear, there are limited places to make up resistances, so I couldn't skip on these. Been shopping around for some as well and will pick these up eventually.
5) Better gloves/belt. Current ones are actually really good, so improvements here are trivial (and super expensive)

Looking forward to trying Shaper for the 1st time with this build!

Minotaur is definitely worst of the guardians for this build as it has very little Armour and the aoe can be huge. With nerves of steel and good positioning it can be done deathless pretty easily. All t16 and shaper require knowledge of boss mechanics.

Thank out very much :) I actually bought my armor from very nice seller as I'm more slow and steady type of players. But I have seen build followers pull of crazy stunts 6 linking their Infernal Mantles so its definitely possibly to craft yourself.

One of cheapest way is to buy +1 Infernal Mantle base and 5 link it yourself. It will work for a long time in high level maps and can be later 6 linked with enough currency farmed.

Second way is to try and use Vaal Orbs on 6l mantle. Usually its still sellable even if it doesn't get +1 corrupt. Sometimes it goes rare but in general its easy to sell corrupt ones and buy non corrupt or 6 link them with earnings.

More straight forward way is to buy one like I did, they cost 40ex in standard and maybe 20 ex in legacy if one appears?

In general summoner is very nice to play to end game as every level of minions gives huge boost. Usually melee skills add few % of damage per level but with minions they get nice 10% more damage and life. Every little detail can give huge boost to either defence of offence.

1) "The Wise Oak" doesn't affect minions unfortunately. "Kiara's Determination" is extremely useful and goes long way to keep us alive. One is almost needed in Phoenix fight as everything is spam fest.

2) You have good base of lottery tickets coming. Usually 1 of 5-6 goes lvl 4 when you corrupt them all at once.

3) The Vertex with 20-30% increased effect can be found for as low as 30c with luck as the trick with Enhance is not very well known.

4) Minion speed is best quality life upgrade minions can get. Its hard to find good ones at start of league.

Shaper is doable deathless when you have good knowledge of mechanics as you can kite all you want with minions killing boss and not dying :)


I recorded few videos with new armor and some jewel and animate guardian changes.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trLpLaIz_Gs Abyss boss fight with Fire Pene and Slower Projectiles test
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN8VycgylPc Shrine boss fight with fire pene and usual Gmp
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hfPYp56b-o Minotaur boss run, died once near the end but was not careful enough. I used "The Oak" shield for extra regen on minons, but could have as well used "Victario's Charity" and get much better kill time.

Fire Penetration gives good results compared to Controlled Destruction and gives bit better kill time against bosses. Its just about if spending potentially dozens of ex worth Vaals to get 4 offcolors on corrupt INT armour is worth it. Can't find any statistics of which is better, Fire Penetration or Controlled Destruction, so can't yet recommend changing color on gut feeling. Must run more test runs to compare.

Results :

- Fire Penetration does higher damage against enemies with high fire resistance with no EE from totem active. Most enemies don't have extremely high fire resistance, so Controlled Destruction seems to be better overall. I recommend Fire penetration only if you run very high tier maps and fight guardians constantly. Even then change in damage is not that great.

In single boss fight Gmp can be changed to "Slower Projectiles" as it increases single target damage significantly. It just makes killing boss summons slower during the fight.

My jewels are
to maximize block on minions and cap res even if I'm dead. I bought low rolls for few dozen chaos and Divined them myself, usually first try gave 4% block as its 2-4% range.

Animate Guardian now has
- 1 Chaos "Curse with Elemental Weakness on hit" corruption rare gloves
- "The Oak" shield for 6% hp regen
- "Victario's Flight" boots for free extra haste. The "10% increased Movement Speed for you and nearby Allies" line on them is extremely strong.

Animate Guardian lost most of Spell Block but it hasn't been problem yet, must to test its survival further.

Did 2x similar Phoenix runs, results are :
- Lost animate guardian without spellblock in fight
- With "Rainbowstride", "Rathpith Globe", "The Bringer of Rain" and 4x Minion block jewels it tanked 75% of spells wihout any significant damage. Only the gloves are changeable on Animate Guardian.

[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 14 de mar de 2017 04:46:01
I'll keep a lookout for the Temp Chains enchant on the helm. Definitely would prefer purchasing. The less time I spend in lab ... the better my mood :).

One of cheapest way is to buy +1 Infernal Mantle base and 5 link it yourself. It will work for a long time in high level maps and can be later 6 linked with enough currency farmed.

I just got my 6-link Mantle last night and will run with that while I work on getting a 2nd one with +1. I'm not sure I understand how you can enhance an already corrupted item further. If there is a way to purchase a +1 gems Mantle and then work on getting it 6-linked is definitely the way I'd prefer. How is this possible? Would it also work regarding socket colors?
jddc78 escreveu:
I'll keep a lookout for the Temp Chains enchant on the helm. Definitely would prefer purchasing. The less time I spend in lab ... the better my mood :).

One of cheapest way is to buy +1 Infernal Mantle base and 5 link it yourself. It will work for a long time in high level maps and can be later 6 linked with enough currency farmed.

I just got my 6-link Mantle last night and will run with that while I work on getting a 2nd one with +1. I'm not sure I understand how you can enhance an already corrupted item further. If there is a way to purchase a +1 gems Mantle and then work on getting it 6-linked is definitely the way I'd prefer. How is this possible? Would it also work regarding socket colors?

First of all Congratulations on your 6l ^^

You can craft corrupted item with Vorici bench. It need as many Vaal Orbs as the other currency you are using. For example you can force 6s Corrupt Infernal Mantle to 6l with 1500 Fusing and 1500 Vaal Orbs.

Cost is with just 2s corrupt mantle.
- 350 Jeweller's + 350 Vaals Orbs to 6s
- 1500 Orb of Fusing + 1500 Vaal Orbs

If you get lucky vaals are 100:1 ex so just Vaals cost 20 ex.
Fusing cost 150 : 1 ex so its another 10 ex.

Its 30 ex so not exactly cheap but you can always craft when fusing : ex ratio is high.
Good ratio to craft is 110 vaals:1 ex and 250-350 fusing to ex

Total cost can be pushed to around 20 ex + You can use your own orbs and not buy all.
Vorici daily is good source of Fusing and you can try to ask for 1 Vaal extra for every trade you make to collect them slowly.

Build works great with standard 6l Infernal Mantle also and can do all content but if can get +1 somehow, the 2 additional levels for Golems give great power and survival boost. Final levels are equal to about 20% boost in total damage from lvl 25 to 27.
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 13 de mar de 2017 19:53:04

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